Microsoft retail store gets odd viral marketing buzz



  • Reply 41 of 126
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    It truly a desperate times, they all probably has some real job they were laid off from and this was the only job they could get and they would do anything to keep their job even line dance, I would expect that in Texas but not Northern CA.

    Me neither, but then Mission Viejo is in southern CA.
  • Reply 42 of 126
    I don't know. It gives me this uncontrollable urge to go out and buy a PC...throw away my 20 macs, 3 iphones, 6 ipods and get me one of those nice new PCs so I can be cool like them.
  • Reply 43 of 126
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Obviously not since everyone is commenting on it...

    Whether the video was supposed to be cringe-worthy or not, as a viral campaign it has worked. It's got everyone talking about Microsoft's new store. Mission accomplished.

    HHhnmmnnn... When was the last time I heard, "Mission Accomplished"? Publicity is good but only if it's positive. This is pathetic.
  • Reply 44 of 126
    When I saw that, I thought that was the MS dance around one gets with a problem!

    I then waited for the "Song AND Dance" video one is privilege when asking for a refund!
  • Reply 45 of 126
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    You know, I have a thought about these viral marketing campaigns:


    Anyone else?
  • Reply 46 of 126
    In Genius Bar???
  • Reply 47 of 126
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Wow... that video has changed my life. Everything I've been looking for in a computer solution, who knew I would find it in a dance.

    I'm tossing my Mac Pro and getting a Windows computer... I'm a PC, and I like to dance like a baboon on crack.
  • Reply 48 of 126
    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    Well, they have plenty of room to dance around, unencumbered by customers.

    You mean, "unencumbered by LACK of customers".

    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    My Apple Store is almost always too crowded with customers for such antics.

    I think the Apple Store employees near this MS store ought to invade during their lull time, which looks to be whatever time it was when this video was taken and the Apple Retail Store Employees ought to do "The Ballmer Dance" in the MS store. You know where you go around screaming at the top of your lungs, whooping and a hollering, sweaty armpits and all, and after freaking everyone out, leave after exposing an Apple banner screaming, "I have four words for you... I Love This Company!" (but do it in a out of breath, near heart attack state of being).
  • Reply 49 of 126
    Shhh, everyone, an announcement is coming in over the PA... "Clean up on aisle 1... er, aisle 2, er... Clean up on the whole damn store!"
  • Reply 50 of 126
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Wow... that video has changed my life. Everything I've been looking for in a computer solution, who knew I would find it in a dance.

    I'm tossing my Mac Pro and getting a Windows computer... I'm a PC, and I like to dance like a baboon on crack.

    i don't think that's fair to baboons on crack!
  • Reply 51 of 126

    I think the Apple Store employees near this MS store ought to invade during their lull time, which looks to be whatever time it was when this video was taken and the Apple Retail Store Employees ought to do "The Ballmer Dance" in the MS store. You know where you go around screaming at the top of your lungs, whooping and a hollering, sweaty armpits and all, and after freaking everyone out, leave after exposing an Apple banner screaming, "I have four words for you... I Love This Company!" (but do it in a out of breath, near heart attack state of being).

    They should play that video from time to time in the store!

    And, they should have minature foam chairs to throw at people!

  • Reply 52 of 126
    Microsoft's stores are pure imitations of Apple's stores.

    I wonder how much money Microsoft payed that blogger to write what he did.

    A lot of people have probably seen the opening videos of Microsoft's stores. I did, and I noticed that half the interviewees said that they came for the free tickets. Someone even walked into the store with a MacBook Pro. However, Apple's stores only give away Apple products. I was at the opening of the new Broadway store in NYC (amazing place) and the line was stunningly long. Every single person there was an Apple fan.

    Microsoft can show videos of smiling people running into its stores, but most of them don't like Microsoft or its products. Apple can show videos of people running into its stores, and every single person in the video likes Apple products.
  • Reply 53 of 126
    Originally Posted by drumrobot View Post

    Microsoft's stores are pure imitations of Apple's stores.

    I wonder how much money Microsoft payed that blogger to write what he did.

    A lot of people have probably seen the opening videos of Microsoft's stores. I did, and I noticed that half the interviewees said that they came for the free tickets. Someone even walked into the store with a MacBook Pro. However, Apple's stores only give away Apple products. I was at the opening of the new Broadway store in NYC (amazing place) and the line was stunningly long. Every single person there was an Apple fan.

    Microsoft can show videos of smiling people running into its stores, but most of them don't like Microsoft or its products. Apple can show videos of people running into its stores, and every single person in the video likes Apple products.

    I love Apple, but the only reason I'd ever go to an opening is for a free t-shirt.
  • Reply 54 of 126
    When it happens in a Johnny Rockets, I'm at least mildly amused. Watching the video for the Microsoft Store was just embarrassing.

    i think the problem is that Microsoft, as a company, is just blah. Bland. They're so boring. Every event of theirs just seems like a corporately whittled-down spark of whatever brilliant marketing idea that Crispin Porter Bogusky (or whoever) came up with. They take the "fun" out of fun bags.

    If they want the dancing to be fun, then they need to be more spontaneous ? or at least SEEM spontaneous:

    -Let the music come from one of the media systems that are/should be set up. Blast it loud. Loud like a rave, not the organ keyboardist in the mall.

    -People should dance wherever they want - aisles, on the table tops. More fun clothing for the female staff?

    - No clapping. They clap at weddings when the band plays because people have no rhythm and sense of music.

    - And let them dance however they want to dance. The line dancing thing is just too organized and controlled, you know, like a big, bland, lacking-personality corporate entity.

    - Seriously, line dancing to the Black Eyed Peas? How much more wrong can Microsoft get? Maybe next time they can waltz to Kraftwerk (that would at least be more interesting.)
  • Reply 55 of 126

    Oprah did it first... and better. They even picked the same song
  • Reply 56 of 126
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    I don't know what's more amusing... the customers who quickly bolted out of the store when it started, or the look of horror on the asian girls sitting there, when they realized they can't leave.

    Then there are the guys against the back wall with a 'I'd rather watch someone slap a rabbit against a tree' look on their face.
  • Reply 57 of 126
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    How about, instead of dancing. They, y'know, help the customers?

    This kinda comes across like your older uncle trying so painfully to be hip.

    Hey! I'm an older uncle and I'm veryhip!
  • Reply 58 of 126
    what they need is some 'hip' new assistants. Not assistants that are going to 'need a new hip' in a few years!

    Is everybody fat all of a sudden? Sheez! I'm going for a run!

    The United States of Fried Food!
  • Reply 59 of 126
    neilmneilm Posts: 994member
    Man, and the Softies accuse Apple users of drinking the Kool-Aid...

    Originally Posted by ibgarrett View Post

    It is a clear Apple Store rip-off if you ask me.

    MS hired one of the guys who helped set up the Apple retail stores.
  • Reply 60 of 126
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    i don't think that's fair to baboons on crack!

    Most guys dance like a 'frog in a blender!'
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