Google issues custom unlocked phones ahead of rumored Jan. launch



  • Reply 201 of 344
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Yes, a touch interface so good they felt compelled to add a trackball

    Mmmm, HTC Hero has a trackball and it's very comfortable use it. Doesn't imply that the touch screen is bad as you're saying.

    I like how can anyone can comment anything without knowing nothing about it.
  • Reply 202 of 344
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Spoken by someone that doesn't own one.

    It doesn't have to be brighter if it's simply reflective, like the display in the iPhone. It's how it's readable an not totally washed out in full sunlight. Not ideal, but you can at least use it.

    That's a pretty significant shortcoming unless you are going to stay indoors forever or only go outside at night or on a cloudy day. While I don't dispute OLED screens are gorgeous in subdued lighting, they are still pretty expensive and unless there has been a stealth update the blue still doesn't last that long causing some pretty bad color shifting over time.

    Enjoy it while it lasts. When the technology has matured, you can guarantee Apple will adopt it - but certainly not to just be a checklist feature on some list.

    Don't own one, but have used my 3 roommates' iPhones outdoors plenty of times. I have to turn the brightness all the way up or angle the screen a bit to keep it from being washed out. Usable, yes, but obviously not ideal if I have to do it all the time. The simplest thing is to obviously just give the screen some shade.

    The point I wanted to make was that you're passing judgement on a new phone by looking at the first generation of passive-matrix OLEDs. The latest versions of AMOLEDs (for phones coming out in 2010 and I suspect the Google phone uses) have improved performance over the PMOLEDs. AMOLEDs use the same TFT technology that's in an LCD display to boost the brightness. There are a lot of pluses for AMOLEDs over traditional LCDs.

    A video I found of a Samsung AMOLED screen. At the end, it shows off a bit of outdoor readability.

    You may say "but that's not in direct sunlight!". Yes, it's not. It's essentially the equivalent of angling the screen away from direct sunlight. Something any normal person would do.

    Also, seeing as how most people these days spend the majority of their days inside a building, the problem you raised suddenly doesn't become a crippling problem anymore. Combined with the much better outdoors performance now, AMOLEDs are pushing LCDs the way of CRTs.

    As for the blue color degradation, the PMOLEDs do degrade over time, but I believe it was over the course of some 10 years or so. Chances are, you'll most likely have replaced your device with a new one long before you notice the problem. AMOLEDs do not have this problem to the same extent, or not at all. The "stealth upgrade" you call it has been done.

    The latest versions of AMOLEDs are hardly a "checkmark feature" anymore.
  • Reply 203 of 344
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    If that's actually a shot of the final design of the real phone, the slight taper and silver bottom give it a 70's "modern" look, to me. Like a prop from Space: 1999. But who knows, maybe retro futuristic is the new brown.

    The Google Phone, it's retro futuristic like poooo !!!!1!1!111!!!!1!!!
  • Reply 204 of 344
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    This phone is so stupid, it's just a copy off of the iPhone, which is the first cell phone invented.

    It doesn't have the Apple AppStore, it doesn't have Safari Icon on the front screen, it doesn't have the Apple logo.

    This phone is so stupid.

    Ha ha. No way. Google gets the net and I think this is just the begining.

    I think this is going to be huge. anTs nearing Ten year AT&T subscriber that jailbreaked his phone only a few months ago due to Apple pull GV mobile, I can say without a doubt, it rocks.*

    Plus if you put the member on AT&T's A list, all call are free. How cool is that. Getting transcibed emails of voicemails, if you send someone to vm, you can listen in and jump on if you want. OT My dad still thinks voice mail is like an old fashioned awsering machine in that I can hear him. Anyone have family like that. Grin.*

    Anyway, you can set up groups, make all phones ring if certain people call including landlines. You can send some right to voice mail. And GV Nobile is like 1/1000th of what you can if you jailbreak. *Ironically. If you unlock, it has a better resale Vaule then a two year old mbp, Apple did that we all the price cuts, dropping pro care tied to one to one and Pro training vs iLife, email Photo trauners now *all the pros are gone *geesg.*

    There used to be a time you could buy a MacBook pro and get nearly the same price for it. *

    Anyway, rambling. I think Googke knows what they are doing and will do very well and will give smart phones a new meaning changing graphic files on the fly, *PDFs without PDF reader like with preview, open pages and word docs *without the *app, will suprrutilize the name "Google" as eveyone knows it.

    I say big DEAL deal *thev, with devolper likes those turned away and those that work for the app store. Of course it will play flash and that box so you can watch dvr programs on your phone and then some. Maybe Google/Samsung TV's, grin. No commercials and a musicstation with videos and indie bands. *

    It's the future man. The network are toast. Plus google

    really knows the web business model.

    In time, we, the consumer, win. No wonder they never sold - think of the revenue they would make if they come up with a home page.

  • Reply 205 of 344
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Quadra is anything but objective. And please don't try and subject your analysis on me. It just makes you sound like Quadra and the way it was phrased it was no joke. He compared the iPhone to Jesus. That is just wrong.

    He needs help in a very serious way.

    The Jesus phone was coined as a rumor from Ken podcast mac something. Used to be into it big time. Anyway the point is this ischia Apple gets FREE PR. they leak a rumor and it's talked about for weeks and weeks. It's apple spin machine leaking on purpose. This is why when a new rumor comes out BEFORE the holidays, it's squashed the next day directly from Apple as to not affect sales. Where is Phll the otherb1000'rumors.

    Spin and free pr people. Take off the rose coloered glasses.

    Same reason younsee something beating apple the next day there is a report on customervsatisfaction. Lol. So transparent.

    Typing on iPhone. Sooty about spelling and grammar. Peace
  • Reply 206 of 344
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I have a feeling that you deemed the iPhone a failure before it launched and have since claimed that it had finally reached its feasible EOL up to and including this day. Are you simply going to say it?s going to be a failure until your prophecy comes true? I assure you that both Apple and iPhone will fall at some point. It doesn?t take one as ?logical? as you to figure that out.

    That makes sense when you have a mouse/trackpad and keyboard in front of you. It?s a gimmick! Holding your arms up to use your computer as a touchscreen because it?s technical possible is not ?logical?.

    And I bet the next MBPs will still be dual-core because the dual-core 35W Core-i7 32nm Arrandales make more sense than the quad-core 45W Core-i7 45nm Clarksdales, but it?s my opinion that you?ll complaint that is cheating their customers out of two core


    iMacs. Desktops that are not upgradable are not desktops.

    Apple needs A midrange machine for prosumer which far outweigh Pros. See Avid buys Maudio and pinnacle. apple needs to get on the ball forbthe up and coming musician, editor l, graphic artist. At the very least offer faster gpu, esata and express slots.

  • Reply 207 of 344
    Originally Posted by just_a_guy View Post

    First off it isn't the first phone ever, and secondly, the iphone just happened to be the first intuitive, and simple to use smart phone. I happen to think that one day someone will come out with a better product. The problem is that people are trying to make a better iphone instead of trying to make a better smartphone in general. I think there may be some better ways to make a smartphone then what apple has done, but that everyone seems to think that they need to improve on the iphone concept. That's where all companies fail.

    well said actually. innovate don't imitate. iphone is by far the best smartphone for me but there are plenty of irritating things not to mention the choice and limitation of cell phone companies. The are plenty of possibilities for a competing but fundamentally different product. Well RIM already have one at least.

    I prefer apple to my horrible windows machines but jeaz they get on my nerves sometimes. Pulling the firewire ports off the laptops and then just putting one on the 15" pro with no express slot. well done guys, plenty of musos will have to look elsewhere then.
  • Reply 208 of 344

    Originally Posted by dasanman69

    Dude innovation does happen by theft and with ingenuity. Just ask Steve Jobs who stole from XEROX.


    The Mac was already well under development.

    Apple paid Xerox to visit PARC, mainly to get Steve on board. Funny definition of stealing if you pay for something.

    You might want to get your fact straight before posting in the future.


    What completely new product has Apple invented? Zero. They just improve on products that already exist in one form or another.

    You might also want to brush up on your logic and critical thinking. Xerox had potential products, but they failed to have the ability to turn them into something commercially viable. Having an idea is not innovation. Making something of it is. Until you grasp that simple nuance, you will continue to be frustrated in your lack of understanding of Apple's continued success.

    Nobody creates in a vacuum.

    Apple does take a product area where they see room for improvement and go into that market if it's within their core competency. And they're good at it because they choose their fights very carefully and don't spread themselves too thinly.

    They aren't perfect.

    But the iPhone? When it was launched? Blew the competition in smart phones out the water. The 1st useable internet phone/browser/smartphone...integrated with best in class mp3 player. Apple went in...and swept all players away. It's only a matter of time before Apple chase down Nokia in unit sales.

    They made a few 'mistakes' along the way. eg Pricing of iPHone was horrendous to start with, and single carrier exclusives and no 3G. However, the exclusivity thing allowed them the 'control' Apple need to make a product. Now they've got the kinks ironed out in the product, SDK, app store, 3G they've opened it up to software developers, made it cheaper and offered it to more carriers and countries. The 3GS iPhone is the ultimate in smartphones to me. The rest seem very 'me too' despite their hype, palm, droid and the vapour ware M$ phone.

    Google. Yeah. Some may say they're a 'snake in the grass' (yeah, one of your primary competitors sitting on the board...not sure how that works...) But who cares? If they are to mobile and web computing like M$ was and is to desktops? Are we worried? I use Google's search engine. That's all. Anything else they do? Anything great? Gmail? Don't use it. Use Yahoo. Free apps? Don't use them. Use Apple's apps. Interface? Hmm. Seem like cheap ass M$ copy interfaces to me. I like Apple's interfaces. Simpler and more intuitive.

    Google phone? Is it here yet? Competition? Bring it on. It's not like Apple like's sitting still. I think they have their answer ready and waiting. Apple knows how to compete in their new arena of consumer electronics. They have nearly 300 Apple stores and counting. They have carriers. They are getting MORE carriers on board. Hell. They even have Tesco on board in the UK. Carphone warehouse. 02. Orange. And Vodaphone soon probably. So, if you want an iPhone, it's not like you can't get one.

    Will the Google phone have a better interface? I doubt it but we'll see. Being a 'good copy' won't be enough. Will they have an app store of 100K and counting apps? Will it be easy to develop for with it's hundreds of different models? Will it be as intuitive? Faster? Easier to use? Have more games? And even if they pull level or SOMEHOW get ahead. How much ahead will a fractured eco system be?

    Apple can do VOIP if they want to. Apple are building a data centre. I wouldn't rule Apple ultimately buying out ATT or doing their own 'cloud pipe' over the internet. It's not like Apple aren't aware of these issues.

    This isn't the Apple of the early 1990s. They aren't asleep. They have Steve Jobs. They a great executive team who performed very well in Steve's absence. These 'me too' phones have the benefit of being 'new' then what do they do? They gain little traction because they are far behind. Physical k'boards are so 20th century. 30 apps in your app store is so smartphones last century. Have clunky interfaces that don't work or 'novelty' touch that doesn't work. So last century.

    Apple lets them fire their ammo'. 2010 is just around the corner. And yet another iPhone update will be upon us.

    People seem to forget...the iPhone is Apple's 1st foray into smartphones. Yep. First. And they went in as a 'software platform'. That's what alot of the other guys just don't get. Apple dropped a mountain on them with tehat paradigm shift. That's why Nokia are gurning. They got outcompeted in 2 years. Nokia sat on their Phone market for 20 years. Apple's going to improve the iPhone. I'd expect 200K plus apps at the store soon. I'd expect a price shave if any nearly serious competition turns up. I'd expect more carriers. I'd expect a hardware 'redesign' aka slimmer iPhone this year. And I think an iPhone 'nano' may...just be in the works...but she's keeping very quiet... Apple's only just getting started.

    And let us not forget 'the beast' (slate) and 'another' (nano) they will compound the competition's fears. The 'slate' is a casual computing iPhone/iPod touch. Selling 4 million of them a year is only going to add to the iPHONE OS PLATFORM (which adds to the Mac Os X platform...)

    Apple. Ready and waiting with the chainsaw.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 209 of 344
    Competition is good. It seems to bring out the best in some and the worst in others.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 210 of 344
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    January? Just in time to be upstaged by the Apple Kindle-killer?
  • Reply 211 of 344
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Apple is DOOMED!

    A few of the computer companies/offerings since 1976:

    •Cromemco•TRS-80•Apple I•Commodore Pet•IBM PC•Apple ///

    •Sinclair•Grid•Ohio Scientific•Apple Lisa•Smoke Signal Broadcasting

    •NorthStar•Altair•Apple ][•Corvus Concept•Osborne•Atari•PolyMorphic•IMSAI

    •Kentucky Fried Computers•Apple Macintosh•SouthWest Technical Products

    HP•CompaQ•IBM PC/jr•ProcessorTech•DEC•Data General•PDP•Xerox Alto•

    The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated-- Mark Twain

    On the whole, I would rather be living in Philadelphia-- W. C. Fields ephitaph

  • Reply 212 of 344
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    January? Just in time to be upstaged by the Apple Kindle-killer?

    Yep, and congratulating themselves into the bargain.

    I just don't know where Google's going or think they're going with this strategy.

    I can understand young, testosterone-fuelled nerds liking this - hell, there are enough of them on this blog never mind the blogosphere... but multi-billionaire pioneering industrialists with the world at their feet in their core business?

    And with Microsoft's example before them as a masterclass case to understudy, you'd think that Google would resist the megalomaniac urge to have a finger in every pie and try to be "all things to all men".

    I hope they don't end up spreading themselves too thin, because Microsoft is still eminently capable of puncturing holes in their advertising and software infrastructure - an outcome that the computing industry does not need now or at any time in the future.

    For all their well-funded boyish experimentation, Google is doing a lot of good in the open-source and non-proprietary, standards-based web software movement. They should stick to their core competencies and avoid fostering deep divisions in that section of the industry.
  • Reply 213 of 344
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    January? Just in time to be upstaged by the Apple Kindle-killer?

    Which Kindle killer? And what has to do one phone with Android with Kindle or a future Apple tablet?
  • Reply 214 of 344
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by doyourownthing View Post

    it looks a lot like the iphone

    very original, google, keep up the good work

    It doesn't need to be original. As long as it's better or the same it will keep Apple on its toes.

    I've managed to stay away from an iPhone for this long and I'll continue to do so until maybe the summer 2010 iteration.
  • Reply 215 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    apple is doomed!

  • Reply 216 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Great. One troll gone, and another moves in to take his place. Do you post inflammatory remarks like this simply to derail the discussion?

    WHO got banned ?? STUD ??
  • Reply 217 of 344
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    WHO got banned ?? STUD ??

    I think so
  • Reply 218 of 344
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Nobody creates in a vacuum.

    They aren't perfect.


    Apple can do VOIP if they want to. Apple are building a data centre. I wouldn't rule Apple ultimately buying out ATT or doing their own 'cloud pipe' over the internet. It's not like Apple aren't aware of these issues.

    Apple lets them fire their ammo'. 2010 is just around the corner. And yet another iPhone update will be upon us.

    Apple. Ready and waiting with the chainsaw.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    An innocuous development in the UK leads me to wonder what form or forms the "chainsaw" will take when it fires up and starts its "Texas Massacre" - a shopping mall chain, Tesco, has started to offer the iPhone on various cost-competitive plans as a MVNO (mobile virtual network operator) which buys its "air-time" off the various networks and sells it on.

    Now, when the rumours of the imminent arrival of the iPhone started to gather strength, a lot of tech pundits were suggesting the MVNO approach as the way Apple would market the iPhone. But when you think about it, the partnership with the various carriers and telcos in the 80-odd countries the iPhone now has a presence in was the right way forward, to build a name and a solid reputation for their fledgling offering (yes, this is Apple's first foray into the mobile handset sector, hard though that is to believe).

    However, now that the Phone marque is established and a household name, the issue of network exclusivity as a factor hindering even better sales of the iPhone can be addressed via the MVNO (+ VoIP?) route, and Apple would do well to monitor the fortunes of Tesco to see if this is a way forward.

    That would appear to be the case with the rumours of in-house massive datacentre building, purchasing of data streaming expertise (Lala), the addition of video creation (3G S, Nano) editing and streaming (3G & 3G S) capabilities to the iPod and iPhone range.

    Exciting times ahead, that's for sure. Careful with that chainsaw, Eugene...
  • Reply 219 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Just as there is a species of Apple fandom that leads certain people to say foolish, objectively insupportable things (or to brandish opinion and preference as fact), there is a species of bitter Apple resentment that leads certain people to say foolish, objectively insupportable things (or to brandish opinion and preference as fact).

    The amusing part is that the latter attempt to belittle the former by turning up their foolish and insupportable to 11.

    off topic

    old apple story circa 1996

    i used get on my mac at times a frozen screen with the message

    error type 11

    and i would of course >> type 11 <<<

    how far and how high  has come since those bygone days of being an  outcast and having 3 SW titles to my name and having the whole wintel world laff at me . and installing 16 numbered floppy discs to back up my bosses records. I even quit a $1200 a week job because they forced a wintel data losing machine on me.

    and now all of us apple fans are so spoiled rotten with tons of great APPLE goodies LIKE MBP with 2 gpu chips and playing great movies on my 160g i pod classic while riding the one train .

    and we all some how sweat a mis guided badly designed crap phone created by a one trick pony search engine company.

    yes the times are a changing


    i wonder what google wiil respond with when the NANO phone comes out ??
  • Reply 220 of 344
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by airmanchairman View Post

    An innocuous development in the UK leads me to wonder what form or forms the "chainsaw" will take when it fires up and starts its "Texas Massacre" - a shopping mall chain, Tesco, has started to offer the iPhone on various cost-competitive plans as a MVNO (mobile virtual network operator) which buys and its "air-time" off the various networks and sells it on.

    Now, when the rumours of the imminent arrival of the iPhone started to gather strength, a lot of tech pundits were suggesting the MVNO approach as the way Apple would market the iPhone. But when you think about it, the partnership with the various carriers and telcos in the 80-odd countries the iPhone now has a presence in was the right way forward, to build a name and a solid reputation for their fledgling offering (yes, this is Apple's first foray into the mobile handset sector, hard though that is to believe).

    However, now that the Phone marque is established and a household name, the issue of network exclusivity as a factor hindering even better sales of the iPhone can be addressed via the MVNO (+ VoIP?) route, and Apple would do well to monitor the fortunes of Tesco to see if this is a way forward.

    That would appear to be the case with the rumours of in-house massive datacentre building, purchasing of data streaming expertise (Lala), the addition of video creation (3G S, Nano) editing and video streaming (3G & 3G S) capabilities to the iPod and iPhone range.

    Exciting times ahead, that's for sure. Careful with that Axe, Eugene...

    best post this week ]

    apple owns MVNO patents . and the server farms with MVNO >>NANO PHONE tech is that loud rumble we hear coming down the train tracks .A cheap low power cloud attached apple nano phone w/ carrier less apple as gatekeeper will sell over 500 million units in 7n yrs . MVNO is great for the whole world . ITS very green in that it uses under utilized phone/data time and sells it back to us on the cheap .maybe even less towers and less fiber to be lighted .


    sh shh

    careful with that axe eugene

    ahhhh !!!!!!!

    pink floyd for ever dude

    peace 9
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