Apple's next-gen, dual-core iPhone could debut in April - report



  • Reply 81 of 152
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Not a gimmick. I just dont see the need for it in a lot of cases for the average iPhone user. (Although some instances would warrant a removable battery.)

    Fair enough. I agree with that. Just sounded like you were implying removable batteries were a gimmick.
  • Reply 82 of 152
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    iPhone 4G should have multitasking for radio applications. A tiny hardware light to signify missed text or phone calls. An LED flash for the camera. An OLED screen. And 4G internet connectivity options.
  • Reply 83 of 152
    Originally Posted by astroturf1 View Post

    You may rethink that once you hit your 400 recharge cycle on your phone. Sent mine in Dec. 22 and I am still waiting to get it back (which is ~480 days from purchase). I won't buy another iPhone. A month without a phone every year and a half with the additional 100 bucks of "didn't get a phone with a replaceable battery tax" isn't worth it when the apps I use are available on other platforms...

    A friend is in a similar boat with his 1st gen iPhone. Battery won't last more than 10 minutes of talk time now. $80 to replace the battery; but you can get a newer better phone for $99, can't you?

    On the other hand, aren't replacement batteries for smart phones pretty expensive? The last one I had with replaceable/spare batteries was a Palm Treo. IIRC the batteries for that were somewhere around $50. (My point only being that spare batteries for these devices aren't the same story as throwing some rechargeable AAA batts in your pocket.)
  • Reply 84 of 152
    eehdeehd Posts: 137member
    Am I the only one who thinks the removable battery is BS?

  • Reply 85 of 152
    I just hope Apple finally fixes Bluetooth on the iPhone. At least follow the spec.
  • Reply 86 of 152
    Not believable in the slightest. Pffft!
  • Reply 87 of 152
    Originally Posted by eehd View Post

    Am I the only one who thinks the removable battery is BS?

    The couple of dozen posts made earlier in the thread by several others that call this rumor BS because of the battery part would suggest that no, you are not the only one...
  • Reply 88 of 152
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by DistortedLoop View Post

    ...Late 2009? As in 1-3 months ago? That's not a very long time.

    Yea, especially since the Macbook has a removable battery and hard drive.
  • Reply 89 of 152
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by DistortedLoop View Post

    A friend is in a similar boat with his 1st gen iPhone. Battery won't last more than 10 minutes of talk time now. $80 to replace the battery; but you can get a newer better phone for $99, can't you?

    On the other hand, aren't replacement batteries for smart phones pretty expensive? The last one I had with replaceable/spare batteries was a Palm Treo. IIRC the batteries for that were somewhere around $50. (My point only being that spare batteries for these devices aren't the same story as throwing some rechargeable AAA batts in your pocket.)

    Battery for the iPhone out of warranty is around $60-$70 last time I checked. Every experience with the battery in any device is going to be different. I have owned the 2G iPhone since the original price drop (4g, $299) and the battery is the same today than it was then. So for me spending $300 for over 3 years of use by the time I update in June (hopefully) is remarkable. Previously I would get a new phone every 6mo to a year simply out of boredom with the model.
  • Reply 90 of 152
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Dual core? What about the battery life?
  • Reply 91 of 152
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Yea, especially since the Macbook has a removable battery and hard drive.

    Not since it went unibody.
  • Reply 92 of 152
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Yea, especially since the Macbook has a removable battery and hard drive.

    Are you sure about that?
  • Reply 93 of 152
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Dual core? What about the battery life?

    I only want this if it comes with improved overall power savings.
  • Reply 94 of 152
    Can you get new one for 99 bucks without burning an upgrade? We bought in early and have nearly retrofitted the entire company from Blackberries. However, I am thinking we jumped too soon. We are either going to have to become adept at servicing them ourselves or have backups waiting to go. At this point, I think we'll wait to see what comes around the corner for the 4th gen. If it has a replaceable, or easily serviceable battery, we would like to stay with the Apple platform.

    Originally Posted by DistortedLoop View Post

    A friend is in a similar boat with his 1st gen iPhone. Battery won't last more than 10 minutes of talk time now. $80 to replace the battery; but you can get a newer better phone for $99, can't you?

    On the other hand, aren't replacement batteries for smart phones pretty expensive? The last one I had with replaceable/spare batteries was a Palm Treo. IIRC the batteries for that were somewhere around $50. (My point only being that spare batteries for these devices aren't the same story as throwing some rechargeable AAA batts in your pocket.)

  • Reply 95 of 152
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    We've had this discussion over and over. The removable battery option allows virtually unlimited working time if you want to lug around a couple kilos of spare batteries. The non-removable battery option offers more initial charge because it can be larger due to not having space wasting latches and shape restrictions. Also internal batteries are safer and less prone to failure.

    A lot of people were pleasantly surprised how long their iPhone battery actually performed on a single charge which made the worries of a non-replaceable battery pretty much a moot point. Same for the MBP. The internal battery lasts quite a bit longer than the old style removable ones did. Very adequate for my needs anyway. YMMV.
  • Reply 96 of 152
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    You realize you can buy screen protectors for the iPhone that are matte, right? They cost about $5 and are applied to the front face and work perfectly. If the screen itself was matte it would take away the option from the user.

    Whooosh! (as they say on /.)
  • Reply 97 of 152
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Why do you keep going on about this?

    If you were as good looking as me, obviously it wouldn't be an issue.

    ***Disclaimer:- the above post may contain traces of sarcasm***

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    And of course do something about the awful glare.

  • Reply 98 of 152
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Well, Apple does watch user satisfaction surveys very closely. And most of these show that battery life is the iPhone's weakest point by far (while e.g. only a very small minority is complaining about the lack of third party app multi-tasking).

    As there is no real progress in battery technology and power requirements do not really get any lower (whatever OLED could save will easily be eaten up by faster CPUs and GPUs and more RAM)... I would not really rule out a replaceable battery forever. At least I rather see them making the battery replaceable then making the device thicker. Maybe not this time around though.
  • Reply 99 of 152
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Battery for the iPhone out of warranty is around $60-$70 last time I checked. Every experience with the battery in any device is going to be different. I have owned the 2G iPhone since the original price drop (4g, $299) and the battery is the same today than it was then. So for me spending $300 for over 3 years of use by the time I update in June (hopefully) is remarkable. Previously I would get a new phone every 6mo to a year simply out of boredom with the model.

    I checked on this about 6 weeks ago for my friend and $80 was what I recalled. I was a bit off, though: from Apple's website: If it is out of warranty, Apple offers a battery replacement for $79, plus $6.95 shipping, subject to local tax. Apple disposes of your battery in an environmentally friendly manner.

    So, in Los Angeles, it's $79+$7.71 (tax)+$6.95 = $93.66! Damn, you might as well upgrade to a newer $99 phone (if you want to extend the contract).

    Agreed with the upgrading out of boredom comment. I used to go 6 -12 mos max. iPhone has kept me in their world for 30 months now, and it's getting a bit stale/boring to me, even having forked over for a 3G and then a 3G[s] when they were available. I just watched the 18 minute Technobuffalo comparison of the 3G[s] to the Nexus One I found on another blog. Seemed pretty fair comparison, and the Nexus One looks to be a serious challenge to the iPhone.

    The only thing the iPhone does that keeps me chained to it at this point looks like the whole MobileMe/iDisk/iTunes ball and chain (a very comfortable ball and chain, but a ball and chain none-the-less!). There are alternatives to all of those but the seamlessness with my Macs is just so sweet. Still, my desire to test drive the Nexus One isn't being quelled by looking at the latest rounds of comparison. Apple's got some real competition out there.
  • Reply 100 of 152
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    My 3G is 551 days old today, no sign of any issues with the battery, if anything does happen before I can renew my contract in a few months I think I'll buy a $20 replacement and do it myself OR use my plug-in spare battery.

    Originally Posted by astroturf1 View Post

    You may rethink that once you hit your 400 recharge cycle on your phone. Sent mine in Dec. 22 and I am still waiting to get it back (which is ~480 days from purchase). I won't buy another iPhone. A month without a phone every year and a half with the additional 100 bucks of "didn't get a phone with a replaceable battery tax" isn't worth it when the apps I use are available on other platforms...

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