Apple reveals long-awaited multi-touch 'iPad'



  • Reply 341 of 785
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Thank you.

    However, the usual bunch of assholes are trolling here and as usual, their lack of intelligence dictates that they won't appreciate anything you say...

    Why all the vitriol? Buy your iPads and enjoy them. I'd buy one for my mum if only it had a camera.

    Also, DCno10, thanks for the links!
  • Reply 342 of 785
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    This is the "most important thing" Steve says he's ever done? No, thanks. iPass.
  • Reply 343 of 785
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Where in the hell is Solipsism?

  • Reply 344 of 785
    I'll buy one when they put a camera in it.
  • Reply 345 of 785
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by moonpunk View Post

    I have an iPhone (great device/dreadful phone - but then we all knew that) so why on earth do I need a bigger one?! I get the idea that I can sit on the train and read books and watch 10 hours of video having had it hanging around without charge for up to a month (yeah right - like that's gonna live up to expectations) but I'm still having to carry my laptop so I'm taking two devices?? I don't think so!

    Absolutely everything Apple has done before has been surrounded in hype and they've compeltely pulled it off - but this (as the share price right this second would suggest) is NOT their finest hour.

    Oh sure it'll sell - but I for one am disapointed.


    Well, when you think of it - it improves what is good with iPhone (great device) and gets rid of what was bad (dreadful phone).

    It does make some sense, doesn't it?
  • Reply 346 of 785
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    However, the usual bunch of assholes are trolling here and as usual, their lack of intelligence dictates that they won't appreciate anything you say.


    One final note to all you assholes that have been posting outright lies. Too bad we can't cull you out. Having to go through a pile of crap just to get some well thought out observations is beginning to be a drag.

    You just fed the trolls and gave them exactly what they live off of: the satisfaction of knowing they're annoying someone.

    Best way to get rid of them is to totally ignore them and not acknowledge their presence in any way.

  • Reply 347 of 785
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by DCno10 View Post

    1. iSight. (seriously I don't understand how this is missing, especially with the keyboard stand)

    2. USB port (I mean really?)

    3. SD Card slot (seems like such a given at this point)

    Try again.

    No iSight- What a bummer. How am I going to make all those silly faces in Photobooth?

    No SD - Well my MBP has one, and since the iPad is going to be synced with iTunes, then the omission of SD isnt that surprising to me.

    No USB - For?

    The damn thing is only $500. People are paying $260 and $490 for the Kindle and Kindle DX respectively and they dont accomplish 1/10th of what the iPad does.
  • Reply 348 of 785
    Originally Posted by AppleSux View Post

    Thanks Steve for putting a smile on my face, today

    THIS is what you've all been waiting for? A big iTouch?

    Something that does far less than a netbook but costs more? HAHAHA. And yet some of you cultists will still buy this 5+ year old technology.

    PT was right, there's a sucker born every minute. That Jobs is one hell of a snake oil salesman, I'll give him that!

    No, actually I was jsut waiting for many posts from trolls with lost of general complaints and no useful content, and you seem to have fulfilled that promise...
  • Reply 349 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by hugodinho View Post

    It's good. I'll probably get one for myself pretty soon. Bu the sad thing is, even with the reasonalbe price, this iPad will never replace the netbooks for the majority of people who are buying netbooks for their low price. Because iPad needs another computer to sync with. It doesn't replace a computer. And it almost could. But you can't connect the iPad to I/O peripherals, e.g. cameras, printers, USB drives etc.

    It has a USB adapter, as well as an SD card adapter. Why does this need to sync to another computer? I can store my photos, music, email no problems at all, it connects to the internet and therefore I can synch/transfer data if I need to - but this device doesn't require it.

    Originally Posted by majortom1981 View Post

    The problem is that this is tooo much like an ipod touch and iphone.

    I can do everything this can do on my iphone already. Its really only a bigger ipod touch.

    It suffers from not having any features that cant be done on an iphone or ipod touch.

    Your ipod touch cannot run iwork or display movie sensibly on its own screen, it cannot browse the internet in a sensible sized portal, nor can you type sensible to reply to email etc - nor does it connect to a bluetooth keyboard.

    It's the perfect device for the average home user - play music, surf the web, email, watch video. It's all that 95% of home computer users do. It fits in a draw -for those that want the facility but don't want a desktop computer turning their house into an office, or a desktop that is simply too large, and has processing power that goes to waste. This is instead of the macbook/iMac/netbook, not an additional device.

    I can't wait to get one, bored of keeping the 24" iMac in the living room, and have zero intention of getting a laptop cause i can't work with a computer on my lap, and if it's on a desk, well then - that's what the iMac already does.

    As far as the bezel - how else are you meant to hold this thing affecting touching the multi-touch area or blocking display area. Think it through people!

    Brilliant device, perfect price point, no need for a new network contract and if you do need 3G, the device is unlocked and you can pay just for one month.

    And as for connectivity:

    UMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)

    GSM/EDGE (850, 900,1800, 1900 MHz)

    Data only2

    Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n)

    Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology

    With an optional USB and SD card adapter - with the exception of ethernet, what more is there?

    Handwriting recognition and all sorts of functionality is in place already via the app store.

    This can do everything an iphone can do, and more, and do it on a larger screen with a more powerful processor, and for less money. If $499 equates to £499 in the UK as per usual then this thing costs less than an iPhone, and can do more - unless of course you wanted to hold this device to your ear to make a call, or hold it up like a ridiculously oversized camera. Skype will run just fine using the built in mic I would imagine, so there is ZERO issue here, and you can connect your camera via USB, or stick the SD card into the adapter and away you go. (surely a cheap way to expand storage too)
  • Reply 350 of 785
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,158member
    So how 'bout them outdated Macbook Pro's?
  • Reply 351 of 785
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Clocknova View Post

    I'll buy one when they put a camera in it.

    [CENTER]Ok... See You Next Year[/CENTER]
  • Reply 352 of 785
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by scavanger View Post

    Sigh... still no flash plug in eh? Talk about useless then.

    Comments about the lack of Flash are useless.
  • Reply 353 of 785
    Wouldn't just ONE USB port have been incredibly useful?

    Is that an adaptor in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

    Really. Everyone has a USB thumb drive with something on it they want to share. Why not make it easy?

  • Reply 354 of 785
    Originally Posted by practical View Post

    I couldn't agree with you more. Not to mention that it is completely frustrating to go to a website that may have useful information and all you see is a flash plugin. How is that a better browsing experience?

    Unfortunately I have to disagree with you about flash. That Omaha web site is a perfect example of why I avoid flash websites or turn off flash altogether. I can't stand waiting while eye candy images swirl around and "LOADING" pulses on and off forever before you can click thru and get to what you want to access. I have nothing against flash video websites, except that it appears it is not necessary any more (see Youtube). But these restaurant websites that trap you in useless glitter is not the way I want to spend my online time.

    To be fair, of course, this is not an argument against the POWER of flash, just a complaint that the current utilization of it in my eyes interferes with the browsing experience.
  • Reply 355 of 785
    That is perhaps the best new feature of the iPad and has been given little notice in these threads. However, it really isn't a new service for the industry, T-Mobile has had a month-to-month unlimited data-only plan for $39. This will just create more competition between cell vendors for an (up to now) low-volume service. If data-only plans catch on though, the prices will start to creep back up and without a contract, they could do so without notice and you could go from $39 to $59 or more and be stuck with a larger bill or an iPaperWeight.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    One sleeper: The no-contract GSM so that one can activate and cancel anytime, esp. if doable worldwide, would be HUGE. Steve has promised more news on this by the Summer. Let's see.

  • Reply 356 of 785
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    [QUOTE]=Robodude;1558768]Why all the vitriol? Buy your iPads and enjoy them. I'd buy one for my mum if only it had a camera.


    [CENTER]Because in this environment, having an opinion differing from the chosen ones is simply not tolerated - LOL![/CENTER]
  • Reply 357 of 785
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    This this is useless for me to manage my photos on my trips. My camera uses CF.

    There is another adapter that accepts a USB Type A connector. You can use this adaptor to connect your camera directly to the iPad (using the USB cable that came with your camera.) It is also likely that a USB CF reader will also work using this adapter, but we have to wait and see.
  • Reply 358 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    No SD - Well my MBP has one, and since the iPad is going to be synced with iTunes, then the omission of SD isnt that surprising to me.

    No USB - For?

    The damn thing is only $500. People are paying $260 and $490 for the Kindle and Kindle DX respectively and they dont accomplish 1/10th of what the iPad does.

    I quite agree, but people should take a quick look over at the official pages for this product, for those that need USB and SD slots (myself included), there's an adapter for that! I believe the network connectivity means this thing will run on verison, at&t and t-mobile with no issue at all... but with N networking built in, I don't see my needing to buy the 3G version, I can use wireless networks at home, at starbucks, at work and at most of my client's offices and homes - and also on my train journeys to and from London as most big train companies now have wi-fi on trains.
  • Reply 359 of 785
    If I can use this as a keyboard/multi touch mouse for my Mac Pro I will be happy.
  • Reply 360 of 785
    I have to agree with the giant iPod touch references. I want the product - but it's just lust on my part, because it's really not too useful. I don't get why everyone's bitching about the bezel, though... looks fine to me. Pricing's great.

    It's really underwhelming compared to the hype. Nothing new. We've seen all of this before...
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