Hands on with Apple's iPad (with videos and photos)



  • Reply 181 of 409
    richysrichys Posts: 160member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    There is a non user replaceable battery in the ipad, and the device is being marketed as a gaming/ multimedia machine. Are we to assume that the battery will last the life of the device? Has battery tech come that far?

    Non-replaceable battery is the new 'no right-click'.

    Consumers have voted with their wallets. Give it up already.
  • Reply 182 of 409

    All this whining about Flash.

    No Flash, No Deal.

    Flash is today's floppy disk. Apple was the first to kill the floppy (and the first to use the 3 1/2" floppy, BTW). So, Apple are the first to kill Flash.

    I loaded ClickToFlash on my Mac a couple of months ago and I do not miss it. If there's Flash content, I can click it, but not being forced to wait for every advertisement or ego-trip-graphic to load is a godsend!

    Try it for awhile and see how much you like it after living without it.
  • Reply 183 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    Or the never ending fun when you sync, only to have the ipod tell you that there are no songs/videos on the thing (check apple support forum for that fun, its been happening since early last year)

    I have NEVER owned a device with as many problems as the iPhone/iTunes. Just yesterday, I finally got the damned thing to get out of the Apple Screen of Death and into Recovery Mode, so that I could format the drive and reinstall the OS.

    I never know if iTunes will claim that another iPod has been synced with the computer, and fail to recognise the device. The funny thing is, it does it sometimes directly after a successful sync.

    And if a phone call comes in mid-sync? Fuggedaboutit. The device will malfunction.
  • Reply 184 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by joshdelph View Post

    People have asked the question "What will OS11 look like?" I think Apple has answered that question.

    Think about the potential and I think you will get excited.

    But think about today's reality and I think you will get disappointed.

    And as for as the OS of the future, do you really think it will:

    Have no multitasking?

    Have no ability to run independently created apps?

    Have extremely limited support for common media formats?

    I dunno. I think you are grasping at straws. The 'Pad is a dumbed down toy, and not a real computer at all.
  • Reply 185 of 409
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    Reality check here. Floppy != Flash.

    Totally different situation, totally different subject.

    Flash sucks, but it's a neccessity. A lot sites run it.

    Only reason uncle Jobs leaves it out is that it will be able to run games, music and movies,

    which bypasses his precious iTunes/AppStore model.

    It doesn't have anything to do with technical reasons here. Adobe has developed an iPhone specific version which appears to run fast and without much CPU requirements.

    This is why it will be possible to export Flash games to iPhone soon (announced a while back).

    Now that wouldn't be possible if the Flash players was crap, believe me (I'm a games developer).

    Originally Posted by jeffharris View Post


    All this whining about Flash.

    No Flash, No Deal.

    Flash is today's floppy disk. Apple was the first to kill the floppy (and the first to use the 3 1/2" floppy, BTW). So, Apple are the first to kill Flash.

    I loaded ClickToFlash on my Mac a couple of months ago and I do not miss it. If there's Flash content, I can click it, but not being forced to wait for every advertisement or ego-trip-graphic to load is a godsend!

    Try it for awhile and see how much you like it after living without it.

  • Reply 186 of 409
    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

    My two cents on iPad:

    1. No multi-tasking.

    2. No Flash (which DOES NOT make it a proper browsing device today and probably in the next years while Flash still dominates the market for truly interactive websites; in fact most websites).

    3. No proper file system (this will make everything difficult, including managing mail attachments, reading ebooks and videos obtained other than through the Apple-approved stores ...).

    4. No Camera(s).

    5. No proper SIM/phone capability.

    6. Yes it has Maps. But does it have GPS? I guess NO.

    I am not talking about desireable but non-vital things here (read lack of SD or USB slots, no OLED, screen resolution circa that of a 2005 plasma screen, no tethering, no iLife, etc.).

    The only TWO pluses for me are:

    1. A rather reasonable price.

    2. Unlocked 3G.

    Conclusion: I will wait for version 2.0

    i think many people forget they'll be marketing this device and have all the book firms backing them...despite the missing features it will sell...

    multitasking and webcam will come in ipad 2.0 or ipad 3.0...

    i'm glad there's no flash, it's beyond crap...kills my mbp battery...
  • Reply 187 of 409
    richysrichys Posts: 160member
    Originally Posted by dacloo View Post

    Reality check here. Floppy != Flash.

    .... Adobe has developed an iPhone specific version which appears to run fast and without much CPU requirements....

    In stark contrast to Adobe's efforts at Flash on the Mac then!
  • Reply 188 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    I'm with your boss. When I go out of country to shoot my next film, I'm going to give most of the heads of the departments one (and one for myself, of course). All during shooting people are always running up with laptops showing me pics of things to decide on: costume, set, location, etc. This will make that alone a ton easier. Then, I may keep my script on mine (especially if there's some easy notation), and keep colored pages easily up-to-date (and keep all my notes even with changed pages). If I could route the video feeds, I wouldn't need a monitor. I'll probably take one of these and an MBP, and that would take care of any computing needs I'd need for the shoot.

    It looks useful FOR YOU, but for the rest of us...
  • Reply 189 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by norddtek View Post

    5)its target group is NOT YOU! they are not targetting to geeks or lousy pc users nor mac experts..

    its a device for newcomers in technology..

    If this is true, it is not an appropriate device for anyone who reads these fora.
  • Reply 190 of 409
    Originally Posted by anilsudhakaran View Post

    Before ranting about Steve Job's record why don't you tell us what have you done with your life other than shitting and farting.

    Loved it.
  • Reply 191 of 409
    Originally Posted by RichyS View Post

    Non-replaceable battery is the new 'no right-click'.

    Consumers have voted with their wallets. Give it up already.

    Listen, it's an honest question. This is a larger device unlike the ipod and iphone so I don't need your catty response. If you have something helpful to add then do so, otherwise shut it.
  • Reply 192 of 409
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Envy and frustration is a hard road.
  • Reply 193 of 409
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Every magazine is already available on the 'web for free. If this is supposed to revive the industry, I don't see how it will do so. I see no compelling, game-changing aspect of this device. It looks like a very fun toy computer, but nothing more.

    I really think the publishing industry started circulating these lofty expectations in hopes that Steve Jobs would create some miracle to save the industry, especially newspapers.

    It's too late. After 10 years of "free" information on the web, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. CNN got it right. Pay $2.99 (once) and get our content on your iPhone. The Wall Street Journal screwed up....pay us $8/month-even if you are an existing subscriber. Other newspapers have tried the subscription model and only about 35 people have subscribed. CNBC's content is free.

    There is just too much free content available to justify paying hundreds of dollars a year for "throwaway" reading. Novels and textbooks, however, have a fighting chance.
  • Reply 194 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    3) We only got half the story today. Where's the TV, newspaper, and magazine subscriptions? Not to mention Lala integration. I suppose those things warrant another media event around the time the iPad goes on sale.

    From what I have read, Apple has had extremely limited success in attracting content providers to the platform. I was skeptical until the presentation, but now, all indications are that it is true.
  • Reply 195 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    As it is, for me, it doesn't work. I want a tablet that will replace my laptop. I have iPhone for ultra portable and big bad desktop for heavy duty, so I need something to be more portable than laptop, yet capable of doing most if not all of the laptop duties. It doesn't have to be fully featured Intel based computer - I am OK with any exotic hardware manufacturer is willing to put in - al long as it is opened enough.

    Check out the Android tablets from Archos. They might fit your needs.

    The 'Pad is not robust enough to replace a real computer, thereby limiting its functionality. I see the dumbed-down OS as the biggest failing of the device.

    It's ugly too, but that is not a huge consideration for me. I once bought a Saab because it was a great car, despite it being ugly.

    But for me, for the limited set of stuff the 'Pad will do, I think that a laptop or a netbook or an Archos would work much better. At least on a netbook, I won't have to transcode so much media into the limited world of "works with Apple".
  • Reply 196 of 409
    ilogicilogic Posts: 298member
    I love how everyone who has an iPhone / Macbook combo complain that they have no use for it when the device is meant to be a middle ground between the amazing iPhone and MacBook line...
  • Reply 197 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by jpmuk View Post

    Sure for the moment it's a cheap, low power portable device, but it has to start that way to get the new format accepted in big numbers. Soon it will everywhere.

    Yeah. Apple always releases cheap low power devices. Just look at the MPB. Or the iPod. Or the iPhone.

    No, this is not a brilliant extension of Apple's core strategy. Instead, it is a disappointment. Maybe someday it will be more useful. As of now, it is a shiny new toy which has some usefulness, but not much.

    It is certainly not a game-changing innovation.
  • Reply 198 of 409
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    If this is true, it is not an appropriate device for anyone who reads these fora.

    Well lucky for you you don't have to get one! My god, I have never heard such incessant whining! What on earth did you expect? Whatever it was you clearly don't get the iPad and what this is all about. I think you need to chill, big time, take a step away and look at this in the context of how we (normal people) do and will consume information over the next many years. Give one to one of your kids and see what they do with it and you may learn something. Also, view this as a piece of a larger puzzle for Apple. View it in terms of Apple's move into the living room, the Apple TV and a future where more or less all media will be consumed digitally. For you, personally, stick to your MBP or whatever you use. That's not going away and you can continue as you are.
  • Reply 199 of 409
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    It has many limits, sure. But for a rev 1 product, two months from launch it looked spectacular. All the limits, I think, are to preserve teh snappy to make the UX truly magnificent.

    Canned answer No. 173: The limits are not limits. They are features. If it was better, it would be worse.
  • Reply 200 of 409

    There's a mic and a headphone jack (it's not clear if it also supports mic-integrated headphones), so there's at least the potential for VoIP applications over WiFi. There wasn't a bundled version of the Voice Memos app on the prototype models, nor a version of the iPhone's Voice Command, but there's no reason either couldn't be added by Apple by the time it ships.

    Are they still going to cripple the bluetooth as to not allow bluetooth mic headsets? This always jarateed me with the iPod Touch and pretty much killed any desire for VoIP on the iPhone OS without the iPhone.
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