Apple seen moving 2M iPads in 2010 before sales 'catalyst' emerges



  • Reply 81 of 164
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    I think the iPad could also become the ultimate TV remote controller.

    With no IR? How would it talk to the TV?

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    With no IR? How would it talk to the TV?

    If Apple do not include an IR output in the iPad, third parties (Logitech?) will surely make a smallish, battery operated bluetooth/WiFi->IR device that you simply tape to the underside of your TV-table.

    Then there will be lots of apps that combine media remote functionality with built-in access to iMDB, iPhone Lyrics, iTunes Store, media files stored on computers/Apple TV etc.

    Eventually the iPad might grow into the real media hub of your home.
  • Reply 82 of 164
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    In other words a device for dumb couch potatoes?

    So if I read James Joyce's "Finnigan's Wake" on an iPad I am a couch potato, but not if I read it on dead trees? Wow, I think we found who's the real dumb potato in this forum.
  • Reply 83 of 164
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I thought you were permanently banned. Looks like I'll have to update the ole "Ignore With A Vengeance" list.

    What's so offensive? It's basically a device to view content, not create it. And the couch was so prominent in the unveiling. Don't take it so personally.
  • Reply 84 of 164
    tekstudtekstud Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by BrowncoatJedi View Post

    So if I read James Joyce's "Finnigan's Wake" on an iPad I am a couch potato, but not if I read it on dead trees? Wow, I think we found who's the real dumb potato in this forum.

    No but can you write anything on it as fast as I can on any Mac or netbook for that matter? Hello?
  • Reply 85 of 164
    tekstudtekstud Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    The issue is that the people here are largely fanboys living in a gadget dreamworld where the laws of physics and economics of consumer electronics manufacturing have been suspended.

    Apple Inc. is thinking different. The fanboys on most of the tech forums are completely detached with reality.

    Two different things.

    How exactly was creating a large iPod thinking differently?

    Sounds like some Apple fanboys are the ones detached- no?
  • Reply 86 of 164
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    No but can you write anything on it as fast as I can on any Mac or netbook for that matter? Hello?

    No, because it's the Ipad is primarily a toy for media consumption.

    My car travels quickly on the freeway, my iMac doesn't - is that a flaw in the iMac? Or maybe they are DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEVICE.

    Until some of you people stop drawing comparisons with other device types, you're never gonna get it.

    My dad is 63, he gets it.
  • Reply 87 of 164
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    How exactly was a large iPod thinking differently?

    Sounds like some Apple fanboys are the ones detached- no?

    Sorry - does your ipod enable to you to view websites at 1024 x 768 pixels (industry standard site optimisation dimensions btw).

    This is different, that you don't see it as such doesn't negate that.

    Sometimes the simple evolution - the next logical step - is thinking different. Ockham's razor.

    (also referred to as Occam's Razor for those who would correct a non-mistake),
  • Reply 88 of 164
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Wow, that is a good scientific study. You should become an analyst!

    You don't even need that much experience to be an oft-quoted analyst.
  • Reply 89 of 164
    tekstudtekstud Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    No, because it's the Ipad is primarily a toy for media consumption.

    My car travels quickly on the freeway, my iMac doesn't - is that a flaw in the iMac? Or maybe they are DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEVICE.

    Until some of you people stop drawing comparisons with other device types, you're never gonna get it.

    My dad is 63, he gets it.

    No we get it. That's the problem. It not for anything but basically being entertained or viewing information. Yawn.
  • Reply 90 of 164
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,946member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    No, because it's the Ipad is primarily a toy for media consumption.

    It is a different kind of device, and comparisons to laptops, netbooks and even iPhones do show a lack of understanding of what it's all about. But, I also don't think it's correct to call it, "a toy for media consumption." It is a new paradigm in computing, but the apps that will become available for it will make it something much more than merely a device for media consumption.
  • Reply 91 of 164
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    My guess is Steve Jobs is going to enable RENTING of e-books on the iPad.

    What I would love is for my library to allow me to borrow books on the iPad - download straight from the library with the same renewal period if necessary, though I can't see why it would be. Now that would be really useful.
  • Reply 92 of 164
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member
    Prediction is wrong, at least 4 million.

    It will be a huge success.

  • Reply 93 of 164
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    My advice is to wait until the end of 2010 for the holiday when the 32 GB should be avialable for $499 maybe $399.

    Yea, but if you wait until, let's say, mid 2011 then the 64Gb should be available for $499 maybe $399. In fact, if you wait until the end of 2011 ...
  • Reply 94 of 164
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    No but can you write anything on it as fast as I can on any Mac or netbook for that matter? Hello?

    Yep... faster even... the iPad boots up in 15 seconds and it uses the same bluetooth keyboard I use on my Mac. Not only that, when I no longer need the keyboard, I can put it away.
  • Reply 95 of 164
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    No but can you write anything on it as fast as I can on any Mac or netbook for that matter? Hello?

    No I can't. I'll have to wait till march to be able to do that.
  • Reply 96 of 164
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Yes, that's the whole point of the device.

    It's not a replacement for anything, it's a new type of device.

    Did you watch the keynote?

    It's for people who don't need the 'full' computer experience - people who just want to browse the web, check their email (hotmail probably!) and listen to music while reading books.

    Yes... and it's also for people like me who want to use it to extend or supplement existing desktop/laptop systems (I have both a mac pro and a macbook pro)...

    The first app I'll be running in the iPad is TouchOSC (or equivalent). I can't wait. TouchOSC lets me remotely control the faders, knobs, and other parameters of the music "DAW" software running on my full-powered computer.

    I do this now using my iPhone. The biggest downside is its screen size. Limited number of elements, have to flip between screens, etc. With an iPad, and an updated version for iPad? I'll have a fuller-sized multi-touch controller screen to use... and the connection is via WiFi, so no cables there.

    It's truly a dream....

    It's basically a slightly smaller version of this:

    And that's just ONE app... it's easy to extrapolate and imagine incredible new applications for this device.

    No, it doesn't remotely "replace" my desktop or laptop. It's more like my iPhone on steroids from a UI perspective. That's something I can definitely get behind...

    I know no fewer than 15 people who will order the thing on day one... from 20 "polled". We've been waiting a long time for something like this.

    Is it perfect? Definitely not. But a huge step in the 'right' direction. I'm a customer for sure...
  • Reply 97 of 164
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    No we get it. That's the problem. It not for anything but basically being entertained or viewing information. Yawn.

    I know - a device like that will never catch on.

    Oh wait - the television, does anyone have one of those?

    I love how tech-heads simply don't understand the normal consumer.
  • Reply 98 of 164
    I'll buy one. And I'd never consider buying a touch. So the analysts are just wrong.
  • Reply 99 of 164
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    In other words a device for dumb couch potatoes?

    ahh, trolling a bit today TEKSTUD?

    everything you've said so far has either disparaged the device itself, or the people who might use the thing.

    it's going to be useful for a wide variety of people. please, get over yourself!
  • Reply 100 of 164
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Sorry - does your ipod enable to you to view websites at 1024 x 768 pixels (industry standard site optimisation dimensions btw).

    This is different, that you don't see it as such doesn't negate that.

    Sometimes the simple evolution - the next logical step - is thinking different. Ockham's razor.

    (also referred to as Occam's Razor for those who would correct a non-mistake),

    Your wasting your time with TEKSTUD, he's hired by Msoft to spew FUD.
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