Apple changes App Store policy on 'overtly sexual content'



  • Reply 41 of 184
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    a quick search of the Blackberry store, palm pre store, android store all did not turn up any seemingly sexual apps.


    maybe they don't have the developers


    perhaps they have some restrictions as well...
  • Reply 42 of 184
    Originally Posted by ilogic View Post

    It is not arrogant or mothering consumers at all. What is the difference between a brick and mortar store and a digital store?

    Nothing. Brick and mortar stores shouldn't try to be my mother either. The fact that they often try, I find just as offensive. I purchase what I decide is appropriate to me, and leave the rest on the shelf. I also note which stores censor - where music is offered in altered versions, where magazines are limited to the mundane - and I make a concerted effort to buy my media elsewhere. Because I have a choice. With Apple, I have no choice. You can only get apps from Apple. This creates a very important difference between shopping brick and mortar, and Apple - not so much brick and digital, because the Internet, as we all know, is well populated with sources that do not attempt to mother the consumer.


    There are many video stores that have a backroom section, go there, but a lot of families like going to BlockBuster, or RedBox where no such content is available. Should they be name called because they don't offer porn?

    The comparison is not sensible. Apple has elected to control the entire app ecosystem. There is nowhere else to get an app of this type; it is apps we are talking about here. In the case of a video store, there are choices. Here, there are none.


    The argument is quite simple, even a comparison with NetFlix - they don't allow you to rent porn either.

    Yet again, you can get porn delivered in the same form elsewhere. Not true of apps.


    Apple has always geared their products for all consumers.

    No. Apple is gearing its product for consumers who aren't interested, or are offended by, porn. That is not, by any stretch of the imagination, "all consumers."


    Apple does not care to make money off porn.

    No. They prefer to make money attempting to assume the mother-role, something far more offensive in my view.


    That is why there is mobile Safari, get your porn elsewhere.

    I'm laughing at you, and you probably don't even know why, do you?


    I don't understand what is the big deal.

    Yes, I can see that. Nor am I surprised, given the viewpoint you espouse.


    It's not like it's a matter of principle, what about he principle of general decency?

    I can't put it any simpler than this: Your "decency" is not someone else's "decency." Likewise, Apple's "decency" is not everyone else's "decency." There is no "general decency." People differ. To some, a work may be porn; to others, a work of art; to others, simply uninteresting. My position is simply that the consumer should be the one to make the determination. Not the vendor of the media or the item.
  • Reply 43 of 184
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    I would like to add, with all the 'NBC-To Catch a Predator' reporting, I don't think that Apple wants to be any part of the potential issues that would arise from your suggestion to open a porn-shop. There would be no way for anybody to guarantee it to be 'Adult Only'. To think so would be just plain stupid.

    This is precisely what he was calling "American sensitivities".
  • Reply 44 of 184
    Originally Posted by jlandd View Post

    People complaining that Apple should have a backroom xxx section must be the same ones who say to boycott the neighborhood Italian restaurant because it doesn't serve nachos.

    Yes, but somewhere in that neighborhood is a restaurant that serves nachos because a lot of people want and pay good money for them.

    The App Store is a neighborhood with no nacho serving restaurants because a few intolerant people complained they don't like nachos.

    What Apple should so is allow the nacho serving restaurants and tell the minority complainers to stay out of that part of the neighborhood where they are located.
  • Reply 45 of 184
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by fyngyrz View Post

    I can't put it any simpler than this: Your "decency" is not someone else's "decency." Likewise, Apple's "decency" is not everyone else's "decency." There is no "general decency." People differ. To some, a work may be porn; to others, a work of art; to others, simply uninteresting. My position is simply that the consumer should be the one to make the determination. Not the vendor of the media or the item.

    Sell your iphone. When you accepted the EULA you entered into the environment of Apple's appstore.

    If you sell your iphone Apple will no longer be censoring you in any way

    Unlike your DVD player from Samsung (which is a point of sale transaction without a continuing service agreement from Samsung), the iphone is by its nature as a phone a material and service purchase. Companies that provide services all have an absolute right to arbitrarily determine that service. You have the right not to purchase or end the service relationship.
  • Reply 46 of 184
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    Yes, but somewhere in that neighborhood is a restaurant that serves nachos because a lot of people want and pay good money for them.

    The App Store is a neighborhood with no nacho serving restaurants because a few intolerant people complained they don't like nachos.

    What Apple should so is allow the nacho serving restaurants and tell the minority complainers to stay out of that part of the neighborhood where they are located.

    Actually, the Appstore is just the mega store in your neighborhood analogy. There are plenty of other stores, but you have to get in your safari car and drive to them.
  • Reply 47 of 184
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    Yes, but somewhere in that neighborhood is a restaurant that serves nachos because a lot of people want and pay good money for them.

    The App Store is a neighborhood with no nacho serving restaurants because a few intolerant people complained they don't like nachos.

    What Apple should so is allow the nacho serving restaurants and tell the minority complainers to stay out of that part of the neighborhood where they are located.

    Also, when you drive your safari car you can get to all kinds of other stores, some that have backroom porn sections, and even some that advertise porn in the front window.
  • Reply 48 of 184
    Originally Posted by estyle View Post

    a quick search of the Blackberry store, palm pre store, android store all did not turn up any seemingly sexual apps.


    maybe they don't have the developers


    perhaps they have some restrictions as well...

    It's most likely a company PR problem.

    Imagine if people started sporting porn app images on their iPhones in inappropriate places like at work, at schools etc what that would do for iPhone sales...

    Most likely the devices would get banned from those places as a distraction/harassment, and that would affect sales.

    Notice how cable companies and hotels have porn channels? Intended to be viewed in privacy?

    People consume porn in privacy, the phones are a usually portable and not a privacy used device.


    Also, when you drive your safari car you can get to all kinds of other stores, some that have backroom porn sections, and even some that advertise porn in the front window.

    Then again Safari can be used to surf for porn and images too on the iPhone, so that sort of defeats my argument.

    So there really shouldn't be any App Store restrictions on Adult content, since one can get it anyway through the browser.
  • Reply 49 of 184
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Do you really think that there is an absolute disconnect between adult entertainment and child porn?

    The bottom line is that Apple doesn't/shouldn't need or make it easier to get involved.

    This is total nonsense.
  • Reply 50 of 184
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by jacksodj View Post

    (see screenshots from my iphone)

    That's a friggin riot! Google's auto-generated ads can be funny at times too.

    "Get F***ed at!"
  • Reply 51 of 184
    thank god!! I was tired of seeing all these apps with 18 year old girls with no boobies with little bars across them..

    I would not want my kids having that garbage, and I would not want a developer to make a penny off of it.

    If you want porn, just download it, and add it to itunes..

    If you watch porn on your ipod or iphone, you are weak as it is...
  • Reply 52 of 184
    It appears some air has been seeping over from Disney...

    If Apple wants to be Puritan about it, give the App Store a "mature" section. Problem solved.
  • Reply 53 of 184
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by scrapplejoe View Post

    thank god!! I was tired of seeing all these apps with 18 year old girls with no boobies with little bars across them..

    I would not want my kids having that garbage, and I would not want a developer to make a penny off of it.

    If you want porn, just download it, and add it to itunes..

    If you watch porn on your ipod or iphone, you are weak as it is...

    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    It's most likely a company PR problem.

    Imagine if people started sporting porn app images on their iPhones in inappropriate places like at work, at schools etc what that would do for iPhone sales...

    Most likely the devices would get banned from those places as a distraction/harassment, and that would affect sales.

    And if that were the case, it would be out of sheer stupidity. Common sense says that porn can be found on anything. Paper. Magazine. Computer. Phone. Any palate anywhere in the world can contain porn.

    Apple is free to do as it wishes, but it SHOULD NOT be doing this. It SHOULD be categorizing these apps differently, so only the people who want them, will find them.

    If you give your child under 18 an iPhone or iPod touch and don't activate parental controls, you have voided any opnion on this subject.

    For those over 18, this is a non issue. If you're over 18 and take issue with this, you need help.
  • Reply 54 of 184
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by hugodinho View Post

    This is precisely what he was calling "American sensitivities".

    And you think that it only happens in the US?
    International coordination of law enforcement
    Even in Brazil
    Brazilian police in large operation against child pornography

    Google Finally Agrees To Fight Child Pornography In Brazil
  • Reply 55 of 184
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Despite having spent years defending laissez faire, I still have to say that I'm happy with apple trying to keep it's environs from degrading into the cesspool that the rest of the Internet has become.

    It's only a cesspool until you need porn, then it's wonderful.

    What Apple could do is make it safe to view porn, channel it safely instead of ignoring it, because it's never going away.
  • Reply 56 of 184
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    And you think that it only happens in the US?

    International coordination of law enforcement

    Even in Brazil

    Brazilian police in large operation against child pornography

    Google Finally Agrees To Fight Child Pornography In Brazil

    Stay on topic, please. Do not turn this into a debate regarding the severity of child pornography in the world. You're barking up the law of percentages and its purely argumentative.

    Do not force me to start sending you articles about the government-run child slavery rings occurring all over the world....slightly more severe problem.
  • Reply 57 of 184
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think the app is lame, but if lameness kept apps off, then there wouldn't be any flashlight or fart apps either. Those still remain. It's juvenile too, but then, there are several dozen, if not hundreds of fart apps too.

    I really don't know where I stand on the issue.

    I was the same in that I didn't know where I stand on this issue until I read this:

    Originally Posted by jrandersoniii View Post

    Now, lets look at the double standard. I guarantee, in less that 5-minutes I could come up with 100 songs and videos on iTunes that do more harm to women, homosexuals, and other people through their lyrics and portrayals of certain people. So because Apple can charge $1.29 for outrageous and morally corrupt music - that is OK... but they can censor application content?

    That reminded me that I'm against censorship!

    Personally, I don't mind if they put adult apps on the App Store, as long as they have a way to stop children getting them.

    My gripe about the App Store is the incredible amount of near identical apps that people have created for free making it difficult to navigate through for something I would like.
  • Reply 58 of 184
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    It's most likely a company PR problem.

    Imagine if people started sporting porn app images on their iPhones in inappropriate places like at work, at schools etc what that would do for iPhone sales...

    Most likely the devices would get banned from those places as a distraction/harassment, and that would affect sales.

    Anyone can pull up porn within seconds on any Internet-connected device.

    Last time I checked not too many businesses or schools were banning computers...
  • Reply 59 of 184
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Apple is free to do as it wishes, but it SHOULD NOT be doing this. It SHOULD be categorizing these apps differently, so only the people who want them, will find them.

    When you say Apple "SHOULD NOT" and Apple "SHOULD", aren't you doing what you accuse Apple of doing?
  • Reply 60 of 184
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    Anyone can pull up porn within seconds on any Internet-connected device.

    Last time I checked not too many businesses or schools were banning computers...

    But most businesses and all of government will fire you if you get caught surfing porn on their systems.

    You probably get in trouble at schools as well.
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