Reader: Steve Jobs says no tethering between iPad and iPhone



  • Reply 101 of 335
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm astounding at the people who think they are entitled to alter the AT&T contract they willing signed, who have changed the meaning of the word 'unlimited' to included "unlimited tethered devices", and who have decided that if Apple is forcing you to buy an iPad that Apple (no, Steve Jobs) much also supply cellular data for free.

    This is always the case when people attempt to go beyond what the initial intent of the data plan was for. While the iPhone and other similar phones are data hogs, you start tethering to a laptop or even an iPad, and then that would more than suck bandwidth beyond what the initial intent was. This isn't really an Apple issue either. It's AT&T. I believe that had the iPhone been on other US carriers, they would be doing the exact same thing.

    The term "unlimited" is abused and exhausted. I'm fed up with it. Let's get rid of that and do what other countries do. Introduce tiered pricing. $X for certain levels of MB/GB per month and be done with it. You go over it, you get socked with more charges. Then the carriers would not care what you use. If anything, it would reign-in the abusers that like to sit in their parents' basement all night and watch youtube on the 3G network.

    I love my 2g iPhone and don't think I even use more than 5-10MB/mo on their wireless network. It's almost all WiFi. I plan on purchasing a new iPhone in June when the new models come out and even then, I may use more bandwidth initially just to play with it but in the end, I settle back down to my minimal-use routines again.

    Of course, there will be those whiners that will then scream that "unlimited" should be exactly that. As much bandwidth as your gluttonous backside can handle for whatever device they (not what the carriers decide) want to use. Let's just get rid of it.

    Serious face-palm.
  • Reply 102 of 335
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    AT&T sells unlimited data to iPhone customers.

    Unlimited data is actually means limited data, according to AT&T.


    Regardless, I have no interest in breaching the 5 gb cap.

    I do have interest in making my data plan more useful. If Apple includes a MiFi feature I'm the next major OS/hardware update, I'll be pleased. For now, they reject Apps that provide it. This feature in no way violates the TOS in my AT&T contract. All it does is make 3G more useful. While you could exceed your limits this way, you just as easily could without the feature, so that's a non-point.
  • Reply 103 of 335
    souliisoulsouliisoul Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Because too often folks here see things only in shades of black and white. As you point out, the world is not really like that.

    It is very cute that you don't know simple geography. And making a joke about it? Even cuter.

    where is Sweeden because that is a country I know nothing about and I got B+ for geography
  • Reply 104 of 335
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by DoctorBenway View Post

    Here's from their TOS - read and learn:

    "If you are on a data plan that does not include a monthly MB/GB allowance and additional data usage rates, you agree that AT&T has the right to impose additional charges if you use more than 5 GB in a month; provided that, prior to the imposition of any additional charges, AT&T shall provide you with notice and you shall have the right to terminate your Service."

    Question - would an "unlimited data plan" have a monthly allowance?

    Question 2 - it doesn't specify what device - which means if they choose to - you can be screwed.

    Perhaps you should try braile.

    Next time quote the whole claus not part of it:


    DataConnect Plans: DataConnect plans may ONLY be used with AT&T certified Laptop Connect (PC Data) Cards and other devices for the following purposes: (i) Internet browsing; (ii) email; and (iii) intranet access (including access to corporate intranets, email, and individual productivity applications like customer relationship management, sales force, and field service automation). On Data Connect Plans with a monthly megabyte (MB) or gigabyte (GB) allowance, once you exceed your monthly allowance you will be automatically charged for overage as specified in the applicable rate plan information (generally per Kb for any data used or a fee for additional MB allowances to be used during the month). All data allowances must be used in the billing period in which the allowance is provided. We may, at our discretion, suspend your account if we believe your data usage is excessive, unusual or is better suited to another rate plan. If you are on a data plan that does not include a monthly MB/GB allowance and additional data usage rates, you agree that AT&T has the right to impose additional charges if you use more than 5 GB in a month; provided that, prior to the imposition of any additional charges, AT&T shall provide you with notice and you shall have the right to terminate your Service.

    The iPhones data plan is NOT the DataConnect plan. This the iPhone data plan "Data Plan for iPhone includes unlimited data in the U.S. Access rich HTML email and desktop-level web browsing, as well as Visual Voicemail to listen to voicemail messages in any order you choose."
  • Reply 105 of 335
    Is it just me, or have a disproportionate number of the rumors over the past year been about what apples products won't do, can't do, or fail to support. No multitasking, no flash, no camera, no blu-ray, no tethering, no to multiple phone carriers... Is NO the only word Steve knows nowadays. It's like after he got sick (most recently) he suddenly started shutting the door on anyone else's ideas. Maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic, but I've been an avid reader of these rumor sites for many years now and I really feel like apple has been erecting more and more barriers to what consumers really want. Don't get me wrong, Apples a powerhouse in sales now (which as an investor I like) but they don't seem to be pushing the market with innovation like they once did.

    Since introducing the iPhone, I don't think apple has introduced anything revolutionary. The ipad may be neat, but lets be honest, it really didn't bring anything fundamentally new to the market. Nothing about it hadn't been foreseen by at least some rumors, and many of the rumors (if not most) were deemed false (camera, multitasking, carriers, etc.)

    I just really want to see the Apple (and the Steve) I remember. Maybe the death of MacWorld was the turning point.
  • Reply 106 of 335
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Still, you have to decide to pay a full month of usage ($30 unlimited usage) even if you just plan to use it a single day. Even if you just like to update the news on the way to work or browse the web on the train, you're down at least $15 every month on top of your phone contract, which genuinely sucks because it's the same OS so likely the same bandwidth usage and you aren't going to be using the phone connection at the same time.

    Verizon has a 24 hour Daypass option which they charge $15 for.
  • Reply 107 of 335
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Next time quote the whole claus not part of it:

    The iPhones data plan is NOT the DataConnect plan. This the iPhone data plan "Data Plan for iPhone includes unlimited data in the U.S. Access rich HTML email and desktop-level web browsing, as well as Visual Voicemail to listen to voicemail messages in any order you choose."

    Well played. End of story.
  • Reply 108 of 335
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    My take was that the guy hit a nerve with Steve. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I read that Steve had answered, and that the answer was terse.

    He's a CEO, not a customer service rep with a bunch of canned email templates.
  • Reply 109 of 335
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by DoctorBenway View Post

    "Our rep at AT&T told us the $60 data card was "unlimited"...

    We just got a $989 bill from AT&T for overage charges!!!

    We specially mention that this data card would be used by our small business which corresponds through emails daily...

    Had we known that there was a 5GB limit (what a joke that is), we would have never gotten the card in the first place. It's not 'clever' marketing, its down right deceitful!"

    Nice selective summary tho. You'll note I quoted you so you'd missed the reference - and went back to read it and then edited your post - nice try - but you still are ignoring the fact their "unlimited data card" wasn't so unlimited. You think your unlimited will be unlimited too?

    Try it.

    it's very clear on the website that it's $60 a month with a 5GB limit
  • Reply 110 of 335
    sinxsinx Posts: 4member
    So it should work with wifi tethering apps like netshare right?
  • Reply 111 of 335

    This is making me want to jailbrake my iPhone and I don't even like jailbreaking in the first place!

    The only reason I would do that is to get MyFi or netshare from Cydia, but it's $10.

    Grrr..I could spend the time programming a 3G-Wifi broadcaster, compile it for the iPhone. I might release this as open-source so anyone can compile it. No need to jailbreaking, no AppStore.
  • Reply 112 of 335
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by DoctorBenway View Post

    Because Apple offers tethering in other countries:

    I guess you can lump Apple into your apologist entitlement club. There are no unlimited accounts anyway. After 5 gigs - your plug will be pulled anyway, so who cares where the data "goes". Not like you really have unlimited data anyway.

    Or did you think you really had unlimited data? You sad sad fool.

    And in most countries, the amount of included data is between 100 MB and 1 or 2 GB per month, beyond that you pay dearly (like $1 per 10 MB) or are automatically upgraded to a more expensive account.

    Providers either limit the amount of data or the ways in which can consume them (ie, limited to the iPhone screen).
  • Reply 113 of 335
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    where is Sweeden because that is a country I know nothing about and I got B+ for geography

    And how many of 192 UN member countries (to use one metric) do you need to know to get a B+? 30%? 50%?
  • Reply 114 of 335
    stashmanstashman Posts: 92member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Steve Jobs FAIL!

    sorry, was that "tersely worded"? ;-)

  • Reply 115 of 335
    peteropetero Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Its cute that you missed the joke in your rush to indignation. DP was needeling AI for mispelling Sweden, not showing geograpichal ignorance of the South American country. Maybe a winking emoticon would have helped...

    Forgive me but... err, do you not mean of the South African country?
  • Reply 116 of 335
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    This is always the case when people attempt to go beyond what the initial intent of the data plan was for. While the iPhone and other similar phones are data hogs, you start tethering to a laptop or even an iPad, and then that would more than suck bandwidth beyond what the initial intent was. This isn't really an Apple issue either. It's AT&T. I believe that had the iPhone been on other US carriers, they would be doing the exact same thing.

    The term "unlimited" is abused and exhausted. I'm fed up with it. Let's get rid of that and do what other countries do. Introduce tiered pricing. $X for certain levels of MB/GB per month and be done with it. You go over it, you get socked with more charges. Then the carriers would not care what you use. If anything, it would reign-in the abusers that like to sit in their parents' basement all night and watch youtube on the 3G network.

    I love my 2g iPhone and don't think I even use more than 5-10MB/mo on their wireless network. It's almost all WiFi. I plan on purchasing a new iPhone in June when the new models come out and even then, I may use more bandwidth initially just to play with it but in the end, I settle back down to my minimal-use routines again.

    Of course, there will be those whiners that will then scream that "unlimited" should be exactly that. As much bandwidth as your gluttonous backside can handle for whatever device they (not what the carriers decide) want to use. Let's just get rid of it.

    Serious face-palm.

    There are so many ways to define unlimited and AT&T clearly defines it in their contract, yet some want to say that isn't true or that it's some how Apple's fault. Could be Apple's fault I suppose yet I've never heard a good argument for it and unlimited data for, then, $20 was phenomenal when the average was 2 to 3x that often with more limitations, like email-only. Tethering has always been a separate fee.

    I used to pay $60/month for a 3G USB card under contract for AT&T, just for 5GB of data. I eventually dropped that to use my iPhone to tether with as I do like to consolidate devices. I was using 20-30GB per month average for almost two years, until I guess I hit "Download and Install" instead of just "Download" on iPhone OS 3.1.3. Oops!

    I never felt entitled to the jailbreaking and/or tethering profile option. I always understand that I'm violating the contract I signed which means they can cancel me at any time, should they choose or that Apple doesn't have to service my phone. Am I taking a risk here. Sure. Will I hold myself responsible. Absolutely. Is is Apple's responsibility to make a product that suits my every need? Nope, but neither is my responsibility to buy a product from a company that doesn't suit my needs.
  • Reply 117 of 335
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DoctorBenway View Post

    Had we known that there was a 5GB limit (what a joke that is), we would have never gotten the card in the first place. It's not 'clever' marketing, its down right deceitful!"

    So you're saying that there was nothing in the contract that stated what the limitations were and what the penalties and costs were for exceeding those limitations.


    Hopefully in the future you'll learn to educate yourself on contractual obligations before signing them. It's a hard lesson to learn and we've all made the mistake at some point in our life, but sometimes getting hit in the face with reality is the only way to learn.
  • Reply 118 of 335
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As you stated "iPhone", not iPad. not "all iDevices", not "any and all devices". If AT&T offers an option that is a pay for phone 3G device and get all other connected for free plan then you'll be good to go, but that doesn't seem likely. Comcast doesn't give me free internet and cable at my other homes simply because I can only be in one at a time. I have to pay to maintain service to each home.

    I don't live in US of A and I do not have a contract from your, oh so precious , AT&T. Got it? My data plan right now (still) allows tethering.
  • Reply 119 of 335
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    I've never been a blind follower of most things Apple has done although I do, as a general rule enjoy using most of the products they produce. I've also been a very vocal anit-AppStore poster due to the questionable moves they've made over the years...

    All that being said... I'm not sure how ANY of this should come as a shock..

    1 - AT&T famously knows for its rally cry "iPhone Tethering Coming SOON!"

    2 - AT&T moaning about how 3% of the smartphone users are consuming 40% of its bandwidth (and then in the very same breath claim they are in no hurry to implement 4G that would provide them with GREATER BANDWIDTH and speed because their existing 3G network is going to be JUST FINE moving forward.

    3 - Apple produced a 3G version of the iPad specifically for 3G usage (that comes with its own data plan) providing a product people can buy and not have to rely on tethering.

    Now many will say why do I have to pay AT&T for data on my iPhone AND my iPad and the answer to that question is quite simply... BECAUSE AT&T (and or other carriers) WANT IT THAT WAY!

    Not the answer you wanted to hear but it's their toys and their playground and they make the rules as they see fit. I don't like it any more than you do... but I'm over it since the iPad would be a device that I would use MOSTLY in my home and or in locations where I would likely have WiFi access... Hotel, Mall, Parents Home, etc.

    For me the only time wifi wouldn't cut it is when I'm in the car (as a passenger of course) and then yes... 3G would then be really nice but if I spent enormous amounts of time in the car (as a passenger) then I guess I'd buy the 3G version instead of the wifi. Since I don't I'm not and will just deal with not using the iPad in the car but then I can just fall back to my iPhone.

    NOW what would be cool is if the iPad could somehow be used as a screen for the iPhone (since for me the iPhone screen is way too small - old man eyes strikes again) but I'm sure I'd be waiting just as long for that feature as other people who are waiting on iPhone tethering.
  • Reply 120 of 335
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    This blows for you iphone users, especially if you're willing to pay extra for tethering.

    With my Sprint TP2, all it takes is few registry hacks and Sprint can't track my tethering. Probably one of the main reasons I'm still with them. 1.5 - 2mbps dl speed, no 5gb cap. Not to brag or anything, just saying, every device has it's own perks. Too bad a company can't just wrap everything great about everything into one phone.

    Oh, they could wrap everything up into one phone, they CHOOSE not to. I have a 3GS iPhone, but once the 3G iPad comes out I will sell the iPhone and use the iPad exclusively. If Skype works on the iPad (it should) I am set. If not, I will get a track phone for those few times I actually use my phone away from a wifi hotspot.
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