Preorders for Apple iPad slow after 120K first-day rush



  • Reply 81 of 200
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Not the point. Why pay extra for something and not use it. If you want a 3G you will have to pay extra for the service. Wi-Fiers can use the iPad at home, library or coffee shop for free so its not as much a gamble as a commitment to a 3G option is.

    Not only that, they can use it with a tetherable 3G phone. Which is exactly what I'm going to do. You can get a tetherable 3G phone for the difference in cost, and there would be no question about whether you could then use that phone to tether to your MacBook Pro, or your iPod Touch. You basically get 3G data for all your devices, instead of just one, for the same price.
  • Reply 82 of 200
    woohoo!woohoo! Posts: 291member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Here's what I think of the iPad as a longtime Apple user and fan: It's cool, but it's not for me right now. First, I don't really have the cash to spend on it. But, if I did...I'm still not sure I'd buy one. My suspicion is a lot of people feel like this.

    Don't get me wrong, this is not a complaint about the product. It just doesn't fit my lifestyle. For a corporate person, someone in medical, someone who travels by plane or train a lot (etc) I think it would be great. However, I'm a teacher and I travel only a few times per year. I wouldn't use it in school more than a laptop.

    For travel, my iPhone is smaller and has nearly the same capabilities. Of course, it also makes calls and takes photos. For me, I have to consider myself lugging the iPad around. Where do I put it? In a man-purse carrying case? With my iPhone, it goes in my pocket. Here again, with a corporate person, someone in sales, etc...I think it could replace a large appointment book/sales book with ease.

    Anyone else feel like this?

    Well the polls prove your point a bit, currently over 40% are not getting one

    This next poll says a "Mac Tablet" not the iPad specifically. The poll started Jul 25, 2008 and predates the iPad. Seems like a lot of excitement for a "Mac Tablet" but not the iPad.

    This poll shows the amount of money (or not) spent on the App Store, it's dismal on a per unit basis. (Jul 14, 2008 so it's a old poll too)

    I'm suspecting computer savvy users were expecting a "Mac Tablet" and Apple delivered a iPad more inclined for the young youth market.
  • Reply 83 of 200
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by benny-boy View Post

    Early adopters do not fair well compared to 2.0. Even my brother who used to be a product manager at Apple used to say "Never buy Rev A from Apple."

    I don't consider the iPad a Rev A product. One moment the iPad fails because it's "just an oversized iPod Touch" the next moment it fails because it's a "Rev A product".

    Which is it?

    Also I have 14 days to return it - yeah, I might get zinged for a restocking fee but I'll risk it. After suffering with a horrid Palm Treo WinMo phone for a year and a half after the iPhone was released waiting for my contract to expire vs. just eating the cancelation fee, I"m not waiting around any more. I would have been far better off to hold my nose and pay the cancelation fee than screw around with a phone that sucked and eventually cost me more in a data plan I really couldn't use than the cost of the cancelation fee.

    I already have more than enough use cases to easily justify an iPad for me - and I think the first month of it's release is going to be a dizzying one indeed from all the use cases we don't even know that are out there from developers and accessory makers.
  • Reply 84 of 200
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    Is there a reason why a solution to allow 3G to be added to the iPad externally can't be developed? Right now there is no market for such a device because anyone interested in 3G would obviously buy the 3G version. But down the road, perhaps, there will be a significant number of WiFi-only iPad owners looking to add 3G.

    By the way, 16GB is adequate considering you are going to be using the iPad likely as a companion to a full-feature computer. It's not intended to be a replacement for a fully-functioning laptop or desktop. You put specific content on it at a given point in time and then swap it out as required. On the other hand, a 32G base unit is inevitable though I suspect expecting such an upgrade by September is unrealistic. Early 2011 is much more probable. In other words, more memory will be part of iPad Version 2. In the meantime, lots of folks will have little trouble enjoying their 16GB versions. With that much memory there's plenty of room for apps, photos, ebooks, music files, and several movies. It's not like you have to carry your entire media libary with you wherever you go. For many of us, 64GB wouldn't even come close to being enough for that. By that reasoning, one would be best to wait for the 1T iPad ilkely to be available by 2015.

    Apple doesn't even offer the option to replace the battery do you honestly think they are going to offer a 3G option for the WIFI only iPad when they offer a 3G iPad. Come on get real that just simply is never going to happen.

    If 16GB worked for everyone then Apple would offer a 32 and 64GB model. Also based on this article 1/3 of the pre orders were 64GB. So clearly I am not alone when it comes to needing or wanting more then 16GB of storage.
  • Reply 85 of 200
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Jim Cramer once said that Apple stock is one of the easiest to manipulate. I think he's right on this one.

    1. Short the stock.

    2. Put out a story that iPad sales dropped off after the intial pre-order rush. Apple fan sites and hate sites run with it like a celebrity porn video.

    3. Stock drops $3 on Monday morning.

    4. Make a killing on the move.

    5. Repeat.

    It's like shooting fish in a tank, apparently.
  • Reply 86 of 200
    iluviluv Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by jnjnjnjn View Post

    It's more like, use - an iPad - as a laptop. So you replace the laptop with a much smaller and lighter and brighter iPad.

    The iPad will do some things better than any laptop.
  • Reply 87 of 200
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    Is there a reason why a solution to allow 3G to be added to the iPad externally can't be developed? Right now there is no market for such a device because anyone interested in 3G would obviously buy the 3G version. But down the road, perhaps, there will be a significant number of WiFi-only iPad owners looking to add 3G.

    A solution exists. Get a phone with 3G and WiFi. Tether it to the iPad (the iPad can't restict what kind of connection your WiFi signal is coming from). VoilÃ*. 3G data with a non-3G iPad.
  • Reply 88 of 200
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Well for me when you are talking about books, movies, music and games even not loading my entire library 16GB is still fairly low by todays standards.

    Are you really going to regularly consume more than 16GB of media between syncs? What's that, 30 hours of videos? Games don't have to be huge. If it's a desert island situation, then fine, but I don't carry the kitchen sink with me all the time. What I put on my iPhone only expands to fill the unit. If I need more space, I have my smart playlist sync fewer music tracks.


    Also I have posted several times before there is about a 51% gross margin on the iPad so clearly Apple is yet again getting well on the hardware.

    Gross margin doesn't mean much in itself. Are you going to rag on Microsoft for having an 80% gross margin?

    FWIW, Apple has an overall 10% net margin, and I don't see why that's so outrageous. If their net margin was 50% then I would agree.
  • Reply 89 of 200
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Not many I bet. The iBooks store is a US exclusive, so the iPad abroad is an ereader with no ebooks.

    Apple aren't, understandably, publicising the lack of books abroad. I wonder how many returns they'll get on day two when people find out about this somewhat deal breaking oversight.

    You're making a mountain out of a molehill. There are no international pre-orders now and the iPad is not coming to the rest of the world until late April. Apple is in negotiations to extend the ibookstore to other parts of the world and it's possible that this could be done pre-launch.

    At the same time, only the US website includes iBooks as a feature, the other websites (ie. Canada) don't mention it at all. In other words, iBooks is not listed as a feature outside of the US. The US website also states that it is US only. Apple has publicized its US only nature and is actively trying get more content deals outside of the US, and the only oversight is your own for not realizing that. I wouldn't expect many returns due to a lacking iBooks app.
  • Reply 90 of 200
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    It's like shooting fish in a tank, apparently.

    Has anyone using that analogy ever considered what would happen if you actually shot anything in a tank? Are we talking about your standard ten gallon house aquarium or something at Seaworld? Neither is bull proof as far as I know, unless Shamu has a Secret Service-type detail I'm unaware of and Seaworld wouldn't be easy, which defeats the aim of the analogy. At least the old barrel version made a bit more sense?
  • Reply 91 of 200
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by sfoalex View Post

    I think once people start to see them in the hands of others in trains, planes and coffee shops, this will take off.

    Doubtful. You don't even see netbooks in trains, planes, and coffee shops and those are supposed to be wildly popular. Instead, you see people with real laptops.
  • Reply 92 of 200
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by iLuv View Post

    The iPad will do some things better than any laptop.

    Care to give some examples, or are you just talking out of your ass like a typical fanboi?
  • Reply 93 of 200
    woohoo!woohoo! Posts: 291member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Apple doesn't even offer the option to replace the battery do you honestly think they are going to offer a 3G option for the WIFI only iPad when they offer a 3G iPad. Come on get real that just simply is never going to happen.

    AT&T has a USB laptop connection card which along with the USB to iPad adapter and the matching AT&T app in the App Store could allow wifi iPad versions to have 3G later.

    If enough sell this might be a option later. But would likely cost more than the monthly plan on the 3G iPads.


    If 16GB worked for everyone then Apple would offer a 32 and 64GB model. Also based on this article 1/3 of the pre orders were 64GB. So clearly I am not alone when it comes to needing or wanting more then 16GB of storage.

    Your right, seasoned users know with time comes more data, features and larger OS updates which require more storage space. One can make their devices last considerably longer buying the device with the largest storage possible to begin with.

    For instance on my 3 year old MacBook Pro I've upgraded the hard drive twice and Apple hasn't come out with a substantially more powerful MacBook Pro since. With the iPad does Apple honestly expect us to buy new devices every time we need more storage?

    I've owned several iPods of various sizes, my music collection outgrew them, so now the only one I now use is the iPod Classic as it holds all my music and more if I ever should get anymore, plus I can use anything I have anywhere, unlike the smaller capacity versions.

    Meanwhile I regret the loss I took on all those previous iPods, selling them used. I won't repeat that mistake with iPads costing several hundred dollars.
  • Reply 94 of 200
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    (Oops... this was meant to be a response to Brainless #43 above; forgot to quote his post.)

    Not to worry--meaningless drivel anyway.
  • Reply 95 of 200
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Apple doesn't even offer the option to replace the battery do you honestly think they are going to offer a 3G option for the WIFI only iPad when they offer a 3G iPad. Come on get real that just simply is never going to happen.

    If 16GB worked for everyone then Apple would offer a 32 and 64GB model. Also based on this article 1/3 of the pre orders were 64GB. So clearly I am not alone when it comes to needing or wanting more then 16GB of storage.

    I never said that everyone will be thrilled with the 16GB version. You're right, that amount of memory doesn't get it done for everyone but that's not the same as suggesting, as I believe you did, that the 16GB version will not be adequate for anyone.

    The fact is that for many customers, 16GB is plenty. For Apple, what matters is that more than a few customers will find that with that much memory, the iPad will be a very useful device. Apple needs happy customers to build a base for an innovative device like the iPad. If you, personally, need more, then your choice is to either buy a more expensive model or wait for the base model to come with more memory. But the relevant question is, will a large percentage of folks buying the 16GB version find the device meets their needs. I believe the answer will be yes. For that person, buying one of the early iPads is not a terrible idea. For you, clearly, the smarter move is to save some money and wait for the next version. By the way, that's what I intend to do, so it's not like I think you're making a mistake.

    Regarding Apple not offering 3G as an add-on, there are third-party manufacturers out there. An entire industry developed around making accessories for the iPod. It's likely something similar could happen with the iPad. Consider that if you opt for the Wi-Fi only model and find that you get what you need going that route, you've saved yourself more than $100 plus whatever it costs to get hooked up. On the other hand, if you get 3G and wind up not using it, you're out that extra expense with nothing to show for it. My view on this is that if 3G is not essential in your estimation at the time of purchase, it's best to not get it. It's not like an iPad is a 10-year device. I doubt these units have much more than a three-year life span. There could be cases in which a dramatic change in circumstance results in 3G becoming a must-have feature but I doubt there are many people for whom that drastic change would be probable during the life of an iPad.

    Also, if you don't see an immediate use for 3G but would consider an additional 16GB essential, wouldn't the logical way to go be to acquire the Wi-Fi-only version with the additional memory, especially considering it cost less than the base Wi-Fi 3G version. Why spend money on something you probably don't need and not spend it on something you think is essential. Of course by waiting you can have both for about the same money but I suspect you're going to be waiting past 2010. This calendar year I'm willing to bet what you see is what you'll get.
  • Reply 96 of 200
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Not only that, they can use it with a tetherable 3G phone. Which is exactly what I'm going to do. You can get a tetherable 3G phone for the difference in cost, and there would be no question about whether you could then use that phone to tether to your MacBook Pro, or your iPod Touch. You basically get 3G data for all your devices, instead of just one, for the same price.

    I thought tethering is not an option at this time? Could be wrong, but wasn't this a topic on AI sometime ago?
  • Reply 97 of 200
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by Galley View Post

    The iPad is perfect for traveling! Who needs a full-blown laptop? If you're a business person, and need a laptop with you, then you're not really on vacation, are you?

    Explain how you are going to take photos from your digital camera and put them on your iPad so you can view them on that big screen that people are bragging about. That's right, you CAN'T! Apple puts an SD slot on the Macs and MacBooks, but they leave it off the iPad, yet claim it is great for viewing photos! You need another accessory or your Mac/PC to transfer photos into an iPad. Most people take their laptop with them because it does what they want it to do. So you will be lugging around a bunch of crap to make the iPad justified when your laptop does more.

    Big surprise. The fanbois ordered an iPad, and then the pre-orders plummet while the rest of the world realizes they don't need a $500 iPod Touch when they already own a laptop. The PowerBook G4 12" would outsell an iPad.
  • Reply 98 of 200
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Apple doesn't even offer the option to replace the battery do you honestly think they are going to offer a 3G option for the WIFI only iPad when they offer a 3G iPad. Come on get real that just simply is never going to happen.

    Actually Apple does have an option to replace the battery $99.00 + $7--see Apple site and
  • Reply 99 of 200
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    I am old fashioned. I actually like to see the product first.

    Word! I'm already buying a 16GB-3G version for Mother's Day based on the current issue, but for myself I'll have to play with it and compare it to the next MBPs, iPhone HW, iPhone OS v4.0, see when the iPad will get it and the iPad ecosystem will grow over the coming months. So far, it's a no go for me.

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    If he did say that, then he's not to be trusted, because it isn't true at all.

    Come point out the flaws in my 4gb iPhone from iDay 07? I can't seem to find them.

    Neither can I find anything wrong with my 7,1 iMac, first aluminum model on the market, still runs beautifully. Not one problem.

    I've also had day one iPhone 3G, and day one iPhone 3GS. Not one has ever had a problem. The entire don't buy Rev A concept is a fraud by anyone who promotes it.

    Word! The last MBP is a great example of a "non-Rev A" product that has a lot of odd changes that prevented me from buying the last MBPs that must be resolved before I buy my next one.

    The Rev A. comments are all about external design yet each new release is significantly changed internally that it's always a 'Rev A" product. It's such a silly reason to buy or not buy a product. Read the reviews and if it fits your needs then buy it. No need to buy it the first day or week it comes out. Wait a bit to see how it performs.

    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Wish I could say the same.

    First iPhone had no 3G, no GPS and AT&T edge coverage. Not defects but certainly features that would have been nice the first time around. 4GB of storage for that price point? Not too good. And lets not forget the price drop debacle.

    iPhone 3G had issues switching from edge to 3G and back until the update came out.

    First aluminum iMac didn't have the brightness to overcome glare and colors changed when looking at it from angles. New iMacs have (had?) issues with yellowing.

    Leopard had issues that were resolved. Most felt Leopard was really Tiger fulfilled with boolean search, etc. I'm still having issues with Snow Leopard with crashing, download folder vanishing, can't empty trash half the time. Waiting for an update on this before I downgrade to Leopard. What about iMovie 08? Isn't it better now? And the new Aperture? What a mess. I hope it's fixed now.

    I think there is much to be said for waiting for version two. I have an iMac, Macbook Pro and an iPhone. Do I need to rush out and buy an iPad to surf part of the web without flash on my couch? I don't. And it's worthless on the road if I am forced to use AT&T who doesn't have good coverage in my area.

    That is about the worst argument I've ever read on these forums... and that includes everything Teckstud ever wrote. I've got a meeting so I'll let someone else tear it apart but you may want to edit your post before it gets shredded.
  • Reply 100 of 200
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    I thought tethering is not an option at this time? Could be wrong, but wasn't this a topic on AI sometime ago?

    Tethering is not an option with AT&T and the iPhone.

    That's a whole different topic from tethering a device from a service that allows tethering TO the iPod Touch or iPad.
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