Clues that suggest new Macbook Pros are coming this week!



  • Reply 81 of 165
    zurielzuriel Posts: 53member
    Originally Posted by guinness View Post

    Obviously not, but something like the 9400m has a TDP of 12 W, high-end mobile GPUs can hit >50 W. I know Nvidia has Optimus, but my whole point, is that Fermi really isn't that good. (I have no idea what AMD's mobile GPU's TDP is, but I'm guessing 15-20 W for their IGPs).

    If you're interested in battery life, than Optimus is a serious option, but if you want better GPU performance on the high-end, now, then it's AMD.

    BTW, there is an Optimus-equipped, Core i3 laptop from Asus out right now ($899):

    I still think Apple releases updated Macs around the Steam launch.

    looks like macs are coming today...
  • Reply 82 of 165
    esquareesquare Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by Zuriel View Post

    looks like macs are coming today...

    Huh? \
  • Reply 83 of 165
    Do you guys suppose that the price of current generation of MBPs (used or old stock) will fall, following the next generation of MBPs? Rumor is that they might be priced much higher.
  • Reply 84 of 165
    mr. kmr. k Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by darkjedi View Post

    Do you guys suppose that the price of current generation of MBPs (used or old stock) will fall, following the next generation of MBPs? Rumor is that they might be priced much higher.

    If the next generation is priced higher, they'll start losing some customers IMO. As it is they're jut barely at the outside edge of what I consider a justifiable price for a 15" performance laptop. I don't think we'll see any increase in price over what they offer now. You can bet that the current generation of MBPs will fall in price as soon as new ones are announced. It happens every time.

    I seriously hope they've got some serious graphics updates in the next MBP. Anything that's a significant step above the 9600M GT will have me satisfied.
  • Reply 85 of 165
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Let's hope for this Tuesday...No rumors yet though, not a good sign...\
  • Reply 86 of 165
    zurielzuriel Posts: 53member
    Originally Posted by Mr. K View Post

    If the next generation is priced higher, they'll start losing some customers IMO. As it is they're jut barely at the outside edge of what I consider a justifiable price for a 15" performance laptop. I don't think we'll see any increase in price over what they offer now. You can bet that the current generation of MBPs will fall in price as soon as new ones are announced. It happens every time.

    I seriously hope they've got some serious graphics updates in the next MBP. Anything that's a significant step above the 9600M GT will have me satisfied.

    how good is the new optimus chip from nvidia supposed to be? i hear that new MBP's are supposed to have them...
  • Reply 87 of 165
    interesting enough

    although Microcenter just put the mbp and the macbook on sale for 200 dollars off instant rebate recently they are already retracting the sale as of today. Apparently the promotion for the macbook went on for a month or two but the macbookpro was only on sale for a week before they sale was killed.

    Also in Australia they were running a special on the macbook pro that you also got a free ipod and printer with the purchase as well as a slight discount. That promotion is slated to end on the 28th. (from macrumors forum)

    I doubt that they would be running these sales if the new mbp were going to be released on this tuesday 3/23/10

    but maybe an update right around the ipad launch on the 30th?
  • Reply 88 of 165
    mr. kmr. k Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by Zuriel View Post

    how good is the new optimus chip from nvidia supposed to be? i hear that new MBP's are supposed to have them...

    Optimus isn't a graphics card- it's something that allows for computers with integrated graphics to switch to a dedicated graphics card on-the-fly. You can only pair it with a 200, 300, or 400 series (mobile) GPU from Nvidia. What it'll theoretically let Apple do (as I understand it) is supply a Core i5/i7 MacBook Pro, with a dedicated GPU that's more powerful than what has been in previous MBPs, yet save quite a lot on power usage by only tapping it only when a specific application needs it.

    What Optimus basically does is let the integrated graphics built into the mobile Core i7 "Arrandale" CPU handle the everyday "layman" tasks, and smoothly switch to the much more powerful graphics hardware when you want to do something GPU-intensive, like play a modern 3D game.
  • Reply 89 of 165
    so i guess the question now is how long AFTER the Ipad release do we have to wait?? or if the shortage rumors are true then maybe after summer?
  • Reply 90 of 165
    Originally Posted by psylence2k View Post

    so i guess the question now is how long AFTER the Ipad release do we have to wait?? or if the shortage rumors are true then maybe after summer?

    I am afraid we are going to have to wait until the WWDC this summer...
  • Reply 91 of 165
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by debusoh View Post

    I am afraid we are going to have to wait until the WWDC this summer...

    That would make it over a YEAR since an MBP update. That would be an insult to us as Apple customers. I'm getting pretty annoyed myself. This update better be pretty dang good or they better have a pretty good excuse if not. I was hoping for tomorrow but with radio silence on leaks it seems doubtful. Even April is way past due. June would just be an insult.
  • Reply 92 of 165
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    That would make it over a YEAR since an MBP update. That would be an insult to us as Apple customers. I'm getting pretty annoyed myself. This update better be pretty dang good or they better have a pretty good excuse if not. I was hoping for tomorrow but with radio silence on leaks it seems doubtful. Even April is way past due. June would just be an insult.

    Disappointed, maybe, but insulted?

    Another week regardless, today doesn't appear to be the day.
  • Reply 93 of 165
    mr. kmr. k Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by technohermit View Post

    Disappointed, maybe, but insulted?

    Another week regardless, today doesn't appear to be the day.

    Considering the price they're charging for a year-old CPU and a two-year-old GPU, I think the term "Insult" is appropriate.
  • Reply 94 of 165
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,905member
    Originally Posted by Mr. K View Post

    Considering the price they're charging for a year-old CPU and a two-year-old GPU, I think the term "Insult" is appropriate.

    Agreed. At this point I think we can see that the iPad campaign and release is most likely what is holding up new MBP models. Not for technical reasons, but merely marketing. They don't want any other company product news to dilute the iPad hype/message.
  • Reply 95 of 165
    Originally Posted by Mr. K View Post

    Considering the price they're charging for a year-old CPU and a two-year-old GPU, I think the term "Insult" is appropriate.

    In the context of current prices for old hardware, I'd agree with you. $2300 for a laptop worth $1300 when you get the box opened...kinda sucks.
  • Reply 96 of 165
    I have a late 2006 MacBook Pro, the first to use the Core 2 Duo. It is still the very best computer I have ever owned. I know that Apple is late with the new MacBook Pro's, but it's OK. My trusty MacBook Pro is still providing me a decent Snow Leopard experience.

    I think people get bit crazy about shiny new technology. The Core i7 is definitely better than the Core 2, but not that much that a couple of months will make a big difference.

    Sure Dell can take a Core i7 processor and slap it in one of their existing (and boring) designs, rev the model number and sell it as "awesome". Apple is different. They have consistently delivered innovations all through the Core 2 era. Built-in iSight, MagSafe power cords, LED LCD backlights, large multi-touch trackpads, aluminum unibody construction, better graphics, smart batteries, and even lower prices.

    The Core i7 era is coming to the Mac faithful, that much is certain, but I'm sure there are other surprises in our future. That's why I'm waiting. Patiently.
  • Reply 97 of 165
    Originally Posted by TEAMSWITCHER View Post

    The Core i7 era is coming to the Mac faithful, that much is certain, but I'm sure there are other surprises in our future. That's why I'm waiting. Patiently.

    Not all of us can wait till May or June for the update. I am using a work issued laptop that is terrible. I am soo limited in what I can do, it drives me crazy. I need administrator status to install or upgrade anything, add a printer, or any tasks people take for granted.

    It needs to come very soon.
  • Reply 98 of 165
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I agree the other folks put it well--the current MacBook Pro is an ok machine....for HALF the price! I do not understand why Apple doesn't lower prices 20% a couple weeks before they would help a lot of people that would actually prefer yesterday's tech for cheaper rather than current tech for the same price. It would empty inventory. Moreover it would be fair. It is insulting to pay 200% for a product, even Macs. Plus their refurb prices are basically the same as an edu discount. I also don't understand this Apple secrecy. If I had known they wouldn't have new MBPs until April...I absolutely would have bought an MBP 15" in January. Or December.

    However my Univ store just put all laptop models on sale yesterday for $100 less than the original edu price (so marked down $200 in total). Almost tempting until I realized that the 15" MBP is still be $500 overpriced. I mean it'll drop hundreds in value when the update comes out. Now the $999 MBP 13" was tempting but I'm going to get a 15" this time. I asked the Campus Apple Store guy about this sale they just started yesterday, pressing him to see if he had inside info. He just said they are anticipating an update "soon". Heh. Wouldn't give any more specifics.
  • Reply 99 of 165
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by MatthewGavin View Post

    Not all of us can wait till May or June for the update. I am using a work issued laptop that is terrible. I am soo limited in what I can do, it drives me crazy. I need administrator status to install or upgrade anything, add a printer, or any tasks people take for granted.

    It needs to come very soon.

    Regarding poor work system configurations.....I feel your pain..
  • Reply 100 of 165
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    I asked the Campus Apple Store guy about this sale they just started yesterday, pressing him to see if he had inside info. He just said they are anticipating an update "soon". Heh. Wouldn't give any more specifics.

    He wouldn't give more specifics because he doesn't have any. For a company as shrouded in secrecy as Apple, and how valuable NDA information would be, I can guarantee that they don't send out bulletins to every retail and campus store on when new updates are coming. The guy working there knows exactly as much as you do about the refresh, if not less, because you're reading sites like AI and he may not.
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