Valleywag details iPhone feud between Steve Jobs and Google CEO



  • Reply 61 of 82
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    After seeing Tiger's conquests, Jesse James' "Amish Nazi" mistress and now Schmidt's women, I find it interesting that these guys cheat on their wives with women I would consider less than the typical physical ideal which I think wouldn't be a problem for people with wealth, fame and/or power to get. As scummy as he is Elilot Spitzer at least paid for an attractive women.

    It's NEW.

    Old vs. new.

    Just remember: No matter how hot she is, no matter how good she looks in those heels, someone, somewhere, is tired of her sh*t.
  • Reply 62 of 82
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Good reference. But I admit....I had to Google it, even though I've seen that film a half dozen times.



    Anyone? Anyone?

    Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Reply 63 of 82
    Eric Schmidt as a board member of Apple clearly had a huge responsibility not to abuse his position as an employee of Google, for whatever reason he did. Losing his position at Apple is just a minor aspect of this whole sorry affair. Through stupidity or greed, Eric Schmidt has now guaranteed a decade long bloody battle with Apple for supremacy in this brave new age of mobile computing.

    In my humble opinion, google's biggest problem is that they lack focus, now that they've become the search engine kings, they are confused about where to take the company next. Their solution seems to be to buy everything and try everything until something sticks (remind you of another large IT company?).

    So, riding off the back of Apple's unprecedented success, they are suddenly in the smartphone business, it's a market i'm thinking they really shouldn't be in, but they are. If they were a more focused company, they would concentrate all their skills, expertise and energy in the sector they are brilliant at.

    Competition and Animosity between Apple and Google will spur Apple on to even greater heights in the mobile computer/smartphone Arena. I hate the way Google has behaved, but as a consumer I'm delighted, nothing motivates better than revenge. Apple are the kings of innovation, I predict they will always be a few steps ahead of the copy cats. Innovation may now have to happen quicker than Apple had planned for and this is great news for people like me who love to own the latest and greatest gadget.
  • Reply 64 of 82
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Because this "tip" comes from Valleywag, there is ample reason to doubt its validity.

    I find the overall premise of Google and Apple having strained relations over phones to be plausible, but the details of this feud are probably hogwash. Valleywag is nonsense. I suggest that AppleInsider ignore Valleywag as a news source.
  • Reply 65 of 82
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I was thinking Sarah Palin.

    So.... tranny-looking, right?
  • Reply 66 of 82
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    After seeing Tiger's conquests, Jesse James' "Amish Nazi" mistress and now Schmidt's women, I find it interesting that these guys cheat on their wives with women I would consider less than the typical physical ideal which I think wouldn't be a problem for people with wealth, fame and/or power to get. As scummy as he is Elilot Spitzer at least paid for an attractive women.

    LOL Thanks. Here is the dialogue in context from Breakfast Club:

    Personally, I think it may be due to a somewhat castrated upbringing. So now they all want to show that they are truly one of the bad boys.
  • Reply 67 of 82
    Originally Posted by TECHSTUD View Post

    Dude - you're only getting one side of the story. Don't listen to everything you read here as bible. Most of it and the so-called gang of ten posters who claim they should have this site all to themselves should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Odd that on a site called AppleInsider dotcha think? And you have how many postings here under each of your guises Studly? Silly old you!
  • Reply 68 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Brainless View Post

    Congratulations, I made it to the third sentence of the article. As this is apparent lie, there was no point of reading any further. Google worked on Android much earlier than 2007, Rubin came to Google way earlier (by YEARS) before Schmidt was INVITED to Apple's BOD. It is impossible Apple didn't know about Android.

    Question to AI : Have you already hit the rock bottom or will your future articles get even worse than that ?

    Which Android phone are you talking about? The Blackberry-like Android from pre-2007 or the iPhone-like Android phone that now exists?
  • Reply 69 of 82
    I wish I had a mistress...
  • Reply 70 of 82
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by TECHSTUD View Post

    I actually agree with you? Can it be?

    And that's exactly why Apple will never get the Hollywood content that it so desperately wants for subscriptions etc. Ask Michael Eisner.

    I do think that Apple is going to have a hard time securing content, that's true. However, it's true for a much stronger reason than Jobs' personality, and the color of that reason is green.

    Funny thing that you serve up Eisner as an example of your position... that is the only example you could have picked that DIMINISHES your argument. Jobs' battle with Eisner ended with Eisner's ouster and Jobs winning Disney's content for Apple - not to mention the Pixar deal, a seat on their board, and a bazillion shares. (From that point on, Disney and ABC have been more "on board" with Apple than any other studio.)

  • Reply 71 of 82
    I do not know which is worst the article or TECHSTUD comments. He (I am assuming he is male) just likes to comment for sake of commenting. I wonder if he is the person at party, who likes the sound of his voice!

    90% of his comments add no value and just written to start a commentary 'fight' with other person(s).

    AI please this article should never been posted.

  • Reply 72 of 82
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    ...with a soupcon of "notice how superior this other product is to your pitiful Apple junk" ....

    I'm just impressed to see someone use "soupcon"!
  • Reply 73 of 82
    woohoo!woohoo! Posts: 291member
    Originally Posted by robin huber View Post

    mistress looked kinda tranny to me.

  • Reply 74 of 82
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    I've I am not mistaken..., the way I think I heard... Schmidt was brought by Brin & Page to help them get Google off the ground, cause Brin & Page were mostly software guys, and didn't know how to run a fast growing company...

    If, like you say, "Schmidt doesn't see eye to eye with Brin & Page", they wouldn't the simplest solution be for Brin & Page, as the original owners, to fire Schmidt, and make piece with Apple?

    But then, how would they Undo Android? I don't see how they'd be able to just kill it, after all the contractual agreements with the carriers and phone makers... So, even if they fired Schmidt, they can't Undo Android, and thus can't get in good graces with Apple..., unless they'd sell Android, or kill it slowly...

    But then, Brin & Page are not simply innocent kids... I doubt that it's just Schmidt who secretly surprised them and Steve Jobs with Android... I doubt Schmidt could have acted without Brin & Page blessing, or at least knowledge... So, even if there is Good Copy Bad Cop game going on at Google, I don't see how they would get back in good graces with Steve Jobs/Apple..., unless they settle on some IP Licensing Fees payable to Apple?

    And, like others here, I am curious why Schmidt wasn't immediately removed from Apple's Board for espionage? Maybe it's because Apple was hoping to work out a deal with Google on those IP Fees and other Limitations, and when they couldn't it al spilled out in the open, and progressed to Litigation vs. HTC?

    We ALL can only guess, cause none of us were behind those closed doors

    Brin and Page can't just fire him. Google is a public company with a board of directors. the board has to vote to remove the CEO. I think Brin and Page have board seats and some other jobs at Google
  • Reply 75 of 82
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I'm not sure why people get so worked up about this, these are businesses. Business is cutthroat, that's the way things are, getting emotional about it doesn't change that fact. Despite SJ's (I think alleged, I recall it being reports from a private meeting) statement otherwise, I don't think Google can kill (or hurt) the iPhone or seriously hurt Apple.

    If Schmidt relayed trade secrets to Google or used those secrets in his own decision making at Google, then Apple should sue them for that. It doesn't take being on a company's board to get patent info, that's publicly available. Using patents without a license is also another valid reason to get hit with a lawsuit. But I'm not convinced that being on the board really helped the Android project, the first Android product was introduced almost two years after the iPhone was announced, and that was pretty primitive.
  • Reply 76 of 82
    shrikeshrike Posts: 494member
    Originally Posted by nitewing98 View Post

    I can't tell you what went through Schmidt's mind, but I'm guessing it was this: He saw Android as an open-source project that didn't so much steal from the iPhone, but complemented it. I'm sure he felt it was the difference between Linux and OS X. Steve knows Google uses their own homebrew Linux systems and doesn't see a conflict with OS X, so why would Steve see the iPhone and Android any differently?

    Except, of course, that they ARE two competing platforms, and Schmidt was being myopic. Or else completely dishonest.

    My $0.02

    He was being dishonest. He should have never accepted the Apple board job or should have resigned from the board as soon as he knew Android was real (Spring 2008). He knows full well what Google is trying to do with Android and ChromeOS. One can maybe say he could have separated the conflict of interest, and did a good job as an Apple director. But as Google CEO, you don't invest in Android and ChromeOS, both under Google's "free as long as it sells more Google advertising" model, without thinking that it would create conflict with Apple whose bread and butter are hardware sales.

    From Apple's perspective, especially Jobs and the management team, a board director doing this is a knife in the back. As soon as people saw the prototype Android phone turn from a Blackberry clone to an iPhone clone with the T-Mobile G1, they should have known that Google knifed Apple in the back.
  • Reply 77 of 82
    gin_tonicgin_tonic Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    That angry phone call from Jobs in 2007 was apparently touched off by reports in the Wall Street Journal describing Google's efforts to create its own rival Android platform

    Total BS


    Google acquired Android, Inc. in July 2005

  • Reply 78 of 82
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by gin_tonic View Post

    Total BS


    What did Google do with Android in 2005?
  • Reply 79 of 82
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by OC4Theo View Post

    If they knew in 2007 that Google was working on a smartphone, why did it take so long for this TRAITOR to be removed from Apple board.

    I think Apple investors should file a lawsuit against Schmidt and Google. He stole from Apple and reproduced at Google. If Google was not an American company, I am sure the lawsuit would have been in process by now.

    Schmidt in my opinion stole proprietary information for profit. This is business Espionage at the highest level.

    You do know that Schmidt excused himself from board meetings involving the iPhone right (because of conflict of interest)? The reason he ended up leaving Apple's board was because he'd end up excusing himself fairly often since Google was developing so many competing products.

    It's not corporate espionage. People have to get over this. Directors on various boards often have these kinds of issues. Often, because they do sit on several boards or run other companies. As long as they follow the rules regarding conflict of interests, there is nothing wrong with sitting on a board while developing a competing product.

    And what does Google's citizenship have to do with anything? I'd say they are far more likely to get sued if they are American than if their head office was elsewhere. The US has one of the litigious business environments on the planet.
  • Reply 80 of 82
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by gber View Post

    Ranting and raving won't change Google's entry into the phone market.

    I know you're an Apple fan but please try and actually use your head, not just post fanboy claptrap.

    Originally Posted by gber View Post

    Apple will continue to dominate Google by building better hardware , operating systems and delivery platforms.

    For starters, Google does not build hardware. Even the Nexus One was made by HTC.

    I'd also argue that hardware is becoming less and less relevant as we move to cloud computing. Apple's own iPad is proof. Desktops are already out of most people's homes (I feel rare having an iMac at home). And laptops will probably get replaced by tablet computers for most users in the coming years. As we move to cloud computing, hardware specs are actually going down. A smartphone today can do most of the functions the average user wants for their daily computing needs. Ditto for a tablet.

    Originally Posted by gber View Post

    Apple could always build its own search engine that far exceeds Google or Bing.

    Who would use it? Try getting the rest of the world to switch over from Google. That campagin will be about as successful as trying to get every Windows user to switch to Mac. Good luck with that.

    Originally Posted by gber View Post

    In my opinion, Google is on the decline and Apple is the rising star.

    What's your opinion based on?
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