First sanctioned iPad reviews speak favorably of new device



  • Reply 141 of 186
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    David Pogie played over 12 hours of video. it would be nice to know the codecs, bitrate and resolutions of the video, as well as the brightness and other enabled features as it surely makes a difference.

    Ask and you shall receive. Usually Pogue responds to my emails within a few minutes so i wondered what was taking so long. Now I know, he was compiling a Q&A:
    Q: 12 hours of video playback? Really?

    A: The dirty little secret is that because there's no hard drive, video playback doesn't use any more battery power than any other activity. So yes, I got 12 hours in my tests, but it wouldn't matter if I had been playing video, reading e-mail or playing with apps.

    I conducted the test with Wi-Fi turned on and with the screen brightness-which is pretty much the sole determinant of the iPad's battery life-at the factory setting. Turns out that's 50 percent, but believe me-that's still very bright. (At full brightness, this thing could illuminate a runway.)
    This one I love...
    Q: Am I really supposed to buy this thing when I already have a laptop and an iPhone?

    A: It always surprises me how many people are made indignant by the very thought of the iPad, as though Congress passed a law that requires you to buy one!

    You're not, as it turns out. Buying one is totally optional.
  • Reply 142 of 186
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iLoki View Post

    David Pogue states twice " The Apple iPad is basically a gigantic iPod Touch" and that is considered favorable?? Seems pretty neutral If not negative to say the least. How did AI come up to that conclusion??

    They came to that conclusion by reading and comprehending the article, but you aren't the only oen who read the first section then stopped.
    Q: I don't get it from your column. Should I get the iPad or not?

    A: Well, I thought I made it clear that it depends on your mindset. It's a brilliant machine, a category-creator, a joy to use. I think it will be a big hit. The apps coming out for it represent some of the most exciting software ideas in a long time.

    If you need a laptop, though, get a laptop.
  • Reply 143 of 186
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This one I love...
    Q: Am I really supposed to buy this thing when I already have a laptop and an iPhone?

    A: It always surprises me how many people are made indignant by the very thought of the iPad, as though Congress passed a law that requires you to buy one!

    You're not, as it turns out. Buying one is totally optional.

    Me too, classic Pogue! Thanks for the heads up.

    I wasn't going to go down to the store right away on Saturday - I think I will as time goes on and the reviews come in. Grrr!!!

    Edit: too bad you didn't quote this too - I think this is the main point about the "anger" over the iPad:


    That said, the question is a little odd, because the iPad really is very different from a laptop or an iPhone. I guess people have a lot of trouble with the idea that it's a new category, something unlike anything they've used before. All people can do is compare it in their heads with stuff they HAVE used before.

  • Reply 144 of 186
    ilokiiloki Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They came to that conclusion by reading and comprehending the article, but you aren't the only oen who read the first section then stopped.
    Q: I don't get it from your column. Should I get the iPad or not?

    A: Well, I thought I made it clear that it depends on your mindset. It's a brilliant machine, a category-creator, a joy to use. I think it will be a big hit. The apps coming out for it represent some of the most exciting software ideas in a long time.

    If you need a laptop, though, get a laptop.

    Actually I read both sections and thought there was nothing ground breaking , magical or mysterious to me. It seems like a pretty neutral review to me.

    " A gigantic iPod Touch" (and stated twice) is exactly that- nothing more, nothing less. Basically a webtoy.
  • Reply 145 of 186
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iLoki View Post

    Actually I read both sections and thought there was nothing ground breaking , magical or mysterious to me. It seems like a pretty neutral review to me.

    " A gigantic iPod Touch" (and stated twice) is exactly that- nothing more, nothing less. Basically a webtoy.

    So now you are changing your stance. I replied to your comment regarding Pogue's take on the iPad which you claimed is "neutral if not negative". Now it's about what you thought about the device, not about what Pogue clearly stated about the device. Remember, you questioned how AI could state that Pogue looked at the iPad favourably? So which position are you arguing, that the device isn't right for you so it's not right for anyone or that Pogue clearly doesn't like the iPad?
  • Reply 146 of 186
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member

    No tabbed browsing? I was ready to go until that sunk in. Moving app to app by a quick restoration of previous states isn't much of a compromise if it's as fast as advertised, but being limited to one open web site is another matter entirely for someone who routinely keeps 20 or so tabs open. And at least my personal, professional and business email accounts plus fb and a news gatherer.

    Is that a power drain deal too, or just an arbitrary design decision? I.e., would multi-tabbed Safari be that much of a power drain?

    I'd settle for having tabs only be active and refreshing or drawing on a stream when they're front and center, but re-calling all those URL's all the time - even with bookmarks (I visit hundreds of sites - don't some of you?) - doesn't seem that intuitive. And certainly not "magical."
  • Reply 147 of 186
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    I dunno, there are so many places that re-hash the same scant information in the Apple universe, articles are basically a commodity. When I really want to turn into a good fan boy, the forums are where it's at

    Ignore lists. They aren't perfect, and even with them I still jump in when I know I should just move on, but they really do help separate the wheat from the chaff. There are enough people that make good, intelligent points and are a pleasure to read and/or engage that it offsets the noise from the usual suspects.

    The only improvement I would like to see is the ability to ignore posts from people not on your ignore list that quote people on your ignore list. Or perhaps if they quote more than three lines of someone on your ignore list

    You can't outwit or outlaw stupid. It's too smart for that All you can do is increase your tolerance to it and learn how to ignore it. We all have the power within us - it's just a matter of exercising the discipline to do so.

    If you are talking about lurkers, there are a majority of people who will never comment - it's just not their thing. And that's OK. If everyone posted these threads would totally be out of control, not just mostly out of control

    Really it's not that big of a deal as long as there is some content of value. The mods finally seem to be beating down those who truly deserve it, and it is very welcome. I expect that some of the moderate trolls will be allowed to remain because they do cause churn and page views - and that is how sites like this remain in existence. Complaining about the trolls helps the sites bottom line the same as an intelligent and thoughtful post that makes some good points or adds to the discussion.

    I will watch on the sidelinse to see how this reformation plays out. \
  • Reply 148 of 186
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post


    No tabbed browsing? I was ready to go until that sunk in. Moving app to app by a quick restoration of previous states isn't much of a compromise if it's as fast as advertised, but being limited to one open web site is another matter entirely for someone who routinely keeps 20 or so tabs open. And at least my personal, professional and business email accounts plus fb and a news gatherer.

    Is that a power drain deal too, or just an arbitrary design decision? I.e., would multi-tabbed Safari be that much of a power drain?

    I'd settle for having tabs only be active and refreshing or drawing on a stream when they're front and center, but re-calling all those URL's all the time - even with bookmarks (I visit hundreds of sites - don't some of you?) - doesn't seem that intuitive. And certainly not "magical."

    Hold up! You'd rather have tabbed browsing that refreshes each time you switch tabs than have pages that don't refresh and that even run in the background, even while not in the Safari app, so music streaming and such can be played? That doesn't make much sense to me.

    As for tabs v. pages there are two things to consider. 1) Hitting the pages button and then the page you want is only one extra tap. I don't consider that a deal breaker. 2) I wouldn't read too much into the current iPad setup since v4.0 is likely around the corner and will be a free upgrade for the iPad. Apple changed a great many things in iPhone OS to idealize it for the iPad, but it's clear several things are still a throwback to v3.x as not to give away anything for the next event. maybe they'll offer that, though I doubt it, as pages seem pretty useful.
  • Reply 149 of 186
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Hold up! You'd rather have tabbed browsing that refreshes each time you switch tabs than have pages that don't refresh and that even run in the background, even while not in the Safari app, so music streaming and such can be played? That doesn't make much sense to me.

    As for tabs v. pages there are two things to consider. 1) Hitting the pages button and then the page you want is only one extra tap. I don't consider that a deal breaker. 2) I wouldn't read too much into the current iPad setup since v4.0 is likely around the corner and will be a free upgrade for the iPad. Apple changed a great many things in iPhone OS to idealize it for the iPad, but it's clear several things are still a throwback to v3.x as not to give away anything for the next event. maybe they'll offer that, though I doubt it, as pages seem pretty useful.

    uhhhh. hmmmm.

    Maybe there's a few things I'm not understanding about the UI since I'm not totally clear on your post about pages vs tabs. Methinks I'll need an hour or two at an Apple store to decide. But I'd love to cut my backpack weight by three pounds and maybe go for one of those gorgeous 27" iMacs as my productivity machine rather than a single MBP as my compromise-but-does-it-all gadget.
  • Reply 150 of 186
    sdbryansdbryan Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post



    It might be good at finger painting, but the finger lacks the detail a pointer and input devices provide.

    If a painting app arrives, which I'm sure it will, it would have a lot of zoom control.


    It is quotes like this that leave me completely puzzled. Have you heard of the weekly magazine The New Yorker? Are you aware that several cover pictures for it have been created on the iPhone with an app from the App Store? The issue has already been settled before the iPad has even shipped. The main point is that non-practitioners are poor judges of what can be done with a particular tool. So I don't accept Pogue's opinion that the iPad will not be good for production, just consumption. It is likely to be a better tool for content producers because it is a better tool for consumption.
  • Reply 151 of 186
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    uhhhh. hmmmm.

    Maybe there's a few things I'm not understanding about the UI since I'm not totally clear on your post about pages vs tabs. Methinks I'll need an hour or two at an Apple store to decide. But I'd love to cut my backpack weight by three pounds and maybe go for one of those gorgeous 27" iMacs as my productivity machine rather than a single MBP as my compromise-but-does-it-all gadget.

    There isn't much to understand. Just like with the iPhone and iPod Touch you can have multiple websites open at once. The only difference is the use of pages over tabs. This made complete sense on the smaller 3.5" display as there is no room to waste on tabs, but is harder to argue on the 10" device. Still, From using the demo, pages does appear to work well, though tabs as an option would be nice.

    Go to 1m:20s in video to see how it works...
  • Reply 152 of 186
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    To my critics,

    I just want to say it's better to be a informed consumer than a misinformed one.

    I think the iPad is a wonderful device, it has a lot of great features, but since Apple is rather vague on the purpose, market and intention of this device, trying to cast the widest market net basically, it's up to us seasoned users to find out how this device fits in the real world.

    Apple has a habit of creating a device and letting the market dictate what it's going to become, so opinions and comments matter. Heck, Apple didn't even think the iPod Touch would turn chiefly into a portable gaming device, but it did.

    All I'm doing is helping in that process, which seems I'm not way off track if I have the Woz and Pogue agreeing with me.

    If you don't like what I have to say, the ignore feature is in your User CP, but you might miss out on some good links I come across, even though you might not share in my opinions.

    By which you mean repeatedly posting that the iPad is for children and incompetents.
  • Reply 153 of 186
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    You really shouldn't be that guy that lives in a glass house, especially with a nick like yours.

    Mmmm... That's my real name... I don't need to hide behind an alias.

  • Reply 154 of 186
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There isn't much to understand. Just like with the iPhone and iPod Touch you can have multiple websites open at once. The only difference is the use of pages over tabs. This made complete sense on the smaller 3.5" display as there is no room to waste on tabs, but is harder to argue on the 10" device. Still, From using the demo, pages does appear to work well, though tabs as an option would be nice.

    Go to 1m:20s in video to see how it works...

    I see, said the old blind guy. Thanks! Not perfecto perhaps, but seems quite serviceable. And puts the Pad back on my wish list. And as you said, 4.0 of the OS is due soon and (v2 of this baby in a year or so).

    Never bought an iPhone or Touch. Get all the music I need on my old 60GB iPod in the car, iTunes through my home entertainment system, podcasts for walking on my Shuffle and enough net at home and in wi-fi hotspots - so stuck with Verizon and my Mobile TV (Flo TV) phone to follow cable news, CNBC and Comedy Central live.

    So now for me coming down basically to "3G or not 3G?" That is a ($130 + data) question.
  • Reply 155 of 186
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    I see, said the old blind guy. Thanks! Not perfecto perhaps, but seems quite serviceable. And puts the Pad back on my wish list. And as you said, 4.0 of the OS is due soon and (v2 of this baby in a year or so).

    Never bought an iPhone or Touch. Get all the music I need on my old 60GB iPod in the car, iTunes through my home entertainment system, podcasts for walking on my Shuffle and enough net at home and in wi-fi hotspots - so stuck with Verizon and my Mobile TV (Flo TV) phone to follow cable news, CNBC and Comedy Central live.

    So now for me coming down basically to "3G or not 3G?" That is a ($130 + data) question.

    Let's not forget that anyone can make a web-browser for the App Store so long as it's using WebKit on the backend (though why wouldn't you?), so i am certain a tabbed browser for the iPad is coming for someone, if not from Apple.

    edit: They already exist...
  • Reply 156 of 186
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Being an Apple basher means you never, ever have to acknowledge success.

    Being an Apple zealot means you never have to acknowledge egg on your face for your lock-step defense of everything Apple does, even when Apple changes its own story.

    "I try to be a good Christian. I follow all the teachings of the Bible. I even follow the teachings that contradict the other teachings." - Ned Flanders

    Apple will not make a video iPod. Nobody wants to watch video on an iPod.

    Apple should not allow third parties to create native iPhone applications. Nobody cares about third party iPhone applications. Web apps are really SWEET.

    Apple will not make a 3G iPhone. Nobody cares about 3G.

    Apple will not add GPS to the iPhone. Nobody cares about GPS.

    Apple will not add copy and paste to the iPhone. Nobody cares about copy and paste.

    Apple will never switch to Intel processors. Intel is evil.

    Apple should not make laptops easier to service because it is impossible to make a thin and light laptop that is easy to service.

    Apple should not add dynamic memory allocation to Mac OS. Nobody cares about dynamic memory allocation. Just use Get Info and change the number yourself.

    Mac OS does not need preemptive multitasking or memory protection. Nobody cares about preemptive multitasking or memory protection. Just run fewer applications.

    GUI is for wimps.

    Nobody needs more than 640K of RAM.

    Oh, wait. Those last 2 statements are typically directed at PC users, so Apple zealots have no problem rubbing those in PC users faces. But they can't stand anybody who points out instances where Apple zealots were made to look stupid.
  • Reply 157 of 186
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Yep. Apple has not done things and then subsequently done them. Of course, the idea that all or even very many Apple users were attacking the things Apple didn't do only to turn around and celebrate same once Apple did is entirely a matter of your own conjecture, since you don't actually cite any particular users.

    So maybe we can add to our list of Apple basher's characteristics (based on the actual evidence at hand, you'll note) "Driven by inexplicable hostilities to just make shit up." Which strikes me as a kind of mental illness.
  • Reply 158 of 186
    ilokiiloki Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by AppleRulez View Post

    Then go away. Don't let the screen door hit you in the butt.

    I believe the correct expression is " Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you."
  • Reply 159 of 186
    ilokiiloki Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    So now you are changing your stance. I replied to your comment regarding Pogue's take on the iPad which you claimed is "neutral if not negative". Now it's about what you thought about the device, not about what Pogue clearly stated about the device. Remember, you questioned how AI could state that Pogue looked at the iPad favourably? So which position are you arguing, that the device isn't right for you so it's not right for anyone or that Pogue clearly doesn't like the iPad?

    Neither - only that what Pogue gave is a neutral review. The first part being highly negative, the second part slightly positive which leads to a reasonable conclusion of neutrality or slightly negative in total. But judging by you trying to ignite an argument with me u take it an entirely different way. Perhaps you would like to explain your reasoning as I've explained mine.

    And on another note you have misrepresented what I stated and can't possibly have any insight into what I tought. You seem very defensive by your name ,signature, and as stated in many of your 15,000 posts.
  • Reply 160 of 186
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Here's an interesting description of the iPad from the peope at Pragmatic Programmers:

    The iPad is not an iPhone and it?s not a laptop: it?s a groundbreaking new device. Hold an iPad in your hands and you?ll know what the fuss is all about. Select an app and the device disappears as you find yourself immersed in the experience?the iPad defines a new category for devices.

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