Confirmed next-gen Apple iPhone seen in person, disassembled



  • Reply 141 of 394
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    I'm not prepared to accept Gizmodo's integrity or infallibility as axioms.

    Oh... So you're taking the Na Na, Na Na, Boo, Boo position... Nice
  • Reply 142 of 394
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member

    Any lawyers here? I would presume 'paying' for the hardware is illegal. Paying for pictures... probably ok, hardware no. Then to take it apart... holy crap.

    Which is another thing, why no pictures of the inerds... ?

    Seems like an arranged leak. Whether the real phone is a whole nother matter. Dont care for the industrial (read 'cold') design. But is Apples latest motiff.

    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    You have what looks like an iPhone, that when removed from the case looks like no other iPhone out there. So the first thing you do is video it then TAKE IT APART??????

    What kind of morons are working over at Gizmodo anyway?? They've already tried to piss in Apple's Wheaties over Job's medical leave, now this? If it truly was an accidental leave-behind and not a plant, Jason Chen's backside will be sued into next Tuesday for taking apart a device he doesn't own and is reported as missing by Apple (allegedly). Unless it was a def plant and this was all staged to make it look "accidental". That is the only way that Jason Chen is off the hook for being foolish enough to crack the case. While I have seen some rather pathetic stuff ooze out of Gizmodo from time to time, I simply cannot believe Jason is THAT stupid.

    So you have a choice I guess. Either a plant for the press to get their grubby little hands on a pre-release model to generate mindshare, and Jason Chen is simply a tool following directions about building awareness/speculation prior to the launch announcement.


    It was truly an accidental leave-behind, in which case someone from Apple is getting charred by Jobs for being careless and compromising Apple security around advance device work. Therefore Giz and Jason, are now in receipt of missing (reported stolen?) goods and in a fit of abject idiocy decide to blog it, take the thing apart AND take pictures. Something I would have expected my son to do (for example) when he was like 12 maybe. Not the behaviors of responsible adult journalist types (go with me on this one here). Which, for all my criticism of Giz, just doesn't make sense.

  • Reply 143 of 394
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    The only reason it has a glass back is because of the radio signal issue. Otherwise it would look almost exactly like a tiny iMac or an iPad.

    Design-wise, this thing is miles away from an iPad.
  • Reply 144 of 394
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Then why was it only recently 'remotely disabled'?

    You're asking the wrong questions. We really don't know if it was "recently" remotely disabled. In fact Gizmodo didn't see it working (just connect to iTunes message). This iPhone was spotted online in February this year in Twitter and even then they didn't show a single screenshot. As far as we know, this device never worked.
  • Reply 145 of 394
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by stuffe View Post


    This is the one thing that I'm holding back on. They dissasembled it - wherefore the CPU pics? This would be a no-brainer.

    Damn right. This is such an obvious thing to photograph. Maybe Gizmodo are saving them for the next round of traffic and advertising revenue.

    If Apple cease and desist this, then they basically prove the leak is valid.

    If they don't, then they run the risk of more and more of the device getting hacked apart.

    The 80GB of storage makes me suspect that 16GB of flash is integrated into one of the chips on the new device, with the extra 64GB storage being additional storage. Compare with the A4 design having 256MB integrated.

    The low end 16GB iPhone 4 would thus not even require the additional flash chip.
  • Reply 146 of 394
    After having looked at all the large pics over at Gizmodo, you gotta admit that the thing looks solid in design and structure. The speaker, mic, and headphone jack in particular look beefy. And the new metal bezel isn't exactly flush with the top and bottom, so that will add some much needed grip to the phone. Whether it's a leak or was planted, one thing is for sure- Apple seems to have lost something, as Gizmodo confirmed through their sources. Be sure to view the photos while you can, because Apple could drop a C&D order on Gizmodo at any moment (which would then positively confirm it is Apple's).
  • Reply 147 of 394
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    You're asking the wrong questions. We really don't know if it was "recently" remotely disabled. In fact Gizmodo didn't see it working (just connect to iTunes message). This iPhone was spotted online in February this year in Twitter and even then they didn't show a single screenshot. As far as we know, this device never worked.

    You might want to read a more than just one forum/article regarding this 'leak', because there is/was earlier information to the contrary.
  • Reply 148 of 394
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    C'mon folks, wise up. This is a viral campaign by Apple Marketing to promote the new iPhone HD. It leads me to suspect the phone will be released in June, as rumored, not July as customary.

    How does tht make sense? Between MBPs, iPhone OS v4.0 and the iPad Apple has plenty of products in play.

    Since when does Apple need to leak a full product in this why? Why not just a photo? What is the point in all that secrecy just to take all the thunder out of Jobs iPhone event months ahead of time?

    How does it benefit them to give their competion 2 extra months to play follow the leader. It doesn't make sense.
  • Reply 149 of 394
    smiles77smiles77 Posts: 668member
    Originally Posted by reliason View Post

    How about this chain of events?

    Gizmodo is approached by a 'third party' (well, Apple, actually)

    with the opportunity to get a pre-release look at one of the final set of design prototypes.

    They are told what cover story to use 'found in a bar'.

    They are told what pictures they can take, both assembled and disassembled.

    And they have to sign a NDA the length of all US Case law....

    BUT they get to generate a huge number of page hits.

    During the SAME WEEK that the next generation Droid and the Microsoft KIN hit the news cycles.

    Cases for: Quality of pix, device itself, limited exposure (no OS, no pic of CPU), timing.

    Cases against: ?


  • Reply 150 of 394
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    You might want to read a more than just one forum/article regarding this 'leak', because there is/was earlier information to the contrary.

    Here is what Gizmodo wrote:


    According to the person who found it, this iPhone was running iPhone OS 4.0 before the iPhone 4.0 announcement. The person was able to play with it and see the iPhone 4.0 features. Then, Apple remotely killed the phone before we got access to it.

    Can you supply a link that contrary to what they wrote?
  • Reply 151 of 394
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That doesn't soun like an unreasonable request.

    They took it apart and there isn't a single shot of the circuits? Their "proof" is one single picture of a wire that has "APPLE" written on it. Even the Weiphone pics are more convincing. I don't think it's a fake, but come on, post some more pictures if you've taken it apart. Especially since you've had it for a WHOLE WEEK. I'm very very disappointed in Gizmodo for this. They need better coverage. How about a picture of the ram? Count how many ram chips, look up the model of each one? Then you'll know how many GB is in this phone....
  • Reply 152 of 394
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    Just as a posted a few days ago... Nice to see Apple going towards a much more masculine aesthetic.

    Guess Apple didn't like that "Princess" commercial of the original Droid commercial!

    Now if we can only have a leak as to if AT&T will be the only exclusive carrier in the US or will the iPhone be opened up? Guess we'll have to wait on that one and to see iChat on the iPhone...

    I might have to bite the bullet and buy my first iPhone... possibly... still poo poo AT&T's rates coming from a T-Mobile point of view.
  • Reply 153 of 394
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    So, then you have the police report that it was stolen or even missing? If so, you should post it here, as you would have the scoop of the year. Imagine being able to confirm this is should post it now.

    Without that, while common sense says the Giz guys know it belongs to Apple, it could just as easily belong to you. Have they called you to ask if you are missing a phone?

    What exactly do you think Apple will sue Giz over? taking it apart? I'd like to rad the legal precedent for that suit. They could sue them for posting the pics, whether disassembled or not...but again, that would confirm the authenticity, so unlikely for now. And that suit would only stick if Apple first informed Giz though a cease and desist...that will again confirm.

    Geez. OK let me step through this for you. Over at Gruber's blog he reports that


    Apple-connected John Gruber ? from Daring Fireball ? says that Apple has indeed lost a prototype iPhone and they want it back:

    So I called around, and I now believe this is an actual unit from Apple ? a unit Apple is very interested in getting back.

    Obviously someone found it, and here it is.

    Note that I did not use the word ?lost?. It is my understanding that Apple considers this unit stolen, not lost. And as for the ?someone(s)? who ?found? it, I believe it is disingenuous for Gizmodo to play coy, as though they don?t know who the someones are.

    So I guess we can call up Cupertino's PD and ask if Apple has filed a theft report. In which case then Gizmodo has been a receiver of stolen goods (and is out whatever money they paid to get their hands on it). If they do not then turn over the name of the person who sold it to them they can be charged with obstruction of justice in a criminal investigation as well. Since they knowingly paid the source to get the device, they have no legal leg to stand on and are considered by law to be complicit in the theft of the device. To your rather lame point above, Gizmodo doesn't have to call anyone, the person (for example) who finds something missing files a theft report with the police, at which point the device is now considered stolen goods, and anyone handling stolen goods is by law regarded as being complicit if they cannot demonstrate that they didn't know it was stolen. Gizmodo was contacted and informed of the situation by their source, so they knew ahead of time that this device was not released by Apple, but "found" and not returned or turned over to the bar owner to hold for the device owner. Since it was removed from the bar, it is by law theft, period. Check your local law library for precedent if you want. So the source is chargeable with theft, Gizmodo for receiving and compensating the source for stolen goods, and just to top it all off, cracking the case, taking pictures and thus providing able evidence of both their stupidity and their offense.

    That is if -IF- this is not just a viral hit by Apple to keep the next gen iPhone in the mindshare circus. So the series of proofs will be this: IF Apple hasn't/doesn't file a theft report, if they simply take back the device from Gizmodo and nothing else is said about the situation, we know it is a PR gig. If a theft report is filed and charges brought we know otherwise. Got it? Thanks for playing.
  • Reply 154 of 394
    bilbo63bilbo63 Posts: 285member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Could be a plant, but that doesn't mean it is fake. Apple could sent a cease and desist, but that would confirm authenticity.

    True, it could be real. It could be an old prototype, it could be a fake. It could me one major, gigantic, humungous, colossal F***-Up

    Maybe, just maybe, it's a plant by Dell and it's a new phone from them soon to be released. I can hear it now... "Our DELL phone is so well built, we even fooled the Apple faithful! "We're as good as Apple, we're as good as Apple!" nana-nana-boo-boo!

    Nah, I'm going with "It's a plant" for 400, Bob.
  • Reply 155 of 394
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    To imagine this is plant by Apple is utterly retarded. Its clearly real - whether its the final form or not we shall see... but really, what on earth would be the point of Apple dropping it? Because Apple has a real problem getting publicity? Because they won't sell every single unit they can make come launch? Ridiculous and juvenile.
  • Reply 156 of 394
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    However, using micro-SIMs is utter, utter fail. Like many large companies, the company I work for sources its business phones and SIM card separately. If the new iPhone uses a different standard, it won't be stocked. SIM cards are standardised for a reason!

    No it's not. It's not some Apple propritary SIM card. The contact area is identical to the current miniSIM which means any of those SIMs will also work with a quick trim.
  • Reply 157 of 394
    iansilviansilv Posts: 283member
    Yes! YES YES YES!

    Apple- you might be pissed right now, although I suspect you deliberately made the leak to destroy any and all other competitors' announcements, but if you are pissed- you knocked it out of the park!!!!!

    I'll be there in line on day 1!
  • Reply 158 of 394
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    How does tht make sense? Between MBPs, iPhone OS v4.0 and the iPad Apple has plenty of products in play.

    Since when does Apple need to leak a full product in this why? Why not just a photo? What is the point in all that secrecy just to take all the thunder out of Jobs iPhone event months ahead of time?

    How does it benefit them to give their competion 2 extra months to play follow the leader. It doesn't make sense.

    Yeah, the whole intentional leak plot on this one is way too complicated. If it was an intentional leak and the details of the devious game get exposed it will make Apple look like a bunch of paranoid incompetent weirdos. Too many risk factors for Apple to do something like that.
  • Reply 159 of 394
    naboozlenaboozle Posts: 213member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Oh... So you're taking the Na Na, Na Na, Boo, Boo position... Nice

    And you're using the "put words into other peoples' mouths tactic. Brilliant!
  • Reply 160 of 394
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Here is what Gizmodo wrote:

    Can you supply a link that contrary to what they wrote?

    What more do you need given that the Gizmodo passage you quoted clearly states that, "According to the person who found it, this iPhone was running iPhone OS 4.0 before the iPhone 4.0 announcement"

    The 'device' has pretty much been proven to be of Apple design, so I'm prepared to accept that the 'finder' is being honest.

    If you're not... Oh Well
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