New Apple ad: 'iPad revolution has just begun' (video)



  • Reply 61 of 82
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    So while I think it's a fantastic little device and I've already ordered one, for these reasons and many more I see it as a mass market, "get-grandma-used-to-it" kind of 1.0 device and I predict much more capable hardware and software in the near future.

    Time spent waiting is time that one is not using the product. So if there is a likely good return that can be had from using the product (even a 1.0 product), it may be worthwhile to buy it. I'm sure you've considered this in your thinking, but it's just not coming out in the way you've articulated your decision in your post. Which allows for me and others to have a little fun ...

    As for printing and other features (like multi-tasking), those will arrive with OS 4 for the iPad (I think Apple said September).

    And given that it's obvious that future products have "much more capable hardware and software", how soon do you think is the "near future"? I don't expect to see another iPad hardware version until 2011.
  • Reply 62 of 82
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    If I'd adopted a philosophy of waiting for a "not flawed" product, I'd still be computer-less and waiting 26 years later.

    I think my Wife took the same approach when she accepted me into her life. Now, though, I think she'd rather have an iPad...
  • Reply 63 of 82
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I like the way it only shows the parts of the body that you would see when you are looking down at your iPad.

    It's smartly done, and will sell a lot of iPads probably but I wish they'd stop with that "magical" crap. It's a totally 1.0 device and has many flaws. The "magical" version is still about five years away IMO. Where else is there to go once you've brought out superlatives like that?

  • Reply 64 of 82
    ai46ai46 Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by jackthemac View Post

    Good one.

    Now - can anyone tell me what the keyboard/music app in the advert is ? Please ?

    Check out Virtuoso.
  • Reply 65 of 82
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    There isn't a single mention of the "specs" in the ad.

    lol maybe he meant 'eyeglasses'
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I think my Wife took the same approach when she accepted me into her life. Now, though, I think she'd rather have an iPad...

    she prolly has a whole bunch in a box in the bathroom.
  • Reply 66 of 82
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
  • Reply 67 of 82
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    Yes, A webpage whose entire content is a binary file which a plugin is needed to display isn't really a website is it? There's no ?web?. The hyperlinks end on the first page.

    RDF on!
  • Reply 68 of 82
    Originally Posted by powderdust View Post

    Sh*t - tried to view on iPad and got the blue flash logo of death.

    Think I'll wait for an Android tablet - that way I get to see all the nice things people have designed in Flash. Ahh the full internet at last.

    With Android - things don't need to be like 1984.

    LOL. So in order to make Android look good and the iPad look bad you resorted to lying about it. I just watched the ad on my iPad. Not only did it play, but it did so imbedded in the AppleInsider web page. Furthermore I just pinched it and it went full screen. All this without even going to the YouTube app. And no, there is no 'blue Flash logo of death' on the iPad. That was removed before the final release and is only seen in the original stage demo and promo film.

    Actually imbedded YouTube links play way better than on a PC/Mac with flash because of the smoothness and easy full screen ability via the multitouch pinch action.

    This bullish*tting troll pretty much sums up the typical Apple hater. And yes this was written on my iPad.
  • Reply 69 of 82
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    "thin, beautiful, goes anywhere, and lasts all day."

    Hmmm. Are they talking about a gadget or my future girlfriend? Is there an app for *that*?!
  • Reply 70 of 82
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Ah, you are comparing it to what the iPad will be in the future. Well you have to crawl before you can walk. Sounds as if a few of the features will come with OS 4.0.

    What if Apple attemtped to deliver these features before they are ready. Is a missing feature more of a flaw than a buggy feature that doesn't work properly.

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Well it's mostly just opinion, but for "flaws" I meant the usual things a 1.0 device has to deal with both in software and hardware.

  • Reply 71 of 82
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    "All the worlds websites in your hands."

    Is that entirely honest?

    It sucks to be an Apple hater doesn't it? That's ALL you can come up with?
  • Reply 72 of 82
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    It sucks to be an Apple hater doesn't it? That's ALL you can come up with?

    It was a legitimate question which doesn't imply being an Apple hater. The UK advertising standards body rules that a similar line in their iPhone ads was misleading and banned that version of the ad. Does that make the ASA a bunch of Apple haters?

    Since when does questioning equate to hate?
  • Reply 73 of 82
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Well it's mostly just opinion, but for "flaws" I meant the usual things a 1.0 device has to deal with both in software and hardware.

    It doesn't yet print for instance, and Pages (which is the program I'm most going to be using on it), doesn't work properly or even have it's basic feature set available yet, so it will be at least version 2.0 of Pages and 3.3 or 4.0 (or maybe higher), of the OS before you can actually use it for basic writing tasks as I want to do.

    Hardware-wise, it incorporates *none* of the many patents Apple developed over the last five years or so for various "magical" solutions related to the problems of tablet computing and is, (as a lot of people are prone to say lately), functionally just a big iPod touch as a result. The bezels on the side are so huge for instance that you can really only thumb type on it if you have very large hands and thus it fails to solve the problem of how to write on a tablet efficiently while actually mobile. You have to lay it down on a table for it to be useful or curl up on the couch. Also, David Hockney aside, there is of course a need in some situations for a stylus. Styli have been around since the beginning of civilisation in every culture, no matter what Steve Jobs says, there are situations where you absolutely need one.

    These are problems that I believe will be solved, and judging by Apple's patent library, they believe so too. They just won't be solved in a 1.0 version. As the ad itself says, this is just the beginning (of basically a whole new platform).

    So while I think it's a fantastic little device and I've already ordered one, for these reasons and many more I see it as a mass market, "get-grandma-used-to-it" kind of 1.0 device and I predict much more capable hardware and software in the near future.

    I think the size of the bezels was a matter of engineering and usability tradeoffs. While their large size does make it more difficult to thumb type, as we have all become accustomed to with the iPhone, they also make holding it without accidental touches to the screen much easier. I assume a decision had to be made, easier thumb typing or easier holding. Since holding while reading will the far more common activity, it makes sense that this outweighed the typing, IMHO.

    You are right on the mass market target. My wife, a complete technophobe who has never seen an iPad in person, mentioned the other day that she would like one. Apple wins again. You are also right about it being a 1.0 device. As with most Apple products (and tech devices in general) I will wait for the follow up. I have no need (though lots of deisre) to be a bleeding edger and will let other work out the kinks.

    As for the stylus, the best suggestion I have heard so far is to go buy a pack of those snack size pepperoni. Works as a styles on the capacitive screens and provides you with a snack when you are reading.
  • Reply 74 of 82
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    There isn't a single mention of the "specs" in the ad.

    Obviously, you don't understand the iPad customer. They don't care about specs. They care about what it will do. Does it matter if the processor is 20 Hz or 20 Terrahertz if it processes your commands nearly instantaneously?

    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    I bought an iPad and now I have it on ebay. Wasn't that blown away.

    The interface is the best part about it, but instead of saying I'll buy it when it has >insert feature here< included, I'll just say that once I get rid of it, I won't be buying another one.

    I WILL, however, buy the very first MacBook Pro that comes with a touch screen and no clamshell lid...

    There is a MacBook pro with a touch screen. I don't remember the name, but a third party does the conversion.

    As for the rest, I have to wonder about the arrogance of people who think that 'it's not right for me' is equivalent to 'the product is no good'. Like all products (other than air and water), it is not going to work for everyone. The fact that you're not part of the target audience is not a negative against the iPad.

    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post


    The Mac, desktop and notebook versions, are still flawed. But I'm glad I bought one in 1984 and 1998 and 2008. If I'd adopted a philosophy of waiting for a "not flawed" product, I'd still be computer-less and waiting 26 years later.

    My 2008 BMW is flawed (as the 2010 Bimmers are improved). But it was certainly nice for transporting me from place to place for the last 2 years (instead of walking), and one heck of a lot better than even a Toyota.

    Exactly. The question is, does the 1.0 version do what you need it to do at a price you can afford? If there are flaws, can they be fixed with software upgrades? For the first question, demand is far in excess of supply right now, so I guess lots of people think it WILL work for them. Software upgrades will undoubtedly fix some early adopter problems (like the relatively rare WiFi problem), although clearly hardware problems won't be addressed unless they're serious.

    Besides, when 2.0 comes out, I'll give my current iPad to my daughter and get the new one.

    Originally Posted by cincytee View Post

    "thin, beautiful, goes anywhere, and lasts all day."

    Hmmm. Are they talking about a gadget or my future girlfriend? Is there an app for *that*?!

    Sorry, Jobs says no porn apps in the AppStore. You'll have to go to Android for that.
  • Reply 75 of 82
    midiacmidiac Posts: 23member
    Originally Posted by ai46 View Post

    Check out Virtuoso.

    Nope. . . I too would like to know.

    ForScore looks like a great App, but doesn't have the piano layout at the bottom.
  • Reply 76 of 82
    Originally Posted by midiac View Post

    Nope. . . I too would like to know.

    ForScore looks like a great App, but doesn't have the piano layout at the bottom.

    Hmm. Someone out there must know the answer. Apple wouldn't use vapourware.
  • Reply 77 of 82
    rtdunhamrtdunham Posts: 428member
    Prince, there's an error in the very first sentence of this article that hasn't been fixed in the more than a day since it was posted: "... previous iPod an iPhone product ads..." "an" should be "and". A minot detail, but if that's not caught in proofreading, what other misstatements might have slipped thru?


    the grammar and punctuation curmudgeon
  • Reply 78 of 82
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    YEAH finally Steam on the Mac. Can't connect on my stupid PC for months, today I download the Mac client and Boom! It works*. However, Boom! NO VALVE GAMES except Portal for now. Ah well, when Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2 come for the Mac, aw yeah... There goes my productivity, if I had any.

    For now maybe I'll check out dropping big heavy blocks on delicate little evil turrets. Muah aha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha

    How fast will Source run on a 9400M? Hmm...

    *Somewhere during the connection I tried using 3G tethering maybe that reset something on the Mac Steam client as I switched over to my DSL. Who knows.

    Don't hold your breath... \

    Apparently, it doesn't look as good nor does it run that fast, compared to Windows on the same hardware.

    They DID run OSX on Hackintosh, though... so results are hardly official, but one can consider them as useful exercise.

    Anyway, it is not bad beginning. Hopefully they will be developing further.
  • Reply 79 of 82
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    nice one

    on the nyc subways a few brave souls already use the ipad like they used one like forever

    and like the white ear bud thing where little by little the subway cars filled with pods

    the ipads are taking root....the screen looks ... well magical !!!!!!


    why yes

    its the top half of a mbp in your hand

    when the 1tb model comes out im in


    i guess the ipad killed off all the trolls and placed them in our camp

    You look very much alive to me...
  • Reply 80 of 82
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The "magical crap" is called marketing. Whether you like it or not it works.

    When you called the iPad flawed. What are you using for context. Are you comparing it to other tablet computers? Are you comparing to what the iPad will be in the future? Are you comparing it to using a different type of computing device?

    Much as I am concerned, device that is designed to be a web browsing appliance (and it was emphasised number of times that iPad is the best web experience out there) but is not capable of presenting much of the web content... is flawed.

    I know that web is not the only iPad application, but it is major one. If Apple manages to kill Flash and get www rid of it, web browsing on iPad will stop being flawed (and thus iPad will sotp being flawed in that regard)... but as of right now, in my book, it is.
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