Apple yanks widget apps, likely to add feature to iPhone OS 4



  • Reply 81 of 176
    kovichkovich Posts: 43member
    To try and merge the two topics on this thread, the actual topic and the trolling topic: one reason I like my iPhones is because with Apple: I am the customer. With Android, with HTC, with Motorola: someone else is the customer, not me.

    That's why Apple has made this move: we are the customers and this move will create a better experience for us. The poor developers who are inconvenienced by this just are not the customer.

    This sounds harsh and I actually have a lot of sympathy for the developers but in all business transactions it is important to understand who is the customer, because the customer gets priority over everyone else.
  • Reply 82 of 176
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    For example the could limit run time to once a minute or every ten. Maybe make it configurable so that the user could have a weather app run every half hour and a clock update every minute.

    That is the advantage of having the widgets on a Dashboard style overlay. You don't have to work out what update intervals to allow because the act of bringing the dashboard in to view serves as the update event. It's not perfect for everything of course.
  • Reply 83 of 176
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Android is an open source OS....remember that! It's free to be modified in any way the manufacturer chooses. No major carrier is going to allow free tethering.

    That is just plain incorrect.

    The Palm Pre, for example, on Verizon allows free WiFi hotspots so that not only you can tether, but so can several of your friends, all at the same time.

    For free.
  • Reply 84 of 176
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Justsomedude View Post

    The new iPhone will not have true multitasking, sorry. ...

    Originally Posted by Shinrah View Post

    Im just curious because Ive been hearing this around a lot lately that the iphone doesn't have true multitasking...

    Originally Posted by randel77 View Post

    Maybe if it loaded chrome os first with an option to boot into android. Anyway I'm not trolling or anything ...

    This is the lamest troll job ever. You sign up for multiple accounts, or arrange with a couple of buddies to post with you (most likely the former), and then post a bunch of bullshit (and I mean that in the formal sense of the word) about Android vs. iPhone. At least if you're going to go to that amount of trouble, you should take the time to get the facts straight. Oh, wait, if you had done that, you'd have had nothing to say.
  • Reply 85 of 176
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Hey will I be able to sync the 5GB of iPhone Apps I own to an Android phone, like I'll be able to to a new iPhone when it comes out?

    Nope. You are locked in for life.
  • Reply 86 of 176
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    this thread has gone done the drain due to the troll.


    It has gone down the drain due to the people biting his line, and swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

  • Reply 87 of 176
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    google has unleashed a tsunami of preachers... good luck to us and the moderators. We come here for some chit chat and to relax, but we are about to be flooded by zealots it seems.

    Most of just don't think android is any better, and it's extremely tiresome to shove it down our throats. I also despise google for a number of choices having to do with their privacy policy, their looting of advertising, their big brother attitude and demonization of apple, etc. etc.

    I am sure if people are intrigued about android or find that apple doesn't cover their requirements there is an abundance of forums they can visit to hear about the glory of android. But do the decent thing, and spare us from all that here in these apple forums.

    Ignore them and quit your bitching.
  • Reply 88 of 176
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Drummertist View Post


    Please leave the forums. You know why? Because, we like our iPhones


    Because there are so many of you, you are doing MUCH more harm than the trolls themselves.
  • Reply 89 of 176
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    I love how the author of the article hijacks his own topic to foray into the bizarre premise that a nearly complete lack of personalization is somehow a feature.

    The genius of the iPhone is not so much in what it can do, but instead, what it will not allow YOU to do.
  • Reply 90 of 176
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Nope. You are locked in for life.

    In exactly the same way you are if you own an Android or WebOS device, well, at least for the life of the WebOS device.

    Oh, crap, am I a fool for replying?
  • Reply 91 of 176
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    I'm glad I'm not an iPhone dev. Those guys must be permanently fearing emails from Apple telling them of the latest arbitrary rule change which will delete their app.

    I can imagine how appealing Android must look to them.
  • Reply 92 of 176
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    In exactly the same way you are if you own an Android or WebOS device, well, at least for the life of the WebOS device.

    Not even vaguely the same way. Those iPhone apps will never be usable on a device that isn't manufactured by Apple. So if you don't like the features on the iPhone, you're out of luck. That WOULD BE lock-in.

    With Android, if you bought an HTC device and decided a Motorola device was better for you, you could switch without losing all your apps.
  • Reply 93 of 176
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    As we know this was simply a ploy to sell a phone that few people want. If you look in the fine print, Verizon says they can start charging for the hot spot feature anytime they choose.

    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    That is just plain incorrect.

    The Palm Pre, for example, on Verizon allows free WiFi hotspots so that not only you can tether, but so can several of your friends, all at the same time.

    For free.

  • Reply 94 of 176
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Apple copying features from Android? Wow. Actually it's a good thing. They should be copying the best from each other. They should have gone for the notification blind too. That's another extremely useful and easy-to-use/understand feature.

    The whole brand identity thing is misunderstood by AI. Android allows device makers to build a brand identity. Google is not pushing its own brand with Android. It created a blank canvass which allows HTC to push forward its brand with Sense, or Motorola with Blur.

    As for the UI's being that different. That's BS. I wish somebody at AI would actually touch an Android handset once in a while. The "different UI" essentially amount to a bunch of widgets. The core functions of the phone still work exactly the same way. And you can turn the OEM "UI" on or off. If AI had actually touched an Android device, they'd have figured all this out.
  • Reply 95 of 176
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by Drummertist View Post

    Android OS did not come about until the iPhone revolutionized the mobile industry. If they hadn't, Android would not exist. Heck, they even stole the whole unlock screen *slide the bar*.

    Actually, I believe Android did exist at the same time as the iPhone was being developed. Started as a project by Android, Inc. before Google bought them up and integrated their work.

    One thing I'll agree on (you might be implying this), is that Android would not have looked the way it is today without the iPhone's influence on the market. As many probably will show, if the iPhone was never released, Android would probably have looked closer to the BlackBerry OS, as they were the market leaders then.

    Then again, maybe Android would have taken the iPhone's current shoes had the iPhone not been released.

    That said, I'm curious why Apple really had to kick all the widget devs out of the App Store. I can understand if they want to show them how they would prefer to do it, but why not send them a nice documentation or video on how they want widgets to look and act? I'm sure plenty of devs would have no issues complying.

    As for those saying only Apple can do it right, give me a break. There are devs out there that can do things just as well and are dedicated to making their widgets as efficient and pleasing to the user as possible. Look up "Beautiful Widgets" for Android, for example, and you'll see what I mean. Instead of the muscling them out, give them a chance and see what they can produce. If it's crap, then kick them out.
  • Reply 96 of 176
    Wells this thread turned disappointing fast.

    What is this nonsense of apple's multitasking being incomplete? It's not even released yet, no ones giving examples because none exist yet.

    How exactly is android light years ahead of the iPhone? Sure, it has some nice features, but do you really wanna get into a core app functionality argument that androids music player is even remotely comparable to the iPod app? Or is there anything resembling the iTunes store, done with half the polish? What about being able to simply and easily backup all my iPhone info with iTunes and then back that up with time machine? Look, they're both great products, they do different things well.

    As for what the article is actually about, well, I dontbreally see how the developers are hurt so badly. They made simple, basic apps with limited functionality. They made some money off them. Apple has almost undoubtably come up with something better, so why confuse users and leave duplicitous apps in the store?

    The iPhone is one of the first computer Platforms where the user tajes priority over the developer. This is why my mom can use an iPhone, because it's simple and everything is policed to make sure it doesn't get muddled for the user. Amazingly, developers are salivating at the opportunity to sell their products to an audience not savvy enough to hack all the features and end up screwing developers as they have on every other platform. Sure, there are jailbroken iPhones running stolen apps, but compare that to the number of computers running stolen versions if adobe products...
  • Reply 97 of 176
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    I'm glad I'm not an iPhone dev. Those guys must be permanently fearing emails from Apple telling them of the latest arbitrary rule change which will delete their app.

    I can imagine how appealing Android must look to them.

    I guess that's why Android apps outnumber iPhone apps by 5:1. Oh, wait.

    The fact is that Apple has not made arbitrary rule changes. Most of the 'changes' were simply clarification after companies like Adobe tried to skirt the existing rules. As it is, developers go where the money is - and that's the iPhone/iPad. Even though Android has 1/4 as many apps as iPhone, a lot of them are crap - apps that were rejected from the AppStore because they didn't work or they were nothing but porn.

    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    If you are going to pretend to explain, at least do it properly. iPhone OS does not multitask in the sense that the app continues to run.

    It doesn't? So I guess I'm imagining iTunes continuing to play while I checked my email. And I guess that I didn't really see Pandora continuing to play in the background in the iPhone OS 4.0 demo.

    I really wish you lame trolls would stop with the outright lies.

    Originally Posted by Justsomedude View Post

    I'm just exited about Android, and where i can i try to help spread the word that there is something better out there. Nothing personal against you or anyone hear.

    So you're 'spreading the word' based on nothing more than your excitement? Sorry, but I'm not interested. If you can ever come up with any rational reason why I should switch, feel free to present it.

    Originally Posted by randel77 View Post

    Yeah, I have to agree (happily). With flash enabled I can't see any difference in battery life.

    Let's see. Qualified reviewers report that it has a huge impact on battery life. Videos on the web confirm that. Yet you somehow have a magical version that doesn't use electrons to run the CPU when Flash is running through its processes.

    Here's a clue: Look up 'Conservation of energy'. Or maybe 'perpetual motion machines'. Flash makes the CPU do more work than non-Flash methods. For example, my laptop gets screaming hot when I access a Flash site, but it never even gets warm with anything else. That energy has to come from somewhere and unless you have a nuclear generator in your phone, that 'somewhere' is the battery.
  • Reply 98 of 176
    swingeswinge Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Not even vaguely the same way. Those iPhone apps will never be usable on a device that isn't manufactured by Apple. So if you don't like the features on the iPhone, you're out of luck. That WOULD BE lock-in.

    With Android, if you bought an HTC device and decided a Motorola device was better for you, you could switch without losing all your apps.

    Right...and how well would that work if you purchased a Blackberry or a Windows based HTC phone?? Apple is no less "closed" in that sense... Apps are OS specific.... Trolls, at least come up with valid points...

    To those who think Google doesn't also bend to business pressures I suggest you open your eyes... Thinks are getting bumped out of the Android market place as well:
  • Reply 99 of 176
    jousterjouster Posts: 460member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I might use the weather widget I've been using for almost fifty years.

    I call it "looking out the window?".

    Hmm, the ground looks wet, the sky is grey, perhaps I'd better take my umbrella.

    Tried that last week. Turns out you can't see Chicago from Connecticut.
  • Reply 100 of 176
    Originally Posted by swinge View Post

    Trolls, at least come up with valid points...

    To those who think Google doesn't also bend to business pressures I suggest you open your eyes... Thinks are getting bumped out of the Android market place as well:

    That's a claim of copyright violation, not an arbitrary new rule introduced by the OS vendor to kill off whole categories of successful apps such as in the story this thread is about. Another noteworthy distinction is that unlike the story here with Apple randomly killing off apps, Google didn't pull that app by their own decision, but merely complied with a DMCA request from Tetris LLC.

    Were you aware that Apple faces a similar copyright infringement claim over an app in their App Store?:

    Cider sippers, at least come up with valid points...
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