Verizon mocks Apple's iPhone 4 antenna issue with full-page NYT ad



  • Reply 141 of 151
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    Of course side-by-side with my 3G the 4 gets BETTER actual calls - no dropping in the same place at the 3G and clearer to my ear. This is all consistent with both the Anandtech and Consumer Reports that this is all a wild goose chase. They both report that the iPhone 4 is better than its predecessors. Maybe not quite as good as the X but certainly not the problems that are being reported.

    This is again another example of the bias of Internet reporting of problem where only those having problems speak out so there is no way to compare the true severity of the problem. Is this just problems with the typical 1% of and CE product (or whatever the real percentage is)? remember with over 2 MILLION sold already there will be 20,000 complainers at the 1% level which is far more than you could currently count by unique complaints. My guess is that one problem is simply the huge number of initial sales is create a lot (by number, not percentage) of purchasers with problems.

    Bias on the internet? Steve Jobs told people they were holding their phone wrong. Your warped version of reality is simple: Your phone doesn't have issues, so obviously the people complaining about the issue AND HOW APPLE HANDLED IT are
  • Reply 142 of 151
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    What's worse is that Verizon is flat out lying and you're accepting it. To say that their phone won't ever lose signal if you hold your hand over the antenna is a flat out lie. By the laws of physics, the radio signal is absorbed by the human body. Even if the absorption is small, under some circumstance where your signal is marginal, even a small reduction in signal can result in a lost call.

    And your acceptance of that statement without question indicates that you are incapable of discerning that kind of blatant falsehood - or that you know they're lying and will continue to attack Apple using facts that you know are false. Which is it?

    Oh and I'M accepting it? What the hell are you talking about? When did I ever say that I fully believe this ad, or that their phone was immune to this stuff? You do know what a strawman argument is don't you? Well since clearly you don't, I'll explain it: It's when you set someone's "argument" up to be something it's not, then attack that. That's the strawman. What I in fact DID say is that people with these issues with the ip4 might respond positively to the ad.

    I'll tell you what it is: It's the third option, which is you're trying to pick an argument with me because I'm unhappy with how poor ol appwel responded to this mess.

    Good God man.
  • Reply 143 of 151
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Bias on the internet? Steve Jobs told people they were holding their phone wrong.

    Well, if you're going to talk about bias, Steve Jobs never said people were "holding their phone wrong." Yet, you and others, are repeating this over and over again as if those were his actual words, rather than words that were stuffed into his mouth by interested and biased detractors. So, it's more than a bit dishonest to be be harping about bias when your every post demonstrates your own.
  • Reply 144 of 151
    c4rlobc4rlob Posts: 277member
    Hmmm, where have I seen "X" before as a product brand - ohh that's right Apple Mac OS X!

    good job Verizon and Motorola for copy-catting Apple yet again. One could easily conclude that Verizon and Motorola wouldn't have any marketing ideas at all if it weren't for Apple.
  • Reply 145 of 151
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by davidcarswell View Post

    Bitter, party of a small few.

    Donner, party of 50!

    Uh, 47!



    Anyone? Anyone?
  • Reply 146 of 151
    MAY I POINT OUT THAT... this Droid's UI for calling looks veryyy similar to that of the iPhone when placing a call. VZW and others need the iPhone to figure out how the $@$$ to make a good phone UI. Conclusion: AT&T sucks, but VZW sucks just as much.
  • Reply 147 of 151
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    There will never be a Verizon iPhone.
  • Reply 148 of 151
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, if you're going to talk about bias, Steve Jobs never said people were "holding their phone wrong." Yet, you and others, are repeating this over and over again as if those were his actual words, rather than words that were stuffed into his mouth by interested and biased detractors. So, it's more than a bit dishonest to be be harping about bias when your every post demonstrates your own.

    Wow, you're right. He never said "you're holding it wrong" or anything like that. No, what he in fact said is "Just avoid holding it in that way." "Just avoid holding it in that way" means stop holding it in a way that is considered "wrong" since if it was correct, the issue would not arise. Yes, thank you for pointing out MY blatant bias, and showing me how what he said and how Apple handed it is in no way any excuse to be in any way upset with them and respond positively when seeing this ad.
  • Reply 149 of 151
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There are videos showing that doesn?t work either. One even has the Bumper on and as soon as you cover that area the signal drops.

    I've done my own controlled and repeatable tests and covering just the lower left corner with scotch tape works fine. Before there was a repeatable loss of bars which could be seen correlated on-off-on-off-on. After the effect was significantly reduced. Repeatably. It was not eliminated as the is certainly both conduction and capacitive coupling and the tape would only reduce conductive. But then all the phone will have some degree of capacitive shielding due to the saline in the human body.

    Keep in mind that these effects have has zero impact on calling quality for me as th 4 is much better in all situations than the 3G.
  • Reply 150 of 151
    jayhammyjayhammy Posts: 63member
    Originally posted by Thomas Gilling:

    I remember in 1999 when I had a flame thrower at Steve Jobs head and he told me not to hold it that way. THE CHEEK! I AM AN AMERICAN (not really), I CAN HOLD MY WEAPONS OF MASS APPLE CEO DESTRUCTION ANY WAY I WANT! He advised you dumb ass, it's not like he's holding you hand. The reason why you don't get problems on your Blackberry is because you never searched out the problem. I can replicate the problem on my iPod touch for crying out loud. Steve Jobs only mistake is giving a piece of advice, which of course made every single minded 'Apple is evil Big Brother' geeks replicate the problem so it boosted there ego knowing that Android will take us into a world of open source where nothing works, BUT WE ARE FREE AND OPEN!

    My response:

    calling other forum members a "dumb ass" is inappropriate. We all have the right to make our opinions known. I've noted all your other points (which, in my opinion are still wrong).


    Oh, by the way, when has any other CEO even "advised" a user to hold their phone a different way just to MAKE IT WORK? lol.
  • Reply 151 of 151
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    I've done my own controlled and repeatable tests and covering just the lower left corner with scotch tape works fine. Before there was a repeatable loss of bars which could be seen correlated on-off-on-off-on. After the effect was significantly reduced. Repeatably. It was not eliminated as the is certainly both conduction and capacitive coupling and the tape would only reduce conductive. But then all the phone will have some degree of capacitive shielding due to the saline in the human body.

    Keep in mind that these effects have has zero impact on calling quality for me as th 4 is much better in all situations than the 3G.

    I tried that at my home which inside just catches a signal and the signal still dropped off completely but that was from an already very low 1 or 2 bars on Edge that could drop out unexpectedly even when it is just sitting on the desk. If I'd have tried it in a stronger area, I can well believe it would have prevented a lot of signal loss.

    Today I got a replacement phone from my carrier, it has behaved exactly like my old one as far as reception "death grip" etc. But today I also got an Apple bumper, which I'm extremely pleased with. I prefer the feel, it feels less likely to drop out of your hand, it seems very well made, looks good and is light. First case I will keep on gladly. Another added bonus is that the mute button is now more recessed which prevents it from ever switching itself accidentally.

    My reception problems have all but vanished, the most drop I have detected is one bar and nothing almost everywhere else. My house is a slightly different story (2 feet thick stone walls) and given that, it's only just getting reception. Unfortunately holding the phone cupped in my palm I'll often lose signal to "no service" but like I say, it's almost at no reception inside anyway. Outside without the case I would go from 5 bars to 1 or "no service" very quickly without a case, now I might be dropping 1 bar sometimes, but most of the time on full bars. Whatever difference is very minimal.

    I think Apple should have given free bumpers to people and they'd be smelling better right now.

    One thing though is my accessories (battery pack, car kit and small radio transmitter) now don't work with the case on.
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