Nokia smartphone chief to depart as executive shakeup continues



  • Reply 61 of 84
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    They were talking about the Pre, specifically.

    I still have my old Palm Treo 700p. It was a solid phone, though as all pre iPhones, with a plastic screen that scratches VERY easily, and needs a protector. and I really mean NEED.

    But palm has a rep of having flimsy phones, and I know a lot of people who had problems with theirs, and the early PDa's before that, as I did.

    I never owned a Pre. I liked the smooth soap-bar shape. But it was compromised by the meat-slicer keyboard. I can see it being scratched very easily.

    Did I read this right, they are putting him in charge of MeeGo user interface?

  • Reply 62 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I get the impression that Nokia like to count its email capable feature phones as smart phones when it suits them.

    I'd certainly like to see how they arrived at those numbers.


    Even if the numbers about their own phones are correct, 260,000 doesn't beat 350,000. And the numbers are going in opposite directions. Nokia down, and Android and iOS up.

    They also said that the new N8 would sell 50,000,000 during its lifetime, which raised a few eyebrows.
  • Reply 63 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I never owned a Pre. I liked the smooth soap-bar shape. But it was compromised by the meat-slicer keyboard. I can see it being scratched very easily.

    Did I read this right, they are putting him in charge of MeeGo user interface?


    It's kind of weird:


    Peter is looking after the user experience design of MeeGo and services

    This guy, according to his work career, did hardware. Now he's going to be in charge, of what exactly? Not what he knows. When a company uses ambiguous terms like "experience" It usually means that he doesn't have a real post. It's like "visionary". What does that mean exactly? They could have said that he would be in charge of the GUI design. But they didn't. But what do they mean by services? The failed app store? Software? Selling the thing? I have no idea, and I get the feeling that they don't either. At least, not yet.

    Sometimes companies will hire guys like this when they are in trouble, hoping that they can snag them before someone else does, without having a solid plan in mind for him. I've seen it before. If they don't firm up something quickly that he can really do, he'll just leave in a year or so. We've seen that too. Meanwhile, he's got a job, about which he's happy.
  • Reply 64 of 84
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    They must have added wrongly. Android phone activations are 200,000 a day. iOS activations are 230,000 a day. Out of those, estimates are that about 150,000 at least, are iPhones. So let's use that. Nokia states 260,000 a day.

    If this is an error. It's a monumental error.

    And I looked at the numbers. Nokia's total handset sale is about a million units per day. But the smartphone must be less. Savander quoted 260,000.

    That is certainly nothing like the Android and Apple units combined.

    I think you are right!

  • Reply 65 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    They also said that the new N8 would sell 50,000,000 during its lifetime, which raised a few eyebrows.

    They never said that, they said they were going to sell 50 million Symbian^3 devices
  • Reply 66 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I get the impression that Nokia like to count its email capable feature phones as smart phones when it suits them.

    I'd certainly like to see how they arrived at those numbers.


    This is the problem people have with you, you make a wild claim, and then say you don't know. Why don't you question Apples numbers claim in the same way? What does Apple class as an "activiation"?
  • Reply 67 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    They never said that, they said they were going to sell 50 million Symbian^3 devices

    I read that somewhere. Unfortunately I didn't bookmark it as I didn't think it would come up. One of Nokia's top people said that at the Nokia conference. If anyone misstated things then, he did.

    But, while that's a very wild number for N8 sales, it's a very poor one for Symbian 3 sales, if that's what it means instead. Apple will sell more than 50 million phones in 2011. Possibly a lot more. That means that Nokia expects to be selling a lot of cheap models, and that's been their problem the past few years.
  • Reply 68 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    This is the problem people have with you, you make a wild claim, and then say you don't know. Why don't you question Apples numbers claim in the same way? What does Apple class as an "activiation"?

    Apple classes an activation as when a bought phone is enabled on the carriers network. That's considered to be the most reliable number, as many companies just mean phones shipped to distributers when they say "sold".
  • Reply 69 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I read that somewhere. Unfortunately I didn't bookmark it as I didn't think it would come up. One of Nokia's top people said that at the Nokia conference. If anyone misstated things then, he did.

    This is what they said...

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    But, while that's a very wild number for N8 sales, it's a very poor one for Symbian 3 sales, if that's what it means instead. Apple will sell more than 50 million phones in 2011. Possibly a lot more. That means that Nokia expects to be selling a lot of cheap models, and that's been their problem the past few years.

    That is only for S^3 sales, I imagine they will change to S^4 at some point, and they will no longer be classed as S^3 sales.
  • Reply 70 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Apple classes an activation as when a bought phone is enabled on the carriers network. That's considered to be the most reliable number, as many companies just mean phones shipped to distributers when they say "sold".

    Do they actually mean that, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that Apple is not very open when it comes to actually giving usable numbers. Could you provide an Apple link showing that is what they mean?
  • Reply 71 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    This is what they said...

    That wasn't a quote. What I read was a quote.


    That is only for S^3 sales, I imagine they will change to S^4 at some point, and they will no longer be classed as S^3 sales.

    Well, 3 is their new OS version. If it only does 50,000,000 considering Nokia's smartphone sales, it means it is only on a portion of them after a whole year. Thats one reason Nokia is so screwed up. It should be on ALL of them. 4 will have the same problem. Both OS's are behind the times, and obsolete anyway. Too little, too late. The N8 isn't impressing anyone so far from what they've seen of it and its specs.
  • Reply 72 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Do they actually mean that, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that Apple is not very open when it comes to actually giving usable numbers. Could you provide an Apple link showing that is what they mean?

    That's exactly what activations mean. It's very clear. Apple doesn't lie about their numbers. They don't have to, they're very good. It's also illegal to do that.

    But companies also say "sold" and "shipped".

    Sold can mean sold to the consumer. But it can also mean sold to the distributer, or the carrier. Palm was doing that. Their "customer" was Sprint. When they said they sold a certain number of phones, they were actually talking about Sprint, not an end user, not activations. It turned out that activations was how they were caught with their pants down, because there were far fewer of them than phones "sold".

    "Shipped" is another way of skirting around the issue. It means little other than they're in the channel. It says nothing about how many were sold, or activated.

    It's too late for me to start looking up links, but that is what it means. You can look it up in Google.
  • Reply 73 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That wasn't a quote. What I read was a quote.

    I provided you a page from Nokia, quoting the (at the time) CEO of Nokia making a statement showing were wrong, but you won't accept it, you would rather believe the quote you can't produce.

    What is wrong with you people on this site?

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Well, 3 is their new OS version. If it only does 50,000,000 considering Nokia's smartphone sales, it means it is only on a portion of them after a whole year. Thats one reason Nokia is so screwed up. It should be on ALL of them. 4 will have the same problem. Both OS's are behind the times, and obsolete anyway. Too little, too late. The N8 isn't impressing anyone so far from what they've seen of it and its specs.

    I think this statement has made me lose what little respect I had left of you. You refuse to read any of the Nokia releases that explain everything you are moaning about, you just like to comment without knowing the facts. The N8 has made a lot of good impressions, just because you don't want to read them, doesn't mean they don't exist. The price alone is very impressive
  • Reply 74 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's exactly what activations mean. It's very clear. Apple doesn't lie about their numbers. They don't have to, they're very good. It's also illegal to do that.

    It is time you took those Apple glasses off, have you actually looked at Apple sales numbers? They don't provide usuable numbers, they don't split by region, they don't split by model.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It's too late for me to start looking up links, but that is what it means. You can look it up in Google.

    translated to, I can't prove it so go away. If you are going to make statements, back them up.
  • Reply 76 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    On GDGT.


    Are we meant to jump up and down when we hear the name "Peter Rojas"? And aren't we meant to hate anyone that had anything to do with Gizmodo?

    A lot of what he says sounds very valid from an American point of view, but he seems to forgot, or doesn't understand some of the divisions of Nokia when making his claims. One is the R&D figure, he includes the whole Nokia figure (which includes NSN, and Navteq), personally, I can't see how the R&D NSN does is going to effect the areas he doesn't like about the phones?
  • Reply 77 of 84

    I read somewhere that Apple also has business activities other than cellphones. Can't find a link to that.

    Seriously, this is worth a read.

  • Reply 78 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I read somewhere that Apple also has business activities other than cellphones. Can't find a link to that.

    I didn't think you would be bright enough to see the units of Apple have a more direct relation when it comes to R&D, compared to NSN, Navteq, and Nokia Handsets.
  • Reply 79 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,549member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    I provided you a page from Nokia, quoting the (at the time) CEO of Nokia making a statement showing were wrong, but you won't accept it, you would rather believe the quote you can't produce.

    What is wrong with you people on this site?

    I think this statement has made me lose what little respect I had left of you. You refuse to read any of the Nokia releases that explain everything you are moaning about, you just like to comment without knowing the facts. The N8 has made a lot of good impressions, just because you don't want to read them, doesn't mean they don't exist. The price alone is very impressive

    Well, considering that I've never had more than a shred of respect for your trolling, I think that's fair. You just don't want to admit that Nokia is going to be the next Motorola, and you keep trying to make all the bad things look good.
  • Reply 80 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Well, considering that I've never had more than a shred of respect for your trolling, I think that's fair.

    I'm glad to see that the moderators truely support the AI trolling criteria

    1. If you disagree with Apple, you are a toll

    2. If You disagree with anyone on this site you are a troll

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You just don't want to admit that Nokia is going to be the next Motorola, and you keep trying to make all the bad things look good.

    What has that go to do with what we were discussing. You stated something you couldn't back up, now I'm a troll. I'm glad to see you have some objective logic there.
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