Apple TV challenge from Google falls flat in 2010



  • Reply 21 of 135
    Nothing wrong with Apple TV that a tuner & DVR wouldn?t fix. Till then, it?s just to me.
  • Reply 22 of 135
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Does anyone else find it funny that when Gollum was on the Apple board they announced all these great things that Google thought of first and in no way copied from Apple because that would be wrong.

    Lets see:

    The iPhone clone - nexus/G1/any other android phone

    iOS - Android

    Macbook clone - That new netbook they DOA'd, G48 or something like that.

    Apple TV - Google TV

    Safari - Chrome browser (as in both based on webkit)

    It just seems that they somehow managed to get hold of all these products (just to name the obvious), when Schmidt was on the board.

    Maybe we should not mention Chrome because Apple copied Netscape, Microsoft, Firefox.
  • Reply 23 of 135
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    Netflix doesn't have any Mad Men seasons or episodes for streaming, but you can order up the first three seasons by mail in standard or Blu-ray if you have an account.

    Streamed three seasons of Man Men on Netflix in Canada. At 7.99 a month, I'm finding the service a great value as I like old movies. (using Apple TV)
  • Reply 24 of 135
    Originally Posted by pt123 View Post

    Maybe we should not mention Chrome because Apple copied Netscape, Microsoft, Firefox.

    Well, Netscape was around before I.E. And Firefox is the evolution of Netscape, so you should really say ?Netscape/Firefox.?

    Then again, HyperCard was around before Netscape.
  • Reply 25 of 135
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Really? The Sony Media Player can stream audio and video content from my iTunes library using three different methods: The device interface, the iTunes interface or using an iOS device as a fully functional GUI remote? It can also stream from my iOS devices too?

    Or are you LYING!?

    Ok, the Sony player cannot do airplay or directly access iTunes.

    Things it can do that AppleTV cannot.

    1) Consume DNLA media from a PC

    2) Hulu Plus

    3) AmazonVOD

    4) Play video/audio from a USB drive

    5) Several other Internet channels (not going to list them)

    Also, if you use a DNLA server that can transcode media it will play your iTunes library.

    It also does have an iPhone app remote as well as Android and BlackBerry.
  • Reply 26 of 135
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    Word is this happens if you're using a name server other than your ISP's (such as Google or OpenDNS) because Akamai can no longer route you to the optimal download paths.

    You are correct, however my other media players have no problem streaming from AmazonVOD using OpenDNS.
  • Reply 27 of 135
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_ View Post

    Well, Netscape was around before I.E. And Firefox is the evolution of Netscape, so you should really say ?Netscape/Firefox.?

    Then again, HyperCard was around before Netscape.

    Netscape huh, I was using CompuServe .....then I downloaded Netscape to my Mac II using my trusty 1440 modem

    took half the night, kept getting up to see if it thought I landed on the moon when it did never went back to sleep. This tech is so much fun......... Just think I could be reading a book right now.
  • Reply 28 of 135
    focherfocher Posts: 688member
    One thing I cannot believe hasn't been covered in the media is Apple's pricing game. If you have both a 1st and 2nd gen ATV, browse through the movies and TV shows. Compare the prices for the same titles. The 2nd gen ATV charges more than the same content on the 1st gen. And it's sometimes by an order of magnitude of around 1.5x the price.

    I've always liked my ATV (I have two 1st gens and one 2nd gen). The software on the 2nd gen still needs some adjustments, as the UI is focused on the content from the cloud and gives second hand treatment to your personal iTunes library. But AIrPlay more than offsets these irritations.

    What is silly are those who still claim the ATV needs DVR functionality? Why? It's a streaming device from content providers, and is intended to give you VOD but from their whole library - not just a library that you've decided to generate on an interim basis with a DVR.

    As for the poster who mentioned slow download speeds, that has not been my experience at all. We rent a movie and within 20-30 seconds it's ready to start watching. And we're in Australia.
  • Reply 29 of 135
    I will be the first to admit everything apple is not perfect but at least it is original and not following everyone else. Apples apps and then everyone else starts up apps and the blackberry commercial not apps but superapps. It just seems everyone else is following apple instead of coming up with some original idea on their own. Stop bashing until you come up with something original.
  • Reply 30 of 135
    juandljuandl Posts: 230member
    I don't know. But I kind of think the AppleTV 2 is really just a Trojan Horse from Apple.

    Sure it probably does a lot of the stuff that some users might want it to do. But evrybody really want more NEW content. Even Jobs mentioned that that would be a hard nut to crack, for all the other guys, for them, and soon for Google's box. Which is exactly what is happening now.

    There is no getting around that. The Networks are not dumb. They know what happened to the Music Labels. They will fight with all their might to keep things as they have been.

    Like I said, Jobs knew that these would be the case. Thats why the ATV seems to be pretty easy to

    jailbreak, (something that the Government supposedly said was not illegal. Sure Apple's line will be

    "That is not what we intended for the ATV".

    So somehow, content will start appearing on the box. The Carriers will cry to Apple the same way the Labels did.

    Apple's answer will be the same. "You have to make your content available to the public. If not they will continue to get it for free. You have to let them buy what they want. No one can control the Internet".

    It will all sound very familiar. The old Trojan Horse trick always works (since way back Troy days).
  • Reply 31 of 135
    Originally Posted by focher View Post

    What is silly are those who still claim the ATV needs DVR functionality? Why? It's a streaming device from content providers, and is intended to give you VOD but from their whole library - not just a library that you've decided to generate on an interim basis with a DVR.

    As for the poster who mentioned slow download speeds, that has not been my experience at all. We rent a movie and within 20-30 seconds it's ready to start watching. And we're in Australia.

    I agree DVR functionality is not required, I want to replace cable not augment it.

    As for the slow download speeds, there are thousands of views of the thread covering it. I can't be the only one...
  • Reply 32 of 135
    Originally Posted by whoismoses View Post

    As for the slow download speeds, there are thousands of views of the thread covering it. I can't be the only one...

    You may not be the only one, but that doesn't make it a common issue. I'm in Japan accessing the US iTunes store and all of my streams have been pretty close to instant on the aTV 2.0 through Wifi-N with the router on the second floor.

    Edit: I'm pretty surprised at what I can do through wifi without any streaming issues. All of my movie files are on the time-machine connected wifi to my macbook and then backup wifi, then down to the aTV. I've done 720P and 1080P (obviously the aTV down converts it) without issue.
  • Reply 33 of 135
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Easy one here

    $99 > $300

    Plus Google knows bupkiss about designing interfaces that people actually want to pay for. They were well beyond their competency in trying to sell a box to play media and it shows in the miserable sales.
  • Reply 34 of 135
    Instead of sadly trying to copy Apple at every turn, Google should be focusing on the key source of competition that could kill it: Facebook. If I was on their Board, that's what I would be telling them.

    At this point, they seem to be flailing about like a strategically clueless organization, throwing just about everything at the wall, and hoping that something sticks.
  • Reply 35 of 135
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by psedog View Post

    You may not be the only one, but that doesn't make it a common issue. I'm in Japan accessing the US iTunes store and all of my streams have been pretty close to instant on the aTV 2.0 through Wifi-N with the router on the second floor.

    Edit: I'm pretty surprised at what I can do through wifi without any streaming issues. All of my movie files are on the time-machine connected wifi to my macbook and then backup wifi, then down to the aTV. I've done 720P and 1080P (obviously the aTV down converts it) without issue.

    Up until a couple of months ago, my ATV downloads would occasional slow to a crawl (hours to download a tv show).

    I talked to my internet provider (I'm in Canada by the way, but use the US iTunes store), and talked to Apple support.

    My ISP said that, as far as they could tell, it was not a problem on their end. The Apple guy I talked to via email said that Apple was aware of the problem, asked me a ton of questions, and then said that they were working on it.

    Since then, I have found that I get about 10Mb/s consistently.

    I thought that maybe the NC server farm was up and running. I'm sorry to hear that the problem is still persisting for some.
  • Reply 36 of 135
    Google fu**** up. They thought they were going to be able to distribute the content of the tv networks as they saw fit and they were shut down!!!

    It ain't Google's content!!!!!

    The internet tv is bullsh**! We are on the internet all effing day with our smart phones, laptops, netbooks whatever. So why the hell do I need to surf the net while watching tv? It is dumb!!! But that is what Google is counting on so you and I will just, like tards, skim through the internet on our tv while being bombarded with effing advertisements. That to me is a dystopian lifestyle and I'm not having it.
  • Reply 37 of 135
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_ View Post

    Well, Netscape was around before I.E. And Firefox is the evolution of Netscape, so you should really say ?Netscape/Firefox.?

    Then again, HyperCard was around before Netscape.

    Then again the first web browser was built on Job's NEXT tech with no small amount of support from the mothership.

    Google is playing tech poker against the guy who took down Microsoft after they double-crossed him. Betting on Google to out-Microsoft Apple is a very silly wager. Its been less than two years and the cracks are already starting to appear.

    Also don't forget to add to the Google rip-off list:

    AdMob - iAd

    They really thought that buy swooping in and gobbling up AdMob, that they would be able to rule mobile advertising. Apple played them for chumps by publically advertising their interest in AdMob, while the real sights were on Quattro. Google panicked and rushed to buy the less desirable company, vastly over-payed for a company who's sole asset was embedded in iPhone apps. Apple then turns around and quickly grabs the larger, more rounded Quattro for a comparative bargain. Google fails on their rip of the App Store, then Apple launches their iAd service for iOS developers and even despite launch glitches, gobbles up AdMod market and clients. Now they are neck and neck, with AdMob losing momentum and failing to even pay off Google's investment. Simply put - Eric Schmidt is an idiot when it comes to tech, his only real talent is selling Google site visitor data to marketers and advertisers... and that wasn't even his idea either.

    Google's essentially a website, and only 6 little characters away from irrelevance at anytime.
  • Reply 38 of 135
    Originally Posted by nasht View Post

    I received a free Google Logitech Revue as a developer, I'm just starting to use it.

    While I agree that it is not perfect and there is room for improvement, I really believe that it has a great potential.

    Also, I don't subscribe to cable and I think more and more people do the same. So the argument that cable set boxes are free or cheap isn't really going to work in the longterm.

    It might too early, but I think both Google and Apple are right to invest in this industry.

    Those people not subscribing to Cable, overwhelmingly subscribe to DirecTV or DISH Network.
  • Reply 39 of 135
    Hi Kasper.

    If you keep banning IP addresses, you will begin to ban some of the most popular Starbuck's locations in a major Northeast city.

    Just so you know.

    And BTW, IP addresses are in infinite supply to me, so banning IPs does exactly nothing bad for me.

    If you'd like, we can agree to just get along.
  • Reply 40 of 135
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,520member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    I cancelled my cable service and now use Netflix, Hulu Plus, and AppleTV exclusively. In doing so, I'm saving about $80 monthly.

    I don't know about Google's latest offering, but the new AppleTV is awesome - especially with AirPlay.

    I'm totally jealous. If my wife would agree then I would totally do that.
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