Netgear CEO rails on Apple's Steve Jobs, praises Android



  • Reply 181 of 226
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    "Jobs returned to his previous job at Atari and was given the task of creating a circuit board for the game Breakout. According to Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, Atari had offered US$100 for each chip that was eliminated in the machine. Jobs had little interest or knowledge in circuit board design and made a deal with Wozniak to split the bonus evenly between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the amazement of Atari, Wozniak reduced the number of chips by 50, a design so tight that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line. At the time, Jobs told Wozniak that Atari had only given them $700 (instead of the actual $5000) and that Wozniak's share was thus $350.[38][39][40][41][42][43]" - from wikipedia

    he's a clever piece of work. will give him that. nice how he f***** his own best(?) friend around even back then.

    Yeah! I don't regret anything I did when I was 20. Right.
  • Reply 182 of 226
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Of course not. That's just where it starts. Then we have Compiz, which Mac users will come to know as OS XI.

    Hey, thanks for tossing that into the discussion. I went and googled it to see what it was and it looks like a pretty interesting peek at the future. I'm not sure if it's in Apple's future, but I believe it could take off.
  • Reply 183 of 226
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    You guys are a bunch of fanbois. Lo said a bunch of sensible reasons why Apple won't have its profit base forever. Would I buy an Android based iPad? Sure. Will a quality Android piece come out? Yes it will.

    Apple has about 3 years of gravy for each new invention. Steve Jobs is medically ill. When he dies... which is medically likely, if you examine the facts... Apple's innovation magic and marketing self censorship also die.

    AAPL today is priced like they own the telephone business, the music business and the mobile app business combined. None of this is true. Generics will catch up. A couple of years late, but they will catch up. Would I rather pay $199 for an iPad, sure. The Chinese will back Lenovo so hard, Apple will forget what street its bank is on.

    Which facts do you have that others don't? All I find are rumors. It is a medical certainty that Steve will die and that we will all die at some point but just maybe not today. Just how Lo are you willing to go to make a point and even then your point isn't an original thought but stolen from someone else.

    Using your logic the iPod business should have been taken over by others long ago, yet Apple still dominates that market. The iPhone still has no competition unless you count ALL Android phones against Apple's two iPhones. iPad year two and still no valid competition yet.
  • Reply 184 of 226
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Even Apple's worst product get more attention and sales than their best.

    What about the ReadyNAS? What does Apple make to compete with this?
  • Reply 185 of 226
    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    As in very much? As in, Safari is based on a Linux Web Browser?

    Mac OS X being Open, as is stated on the Apple Website (though, however, not Open Source), I'd call BS on your comment.

    As in you're full of crap?

    KHTML/KJS was gutted out of WebKit years ago. Keep fantasizing.
  • Reply 186 of 226
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    What about the ReadyNAS? What does Apple make to compete with this?

    Netgear doesn't make Xserve. What's your point.

    The original poster was clear. Even Apple's worst product gets more public press than Netgear's best product.

    Netgear Sales from 2009:

    They don't break down the sales of each product but I'm betting their flagship product has less sales than AppleTV.
  • Reply 187 of 226
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    GNU isn't a license.

    OS X isn't called 'XNU'

    why? you go figure it out.

    where would FSF be without linux? good chance not as far along as they are now but who knows, they could have picked up some bsd and kept chuggin right along, maybe even using parts of darwin. who knows? why does it matter? you don't want to give credit to hard work done by programmers other than linus?

    linus has done some good stuff and so have others. you seem to hate stallman yet love jobs. what has jobs done that is so worth praise? made lots of money?

    jobs would be selling suits or used cars if he hadn't of met wozniak.

    Are you really that daft? I never said GNU was a license, I said they have a license. I said nothing about OS X at all

    Your reading comprehension is as absent as ever. Kind of makes the rest of the post worthless. Typical troll trash.
  • Reply 188 of 226
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,031member
    I'm guessing the root of the rant is Netgear approached Apple to license something - Airplay, some enhanced NAS storage with high level Time Machine, iPhoto, iTunes integration, or something else, and Apple wouldn't give Netgear the time of day. Possibly prototyped products, invested in marketing strategy, etc., got all pumped up to make a pitch - and got pooped on.

    Otherwise, this tourette's-like tirade from a company like Netgear is beyond bizzare. Who's next to bitch? Electrolux?
  • Reply 189 of 226
    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    I'm guessing the root of the rant is Netgear approached Apple to license something - Airplay, some enhanced NAS storage with high level Time Machine, iPhoto, iTunes integration, or something else, and Apple wouldn't give Netgear the time of day. Possibly prototyped products, invested in marketing strategy, etc., got all pumped up to make a pitch - and got pooped on.

    Otherwise, this tourette's-like tirade from a company like Netgear is beyond bizzare. Who's next to bitch? Electrolux?

    Who knows? Perhaps NetGear is frustrated that Apple dashed their aspirations for entering the MP3 player, mobile phone or tablet computer business...

    Patrick Lo: "Apple's not fair! I was gonna do that! Curses! Always one step ahead of me!!!"
  • Reply 190 of 226
    ericblrericblr Posts: 172member
    Netgear CEO bitches about Apple? LOL!

    Mr Lo, your products are inferior pieces of crap! I have owned 2 netgear routers, and both had to be restarted at LEAST every couple of days! Netgear makes bottom shelf, low-end pieces of hardware that barely last a year. I spent the extra dough to get an Airport extreme base station. Ive had it for 2 months, and I have not had to mess with it AT ALL!

    So, Mr. Lo, please do a few things,

    A. Pull your head out of your ass

    B. Start to make a product worth a damn

    C. Stop sleeping with movie executives

    If you can do that, you might prevent your ignorance from being exposed!
  • Reply 191 of 226
    Originally Posted by steftheref View Post

    theolein writes:

    "All our routers are Netgear. Of all the network makers that are not Cisco or HP, Netgear's devices are by far the best. Extremely robust and reliable. Never had a failure in 8 years. That's Netgear's professional line up, and home devices may be different, I don't know."

    So what you're saying is Netgear are 3rd best, after Cisco and HP. You may well be right.

    On Mr. Lo's whinge about Apple being a closed solution, one must point out that even if Netgear kit is as good as you say, one thing it is NOT, however, is OPEN. Ever tried to modify their firmware? Or the configuration app? Or is it OK to be CLOSED when you're Netgear, but not when you're Apple?

    Here you go. Netgear very well publishes the source code to device firmware that is based on GPL'd software. The GPL license in fact requires it. So now that we've cleared up that point, what is it you were trying to say again?
  • Reply 192 of 226
    Originally Posted by fecklesstechguy View Post

    So there are other alternatives and this may well go the way of Xserve RAID and get picked up for supply by one of the Apple spin-off companies, hardware-wise. Why should Apple focus limited resources on a part of the supply-chain that represents so little return? So FCP Studio/Server and Xsan require constant tweaking to be viable? Sounds like an unnecessary resource drain to me - again in an area that already has suitable alternatives NOT requiring addressing the whinging of so-called professionals.

    Consumer product-wise, you obviously aren't paying attention to what matters - while marketshare is undeniably important - the most profitable segment of the existing marketshare is what is most critical - and what Apple goes for. You obviously don't run a Fortune 50 company or else this would be abundantly obvious to you and not require patient and persistent correction to your misunderstanding.

    No, I said Apple is doing extremely well, and from a financial point of view, Apple's decision is sound and makes sense. But no hardware company is going to pick up where Apple left off because Apple's license does not allow that. Additionally, Apple's hurt a lot of very loyal customers with the decision (do you know how much Apple Server Certification costs?) People will survive and carry on, but they will probably not trust Apple with important systems any more.

    And as for running a fortune 50 company, what on earth does that have to do with anything? I run one of the largest professional Mac installations in the country where I live and Apple's decision has made my job much harder and certainly less willing to consider Macs in favour of other systems where available or possible.

    But whatever. It doesn't matter. I don't particularly want to argue about what Apple does or does not do.
  • Reply 193 of 226
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    Your comment is ignorant. Comparing the consumer crap they make with a professional line is a broken comparison. If your experience is real than it also illustrates a basic disrespect by Netgear for the non-professional Netgear user. Personally, I'm not a fan of their office targeted gear either, it falls apart way too easily and every switch needs duct tape to keep the power brick plug connected. The damn things fall out on their own from everyday building vibration -- that's shoddy design.

    Maybe you engage your brain before rattling off when you already advertise you don't know what you are speaking of. You would have been far better off just leaving it with the last sentence of your second paragraph.

    I do wonder how you mount your switches? I've never had power plugs fall out of our Netgear switches, but your experience may be different.

    I won't post on this forum anymore, because any opinion that does not put a halo around Apple in general and Steve Jobs in particular is immediately jumped on and attacked for simply having said opinion. It seems as if this forum is more a venue for Apple supporters to agree with one another on how terrible everything else is.

    Have fun, bye.
  • Reply 194 of 226
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by theolein View Post

    I do wonder how you mount your switches? I've never had power plugs fall out of our Netgear switches, but your experience may be different.

    They're just sitting there on the shelf. It takes about six months. Not quite clockwork, but close.


    I won't post on this forum anymore, because any opinion that does not put a halo around Apple in general and Steve Jobs in particular is immediately jumped on and attacked for simply having said opinion. It seems as if this forum is more a venue for Apple supporters to agree with one another on how terrible everything else is.

    Have fun, bye.


    And OBTW it wasn't because you disagreed. It's because you were an asshat about it. So don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  • Reply 195 of 226
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    Without the Linux kernel GNU would be dead in the water with no viable operating system. All they would have is re-appropriated BSD unix code. The BSD guys would shrug and go on their way and everyone else would use their stuff, rather than the GNU stuff, due to the viral licensing restrictions. But because Linux is far better staffed with regular contributors that actively push and extend the platform it rightly has ascended past the traditional unixes and users are quite comfortable with the GPL2 that Linus has posted his code under.

    Without that active Linux community, there isn't anything compelling to build on compared to the rest of what's out there. GNU would be just another license, with far harsher terms for consumers of code, and that would lead to irrelevance.

    Actually it should be called IBM/Linux given all the tech IBM gave to linux (JFS, RCU, etc). If it weren't for the corporate coders Linux would be about as interesting as OpenBSD. IBM and HP poured millions into Linux to destroy Sun and they succeeded.
  • Reply 196 of 226
    If I was the CEO of Netgear I'd put my efforts to trying to make some good products, stopped selling their junk years ago.
  • Reply 197 of 226
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    Oh jeez... FYI Linux have a similar desktop market share than Mac (total of retail sales Linux represented 8% of desktop operating systems in 2010 *)...

    Now from servers to educational, gov and scientific institutions, linux is everywhere, and we are all glad that you still ignore it.


    The "debunking" is so stupid that only freetards repeat it. Even a RH employee told her she was wrong. Linux desktop marketshare is 1-2% and she's a complete moron.
  • Reply 198 of 226
    I got brand new Netgear router as a gift from my friend. Huge box (bigger than my router), supposedly had 13 or more antennas in it .... along with 13 blue diodes flashing and blinking like crazy all the times - the whole room was blue at night - disgusting. Well, I would not mind the light (covered with ducktape) but the router used to lose connectivity about once - twice an hour (great when you are on Skype call). I have returned it back to my friend and bought Airport Express instead.

    Never more Netgear.
  • Reply 199 of 226
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Netgear doesn't make Xserve. What's your point.

    More people would have heard about the Netgear routers that an XServe, and my point is valid, Apple doesn't make a small NAS product (they don't make any), Netgear does.
  • Reply 200 of 226
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    GNU would be just another license,.

    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    Are you really that daft? I never said GNU was a license, I said they have a license. I said nothing about OS X at all

    Your reading comprehension is as absent as ever. Kind of makes the rest of the post worthless. Typical troll trash.

    "GNU would be just another license". You can't even understand your own post? you are a joke.
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