Android 3.0 Honeycomb more akin to Tablet PC than iPad



  • Reply 61 of 282
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    E.g., Honeycomb requires dual cores, while Galaxy Tab (how old is that?) is only single core.

    That's common for Android makers, because of the thin margin, they want people to buy their new products as they release.

    Honeycomb doesn't require dual cores.
  • Reply 62 of 282
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by jamrolu View Post

    I didn't say that. An iPhone user can't browse iTunes on the computer and have it automatically load to the phone. That was my point.

    I just did that with my wife's HTC. went to android market and sent a few things her way. THAT is the power of the internet. We will see this from Apple in due course.
  • Reply 63 of 282
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    Flame if you want but I actually like the idea that Google have sat down, thought about how they would want a 10" tablet interface to work, and then customized Android from the ground up for that interface.

    What Google have created is something distinctly different from what the iPad offers. I can't say I'm personally be interested is buying one, but I appreciate that Google are offering an alternative.

    We can't Google-bash when they copy what Apple does and then Google-bash again when they don't.

    You normally write crap posts, but I actually agree with you to an extent.

    Give them credit that they have not copied the iPad UI, but thats all.

    To me it looks too much like a PC/Windows desktop, YUK.

    And what gives with the battery sucking widgets that continuously poll for data ?

    Will the app killer be still the number 1 app on their app store ?

    ANd finally, yes, more fragmentation, but I predicted this, as have others. Introducing a tablet with a tablet-friendly and phone-unfriendly OS will only make matters worse.

    That is why Apple are brilliant with iOS4*.
  • Reply 64 of 282
    Originally Posted by some internet dude View Post

    I like how the article says " Googles busy new Tablet". LOL. what the article fails to understand is that you can make it as busy or nothing but a background on the desktop. But I guess its a matter of choice, something Jobs does not let his iPad sheep have.

    It took Android about two years to be the number one mobile OS in the world, i'm guessing it will take Honeycomb and the following version there of even less to come out on top as the number one tablet OS.

    Yep I'm an iPad sheep. So are my family including a 7 year old who picked it up and was comfortable in its use after 5 mins, after 30 mins became fluent.

    But I guess you fandroids don't get simplicity do you.

    All fail with your reasoning that computers are complicated and for serious work and definitely not for the non-IT crowd.

    How guess what ? I'm a computer programmer, but I still prefer the pure simplicity of my Apple products any day.

    By the way your assertion that Android is the number 1 mobile OS is actually not true, I suggest you retract this and actually do some research, but I guess fandroids don't have to, right ?

    Count iPod, iPad and iPhone which all are capable of using iOS4.2 (unlike android hardware that is fragmentation hell), iOS is way ahead of android OS. Your ignorance/lies are astonishing.
  • Reply 65 of 282
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by amicablealligator View Post

    Here are some of my thoughts:

    In Honeycomb, Google is offering much more options and features, at the price of being rougher around the edges, which is the cost of being flexible with an open market.

    In the iPad 2, Apple will continue to do what it did really well with the iPad, maintain a simple but focused user interface.

    Overtime, both will be drawn closer to one another and borrow certain features. iOS will borrow Android's notifications bar, Android will borrow some of iOS's gestures, but they each will continue to maintain the above stance.

    Both OS's will be extremely popular. With options and choices, consumers win. Apple will continue to drive Google to improve, and Google will drive Apple to do the same.

    Within 2 years, the Android tablet userbase will surpass iOS's. And with the larger user-base, Android will draw in an increasing number of (iOS) developers.

    Once everything is stabilized, Android will own the majority of the smartphone AND tablet space. But iOS will continue to serve its loyal fanbase with a very sharp and purposeful UX for its products.

    You created this account to type this
  • Reply 66 of 282
    Originally Posted by jw915 View Post

    I use an Android tablet and an iPad daily and have to say: the author doesn't know what he is talking about.

    Microsoft's tablet PCs are a direct adaptation of desktop systems, with cumbersome window management, pen input, and other misfeatures. They are totally different from both Android tablets and iPads.

    Android tablets are very much like the iPad, only that they offer some additional features: you can (but don't have to) put widgets on the home screen, you get additional soft keyboards (many of them far superior to Apple's), and applications are better integrated and more consistent than iPad apps.

    I guarantee you, just like Apple finally gave in and added multitasking to iOS, Apple will be adding widgets and other Android features as well: they have to, otherwise they'll be falling behind further and further.

    Android 2.2 is already a superior tablet OS to iOS 4.2, and Android 3.0 is far ahead of iOS 4.2.

    I'm rolling around on the floor dying of laughter from your insane post.

    Are you for real dude ?

    Which Android tablet do you use ? How come you fandroids always lump product under the android umbrella ? Come on give us the name ? Is it that cheap Chinese crap that was released about 6 months ago, and is only good as a door stopper ? Is it the galaxy tab perhaps ?

    That wonderful piece of garbage that uses a version of android that was not meant to be used on a tablet. The one with the lag, sloppy UI, where you can't buy apps for it.

    Come one tell me your iPad killer, I'm dying to know.
  • Reply 67 of 282
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by jamrolu View Post

    I actually felt the need to register so I could reply to this.

    I fail to believe that Apple customers who have above average income and hopefully above average IQ are incapable of assessing a competing product from a neutral, non-biased perspective. Seriously people!

    This article omitted the "buy on the web automatically downloaded to phone" aspect of the web Android Market. You might love iTunes, and connecting your iPhone via USB, but surely you can see that there might be some merit in browsing on your computer and having it appear on the phone automatically? It's a good feature, which is why the author chose to omit it.

    Similarly, this is a laughable pot shot:

    "The difference is that Apple's web store links to iTunes for purchases, which can be made via credit cards (since 2008); Google still only accepts its own Google Checkout for payments."

    How is registering for an iTunes account and adding your credit card details any different from registering for a Google Checkout account and adding your credit card details? How do you think you pay via Google Checkout if it isn't via a card?! Come on!

    Caveat: massive Apple fan since 2003.

    Likes reading objective news and forming his own opinion.


    I hope you continue to bring more to the discussion than many of the recent trolls have been doing.
  • Reply 68 of 282
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    To me it looks too much like a PC/Windows desktop, YUK.


    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    And what gives with the battery sucking widgets that continuously poll for data ?


    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Will the app killer be still the number 1 app on their app store ?

    And false
  • Reply 69 of 282
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Your ignorance/lies are astonishing.

  • Reply 70 of 282
    Originally Posted by amicablealligator View Post

    Here are some of my thoughts:

    In Honeycomb, Google is offering much more options and features, at the price of being rougher around the edges, which is the cost of being flexible with an open market.

    In the iPad 2, Apple will continue to do what it did really well with the iPad, maintain a simple but focused user interface.

    Overtime, both will be drawn closer to one another and borrow certain features. iOS will borrow Android's notifications bar, Android will borrow some of iOS's gestures, but they each will continue to maintain the above stance.

    Both OS's will be extremely popular. With options and choices, consumers win. Apple will continue to drive Google to improve, and Google will drive Apple to do the same.

    Within 2 years, the Android tablet userbase will surpass iOS's. And with the larger user-base, Android will draw in an increasing number of (iOS) developers.

    Once everything is stabilized, Android will own the majority of the smartphone AND tablet space. But iOS will continue to serve its loyal fanbase with a very sharp and purposeful UX for its products.

    Um, Apple borrow anything from android, are you kidding me ?

    We are talking about the spawn of the devil that was stolen by Google, remember this piece of history ? If you are going to post, try and make yourself look un-trollish as possible please.

    As I stated repeatedly there will be thousands of android handsets and tables, the differentiation will be so blurred by the multitude of screen sizes, that soon no one will know whether its an android phone or tablet.

    Then there will be the 20 - 30, if not more, versions of the android OS.

    So Mr. Joe public will know which one to get will he ? Will he chance on "X", hoping that it can play Angry Birds ? Imagine him sitting there waiting months for an OS update, while tens of new android crap ware have hit the market with OS version n.n.

    Tell me genius boy, how is the general product going to choose ?

    I think android will increase in popularity with regards to tablets (there are after all geeks out there and cheap skates), but will soon be so over super saturated with their BOGO, that they will be a blur in the eyes of the consumer, who will be soon tire of having to many choices and start buying the iPad. So in effect androids early popularity will be it's undoing.

    By the way, a couple of things, is having the greater market more profitable, Apple certainly doesn't think so ($57 billion cash reserves), hight stock value and share prices, but I guess that is irrelevant right ?

    Also Samsung were caught out in their lies on galaxy tabs shipped vs actual sales, the same applies to android phones, and why wouldn't it. So I question the myth of android taking over the smart phone market. I hardly see them, but always see iPhones everywhere.
  • Reply 71 of 282
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post



    And false

    I post false to your falses. You have your opinion on the GUI and I mine.

    But please pray tell explain to me why the widgets won't suck the battery dry like a vampire at a teenage girl's slumber party ?

    Also what is the state of play with the app killer, has android eventually been fixed of their myriard of bugs, but simply have not gone out to the masses, because they are at the mercy of the carriers/manufacturers ? Please enlighten me.
  • Reply 72 of 282
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Based purely upon watching videos of Honeycomb and reading articles about it, it looks to strike a much better balance between a laptop and a phone than the iPad currently does. It's still very much a simplified device (far from what the AI article implies, it's far from being like a windows 7 tablet), but it uses the screen space intelligently and gives the user far more power for customisation.

    Hopefully iOS 5 will bring similar power to iPad users.
  • Reply 73 of 282
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    But please pray tell explain to me why the widgets won't suck the battery dry like a vampire at a teenage girl's slumber party ?

    Tell why a widget showing received SMS sucks battery, tell me how a widget showing a list of books sucks battery. Tell me how a widget checking every 30 min if there is a new message sucks the battery more than push notifications.

    And you say you are a programmer? Please: and inform a little about widgets, intents, services, etc.

    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Also what is the state of play with the app killer, has android eventually been fixed of their myriard of bugs, but simply have not gone out to the masses, because they are at the mercy of the carriers/manufacturers ? Please enlighten me.

    Android >1.6 doesn't need app killers.


    Your ignorance/lies are astonishing.
  • Reply 74 of 282
    Apple clearly won out of the gate but are poised to take a severe blow to their conservative, walled, hubris-laden system. No Flash on the ipad SUCKS. Missing out on this functionality means that I can not perform certain aspects of running my business from a tablet computer when it should be a non issue.

    The trend is openness and functionality. Finally, there are other, less restrictive options with Honeycomb- Zoom and the forthcoming( super hyped ) HP/Palm slate coming next week.

    Lets see where we are in a year from now

    And to all you reformed Google haters: the geeks today are the average users tomorrow.
  • Reply 75 of 282
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by some internet dude View Post

    poor or not the numbers speak volumes number 1 in the world baby,

    So is Acer (or is it Dell?) What's your point?

    Whoring out your OS to any and all takers - right down to junk-purveyors, and then claiming market share gains when your lousy junk sells boatloads because it's cheap and features some poorly-implemented touchscreen is hardly impressive.

    This is why there currently exists no *single* iPhone-Killer. There is no Premiere product on the level of the iPhone. The iPhone alone is still the best-selling handset. Google needs to rely on fragmentation and sheer number of models at varying price points, while Apple - with a single phone (or at most, two) - holds impressive market share with blockbuster sales each quarter. And now there's a Verizon iPhone. Which is what *really* worries Google. It isn't market share that they're concerned about. It's developers. iOS is where the money is.

    Google is doing exactly what MS did with the old Windows Mobile. Except this time around there's no money in it. Except for the carriers.
  • Reply 76 of 282
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    And now there's a Verizon iPhone. Which is what *really* worries Google. It isn't market share that they're concerned about. It's developers. iOS is where the money is.

    You know there is a world outside USA, don't you?
  • Reply 77 of 282
    Originally Posted by bodypainter View Post

    if they wrap this up in a nice price, they will have a great success with it, simply because once apple is too expensive. apple has now got all the early adopters, apple fans and loyal fanbase. but that's it! many, many people out there buy things only if they can afford them. apple, it would be time for an ipad and an ipad pro! the ipad pro is what we have right now (including camera, retina display, aluminum design) and the "other" ipad is plastic/rubber, "normal" display, bad facetime cam and comes in black, white, orange, tangerine, green and pink! and it also has a price tag of 299 us$ for the white, and 349 us$ for the other pads!

    The Galaxy Tab was a lot more expensive that I thought it would be. $500-650 for a 7" tab running Froyo is expensive for that form factor. If Honeycomb is halfway decent and vendors can price point down to something reasonable, it could become the poor man's iPad. That's not a knock on Honeycomb, I'm talking hardware quality and general usability. I don't think iPad will be beat in either of those departments for a long time. But I know at least a couple people who are likely waiting to see how Honeycomb pans out. Price will be everything.

    As far as a possible iPad and iPad Pro, very doubtful. The less expensive/less capabile iPad is the iPod Touch. Those will keep flying off the shelves for a while. Andrdoid-based tabs will come and go, and hardware vendors will pump out cheap hardware in hopes of moving volume.

    I think a model of how the tablet wars will play out will be what happens when people start buying iPhones from Verizon. Android has a huge head start on Verizon.
  • Reply 78 of 282
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Goocher View Post

    I think a model of how the tablet wars will play out will be what happens when people start buying iPhones from Verizon. Android has a huge head start on Verizon.

    A lot of Verizon customers have been waiting for an iPhone, apparently. Now they can get The Real Thing™.
  • Reply 79 of 282
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post

    You know there is a world outside USA, don't you?

    Yup, Android is chased out to Asia & Africa where RIM & Nokia are waiting.
  • Reply 80 of 282
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Here is the fundamental issue, it the same as MS has always had, software companies do no do hardward. There is a saying Hardward engineers can design hardware and BTW they usually know how to wrote code as well, however, software engineers can not design hardware.

    There is no way that Google can have a tight integration with the hardware, ask your self who's hardware design did Google spend all this time optimizing as they said. Was it with the Xoom or something else, who knows.

    Android eco-system is starting to see the pains of windows of years pass which was it work on one system but it does not work well with another, and god forbid you loaded some software it it interfered with other software. So when something does not work, who do you call, Motorola, Samsung, .... or Google (ops forgot they do not answer support calls) or do you call the poor app developer who may or may not have the time to deal with your issue and is not convince it is even his problem.

    As much as all the people talk about apple is close and proprietary and open wins every time, however, they forget that people today just want something that works, since they are tired of the MS model or pointing the fingers around.

    Think about it this way, how many of you buy your car in pieces and then just to find someone who will take responsibility for it when it not working the way you expect.
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