Apple unveils iOS 5 with Notification Center, 1500 added APIs, 200 new user features



  • Reply 161 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Netbooks used to be the closest thing, and that's why they sold as well as they did, and why we see many people buying tablets instead. It's what they wanted to begin with.

    Exactly. Netbooks didn't necessarily sell because they were what people wanted, they were the best solution at the time.


    Believe it or not, netbooks are still an overkill for many many people, and it's THESE people that switch to tablets.

    Yup. Just like for the vast majority of people, a full blown personal computer (Mac or Windows) is overkill. iOS is going to move into the "everyman computer" role that up until now general purpose personal computers held.

    And just like Mainframes and minicomputers didn't go away but evolved, the general purpose PC's role will evolve too. It will still be there for those who want or need them.

    I swear the rampant paranoia and insecurity around iOS by some makes the hyperventilation over the mere existence of the Mac by some non-Apple users pale in comparison
  • Reply 162 of 226
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Or why not just support Skype rather than limiting it to only work with other iPhones.

    Because then they wouldn't control the total user experience.
  • Reply 163 of 226
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Or why not just support Skype rather than limiting it to only work with other iPhones.

    For the same reason Google Voice doesn't get native support.

    Now that Microsoft owns Skype and the underlying technology, that's the last thing Apple should support natively in iOS 5.

    If you need Skype (or GV), get the apps for it.

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Because then they wouldn't control the total user experience.

    Sometimes it's not as much about not having control over the user experience as it is about who would control it...
  • Reply 164 of 226
    shrikeshrike Posts: 494member
    Originally Posted by guch20 View Post

    Seriously? You think Apple saw Microsoft present this feature for Windows 8 just recently, then really quickly copied it? Do you know how stupid that makes you look?

    Heh, Microsoft itself is saying Apple is copying the "split keyboard" idea from Win 8. What will be funny is the iOS 5 will be on iPads about 1 year before Win 8 hits the market.

    Ah. Trolldom. It deserves nothing less than total derision.
  • Reply 165 of 226
    Bluetooth/WiFi Homescreen Button??

    Please, please please let this make it into iOS5.
  • Reply 166 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Jcoz View Post

    Well I think the reason this was underwhelming for a lot of people is because it seems a good chuck of the big hitters in this keynote were fixing deficiencies.

    Just like the iPhone fixed the deficiencies that was the entire class of smartphones before it.

    Were back to "Everything is amazing and no one is happy"

    Bunch of petulant whiners. Welcome to the Internet!
  • Reply 167 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Gonsalvesd View Post

    Someone please tell me that IOS5 will finally allow saving and filing of articles of interest on my iPad

    Yes - they are synced to the cloud. Seriously, watch the keynote. And no, it's not a file system like you are accustomed to. And yes, that's a good thing!
  • Reply 168 of 226
    jexusjexus Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    It's not about geek oriented checklists, developers or the tech press - it's about the users! The average joe users too....

    The relationship between Geeks and Joes is one strained beyond imagination, but is the reason for the world we live in today.

    The Geeks have provided the tech and information necessary for the Joes to enjoy such benefits.

    However the Geeks would have no incentive to make their technologies or ideas public if the Joes were not as supportive.

    The only major conflict was to who should set the standard. The Joes being more plentiful outright won that battle. The Joe is still dependent however on the geek to supply him/her with products and/or protect them from other geeks.
  • Reply 169 of 226
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    DocNo42, you seem to be a bit on the grumpy side this morning.
  • Reply 170 of 226
    hoganhogan Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by HKZ View Post

    Good to see that Apple continues to take ideas and feature design directly from the jailbreak community. At least someone knows what people want and how to get it to them quickly and well done. Here's to Apple continuing to copy jailbreak devs for future iOS features!

    The irony of it... And so many of those jailbreak apps exist to deliver functionality available on Android but which Apple didn't wish to support.

    There is still room for Apple to copy.
  • Reply 171 of 226
    bongobongo Posts: 158member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Actually it's you that is blinkered and ignorant, Android fan boy that you are. Most iOS users have been pretty much in agreement that if Apple were to improve anything on iOS, is should have been notifications first.

    As far as Apple fanboys infesting Android sites, utter and complete bullshit. You're straight up lying. OTOH, go to the comments on pretty much any Apple article on any tech site and listen to the long, ugly yowl of the Android army as they belittle the site management for sucking Apple's dick for even mentioning the name and bellowing about the "fanboys" and what they'd probably be saying or thinking, if they were actually in evidence.

    Kind of like what your'e doing here. I mean, you're reduced to incomprehensible gibberish like claiming that people are responding well to Apple's just announced notification system is evidence that they thought Apple's notification was better all along.

    I'm glad you think being an asshole is funny, but it isn't really. Android people are the biggest douchebags on the internet, constantly on the lookout for any Apple news they can shit on. I guess iOS users are too busy enjoying their gear to bother to do the same-- although apparently they don't have to, since the average Android user is convinced that these fan boys are everywhere, just about to say something stupid.

    Really, look at this thread. Apple oriented site, Apple announces big update to iOS that addresses a lot of long standing complaints, and there are half a dozen assholes on the thread smirking and trolling and talking about "catch up" and "copying." You'd never see that on an Android site in a million years. Asshole.

    I give up. My comments were all based on features, and I specifically said that EVERYONE copies. I had an iphone until 3 weeks back, which I loved as well. Im a gadget and tech head, have all sorts in my home, while I type this on a mac. I read multiple sites not to find and comment. In fact, I rarely comment. But you obviously dont read as many sites as I do. Next time I see an Android release(Ice Cream is coming out in a few months) and Apple fanboys on there, I will be sure to PM you and make you shut your mouth up. Go read the Samsung S2 releases on some android sites, and you will see what I am talking about. I read apple and Android and WM and WebOS articles on different sites(use a news aggregator, heard of it?). So, before you go on and start talking bullshit out of your ignoramus rear, read my arguments, for ALL sides, not just Android or Apple. I ALSO said that some users, like yourself, agree that notifications needed to be improved. I ALSO said that there ARE Apple fanbois who made comments about Android's notifications being good, but at the same time, I read a bunch of comments which said how Apple's notifications will eventually beat Android's and make it look like crap. So, dont pick and choose my comments. Learn how to read the whole thing, not between the lines to suit your view.

    If you dont read enough, thats not my fault. Calling me asshole without doing enough research says a lot. Before calling someone else names, look at your own post. Read it, and re-read it. You are no different than the Android/Apple trolls.

    You can now go suck Steve's since you dont believe a word I am saying.

    Over, and out.
  • Reply 172 of 226
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by poke View Post

    No, that's not what I'm telling you. I'm telling you Apple created a new touchscreen UI for phones and other devices virtually from scratch and Google copied all of it. Inertial scrolling, swipe, pinch to zoom, the way touch-based UI widgets work, the on-screen keyboard, copy and paste, the way the browser works, many of the basic design elements of apps, and so on. Sure, there's a few things that are different. Some of them come from the fact that Android was originally going after the Blackberry and had a menu and icon based UI more suited to a track ball. Some stuff is original. But the bulk of it, as it has developed over the last 3 years, was directly copied from the iPhone.

    So basically it was inspired by the iPhone not copied as you assert. And that's the point that Android users keep making.

    I went from a Symbian device to Android. I honestly find Android closer to Symbian than to iOS. This is why it baffles me that iOS users claim that Android is ripping off iOS. If anything Symbian users have that claim! Many of the features you claim were unique to the iPhone (kinetic scrolling, touch based widgets, swipe, etc.) were in Symbian phones pre-iPhone. Apple did what they always do. They took this stuff, polished it off and marketed it as revolutionary. I applaud them for that. But no means does that mean that every OS that comes after the iPhone is a blatant rip-off of the iPhone.

    I've said this before and I'll say it again, the reason many iPhone users think the iPhone is so great and unique is because they have no conception of smarthphones before the iPhone. A whole whack original iPhone 2G/3G owners went from a Motorola RAZR to an iPhone. If I had a leap like that, I would think the smartphone I bought was magical too and I'd probably assert that these features are unique (because I would've never seen them before).

    In places like Europe and Asia where smartphones are more common and dumbphones approach smartphone functionalities, people were far less likely to worship iOS. This is why sales for the iPhone didn't take off in those parts until the 3G/3GS in earnest (once Apple actually started adding functionality that people were used to on smartphones).

    Now none of this is to say that the "copying" is bad. I just find it hypocritical that when Apple copies it counts as "inpiration" but Android (or any other OS) imitates a feature that it's copying that's lawsuit worthy. Good for Apple that Google doesn't believe in ridiculous patents. Just imagine if they had patented the notifcation blind or if Samsung had patented lockscreen notifications or if Swype had patented the split soft keyboard. I just hope this puts to bed the constant arguments about copying and brings people to an understanding that the best features will become part of the common understanding on how all touch UIs work.
  • Reply 173 of 226
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by guch20 View Post

    Seriously? You think Apple saw Microsoft present this feature for Windows 8 just recently, then really quickly copied it? Do you know how stupid that makes you look?

    This concept has been around since the early 2000s. Here's an article in 2006 regarding an Apple patent with an example thumb keyboard and a UMPC design from MS.

    The patent is regarding figuring out what the target really is of the touch as opposed to keyboard layout but there's sufficient prior examples of split virtual keyboards from a lot earlier than Win8 from multiple sources.

    Heres a better writeup:
  • Reply 174 of 226
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    Not just the notifications for the taskbar. Lockscreen notifications from Samsung Touchwiz. Split Keyboard from Windows. Camera quick start from Windows Phone. My apps function from Android Market. Android intents with iCloud. iMessage from BBM.

    Lockscreen notifications isn't a Samsung innovation but appeared on dumb phones prior (mostly message and voice mail notifications). Probably Nokia, Sony or Moto.

    I showed that split keyboard were around for a while.

    Camera is also from dumbphones. Probably attributable to Nokia or Moto.

    BBM is a specialized IM client for blackberries but not much new.

    Meh, these are not in the same category of game changer that iOS was
  • Reply 175 of 226
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by bongo View Post

    I give up. My comments were all based on features, and I specifically said that EVERYONE copies. I had an iphone until 3 weeks back, which I loved as well. Im a gadget and tech head, have all sorts in my home, while I type this on a mac. I read multiple sites not to find and comment. In fact, I rarely comment. But you obviously dont read as many sites as I do. Next time I see an Android release(Ice Cream is coming out in a few months) and Apple fanboys on there, I will be sure to PM you and make you shut your mouth up. Go read the Samsung S2 releases on some android sites, and you will see what I am talking about. I read apple and Android and WM and WebOS articles on different sites(use a news aggregator, heard of it?). So, before you go on and start talking bullshit out of your ignoramus rear, read my arguments, for ALL sides, not just Android or Apple. I ALSO said that some users, like yourself, agree that notifications needed to be improved. I ALSO said that there ARE Apple fanbois who made comments about Android's notifications being good, but at the same time, I read a bunch of comments which said how Apple's notifications will eventually beat Android's and make it look like crap. So, dont pick and choose my comments. Learn how to read the whole thing, not between the lines to suit your view.

    If you dont read enough, thats not my fault. Calling me asshole without doing enough research says a lot. Before calling someone else names, look at your own post. Read it, and re-read it. You are no different than the Android/Apple trolls.

    You can now go suck Steve's since you dont believe a word I am saying.

    Over, and out.

    Before the ipad what was out there ??

    before the iphone what was out there ??

    your last remark made you a classic <<< a hole >>>>

    play nice

  • Reply 176 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Android people are the biggest douchebags on the internet, constantly on the lookout for any Apple news they can shit on. I guess iOS users are too busy enjoying their gear to bother to do the same-- although apparently they don't have to, since the average Android user is convinced that these fan boys are everywhere, just about to say something stupid.

    lol - Android users have supplanted the Linux weenies. I didn't think that was going to be possible


    Really, look at this thread. Apple oriented site, Apple announces big update to iOS that addresses a lot of long standing complaints, and there are half a dozen assholes on the thread smirking and trolling and talking about "catch up" and "copying." You'd never see that on an Android site in a million years. Asshole.

    For whatever reason, the mere existence of Apple seems to personally threaten a large number of people and they are compelled to act out. It's the 80's all over again...
  • Reply 177 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Jexus View Post

    Apple was allowed to sue HTC

    Allowed to sue?

    Allowed by whom? And if there were allowed then who else was denied?
  • Reply 178 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    He seemed fine to me.

    Party pooper. It's far more fun to gossip about the worst possible scenario.
  • Reply 179 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    The turn-by-turn GPS would be missed. But it's a question of whether you are willing to spring for the full price nav apps on the App Store.

    Or just download Waze for free and get as good or better directions that Google provides as well as more feature like notifications and traffic from other Waze users.


    As for voice control. No question that Google really beats out Apple on this one.

    Apple never claimed they were showing us every new feature.


    For me, the one other thing I've always found annoying (and I don't know how iPhone users can stand it) is the constant need to pan around on a webpage because text doesn't reflow. This is on par with notification issue. But they didn't fix it.

    I dunno - I found text reflow to be more annoying on a mobile browser than zooming/panning. Especially with the Retna display, there are very few pages I can't read comfortably with no issue when I have the phone horizontal.
  • Reply 180 of 226
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Jexus View Post

    The only major conflict was to who should set the standard. The Joes being more plentiful outright won that battle. The Joe is still dependent however on the geek to supply him/her with products and/or protect them from other geeks.

    And I think that's why there is so much hostility from Apple haters - Apple isn't "playing ball" and is offering easy to use technology to those who aren't worthy.

    It's what soured me on Linux after being initially enthusiastic - the absolute snobbery and elitism was just so over the top. That's why when iOS bested Linux for web browsing I had a good chuckle...
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