Samsung takes stab at iPhone 4S with Galaxy S II comparison sheet



  • Reply 201 of 244
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 202 of 244
    Originally Posted by BestKeptSecret View Post

    As disappointed as I am with the iPhone 4S, I would still not consider a Samsung phone. I have a Samsung TV that I like, but if I won't buy an Apple phone, then I'd probably go for a Nokia or a Sony Ericsson.

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around this comment. The level of stupidity is off the charts. Whether you like the iPhone or not is your business and I don't much care one way or the other. However, I look at the iPhone 4s and I see a very nice upgrade. I'm trying to understand where the disappointment comes from. Were you expecting Unicorns to be bundled with the iPhone as well? Seriously, the iPhone 4 is still unrivaled in terms of exterior design. It's still the thinnest phone overall and it still is the best looking phone. Beyond that, they've made a massive upgrade to the CPU/GPU with the A5. They've made nice changes to the radio by making it a world phone and provided support for HDSPA+, etc. The camera is more than a simple MP increase, they improved the optics and the sensor with a backlit CMOS sensor, etc. On the software side, in addition to all of the goodness that comes with iOS 5, you get SIRI which is looking better than anything else I've seen, including vlingo, etc. So, again, I have to wonder just what you were expecting and why. Nothing from Apple's history of iPhone upgrades should warrant expectations higher than what we've seen with the iPhone 4s.

    So, assuming you don't like the iPhone or you don't like Apple, that's fine. But a phone from Nokia or Sony Ericsson? Which phone would you be thinking of? I've seen nothing even in the same class from either of these companies. There are far better choices from Samsung or HTC, etc. that are at least in the same ballpark as the iPhone.
  • Reply 203 of 244
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by another_steve View Post

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around this comment. The level of stupidity is off the charts. Whether you like the iPhone or not is your business and I don't much care one way or the other. However, I look at the iPhone 4s and I see a very nice upgrade. I'm trying to understand where the disappointment comes from. Were you expecting Unicorns to be bundled with the iPhone as well? Seriously, the iPhone 4 is still unrivaled in terms of exterior design. It's still the thinnest phone overall and it still is the best looking phone. Beyond that, they've made a massive upgrade to the CPU/GPU with the A5. They've made nice changes to the radio by making it a world phone and provided support for HDSPA+, etc. The camera is more than a simple MP increase, they improved the optics and the sensor with a backlit CMOS sensor, etc. On the software side, in addition to all of the goodness that comes with iOS 5, you get SIRI which is looking better than anything else I've seen, including vlingo, etc. So, again, I have to wonder just what you were expecting and why. Nothing from Apple's history of iPhone upgrades should warrant expectations higher than what we've seen with the iPhone 4s.

    So, assuming you don't like the iPhone or you don't like Apple, that's fine. But a phone from Nokia or Sony Ericsson? Which phone would you be thinking of? I've seen nothing even in the same class from either of these companies. There are far better choices from Samsung or HTC, etc. that are at least in the same ballpark as the iPhone.

    The logic seems to go like this. On a scale of 1 to 100, iPhone 4 was a 90. The iPhone 4S is a 93. I was hoping for a 97 and since I didn't get it, I'll have a screaming tantrum and accuse Apple of being incompetent or evil. In order to teach them a lesson, I'll buy a phone from Nokia or Sony that rates a 50 or 60 on the same scale.
  • Reply 204 of 244
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    The logic seems to go like this. On a scale of 1 to 100, iPhone 4 was a 90. The iPhone 4S is a 93. I was hoping for a 97 and since I didn't get it, I'll have a screaming tantrum and accuse Apple of being incompetent or evil. In order to teach them a lesson, I'll buy a phone from Nokia or Sony that rates a 50 or 60 on the same scale.

    You just summed about 95% of the posts on the internet about the 4S. I should know, I've read thousands. Congrats. Logic/Reason goes out the window when one is frothing at the mouth in indignant outrage stemming from a false sense of entitlement and perspective.


    Like the iPhone 4, the 4S will, in all probability, become the best selling phone on the market, regardless of all the armchair predictions of catastrophe from OCD forum dwellers.
  • Reply 205 of 244
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    On what grounds?

    Well, there's the "thinner overall" argument, the "no memory limitations" argument, the "dedicated outer camera button" argument, the "can't be used as a remote" argument?

    Take your pick.
  • Reply 206 of 244
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by Bwana_Dik View Post

    My son bought a Sprint Galaxy S2 2 weeks ago. He's looking for a buyer. What he learned over the first two weeks is that (1) screen quality is just so-so (bigger is not better), (2) the build of the handset is kind of cheesy (and the body already shows scratches), (3) the pictures from its camera are quite disappointing, and the video quality is not great for being 1080p, (4) it's really kind of big and awkward to handle.

    I've played with it and that's why I decided to hold off for the iPhone 4S. Glad I did.

    Should be within Sprint's return period. Have him return it and get a 4S.
  • Reply 207 of 244
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by kresh View Post

    I may have missed all of the stories about Microsoft contractors abusing their employees so that they jumped out of windows (no pun intended) due to draconian work environments.

    Microsoft have X-boxes and Zunes made at the same factory, unfortunately their blandness just isn't newsworthy.
  • Reply 208 of 244
    Originally Posted by JuanGuapo View Post

    iPhone, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5.... I don't see how this release is anything less than expected.

    Moreover, I kinda figured Apple would keep the same design a little longer than one release. The antenna system was/is unmatched by any other smartphone--it's literally the frame. There are a gazillion cases available, tripod mounts, and detachable lens mounts as well. There is simply no other phone with that type of accessory following so I think two generations with identical case design is appropriate (apparently Apple agrees).

    The 3GS kind of threw me but it makes sense for people who are getting their first "smartphone." Most people don't even call them smartphones anyway--they call it an iPhone, 'droid, or Blackberry. The 3GS was selling like crazy this last year when AT&T lowered the price (temporarily) to $0.99, I fail to see the 3GS as a bad move. It's going to simply annoy Google & Co. that Apple is releasing a free version of their iPhone. It's there to compete with all the cheap Android phones, Blackberries, and is a solid entry-level smartphone. I would've guessed the iPhone 4 8GB was going to be the entry level but now it's the mid-grade.

    The 4S is a solid upgrade of all the right things: camera, battery, CPU, storage, etc. I think new customers and 3GS owners who are due for a renewal will get it. The iPhone 4 owners are going to wait for iPhone 5.

    The voice command features alone are pretty ground breaking and way under appreciated. The thing that makes an iPhone such an appealing option for most people isn't what it claims it can do but that it does well everything it says it can do. People are just plain fed up with phones that advertise 1,000 features but only about 10 of them are actually intuitive & maybe 100 actually do what they claim they can do. The other 890 are just there to waste space and clutter up the interface. This is something that has frustrated me about Windows for ages, we don't need 20 different ways to do something we need maybe 2 or 3 and each of those needs to work brilliantly.

    I won't get started on the spyware, though I will say I hardly know who I can give my personal e-mail to anymore. On more than 1 occasion it has made it into the hands of spammers because a friend had their phone hacked & address book compromised. Thank goodness for the bounce feature on Apple's mail service.
  • Reply 209 of 244
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by Seamus1602 View Post

    So, by your inference, Apple is not currently a contender? With the sharpest screen currently available, they are not a contender because that screen lacks between .5" and 1" of diagonal space? I wouldn't kick a bigger iPhone screen out of bed, so to speak, but to claim the Retina Display is not currently a contender is simply not true.

    Anecdotal note: I have yet to see a screen that looks better than the Retina Display. I certainly haven't seen all Android phones, but they invariable look to me like normal displays, just bigger. Every time I see the Retina Display, I'm taken aback by the clarity and resolution. I'll take sharper over bigger in this case.

    Here are the DPI counts for the current resolution of the iPhone at different screen sizes.

    960*640 3.5" 329.65

    960*640 3.85" 299.68

    960*640 4" 288.44

    960*640 4.25" 271.48

    960*640 4.5" 256.39
  • Reply 210 of 244
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    Here are the DPS counts for the current resolution of the iPhone at different screen sizes.

    960*640 3.5" 329.65

    960*640 3.85" 299.68

    960*640 4" 288.44

    960*640 4.25" 271.48

    960*640 4.5" 256.39

    Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me? I'm not really sure...
  • Reply 211 of 244
    jman2ujman2u Posts: 30member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Not for long. The Google Nexus Prime is due very soon and will have a 4.5" 1280x720 screen.

    The spec I saw was 1184x720 so it's not full 720P.
  • Reply 212 of 244
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Seamus1602 View Post

    I am forced to assume that your high-end must then refer to the next stage in human evolution.

    Never assume.

    If I thought you were sincere, I'd be happy to discuss the point with you. As it is, however, I'll skip ahead.
  • Reply 213 of 244
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Never assume. Especially stuff like this.

    If I thought you were sincere, I'd be happy to discuss the point with you. As it is, however, I'll skip ahead.

    Ok, you focused on my hyberbole rather than my arguments. Let me restate:

    You state that everyone in Apple's sweet spot is happy with their product. You identify the sweet spot as being 'everyone from hipster kids to Grandma'. If the 'high end' is not comprised of members of this group, who exactly is it?

    By the way, here's the full text of my post. Reading it in full will, I hope, convince you of my sincerity. I've italicized my hyperbolic statements at the end so as to allow to you skip them if you wish. [Edited to italicize the 'Apple believes in capitalism', which is at least sarcastic, if not hyperbolic]


    Is this a criticism? That Apple consumers are happy with Apple products? And that those consumers include people of all walks of life from hipster kids to Grandma?

    "They aim straight for the sweet spot in the market"

    Another way to say this: "Apple believes in capitalism."

    "and that sweet spot is NOT the high end."

    I'm curious, if the 'sweet spot' includes 'Everyone from hipster kids to Grandma', who exactly is the high end? Pre-teens? Great-grandmas? Technically, Apple products have been shown to provide high value to infants to pre-teens, as well as to the blind, autistic, and disabled community. So their 'sweet spot' actually consists of: human beings. I am forced to assume that your high-end must then refer to the next stage in human evolution. Which means that Android's cornered the X-Men market, so they've got that going for them, which is nice.

  • Reply 214 of 244
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Seamus1602 View Post

    You state that everyone in Apple's sweet spot is happy with their product. You identify the sweet spot as being 'everyone from hipster kids to Grandma'. If the 'high end' is not comprised of members of this group, who exactly is it?

    The enthusiast market. Those who want hardware that advances the state of the art, or otherwise is technically superior to the typical lowest common denominator, appeal to a widest swath of consumer mid-market.

    In different product fields, the folks in that segment are called different things. In audio, they are the high end market. In cameras, they are the prosumer market. In computers, they are the geeks.

    Apple is moving away from any cares about trying to satisfy them. They aim squarely at the midmarket, adding wonderful design to midline componentry, and make tons of money with that strategy.
  • Reply 215 of 244
    am8449am8449 Posts: 392member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    Agree, 4+ edge-to-edge screen and 720p would have been a killer feature.

    I am really tired of 3.5" display of my iPhone 4, so much real estate wasted on the bezel and useless home button.

    Although an edge-to-edge screen sounds nice in theory, in practice I think the bezel serves as some protection for the phone when dropped, and also provides space for you to grip the phone without registering a touch. Trying gripping your phone; see how your fingertips touch the sides of the screen?
  • Reply 216 of 244
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    Originally Posted by jman2u View Post

    The spec I saw was 1184x720 so it's not full 720P.

    Probably won't be entirely clear until the actual release. I saw more than one explanation that said the figures seen on the screen shot didn't include the menu bar area, and the screen res was in reality 1280x720, true 720P. It shouldn't be long before the final spec can be confirmed.
  • Reply 217 of 244
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    It's the software, stupid.

    If that is the case, the new iPhone 4 would still have a single core processor.
  • Reply 218 of 244
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by Seamus1602 View Post

    How cute. The Galaxy Tab is preaching to Apple about how products and product launches should go. What's next, a webOS critique of iOS 5? A Vista critique of Lion?

    When your only argument is a marketing screen cap, I will utilize an ad hominem argument to refute it. Your username severely undercuts any validity your observations may have. Your use of a screen cap as an argument has no validity to begin with.

    Doesnt have to make valid statements.

    It's his opinion.
  • Reply 219 of 244
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    The enthusiast market. Those who want hardware that advances the state of the art, or otherwise is technically superior to the typical lowest common denominator, appeal to a widest swath of consumer mid-market.

    In different product fields, the folks in that segment are called different things. In audio, they are the high end market. In cameras, they are the prosumer market. In computers, they are the geeks.

    Apple is moving away from any cares about trying to satisfy them. They aim squarely at the midmarket, adding wonderful design to midline componentry, and make tons of money with that strategy.

    Perhaps its quibbling over language, but these people you describe would certain fall between hipster kids and Grandmas.

    "hardware that advances the state of the art, or otherwise is technically superior to the typical lowest common denominator, appeal to a widest swath of consumer mid-market."

    Is there a faster phone processor than the A5? A thinner phone than the iPhone? A better camera than the 4S's? Are we now classifying the Retina Display as the 'lowest common denominator'? I realize that many people would like a larger screen and 4G access. But I also consider it disingenuous to point of outright lying to classify the iPhone as the 'lowest common denominator'.

    "Apple is moving away from any cares about trying to satisfy them. They aim squarely at the midmarket, adding wonderful design to midline componentry, and make tons of money with that strategy."

    I disagree with the statement that Apple does not care about satisfying the 'enthusiasts'. I would agree that enthusiasts are not their primary market. I, again, take exception to the 'midline componentry' statement. If all you're referring to is 4G, then you are right, 3G would be midline. But your statement encompasses the entire phone. I understand that you think the Retina Display is lacking, but it is not 'midline' unless your only criteria is size. Size is nice, but not the only component to the display argument.

    Its very much like TVs. Here are 2 examples (not real sizes, just used as an example)

    TV#1: 40in 1080p

    TV#2: 52in 720p

    Is TV#1 'midline'? I do not believe so. It's smaller and sharper. Like the Retina Display.

    Final point. Even if all you say is true, how is this different than Apple's strategy for the past decade? Apple has always delivered products with wonderful design and already existing componentry. You say 'midline', I say 'already existing'. We could probably go back and forth forever about what is what. So, instead, please tell me which parts exactly are 'midline' and 'lowest common denominator'. I'll give you 4G right off the bat. Anything else I'll likely argue.
  • Reply 220 of 244
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post


    How cute. The Galaxy Tab is preaching to Apple about how products and product launches should go. What's next, a webOS critique of iOS 5? A Vista critique of Lion?

    When your only argument is a marketing screen cap, I will utilize an ad hominem argument to refute it. Your username severely undercuts any validity your observations may have. Your use of a screen cap as an argument has no validity to begin with.

    Doesnt have to make valid statements.

    It's his opinion.

    So I cannot argue against him by pointing out that his opinion lacks validity?
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