Microsoft says Windows Phones have had Siri-like functionality for over a year



  • Reply 101 of 144
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    The hammer is one of our most advanced technologies.

    Well, the hammer IS a great technology...
  • Reply 102 of 144
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    If you guys can't post without mentioning politics, please don't post. It's not even close to being on topic. If you have an axe to grind, you need to go elsewhere. We have Political Outsider, save for that, it doesn't belong on this site. See a political comment, don't reply with more political comments, just report it or ignore it.

    I did not even have time to write anything political yet here, and you shut that out already...

    Oh, well. Time to get to work anyway.
  • Reply 103 of 144
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    You mean like how the iPhone is disappearing into Android's rear view mirror? ...

    You are always good for a laugh.
  • Reply 104 of 144
    Originally Posted by linkgx1 View Post

    Siri was avalible in the movie Blank Check. Little known fact ya'll.

    Really? Little known fact - the company "Siri" (and natural language voice recognition as a whole) didn't exist in 1994.

    Little known fact #2 - full AI humanoid robots were widely available in the 1980s. I saw it. Blade Runner and Terminator. That was real, right?
  • Reply 105 of 144
    Originally Posted by tsa View Post

    I'm sorry but to me it seems like you're just jealous that Apple copied MS's TellMe and named it Siri.

    If you're referencing the video, IT'S FAKE. Copied what (in real life)?
  • Reply 106 of 144
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by linkgx1 View Post

    Siri was avalible in the movie Blank Check. Little known fact ya'll.

    Siri was available in the original Star Trek too. Just because it was conceived of for a fictional tale doesn't make it any less amazing when it becomes available for real.

  • Reply 107 of 144
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by tsa View Post

    I'm sorry but to me it seems like you're just jealous that Apple copied MS's TellMe and named it Siri.

    I'm sorry, maybe you don't understand what a concept video is. This isn't a working product. It's a smoke screen.
  • Reply 108 of 144

    Apple marketed the capability to shift focus away from the iPhone 4S's lack of new features.

    Microsoft criticising Apple for fake marketing to divert attention from lack of features? The guys got some balls, I'll say that.
  • Reply 109 of 144
    tsatsa Posts: 129member
    Originally Posted by Splif View Post

    I'm sorry, maybe you don't understand what a concept video is. This isn't a working product. It's a smoke screen.

    Indeed I hadn't understood that. Thank you for not calling me a troll like many Apple fanbois here did.
  • Reply 110 of 144
    Windows 7 phone?

    never heard of it.
  • Reply 111 of 144
    Originally Posted by katastroff View Post

    Windows 7 phone?

    never heard of it.

    I picked up on that as well.

    You would think their head research guy could do a little better.
  • Reply 112 of 144
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Siri isn't just copied, they bought the original app, Siri, obviously intending to embed it in the next phone -- but since Apple bought the software when the 3GS was the current phone, then copying Microsoft is impossible, unless you're saying Microsoft had time travel and went forward to when Siri came out and developed... Nah.

    Apple has had Voice Control, a pretty limited voice recognition. If TellMe is more than that, it's funny it hasn't been mentioned in reviews.
  • Reply 113 of 144
    Mundie is referring to TellMe (which uses technology that Microsoft bought rather than invented but that's no different than Apple). TellMe does decent voice recognition (not as good as Siri but good enough) and that's it. All of the synbtax is pre-determined. For example, "Xbox, on, Kinect, Starwars". It's not exactly what you'd call natural language. It's also localized rather than leveraging a centralized data and computational resource. Siri will get better over time. You are stuck with the same stupid vocabulary for TellMe. Not to mention, since all of the searches are centralized Siri has the potential to displace Google as the preferred way for advertisers to do mobile advertising. Microsoft can only dream of having come up with such an elegant solution. As usual Microsoft jumped the gun and came up with a mediocre solution that barely works rather than thinking it through and innovating. Mundie should be ashamed of himself for even trying to compare the two.
  • Reply 114 of 144
    jumejume Posts: 209member
    There's a video for what this guy is sayin. He is either nuts or he doesn't know what hes talking about... Probably both!
  • Reply 115 of 144
    Originally Posted by Swift View Post

    Siri isn't just copied, they bought the original app, Siri, obviously intending to embed it in the next phone -- but since Apple bought the software when the 3GS was the current phone, then copying Microsoft is impossible, unless you're saying Microsoft had time travel and went forward to when Siri came out and developed... Nah.

    Apple has had Voice Control, a pretty limited voice recognition. If TellMe is more than that, it's funny it hasn't been mentioned in reviews.

    Tellme isn't any more than Voice Control. It completely lacks natural language recognition.
  • Reply 116 of 144
    Here's a comparison chart that people have been asking about.
  • Reply 117 of 144
    Originally Posted by ramsey123 View Post

    Here's a comparison chart that people have been asking about.

    Nice list, but it still doesn't show how good Siri's natural voice comprehension is until you use it. I'd like to see a video demo of the same phrase stated a half-dozen different ways to see how advanced each of these services are.
  • Reply 118 of 144
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Nice list, but it still doesn't show how good Siri's natural voice comprehension is until you use it. I'd like to see a video demo of the same phrase stated a half-dozen different ways to see how advanced each of these services are.

    Yeah, that list kind of misses the point (a point which is being willfully missed by many commentators). What makes Siri a breakthrough is exactly its natural language parsing. It's not what it can do, it's how it does it.
  • Reply 119 of 144
    Originally Posted by Jume View Post

    There's a video for what this guy is sayin. He is either nuts or he doesn't know what hes talking about... Probably both!

    Thats more like it. Seeing both in action at the same time.
  • Reply 120 of 144
    Originally Posted by divisionbyzero View Post

    Mundie is referring to TellMe (which uses technology that Microsoft bought rather than invented but that's no different than Apple). TellMe does decent voice recognition (not as good as Siri but good enough) and that's it. All of the synbtax is pre-determined. For example, "Xbox, on, Kinect, Starwars". It's not exactly what you'd call natural language. It's also localized rather than leveraging a centralized data and computational resource. Siri will get better over time. You are stuck with the same stupid vocabulary for TellMe. Not to mention, since all of the searches are centralized Siri has the potential to displace Google as the preferred way for advertisers to do mobile advertising. Microsoft can only dream of having come up with such an elegant solution. As usual Microsoft jumped the gun and came up with a mediocre solution that barely works rather than thinking it through and innovating. Mundie should be ashamed of himself for even trying to compare the two.

    I think Microsofties like Mundie aren't Apple fans, haven't actually used Siri, and once again fail to see the difference between what they *think* Siri is, and the voice command feature they've got. It's one of the ways Microsoft underestimates Apple. Which is dangerous, because consumers aren't nearly as dumb as Mundie thinks they are. Consumers get Siri. Mundie thinks it's just better marketing.
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