Apple defends Siri abortion, birth control omissions as unintentional



  • Reply 21 of 97
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
  • Reply 22 of 97
    Haha I'm watching Colbert and he's making fun of this right now!
  • Reply 23 of 97
    Yeah, that's exactly the true life story of all the 'sluts' who might seek an abortion.
  • Reply 24 of 97
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    I think that this thread has the power to get way to out of hand. Looking at some of the insults tossed about just when smartphones are brought up. I hate to see what will come up when a serious subject is involved.

    I know that you don't generally close threads but this can get out of hand.

    SHOCK!!! HORROR!! Controversy... Oh no. Close this forum down before it gets interesting. Interesting is the opiate of the people and I can't bear it!
  • Reply 25 of 97
    To NARAL, ACLU, and all Pro-Choice Activists:

    Here you go..

  • Reply 26 of 97
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Let's see, birth CONTROL -- condoms, the pill, abstinence... and there are other options, but nothing is perfect, well except abstinence... So, do people really want Siri to find them an abortion? That just sounds like an abortion of a feature. :roll eyes:

    The first thing people should do, is try to be more responsible...

    ??? It's right there in the Yellow Pages, what does this have to do with people being responsible? Why *shouldn't* Siri offer the option if it is just a regular phone and address listing?

    Heck, even in Utah:

    Any search for Abortion in general gives Abortion Services and Abortion Alternatives. Fair and square.
  • Reply 27 of 97
    See what happens when people believe that "it just works" motto.
  • Reply 28 of 97
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Renewed interest in voice assistant features has prompted a number of Siri clones, many of which do not perform as well as Apple's app.

    If "many" do not perform as well as Siri, which ones do perform as well (or better) than Siri?
  • Reply 29 of 97
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    If "many" do not perform as well as Siri, which ones do perform as well (or better) than Siri?

    I don't think anything else on the consumer market come close to besting Siri. Even if you found a standalone app that had Nuance quality voice recognition and Siri quality contextual understanding you'd still be lacking the integration with the OS.
  • Reply 30 of 97
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    There's a lot of things Siri doesn't do perfectly. But guess which one made a headline.

    Of course, people who want an abortion but are so lazy they can't even be bothered to actually type in a search window... perhaps they shouldn't reproduce. And neither should their parents, for that matter.
  • Reply 31 of 97
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by camper View Post

    The major problem with Siri is that Apple can and does filter the requests that go to the search engines and the replies that come back from the search engines.

    If you ask something of which Apple does not approve, you do not get the unbiased, real answer, you get the answer that Apple decides is appropriate for you.

    Welcome to Apple's walled garden. It looks beautiful, but the beauty is deceiving.

    Uh huh. Apple is reviewing every one of those Siri requests and censoring them in real time. Just like those ATM machines with little people inside, printing money.

    Please feel free give us documented examples of Apple doctoring Siri's replies from an "unbiased real answer" to "the answer that Apple decides is appropriate for you". Otherwise I call BS and would ask you to adjust your tinfoil hat for a better fit.
  • Reply 32 of 97
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Let's see, birth CONTROL -- condoms, the pill, abstinence... and there are other options, but nothing is perfect, well except abstinence... So, do people really want Siri to find them an abortion? That just sounds like an abortion of a feature. :roll eyes:

    The first thing people should do, is try to be more responsible...

    Abstinence is perfect?

    Hmmm... I better let that go. Best not to add one more item to the "something to offend everybody" list.

    I'll ask Siri about it.
  • Reply 33 of 97
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    People really got upset over this? It's not like the results came back with places to buy wire hangers or links to selling children. Who really expects Siri, which sources other companies search engines for results would understand every question it was asked?


    But to be fair (or not), it's the ACLU. They don't get upset. They stay upset and are continually finding things to justify why.
  • Reply 34 of 97
    A bit of perspective: The original genesis of is story was that anti-abortion groups (i.e., church based, religious right) were gloating that apparently Apple supported their cause by this whole "controversy" of not directing searches to abortion clinics.

    It appears Apple was forced to more or less defend itself and remove any association with any one political or social ideology.

    Check the Huffington Post. I believe that is where I saw the original story.
  • Reply 35 of 97
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Who really expects Siri, which sources other companies search engines for results would understand every question it was asked?

    More to the point, is it Apple's fault if said other services haven't cataloged some places.

    Consider, for example, those abortion clinics. maybe they don't want to be listed in Google's mapping service because it would make them easier targets. Particularly in certain areas of the country which are much more anti-abortion.
  • Reply 36 of 97
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple defends Siri abortion, birth control omissions as unintentional.html

    Why is Siri so special that Apple will defend her for having an abortion, and unintentionally omitting birth control, ahead of all those other wannabee AI's who also got pregnant?
  • Reply 37 of 97
    leave out the 'abortion' bit - this is human 'feel good' tactics.

    Try asking "Siri where do I go to murder my baby in the womb". Siri might understand something a little more direct
  • Reply 38 of 97
    Me: Siri, I want to kill my unborn.

    Siri: I found your location and will call 911 to inform the nearest police station.

    Me: Siri, my boyfriend wants me to have an abortion.

    Siri: I found two shrinks nearby.

    Me: Siri, I'm pregnant and am not sure if I want to keep my baby.

    Siri: You might consider to visit a Planned Parenthood location.

    Me: Siri, I'm pregnant and am unsure about keeping my baby.

    Siri: You might consider visiting a Right to Life location.

    Me: Siri, you really confuse me with your answers.

    Siri: I'm sorry. Does the answer '42' help you in any way.

    Me: Siri, where is the highest building nearby.

    Siri: You're not drawing any conclusions out of my previous answers, do you.

    Oooh, the intricacies.
  • Reply 39 of 97
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I hadn't seen reports of ios using carrier iq. I assume one of our intrepid reporters here is working on it. Any good links for that?

    "We were able to independently verify that at the very least, references to Carrier IQ's servers do exist within iPhoneOS 3.1.3 in a file located at /usr/bin/IQAgent. What exactly that binary is able to access or how it may communicate with either carriers or Carrier IQ is not yet known, though there are references to an IQAgent log on the device as well as references to"

    For versions 4.0 and 5.0, Intell on MacRumors' forums has found similar references to the location within /usr/bin/awd_ice2, although we have not independently verified that yet. Again, no clear word on just what is or is not being tracked or collected."

    Siri. Staying on topic too.

    By the way, a quote from 9to5: "Just like when Google’s search algorithm pulls up manipulated results (like Santorum), Apple and its location partners like Yelp are pulling up manipulated results. Still, Apple plans on fixing this issue."

    It's a beta. It will improve with each update. Some of these special interest folks get a lot more press than they deserve.
  • Reply 40 of 97
    zozmanzozman Posts: 393member
    WOW this is lame, people can't be responsible for their own actions....Siri made me do it
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