They had their shot, they failed to change. They've done some great research, they don't want it getting in the hands of people who won't use it for any practical purpose.
That's something to respect.
People were saying similar things about Apple during their mediaeval period. People who thought they should license their OS to other vendors, others who thought they should license Windows, and others who infamously stated they should shut down Apple and give the money back to the shareholders. When they bought NeXT, a company that changed the world yet never made a consumer impact, and brought back the outed Jobs as interim CEO it was said, as you know, that this was a dumb move. I believe Bill Gates made a comment about Jobs foolish notion of saving Apple.
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.
It is like watching a train wreck in slow-mo. In 12 months time when their new OS is (hopefully) ready, their user base will have evapourated. Dumb to go looking for a merger when you are desperate, if that was an option, they should have done it 5 years ago when the iPhone was announced.
One advantage of being dual CEOs, you only have to take half the blame when your company falls off a cliff.
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.
Of that total, $500 was the value of the Playbooks.
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.
Well, it's a good question as to the value of the tablets. A couple of financial writers have already brought this up.
If the value was really $5,000,000, that would put a value of $961.54 per tablet. That's obviously ridiculous.
At $1,700,000, the value would be $326.92. That's much closer to reality. But it depends on the mix of Flash the models have. The value to RIM would be much less, as most are now selling for $199. So that would put the total at $1,034,800.
Well, it's a good question as to the value of the tablets. A couple of financial writers have already brought this up.
If the value was really $5,000,000, that would put a value of $961.54 per tablet. That's obviously ridiculous.
At $1,700,000, the value would be $326.92. That's much closer to reality. But it depends on the mix of Flash the models have. The value to RIM would be much less, as most are now selling for $199. So that would put the total at $1,034,800.
I imagine the value would be close to $1,400,000.
Aw, Mel ... I was hoping the "nice truck" line would have tickled your funny bone!
Well, it's a good question as to the value of the tablets. A couple of financial writers have already brought this up.
If the value was really $5,000,000, that would put a value of $961.54 per tablet. That's obviously ridiculous.
At $1,700,000, the value would be $326.92. That's much closer to reality. But it depends on the mix of Flash the models have. The value to RIM would be much less, as most are now selling for $199. So that would put the total at $1,034,800.
I imagine the value would be close to $1,400,000.
Regardless of value, RIM can now announce another 5200 shipped!
They had their shot, they failed to change. They've done some great research, they don't want it getting in the hands of people who won't use it for any practical purpose.
That's something to respect.
Not really. It its going down, their job is to maximize the value for stakeholders.
Makes sense Amazon would be up for RiM considering their KIndle Fire is based on PlayBook engineering.
Nah, Amazon would better spend their money buying up all that T-Mobile bandwidth so they can provide a lowcost network infrastructure for their next 3/4G platform. Otherwise Apple will snap it up - and become the cell phone company of Amazon's worst nightmare.
They had their shot, they failed to change. They've done some great research, they don't want it getting in the hands of people who won't use it for any practical purpose.
That's something to respect.
People were saying similar things about Apple during their mediaeval period. People who thought they should license their OS to other vendors, others who thought they should license Windows, and others who infamously stated they should shut down Apple and give the money back to the shareholders. When they bought NeXT, a company that changed the world yet never made a consumer impact, and brought back the outed Jobs as interim CEO it was said, as you know, that this was a dumb move. I believe Bill Gates made a comment about Jobs foolish notion of saving Apple.
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.,2817,2397881,00.asp
Have at er boys!
Don't worry.
The police will find them dumped somewhere nearby shortly, with a note saying, 'Whoops! Our bad! We thought they were iPads'...
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.,2817,2397881,00.asp
Have at er boys!
Wonder if they will bring them back once they discover they're not iPads?
Wonder if they will bring them back once they discover they're not iPads?
Is there an echo in here, or is it just me?
Beat ya!
One advantage of being dual CEOs, you only have to take half the blame when your company falls off a cliff.
$69.86 February 15th 2011
$13.44 December 15th 2011
You have to feel sorry for the (now) poor investors... don't you?
$69.86 February 15th 2011
$13.44 December 15th 2011
June 20, 2008 -> $144.56
Is embattled better or worse than beleaguered?
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.
Of that total, $500 was the value of the Playbooks.
It's their patents for the "push email" technology that's worth something.
Thieves Make Off With 5,200 PlayBooks, RIM Confirms
A group of thieves made off with a truck carrying about 5,200 BlackBerry PlayBooks in Canada last week, Research in Motion confirmed Tuesday. The semi-trailer headed for Ontario reportedly was carrying merchandise with a retail value of between $1.7 million and $5 million.,2817,2397881,00.asp
Have at er boys!
Must have been a nice truck.
Must have been a nice truck.
Well, it's a good question as to the value of the tablets. A couple of financial writers have already brought this up.
If the value was really $5,000,000, that would put a value of $961.54 per tablet. That's obviously ridiculous.
At $1,700,000, the value would be $326.92. That's much closer to reality. But it depends on the mix of Flash the models have. The value to RIM would be much less, as most are now selling for $199. So that would put the total at $1,034,800.
I imagine the value would be close to $1,400,000.
Well, it's a good question as to the value of the tablets. A couple of financial writers have already brought this up.
If the value was really $5,000,000, that would put a value of $961.54 per tablet. That's obviously ridiculous.
At $1,700,000, the value would be $326.92. That's much closer to reality. But it depends on the mix of Flash the models have. The value to RIM would be much less, as most are now selling for $199. So that would put the total at $1,034,800.
I imagine the value would be close to $1,400,000.
Aw, Mel ... I was hoping the "nice truck" line would have tickled your funny bone!
Well, it's a good question as to the value of the tablets. A couple of financial writers have already brought this up.
If the value was really $5,000,000, that would put a value of $961.54 per tablet. That's obviously ridiculous.
At $1,700,000, the value would be $326.92. That's much closer to reality. But it depends on the mix of Flash the models have. The value to RIM would be much less, as most are now selling for $199. So that would put the total at $1,034,800.
I imagine the value would be close to $1,400,000.
Regardless of value, RIM can now announce another 5200 shipped!
They had their shot, they failed to change. They've done some great research, they don't want it getting in the hands of people who won't use it for any practical purpose.
That's something to respect.
Not really. It its going down, their job is to maximize the value for stakeholders.
Regardless of value, RIM can now announce another 5200 shipped!
[...] "Until you stabilize the platform, people are going to be very nervous about spending $10 billion or more." [...]
Just wait another quarter. "Do I hear a 5 billion? Going once at 4.75 billion! Going twice..."
Aw, Mel ... I was hoping the "nice truck" line would have tickled your funny bone!
It did, but you know my problem. I've just got to use an excuse to get some facts in.
Regardless of value, RIM can now announce another 5200 shipped!
Yeah, but to where?
Just wait another quarter. "Do I hear a 5 billion? Going once at 4.75 billion! Going twice..."
RIM is now below book value, by a fair amount; $5 per share. If they were bought, the parts would be worth more than the company as one whole.
It's kinda fitting that they're headquartered in Waterloo.
Ohh, SNAP!
It is like watching a train wreck in slow-mo. In 12 months time when their new OS is (hopefully) ready, their user base will have evapourated.
What losers! #FAIL
Makes sense Amazon would be up for RiM considering their KIndle Fire is based on PlayBook engineering.
Nah, Amazon would better spend their money buying up all that T-Mobile bandwidth so they can provide a lowcost network infrastructure for their next 3/4G platform. Otherwise Apple will snap it up - and become the cell phone company of Amazon's worst nightmare.