Samsung Galaxy Note Super Bowl ad takes more jabs at Apple users



  • Reply 321 of 349
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Or you could be a human and try to make it enjoyable. It's not like people are being forced into these lines...

    Fair enough, some people find the benefits of being the first to get a new gadget to outweigh the drawbacks of queuing, and thus feel offended by Samsung's ad poking fun at them; I don't, so I don't feel in the least offended. Neither of the choices is particularly inhuman or antisocial.
  • Reply 322 of 349
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Does it sting when your sincere comment is preempted by a Poe?

    I like this "ZZZ I am", kind of reminds me of ConradJoe, who used to drive a good parody around here...

    Lol. That's epic.
  • Reply 323 of 349
    shaoshao Posts: 39member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    This just goes to show how desperate Sammy is. I don't even give them the time of day! Pathetic.

    apart from the fact you took time to read the article, no doubt watch the video, and respond on the forum.

    Amusing. Typical. In Denial.
  • Reply 324 of 349
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Fair enough, some people find the benefits of being the first to get a new gadget to outweigh the drawbacks of queuing, and thus feel offended by Samsung's ad poking fun at them; I don't, so I don't feel in the least offended. Neither of the choices is particularly inhuman or antisocial.

    Yet you refer to those who line up as lowlife?
  • Reply 325 of 349
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    What are the device dimension differences between the Note, newest Nexus and iPhone?

    iPhone 4S - 4.54" x 2.31" x 0.37" (4.9 oz)

    Galaxy Nexus - 5.33" x 2.68" x 0.37"* (4.8 oz)

    Galaxy Note - 5.78" x 3.27" x 0.38" (6.3 oz)
    Looking only at the width, assuming that thickness and length have no barring** it's about 1" wider than the iPhone. That would not fit comfortably in my front or back pocket. It also wouldn't work in one hand with the thumb swipe, but neither does the Galaxy Nexus for that function. I'll be surprised if they can find a sizeable market for this to replace current smartphones.

    * It's equivalent to the iPhone over most of its back but actually thicker than stated due to the camera.

    ** That's not what she said!

    Isn't it obvious that these big screens on Android phones are just camouflage for the giant batteries they have to use to get any decent life out of them?
  • Reply 326 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Isn't it obvious that these big screens on Android phones are just camouflage for the giant batteries they have to use to get any decent life out of them?

    It also allows them to do less complex engineering of the internals. The iPhone 4/4S are impressive inside. That logic board takes up such a small footprint compared to other vendors.
  • Reply 327 of 349
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    ^^^^ "Fun and social event" according to DocNo42 ^^^

    How is that any different than waiting in line for concert tickets, a sporting event or favorite movie? Or heck even black Friday?

    Again, I suggest your complete bafflement at normal social activity is more an issue of your skewed perspective than the people you are trying to portray as some sort of freak.
  • Reply 328 of 349
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    We have fascinating insight (or rather, somewhat interesting) from an intern thesis, a genuinely fascinating look at Gonion's macroscalar code optimization methods (now that's true innovation and a truly bright fellow), talk of Retina Display on Macs and ... the Samsung Superbowl ad gets the lion share of comments? I guess it's mostly users and not engineers who frequent this site. Gawd, even on a geek site, I remain a lonely geek.
  • Reply 329 of 349
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Do you really believe that? Because most people I know don't. True Mac and PC guys were embodiments of respective computers, but like in La Fontaine fables, meaning was much deeper.

    Even Microsoft tried to counter "PC users are dull and boring bureaucrats type" with "I'm a PC" adds presenting people from various professional and social circles, claiming to be a PC users. Where and why do you think that came from?

    Part of the I'm a PC campaign was also that series of commercials where they would give someone money to go buy a new computer and they would look at a Mac. The system they would be talking about being interested in would clearly be equal t osay, the low end MacBook Air, but of course they look at the top end MBP and complain about the high price, then they buy a Windows based PC that they paid more for than the Air would have been.

    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Don't be daft, of course I make small sacrifices in order to enjoy myself later. I clearly said that considering the waiting in line itself as the fun event disturbing. I know it's easier to endure if you fool yourself that it is actually fun, however I was never too keen on this type of self-deception (perhaps one more reason why my opinions are at odds with those of many posters here).

    Actually waiting in line can be fun. I've never waited in line for an Apple product, but waiting in line to get into a Nine Inch Nails concert or for Star Wars movie tickets turned out to be a lot of fun b/c of all the discussions I got into with other fans around me. Fun is what you make it. Now if you have anxiety problems and don't deal well w/strangers, like my wife, I could definitely see how waiting in line could be seen as awful. I'm pretty outgoing tho and tend to make the best of a situation.

    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    We have fascinating insight (or rather, somewhat interesting) from an intern thesis, a genuinely fascinating look at Gonion's macroscalar code optimization methods (now that's true innovation and a truly bright fellow), talk of Retina Display on Macs and ... the Samsung Superbowl ad gets the lion share of comments? I guess it's mostly users and not engineers who frequent this site. Gawd, even on a geek site, I remain a lonely geek.

    I didn't watch the super bowl and the only ads I've seen were playing in front of a couple of youtube videos that day (Greek yogurt commercial w/Stamos getting headbutted by the wife and Acura w/Seinfeld). I'm just talking about what is being discussed here.
  • Reply 330 of 349
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Isn't it obvious that these big screens on Android phones are just camouflage for the giant batteries they have to use to get any decent life out of them?

    I've read that theory somewhere else, and it may be feasible. But then, there's no need to produce larger and larger versions, is there? I'd argue that while battery life may be a factor in some cases, trend-following is another. Furthermore, it's a way to contend with the Retina Display. I've also read somewhere (can't remember where) that a larger display is necessary to prevent the *icons* from being too small as pixel count increases. Finally, there are some people who genuinely want a larger display. All to say, I'm sure the reasons are myriad.
  • Reply 331 of 349
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    I've read that theory somewhere else, and it may be feasible. But then, there's no need to produce larger and larger versions, is there? I'd argue that while battery life may be a factor in some cases, trend-following is another. Furthermore, it's a way to contend with the Retina Display. I've also read somewhere (can't remember where) that a larger display is necessary to prevent the *icons* from being too small as pixel count increases. Finally, there are some people who genuinely want a larger display. All to say, I'm sure the reasons are myriad.

    The smartphone manufacturers are getting much better at designing for battery life. Take the Razr MAXX for instance. A larger display than the iPhone4S, but in a thinner device (8.9 at it's thickest compared to Apple's 9.3mm). Yet the comparable 3G battery life may be ridiculously better than the iPhone at 21 hours talk time. Even on Verizon's LTE/4G, a known battery killer, the MAXX is getting 24 hours plus between charges according to reviewers.

    "The Droid Razr Maxx is being pushed as having great battery life and I'm happy to report that it does. This is the first 4G LTE smartphone I've used that provides an all-day experience off a single charge. I'm not talking about a 9-to-5 "day," I'm talking about a full 24 hours. If you're constantly hammering the device with streaming videos and music, it's not going to last 20+ hours but the Droid Maxx stood up to my above-average usage and lived for about 28 hours on a single charge. Not bad."
  • Reply 332 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    The smartphone manufacturers are getting much better at designing for battery life. Take the Razr MAXX for instance. A larger display than the iPhone4S, but in a thinner device (8.9 at it's thickest compared to Apple's 9.3mm). Yet the comparable 3G battery life may be ridiculously better than the iPhone at 21 hours talk time. Even on Verizon's LTE/4G, a known battery killer, the MAXX is getting 24 hours plus between charges according to reviewers.

    "The Droid Razr Maxx is being pushed as having great battery life and I'm happy to report that it does. This is the first 4G LTE smartphone I've used that provides an all-day experience off a single charge. I'm not talking about a 9-to-5 "day," I'm talking about a full 24 hours. If you're constantly hammering the device with streaming videos and music, it's not going to last 20+ hours but the Droid Maxx stood up to my above-average usage and lived for about 28 hours on a single charge. Not bad."

    Come on! I know you're smarter than that.

    The Moto Droid RAZR MAXX has a 4.3" qHD Super AMOLED display. That means even with the lower power draw of the inferior PenTile panel it's still only 256 PPI to the iPhone's 326 true pixel PPI.

    On top of that, and most important, the iPhone's display is only 28% smaller yet the battery capacity for the RAZR MAXX is 232% greater than the iPhone. You can see this in the other battery stats. The RAZR MAXX lists internet use up to 6 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi and video playback up to 10 hours. The iPhone 4S lists internet use up to 6 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi and video playback up to 10 hours. The same ratings despite a much smaller battery. They don't seem to lsit audio playback which is still surprising since smartphones are replacing the "Mp3 player. The iPhone lists up to 40 hours.

    Now the RAZR MAXX beats the iPhone if using it just for calls but that's to be expected with any baseband chip that is dedicated to CDMA. Apple is trying to not keep the iPhones between their GSM-based partners and their new CDMA-based partners on par despite inherent network differences. CDMA/EV-DO will still use '2G' for calls even you have '3G' for data when off a call. Apple's use of radio-diverse world-mode chips means they are using less efficient baseband chips but that does keep their phones on par in the short run and likely keeps them ahead of their competition in the long run with economy of scale. Don't be fooled by their marketing of "the longest talk time of any 4G smartphone" because, while true, you are not making that call using LTE. Also, if we see a RAZR MAXX for GSM don't expect their '3G' talk time to come in at 21 hours. With a 3300 mAh battery I'd expect about 15 hours of '3G' talk time on GSM.
  • Reply 333 of 349
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Come on! I know you're smarter than that.

    The Moto Droid RAZR MAXX has a 4.3" qHD Super AMOLED display. That means even with the lower power draw of the inferior PenTile panel it's still only 256 PPI to the iPhone's 326 true pixel PPI.

    On top of that, and most important, the iPhone's display is only 28% smaller yet the battery capacity for the RAZR MAXX is 232% greater than the iPhone. You can see this in the other battery stats. The RAZR MAXX lists internet use up to 6 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi and video playback up to 10 hours. The iPhone 4S lists internet use up to 6 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi and video playback up to 10 hours. The same ratings despite a much smaller battery. They don't seem to lsit audio playback which is still surprising since smartphones are replacing the "Mp3 player. The iPhone lists up to 40 hours.

    Now the RAZR MAXX beats the iPhone if using it just for calls but that's to be expected with any baseband chip that is dedicated to CDMA. Apple is trying to not keep the iPhones between their GSM-based partners and their new CDMA-based partners on par despite inherent network differences. CDMA/EV-DO will still use '2G' for calls even you have '3G' for data when off a call. Apple's use of radio-diverse world-mode chips means they are using less efficient baseband chips but that does keep their phones on par in the short run and likely keeps them ahead of their competition in the long run with economy of scale. Don't be fooled by their marketing of "the longest talk time of any 4G smartphone" because, while true, you are not making that call using LTE. Also, if we see a RAZR MAXX for GSM don't expect their '3G' talk time to come in at 21 hours. With a 3300 mAh battery I'd expect about 15 hours of '3G' talk time on GSM.

    Of course it has a larger battery, which speaks to the statement that someone made that the Android phones have to be larger to handle a bigger battery. The MAXX somehow allows a much larger battery in a thinner device indicating Apple's not the only company that's figured out how the "pack the innards". As I said, the smartphone makers are getting better at designing for larger batteries, as well as better efficiency, which is all I'm making note of.
  • Reply 334 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Of course it has a larger battery, which speaks to the statement that someone made that the Android phones have to be larger to handle a bigger battery. The MAXX somehow allows a much larger battery in a thinner device indicating Apple's not the only company that's figured out how the "pack the innards". As I said, the smartphone makers are getting better at designing for larger batteries, as well as better efficiency, which is all I'm making note of.

    I bet if you measure the internal space sans the battery usage the RAZR MAXX will still have more internal space to play with.

    I'm not seeing any better power efficiency from the vendors. I'm seeing more efficient components and OSes as they mature and I'm seeing long lasting phones from the vendors as they grow in size to accommodate larger batteries, but not better power efficiency from the vendors.
  • Reply 335 of 349
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Do you really believe that? Because most people I know don't. True Mac and PC guys were embodiments of respective computers, but like in La Fontaine fables, meaning was much deeper.

    Yes, I believe what I wrote earlier. And it's sad if you think of yourself as the tool you use. Maybe that's part of the problem?

    To make it painfully obvious to you, the point of the I'm a Mac ads weren't that users of PCs were brown suit bureaucrats, but that PCs were designed for brown suit bureaucrats, why should you settle for that? Seeing as nobody, not even a brown suit bureaucrat, sees themselves as a brown suit bureaucrat, it was a brilliant swipe without attacking anyone's ego.


    Even Microsoft tried to counter "PC users are dull and boring bureaucrats type" with "I'm a PC" adds presenting people from various professional and social circles, claiming to be a PC users. Where and why do you think that came from?

    And Microsofts I'm a PC ad campaign showed how completely they missed the point. It didn't attack any users which was good, but somehow they made it seem like PC users had to justify themselves, and join in with a Stuart Smalley: "And I Like myself!" to be associated with that PC crowd. Which is a bass-ackwards, and not very effective, way to do your marketing.
  • Reply 336 of 349
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I bet if you measure the internal space sans the battery usage the RAZR MAXX will still have more internal space to play with.

    I'm not seeing any better power efficiency from the vendors. I'm seeing more efficient components and OSes as they mature and I'm seeing long lasting phones from the vendors as they grow in size to accommodate larger batteries, but not better power efficiency from the vendors.

    New display technologies are less taxing on batteries, and I imagine there's other less power-hungry components being incorporated by some of these guys too. Coupled with improved power-saving features in the OS's, I personally think the manufacturer's are doing a better job with efficiency. I'm no engineer, just going by what I've read.
  • Reply 337 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member

  • Reply 338 of 349
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Been hanging around our bedroom window again Soli?
  • Reply 339 of 349
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    You know what they say about people with small hands...

    They wear small gloves?

    (shamelessly copied from that movie with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant)
  • Reply 340 of 349
    Sounds to me like Samsung is desperate... portraying people who prefer apple products as "addicted people who have never seen another type of phone," due to the way they make the people act when they see the new Samsung phone...
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