Samsung reportedly behind mock protest flashmob at Apple Store



  • Reply 141 of 190
    seafoxseafox Posts: 90member



    Originally Posted by archieny View Post

    Wake up... What was the point of that? Really... I don't get it.


    Originally Posted by Loptimist View Post

    point was to make you feel confused and check on the internet and find out it is samsung and realize that gsiii is coming.


    And that's the sad part of this ad campaign. If it wasn't for Samsung having their connection "leaked" to it no one would have any idea what happened and would just dismiss it as a random dumb protest by people complaining about Foxconn I bet.


    I hope Samsung got a portion of their money back on this cause... ya they got ripped off.

  • Reply 142 of 190



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I don't think that you can call someone 'the next X' until the X has actually gone kaput.


    Having said that, It'll be RIM first, then Nokia, then Samsung. Poor guys.


    Samsung just post a 98% profit jump on the same quarter last year, with the SGS III just about to be launched. I'm not a big Samsung fan, nor do I use an Android phone, but I don't think they are on the way out with those numbers.

  • Reply 143 of 190
    waybacmacwaybacmac Posts: 309member

    I think it would be hilarious if a rumor went viral that this flashmob was actually an APPLE advertising stunt in anticipation of a new APPLE product. Imagine the reaction at Samsung HQ.

  • Reply 144 of 190
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member



    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post



    Classy like like drawing other mobile vendors into the iPhone 4's antenna issues...yeah, real classy.


    Pointing out that all antennas have similar problems is "drawing other mobile vendors" into it?




    Not to mention that the "antenna issues" was blown out of proportions by idiots you don't know physics. Apple sold like 50 millions of iPhone 4 and nobody complained of pour reception...

  • Reply 145 of 190




    Do you know Apple has over $110 billion in cash in the bank?  Out of that, over $64 billion dollars is in overseas accounts and they want to avoid paying taxes on it. They want to bring that money into the US to "...create jobs and infuse cash into our struggling economy.", but they are complaining that the tax rate is too high so they won't. They won't do it unless the government gives them, and other rich companies, a "Tax Holiday", a tax break. The last time there was a tax holiday, 2004, the people that benefitted from it were far from unemployed or struggling in the economy. The money was spent on dividends and stock repurchases. The very things apple said they are going to do this July.

    The money in overseas accounts has been earned overseas, it is not in some dodgy tax haven and the company has or will have to pay tax on the profit in the country where it has been earned.

    In most advanced economies once tax has has been paid in the country it was earned, the net amount is allowed to repatriated to the 'home' country without further taxation. The US and a small number of other countries are notable exemptions to the status quo.

    What Apple and other companies are bemoaning is that they are being asked to pay double taxation and at a rate that is equal to the rate as if the money had been made in the US.

    This kind of tax policy is what has driven more large companies to move their headquarters and registration out of the US.


    Apple has not threatened to do this or indicated it wishes to do this, just asked for some consideration that the money earned overseas has already been taxed and perhaps a lower figure might be more appropriate. It has stated publicly that it does not need a tax holiday to bring money in from overseas but a fair flat rate that is not so disadvantageous to it's shareholders. Remember that ultimately the board is answerable to it's shareholders and that is enshrined in company law.


    The report to which you refer although damming when looked at on the surface did not take account of the circumstances of the individual companies that benefitted from the tax holiday in 2004. It was skewed as the majority of the money brought in was from a number of pharma companies which had significant problems already and this is partly why the lobbying was successful in the first place.


    I would recommend that you do some detailed research before painting with such broad brush strokes.

  • Reply 146 of 190



    Originally Posted by foljs View Post



    Pointing out that all antennas have similar problems is "drawing other mobile vendors" into it?




    Not to mention that the "antenna issues" was blown out of proportions by idiots you don't know physics. Apple sold like 50 millions of iPhone 4 and nobody complained of pour reception...


    Umm yeah because that's exactly what they did?...LOL

  • Reply 147 of 190
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member



    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post

    Personally, I'd like to think that it's possible to be a fan of a company's products without being so unconditionally supportive as to do the company's marketing work for them.



    If I can't use the word 'fanboy', which other word should I use to describe somebody who refuses to recognise any flaws in a company's products? There is a big difference between being a fan and a fanboy.


    You *don't*.  It's usually a lazy ad hominem used to label, bin people and it's an invective chosen to shut down the discussion.  You might as well call people poopy-pants because it's not much more mature than that.


    For the record, I think "fandroids" and "Samesung" are similarly immature labels too.  Calling people names like that doesn't solve anything.  People might feel better, but it makes the situation worse.


    It is very possible to like a company's products without being unconditionally supportive.  For example, most posters here disagree with Apple on something on occasion.

  • Reply 148 of 190
    hungoverhungover Posts: 603member



    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Maybe I should start replying to those "Green card" offer emails.


    On behalf of Australians I apologise, we aren't all stupid "wake up" sheep or idiots who don't know that 4G comes in different bands.


    btw I replaced the piece of junk Samsung fridge I had with a Bosch a couple of months ago and yesterday I replaced the piece of junk Samsung washing machine I had for an Electrolux, now I'm just waiting for the warranty to run out on the Samsung Plasma screen I was given as a gift by the company that built my house, as when that day comes I anticipate it's imminent failure, just like all the other Samsung junk I've owned, Samsung home theatre system that failed, replaced by Sony Bluray and Pioneer.


    I've woken up all right, I'll never buy another piece of Samsung junk with it's built in obsolescence ever!!!


    Erm does that include "junk" made with Samsung components?


    BTW next time get a Miele washing machine if you want quality, Electrolux are crap by comparison.

  • Reply 149 of 190

    The funny thing here is that they're telling Apple to "Wake Up" when they're going to release a phone that will likely have huge specs but will still suck performance-wise at the OS level. Wake up guys! Your phone might be amazing spec-wise but the OS isn't taking advantage of it. I mean how can they have high-end Android phones with the specs they have and still have lag and input issues? I mean my friend's GSII is a great phone but whenever he shows me something on it and I have do scroll up or down it just doesn't feel anywhere near as fluid as my iPhone. Sometimes I even see him poking it several times just to get it to accept his tap. Android isn't Apple and thats why a lot of people like it. That's fine but why can't it at least be much more fluid and responsive to use? Apple shows that it's possible even with one core and much less RAM and megahertz on my old second gen iPod touch. 


    Throwing more cores and megahertz at Android doesn't seem to fix everything. I'm an Apple fan who can respect the fact that other things might be better...those things just really haven't shown up yet. Apple screws up a lot of stuff and rightly takes flak for those things, but in general user experience is their forte and nobody else is really bringing much else to the table besides more cores and megahertz. It just won't cut it when the software isn't running on all cylinders. Tell Google to wake up and fix Android or wake yourself up and fork it to make it better. Otherwise the specs are just lipstick on a pig.



  • Reply 150 of 190
    hungoverhungover Posts: 603member



    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post



    It doesn't logically follow that the antenna issue didn't exist, though. I'm not surprised that return figures were lower. The iPhone 4 was a landmark phone - overall, it was far and away superior to the competition at launch. It's perfectly possible that users recognised the antenna issue and were bothered by it, but didn't consider it serious enough to take the phone back and still thought that it was the best phone available.


    The fact that there wasn't a commercial issue doesn't mean that there wasn't a technical issue.







    Oh, the English-speaking media definitely jumped on it. It wasn't just the media, though. It was reported in forums and comments sections and other venues for grassroots opinion. And any problem which existed in the UK and on AT&T must also have existed in Europe and most of the world, because they use the same GSM technology.

    I don't know anyone that doesn't use a bumper/cover with an iphone 4 and I agree that the overall experience with a cover was deemed too little of an inconvenience to warrant demanding a refund or making an official complaint.


    For what its worth, I thought that the whole AnntennaGate issue was handled very badly and that dragging other phones into the equation smacked of desperation and was tacky in the extreme.

  • Reply 151 of 190
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Funny how the Fandroids have their panties in a wad because *gasp* some tech writers aren't too impressed with Samsung's marketing. Samsung is no underdog or upstart. It's a multi billion dollar corporation that sells as many if not more smartphones than Apple does. But yet it's the Apple fans who are sheep blindly following the cult of Apple. Couldn't we say all those who swear by Androidnare just following the cult of google?
  • Reply 152 of 190



    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post



    Just like the upgrade from the iPhone 4 to the 4S then? Or are you talking about a phone that isn't even released yet?


    Do you think the S3 or S III will be half an upgrade?


    Double the cores.


    12 Megapixel camera (catch up to the N8 and Sony's new phone)


    Improve the camera beyond the megapixels like the iPhone 4S and the HTC One X


    Do something about the audio, like HTC with beats.


    Screen from the Nexus, maybe not pentile this time.


    Do you think they'll clone Siri, with a Korean accent?


    I'm sure the Android fans will be creaming themselves over it's superiority as Samsung's overhyped marketing swings into action.


    Thinking about this it seems the black and white is more a Blackberry thing as was pointed out earlier.


    If it was Samsung they would go for blue and white, they would show their true colours, it's not like them to hide with too much obscurity.






    Here's one prediction:





    As far as Galaxy S3 is concerned, speculations are rife that it would incorporate a 4.8-inch full HD 1080p resolution with 16:9 aspect ratio display, 2GB RAM, an 8-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, integrated 4G LTE, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and an ultra-thin ceramic case.





    Full HD on a pocketable device sounds great.  I wonder what dpi that works out to?


    The American versions will not be getting a quad core processor, according to reports, because they will have LTE.  The European models will not get LTE.


    If the reports are true, it looks like a good solid phone.



  • Reply 153 of 190
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member



    Originally Posted by hungover View Post


    I don't know anyone that doesn't use a bumper/cover with an iphone 4 and I agree that the overall experience with a cover was deemed too little of an inconvenience to warrant demanding a refund or making an official complaint.


    For what its worth, I thought that the whole AnntennaGate issue was handled very badly and that dragging other phones into the equation smacked of desperation and was tacky in the extreme.


    Fortunately for Apple, you're not making the decisions. Apple completely defused the issue and it turned out to be a non-issue for 99.99% of people. Apple's iPhone sales didn't stumble a bit, it continues to be rated the top phone on the market by most reviewers, and everyone's happy - except the shills who tried to make an issue out of it.



    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post



    Here's one prediction:




    Who cares? It's still running a crappy OS with a lousy ecosystem. If results are anything like the last couple of years of history, a lot of people will be impressed with all the specs the sales person throws around, buy the phone, and then return it in 3 days after they realize it's a POS.

  • Reply 154 of 190
    mikeleemikelee Posts: 16member



    Originally Posted by Russell View Post



    If it wasn't for our government and mainstream media to keep them in check, over zealous apple employees would come very close. Remember Cava22?


    Do you know Apple has over $110 billion in cash in the bank?  Out of that, over $64 billion dollars is in overseas accounts and they want to avoid paying taxes on it. They want to bring that money into the US to "...create jobs and infuse cash into our struggling economy.", but they are complaining that the tax rate is too high so they won't. They won't do it unless the government gives them, and other rich companies, a "Tax Holiday", a tax break. The last time there was a tax holiday, 2004, the people that benefitted from it were far from unemployed or struggling in the economy. The money was spent on dividends and stock repurchases. The very things apple said they are going to do this July.


    Samsung kidnapped some worker who tried to organize a union.  It was reported on tv in Korea.  What do yo have to say about that?


  • Reply 155 of 190
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by mikelee View Post

    Samsung kidnapped some worker who tried to organize a union.  It was reported on tv in Korea.  What do yo have to say about that?


    I have to say, "Link, please."

  • Reply 156 of 190



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I have to say, "Link, please."


    Here are some links.




  • Reply 157 of 190



    Originally Posted by xxSampleXX View Post



    If you honestly don't get it, you need to get out more...


    Ok, I'll bite. Please do explain. We "need to get out more" where and doing what that would explain what "Wake Up" is supposed to mean to us.


    From where I sit, It's awful lame. I don't get it either, but maybe I don't have the proper context to understand ... maybe because I'm not in Australia.

  • Reply 158 of 190
    hungoverhungover Posts: 603member



    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post



    Fortunately for Apple, you're not making the decisions. Apple completely defused the issue and it turned out to be a non-issue for 99.99% of people. Apple's iPhone sales didn't stumble a bit, it continues to be rated the top phone on the market by most reviewers, and everyone's happy - except the shills who tried to make an issue out of it.






    Apple completely defused the situation? In what way?


    Do you mean the decision to settle the class action out of court?


    Or the redesign of the antenna in the 4s?


    Not sure how you can tell that Antenna-Gate had no influence on sales of the 4.


    BTW highlighting a flaw doesn't make one a shill (insisting that everyone is, just makes you look paranoid) - Consumer Reports rates the 4s very highly and stressed that the 4s has no antenna issues. Given that Apple insisted that attenuation, as seen in the 4 is normal, are CR lying?

  • Reply 159 of 190
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by hungover View Post

    Or the redesign of the antenna in the 4s?


    Yes. This obviously is the case. Never mind that the iPhone 4S has both GSM and CDMA in one device. You're obviously right, and we should all bow to your wisdom.



    Not sure how you can tell that Antenna-Gate had no influence on sales of the 4.


    Not sure how you can tell it did.



    …are CR lying?


    I'm not sure you want an answer to that.


  • Reply 160 of 190
    dbeatsdbeats Posts: 26member

    I got it! Wake Up and buy a new iPad. Awesome ad campaign Apple. Wow I wish Sams-flung thought of that! I guess they'll just have to copy it.


    Screen Shot 2012-04-27 at 12.33.06 PM.png



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