ITC judge invokes 'Cheech and Chong' test in Apple-Samsung case



  • Reply 61 of 92
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    You mis-spelled "Most of the denigration that occurs in this forum is leveled at those who fabricate complete lies and spend countless hours spreading FUD".


    ...and smell funny, too. ;-)

  • Reply 62 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    Tune. MHD. iBanned. Angler.

    Enjoy your fifth ban.

    Really? Banned for that? Look at PC cases in general. This is a computer with a smaller form factor. At a certain point, yes a rectangle is a rectangle.

    Might as well sue Roku too. Motorola should sue TiVo for putting their DVR in a box.

    I don't know the history of the guy you banned but his comment was not out of line in this instance and quite frankly, your acting like a jerk in this case.

    Ban me if you wish too, but you seriously need to step back a bit.
  • Reply 63 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't talk to everyone here but everyone I talk to that has been here for years and years like me has said (and I totally agree) that you have gone way far off the deep end these last weeks.  Melgross (also a moderator) used to freak out on people and cross the line once in a blue moon (we are all human after all), but he would then usually step back apologise and move on.  It's pretty clear that you're ruing the board for everyone however and everyone can see it (except perhaps you).  


    You showboat and bully people around, and you clearly don't deserve to be a moderator.  I really just don't understand it because you're obviously smart and funny etc. and a few weeks ago I would have said I agree with almost everything you post, but ... As Cheech and Chong would say .... "you've changed man."  


    So while you're thinking of banning me (if you even take a moment to think at all) and deleting this post so no-one knows what you did ... you might want to just own up to it and apologise, or at least lighten up and turn back into the good natured person you used to be before whomever peed in your breakfast cereal or whatever happened to make you like this. 


    You'll probably take this as a personal attack for some reason, but I'm serious.  I don't dislike you at all and most people here probably don't either, but you should really, seriously take a look in the mirror.  


    It's clear you don't understand me, nor the things for which I stand, so I'll be happy to repeat them.


    Moderation and personal beliefs, for me, only cross paths when I'm dealing with anti-Apple trolls. This is an Apple forum, and as such we're all going to have something of an Apple bias, I'd think. At the very least, an interest in the company, for better or for worse, and a desire to talk about it.


    If you come on here for the sole purpose of demeaning or diminishing Apple, or spreading FUD about the company, well, we're gonna have a problem. There're plenty of anti-Apple forums out there, and there's no real reason for that kind of talk here (or lies anywhere, really), even if there weren't. So, if it's a blatant troll, I (and I'm sure others) will simply rebut their posts, pointing out the fallacies along the way, and go about our business. If they stick around doing the same thing, well, we'll get more forceful until eventually they're banned after becoming too much of a nuisance. But we (and when I say 'we', I mean users in general) generally poke a bit of fun with it as we do it.


    There's nothing wrong with that, I don't think. Who's more foolish? The 'fool' that spends his time on a forum about a company or product he enjoys, or the fool who comes on the forum of a company or product he hates just to say bad things/lie about them?


    Now. Me. I sort of don't allow the forum rules to apply to me. Meaning you can pretty much insult me or demean me all you want, and I'm totally cool with that (and a bunch of people who just had their hearts jump into their throats are settling back down now that they've realized I'm not a "bad cop on the loose"). Not gonna report you or delete your posts or ban you. That's disgusting behavior. Because of my position, people have the right to talk about me in whatever way they wish, I figure, you know? 


    Now, if it's a wall of obscenities, I'd probably mention it to someone. No one wants to see just a wall of obscenities. But banning someone because they spoke ill of you as a moderator or you yourself (when you just happen to have moderator power)? I see that as grounds for instant, permanent banning. For ME. And they'd be reinstated, of course.


    amoled/Tune/angler/MHD/iBanned/El Band was banned for being a troll. His five other accounts were banned for continuing the trolling, plus reregistering, which we don't allow. Pure and simple.


    Now, impartiality. I love Apple. So sue me. I'm not going to be at my most impartial when discussing Apple, because that's not me. I'm not going to pretend I'm something I'm not if I have an opinion on a matter. I will, however, read, research, and discuss other opinions (and a fully anti-Apple side) with a sense of detachment and a mind open to their positions, if said position is presented politely and intelligently. Absolutely. If I'm wrong, I want to be corrected. If it's not a question of being wrong, it's a chance to improve my opinion. We all know trolling when we see it, and we know what isn't polite or intelligent.


     You'd see me be incredibly impartial talking about virtually everything that isn't Apple, particularly politics, but there's not much action in the AppleOutsider forum, and I don't go to PoliticalOutsider. You guys ever been there? They're sort of mean over there! image



    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    Really? Banned for that?


    Banned for having six accounts. We don't allow multiple sign-ups. 


    Banned also for being an anti-Apple troll in every account. We welcome all opinions, but you know exactly where the line is.



    Ban me if you wish too, but you seriously need to step back a bit.


    Please read the above for why that would be foolishness of the highest degree.

  • Reply 64 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    It's clear you don't understand me, nor the things for which I stand, so I'll be happy to repeat them.

    Moderation and personal beliefs, for me, only cross paths when I'm dealing with anti-Apple trolls. This is an Apple forum, and as such we're all going to have something of an Apple bias, I'd think. At the very least, an interest in the company, for better or for worse, and a desire to talk about it.

    If you come on here for the sole purpose of demeaning or diminishing Apple, or spreading FUD about the company, well, we're gonna have a problem. There're plenty of anti-Apple forums out there, and there's no real reason for that kind of talk here (or lies anywhere, really), even if there weren't. So, if it's a blatant troll, I (and I'm sure others) will simply rebut their posts, pointing out the fallacies along the way, and go about our business. If they stick around doing the same thing, well, we'll get more forceful until eventually they're banned after becoming too much of a nuisance. But we (and when I say 'we', I mean users in general) generally poke a bit of fun with it as we do it.

    There's nothing wrong with that, I don't think. Who's more foolish? The 'fool' that spends his time on a forum about a company or product he enjoys, or the fool who comes on the forum of a company or product he hates just to say bad things/lie about them?

    Now. Me. I sort of don't allow the forum rules to apply to me. Meaning you can pretty much insult me or demean me all you want, and I'm totally cool with that (and a bunch of people who just had their hearts jump into their throats are settling back down now that they've realized I'm not a "bad cop on the loose"). Not gonna report you or delete your posts or ban you. That's disgusting behavior. Because of my position, people have the right to talk about me in whatever way they wish, I figure, you know? 

    Now, if it's a wall of obscenities, I'd probably mention it to someone. No one wants to see just a wall of obscenities. But banning someone because they spoke ill of you as a moderator or you yourself (when you just happen to have moderator power)? I see that as grounds for instant, permanent banning. For ME. And they'd be reinstated, of course.

    amoled/Tune/angler/MHD/iBanned/El Band was banned for being a troll. His five other accounts were banned for continuing the trolling, plus reregistering, which we don't allow. Pure and simple.

    Now, impartiality. I love Apple. So sue me. I'm not going to be at my most impartial when discussing Apple, because that's not me. I'm not going to pretend I'm something I'm not if I have an opinion on a matter. I will, however, read, research, and discuss other opinions (and a fully anti-Apple side) with a sense of detachment and a mind open to their positions, if said position is presented politely and intelligently. Absolutely. If I'm wrong, I want to be corrected. If it's not a question of being wrong, it's a chance to improve my opinion. We all know trolling when we see it, and we know what isn't polite or intelligent.

     You'd see me be incredibly impartial talking about virtually everything that isn't Apple, particularly politics, but there's not much action in the AppleOutsider forum, and I don't go to PoliticalOutsider. You guys ever been there? They're sort of mean over there! :lol:

    Banned for having six accounts. We don't allow multiple sign-ups. 

    Banned also for being an anti-Apple troll in every account. We welcome all opinions, but you know exactly where the line is.

    Please read the above for why that would be foolishness of the highest degree.

    You never stated the reason for his ban was multiple accounts. At face value it appeared that it was based on his statement, which was not inflammatory in the least.

    I guess I'll need to actually read the TOS because I thought this site first and foremost to be a Apple news site with a forum based on the news comments. I did not realize that Apple Pom Poms were required.

    I have an interest in Apple products and late breaking news, as it were regarding those product. But, the forum is full of zealots that attract counter zealots. Regardless, I expect more impartiality from forum moderators. The fact that you can take being called a name above Apple being attacked is a little skewed and out of whack

    If people take Android trolling so friggin personally, you need a little detachment. You people identify yourselves too much with a product.
  • Reply 65 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    You never stated the reason for his ban was multiple accounts. At face value it appeared that it was based on his statement, which was not inflammatory in the least.


    I thought the listing of his previously banned aliases (and his corroboration thereof) was explanation enough. I apologize.

  • Reply 66 of 92
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member

    I don't have any issue with TS and his posts. He can be a bit blunt sometimes but who here isn't.


    He and I seldom agree, at least in the public forum, but we've always respectfully disagreed. There's one or two here who seem unable to do that, and those are just as disruptive to the forum as any of the Android fans IMHO. There's room here for opposing viewpoints if it's done truthfully and without name-calling and other personal attacks. I agree with some forum memebers who feel there's too many new sign-ups who are here to mock Apple fans and nothing else. I wouldn't have too much patience with them either. Unfortunately, based on my experience at other forums, it's almost impossible to keep them from reappearing under a new name. Even blocking an IP addy doesn't keep a determined user out. 


    I think TS does an admirable job considering what he has to deal with.

  • Reply 67 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    I don't have any issue with TS and his posts. He can be a bit blunt sometimes but who here isn't.

    He and I seldom agree, at least in the public forum, but we've always respectfully disagreed. There's one or two here who seem unable to do that, and those are just as disruptive to the forum as any of the Android fans IMHO. There's room here for opposing viewpoints if it's done truthfully and without name-calling and other personal attacks. I agree with some forum memebers who feel there's too many new sign-ups who are here to mock Apple fans and nothing else. I wouldn't have too much patience with them either. Unfortunately, based on my experience at other forums, it's almost impossible to keep them from reappearing under a new name. Even blocking an IP addy doesn't keep a determined user out. 

    I think TS does an admirable job considering what he has to deal with.

    There is a difference between what he posts and how he moderates. The trolling only works to bait those that are so wrapped up into personal identification with a company and their products that it is viewed almost as a personal attack. In TS's point of view, it is a higher crime in his eyes to post negatively about Apple than to directly insult him.

    I'm sorry, but trolls or not, that is screwed up. In my eyes a moderator should be above getting into stupid troll pissing matches. But I have seen so many outright snarky replies on this forum. But that is to be expected when the tone is set by the moderator.

    If this forum isn't screaming "troll" then the rest of the posts are nothing more than "one upmanship" to prove how smart you are. But then somebody has to be snarky with how smart they are and contradict it.

    But in all honesty, since your all so full of yourselves my post is wasted cause you don't/won't see it in yourselves.
  • Reply 68 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    But in all honesty, since your all so full of yourselves my post is wasted cause you don't/won't see it in yourselves.


    Wait, all of us? I don't think the servers could handle that.


    Pause while I pretend to realize that's the snarkiness he was talking about.

  • Reply 69 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    Wait, all of us? I don't think the servers could handle that.

    Pause while I pretend to realize that's the snarkiness he was talking about.

    A "moderator" would reply to my message, if at all with an objective statement along the lines of, "we do our best to promote on topic, civil discussion. In general, as moderators, we do our best to model the behavior that we expect of our forum members. As such we do our best to minimize pointless flame wars when we can and we do our best to remain objective/impartial when trying to either dissolve a flame war ourselves or avoiding one in the first place. We recognize that people will have varying opinions and those are supported and encouraged.
  • Reply 70 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    A "moderator" would reply to my message, if at all with an objective statement along the lines of, "we do our best to promote on topic, civil discussion. In general, as moderators, we do our best to model the behavior that we expect of our forum members. As such we do our best to minimize pointless flame wars when we can and we do our best to remain objective/impartial when trying to either dissolve a flame war ourselves or avoiding one in the first place. We recognize that people will have varying opinions and those are supported and encouraged.


    But your post was wasted because we're full of ourselves. I didn't figure you'd want an actual answer. Would you have accepted that answer had I (or anyone else) said the same?


    If you'll notice, I did say as much earlier in the thread.

  • Reply 71 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    But your post was wasted because we're full of ourselves. I didn't figure you'd want an actual answer. Would you have accepted that answer had I (or anyone else) said the same?

    If you'll notice, I did say as much earlier in the thread.

    You still continue to prove why you are a terrible moderator.
  • Reply 72 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    But your post was wasted because we're full of ourselves. I didn't figure you'd want an actual answer. Would you have accepted that answer had I (or anyone else) said the same?

    If you'll notice, I did say as much earlier in the thread.

    And yes, had you shown any semblance of answering that way I would have accepted the answer. Why the eff do you think I wrote it?
  • Reply 73 of 92
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    You still continue to prove why you are a terrible moderator.


    *ahem* "We recognize that people will have varying opinions and those are supported and encouraged."


    Now come on. A perfectly good thread, derailed for 30 posts by a troll on his sixth account. You're doing exactly what he wants. Let's drop it. You want to further inform me of my inadequacies, I welcome PMs.


    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    And yes, had you shown any semblance of answering that way I would have accepted the answer. Why the eff do you think I wrote it?


    You'll want to read this post again, then.

  • Reply 74 of 92
    bmason1270bmason1270 Posts: 258member
    *ahem* "We recognize that people will have varying opinions and those are supported and encouraged."

    Now come on. A perfectly good thread, derailed for 30 posts by a troll on his sixth account. You're doing exactly what he wants. Let's drop it. You want to further inform me of my inadequacies, I welcome PMs.

    You'll want to read this post again, then.

    The same goes for banning. Ban them via PM. Not on the forum. You still don't get. 30 posts in you just realize it got derailed. But since a Moderator thought it appropriate to bring up banning in a thread I hadn't realized that I hijacked the topic. I was only following modeled behavior.
  • Reply 75 of 92
    tarfungotarfungo Posts: 92member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    < snip>


    Keep on moderating just the way you do, TS.

    This ^

  • Reply 76 of 92


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Hey look it's a new Mac Mini:-



    Samsung imitating, nah I just don't see it.



    Good swap meet quality LOL and no its not a rectangle to the kids that said this, its a square.  And further more, it had the same dimensions and bottom, but cheap ass swap meet silver plastic. 

  • Reply 77 of 92
    toysandmetoysandme Posts: 243member


    Originally Posted by El Band View Post


    You left out Amoled. It's fun terrorizing you with the truth.


    Truth? More like ridiculous sophisms. 

  • Reply 78 of 92

    Are you guys kidding me? Apple didn't invent either the USB or multipin connectors used by the Samsung phone. Using commodity interconnects is a good idea, and ought not be considered patentable. Imagine if every other device in your home had proprietary connectors...


  • Reply 79 of 92
    itarditard Posts: 5member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    Nice try, but that's a photo frame, you schmuck!


    And it's off.




    Myth busted.


    Apple only claimed Samsung "slavishly copied" .. their design patents... Not technical patents. Where was Apple's photoframe in 2006?


    Clearly "prior art" here. If somebody copied the design, it is Apple.


    Thus Apple stole their design for the iPad from Samsung.


    Myth busted.


    We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.

    ~ Steve Jobs

  • Reply 80 of 92
    itarditard Posts: 5member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    Nice try, but that's a photo frame, you schmuck!


    And it's off.




    Myth busted.


    Apple only claimed Samsung "slavishly copied" .. their design patents... Not technical patents. Where was Apple's photoframe in 2006?


    Clearly "prior art" here. If somebody copied the design, it is Apple.


    Thus Apple stole their design for the iPad from Samsung.


    Myth busted.


    We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.

    ~ Steve Jobs


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