Apple injunction against Galaxy S III would give Samsung 'big problems'

in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple's recent string of courtroom victories against rival Samsung are continued progress in the company's "thermonuclear war" against Android. Its next target: the latest flagship Android smartphone, Samsung's Galaxy S III.

Apple initially tried to halt sales of the Galaxy S III with an injunction before it launched in the U.S. last month, but failed to halt the stateside debut of Samsung's latest smartphone. However, the Galaxy S III remains a courtroom target for Apple, and a victory halting its sale would leave Samsung with "big problems on its hands," analyst Brian White of Topeka Capital Markets said in a note to investors on Monday.

Apple has found success in the courtroom by focusing on four patents, though its recent success with Judge Lucy Koh against Samsung has stemmed largely from U.S. Patent No. 8,086,604, for a "universal interface for retrieval of information in a computer system." Koh found that Apple is "likely to suffer irreparable harm" for any infringement on the '604 patent. The other three patents cited by Apple are:
  • U.S. Patent No. 5,946,647 for a "system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data."
  • U.S. Patent No. 8,074,172 for a "method, system, and graphical user interface for providing word recommendations" or predictive text.
  • U.S. Patent No. 8,046,721 for a system describing "unlocking a device by performing gestures on an unlock image" or the "slide to unlock" function found on iOS device.

Last week, Apple won injunctions against both Samsung's Galaxy Nexus smartphone, and its Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet. White sees the victories as one step in Apple's lengthy battle against Android — a showdown he said the iPhone maker is "well prepared for," with $110.2 billion in net cash as of the second quarter of its fiscal year 2012.

Late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs vowed to biographer Walter Isaacson that his company would "destroy" Android, as he considered it to be a "stolen product." Jobs said he was "willing to thermonuclear war" and would have spent "every penny" that Apple had to "right this wrong."

While Apple's legal success against the Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab 10.1 are important decisions, those devices are not major sellers at the same level as the newly released Galaxy S III. Samsung has already announced that it expects sales of the Galaxy S III to reach 10 million this month, even in the face of demand outstripping supply.

Apple failed to block the June 21 U.S. launch of the Galaxy S III because Koh said she couldn't fit the issue on her calendar on such short notice. The docket for the case between Apple and Samsung has become particularly crowded leading up to the official trial, which will begin at the end of this month.


  • Reply 1 of 137
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    That would be a shame. The SIII is a really nice looking phone for people that can palm a basketball.
  • Reply 2 of 137
    esoomesoom Posts: 155member

    Go go Apple :)

  • Reply 3 of 137

    I can't palm a basketball but the phone fits nice in my hands - The iPhone 4s I own looks very puny screen wise as compared...


    but both are great phones...

  • Reply 4 of 137


    Originally Posted by holmstockd View Post

    I can't palm a basketball but the phone fits nice in my hands - The iPhone 4s I own looks very puny screen wise as compared...


    but both are great phones...


    I can palm a basketball and the 4s doesn't look "very puny screen wise" to me at all. If that very large phone "fits nice" in your hand(and pockets), but you can't palm a basketball, you just need more hand strength. That's all. ;-)

  • Reply 5 of 137

    lol only meant each phone in each hand makes the standard 3.5 inch screen they use small...


    Not sure if rumor is true but lets see how the 4inch they may produce will stand out.

  • Reply 7 of 137
    krakajapkrakajap Posts: 29member

    They both copy each other (not to mention all the other manufacturers).  But this whole legal war has far exceeded asinine!  The only result from all of this will be bottlenecked innovation.  All these companies need to just get the F* over it and move on!


    Very VERY good article IMO:

  • Reply 8 of 137
    constable odoconstable odo Posts: 1,041member

    Why is this even being mentioned because it's not going to happen.  Apple won't be able to stop the Galaxy S III from being sold.  And even if they did temporarily, it would probably be easy enough for Samsung or Google to make whatever changes are necessary in a relatively short time.  I'm willing to bet that most users wouldn't even care if changes were made.

  • Reply 9 of 137
    macshackmacshack Posts: 103member



    The hint is in the picture. Samsung calls it inspiration. Apple calls it stealing. The only thing I can see that is in any way related to 'nature' is the picture on the screen. When is the Galaxy S5 coming?

    GalaxyIIIII.png or Galaxy5.png


    Really Samsung. As a geek company whithout any afinity with design and inspiration you should not use such misleading words in advertising.


    Sorry, couldn't help it.

  • Reply 10 of 137
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member

    Oh well. It coulda been Sammy doing that keynote in June 2007 and redefining the entire mobile industry.


    Instead, it was, of course, Apple. And Apple never liked to license anything, but they *loved* to patent - from day 1 of the company. It's the product of supreme foresight. 

  • Reply 11 of 137
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Why is this even being mentioned because it's not going to happen.  Apple won't be able to stop the Galaxy S III from being sold.  And even if they did temporarily, it would probably be easy enough for Samsung or Google to make whatever changes are necessary in a relatively short time.  I'm willing to bet that most users wouldn't even care if changes were made.

    Or not in this case as it is a tech issue and not a design one.

    The only way for Samsung to quickly get out of this would have been to agree that said tech was part of Android that Google created, not them. So Apple should be suing Google not them. But that time has passed.
  • Reply 12 of 137
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by KrakaJap View Post

    They both copy each other (not to mention all the other manufacturers).  But this whole legal war has far exceeded asinine!  The only result from all of this will be bottlenecked innovation.  All these companies need to just get the F* over it and move on!




    Why? There are billions of dollars at stake. This is what the courts are there for. 

  • Reply 13 of 137
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    quadra 610 wrote: »
    . And Apple never liked to license anything, but they *loved* to patent - from day 1 of the company. It's the product of supreme foresight. 

    It's the same with all companies.
  • Reply 14 of 137
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,693member

    If it's a war on Android, why isn't Apple suing Google?

  • Reply 15 of 137
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    krakajap wrote: »
    They both copy each other (not to mention all the other manufacturers).  But this whole legal war has far exceeded asinine!  The only result from all of this will be bottlenecked innovation.  All these companies need to just get the F* over it and move on!

    Very VERY good article IMO:

    "Copy each other?" BS. Show us the evidence. Just because you can claim something nonsensical in an internet forum doesn't make it true or right.
  • Reply 16 of 137
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    Come on now, Samsung doesn't copy Apple!



    Right down to the connectors and packaging. Even the marketing campaign.

  • Reply 17 of 137
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    eriamjh wrote: »
    If it's a war on Android, why isn't Apple suing Google?

    This question must have been answered a million times already in many many forums.

    Google makes no hardware (yet). Once Apple gets some wins from the implementation of Android in the commonly used hardware out there, they could, perhaps some day, go after Google, as the 'enabler.'
  • Reply 18 of 137
    jazzgurujazzguru Posts: 6,435member
    Why innovate when you can litigate?
  • Reply 19 of 137
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    U.S. Patent No. 5,946,647 for a "system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data."



    It's incredible that you can you patent something so vague as this. No wonder the system is in such a mess.

  • Reply 20 of 137
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    markbyrn wrote: »
    Come on now, Samsung doesn't copy Apple!

    When I see posts like this I feel sad that I waste too much time on AppleInsider standing on my soap box yelling the obvious. Well, I'm sure I'm sharpening my skills (or something) here, for future battles. Don't give up brotha.
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