Google's "iLost" Motorola ad faked an address to "lose" iOS 6 Maps



  • Reply 41 of 277
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member


  • Reply 42 of 277
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member


    Originally Posted by simtub View Post

    Losing Google's YouTube App on iOS:

    No biggie...we don't have to watch Gangnam Style

    Losing Google Maps on iOS:

    Millions of users in the Apple community disoriented...Apple, this is a monumental and fundamental part of what makes the iPhone or any smartphone a fledging Internet communications device. We have become so dependant on this in our daily lives and we take google maps as a feature that we pay for on iPhone having paid 1000's of dollars on products.


    Another Google apologist.  Here's your Google maps on iOS: ; Enjoy your fake addresses.

  • Reply 43 of 277
  • Reply 44 of 277
    I love reading the Apple boards and Android boards for a good laugh...with the way some of you people react you would thing someone from the other side just walked in a kicked your puppy...
  • Reply 45 of 277
    Sorry to burst your bubble, fellas, but the address is REAL. Do a search in any mapping app and you'll see. SORRY!
  • Reply 46 of 277


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    In spite of all the noise, there's not one shred of evidence that Apple's Maps is significantly worse than the other options out there. They all have failures.


    There's only no evidence if you ignore that fact that many people don't like it, and I have asked around.  Are they being influenced by the media?  Probably.


    I've had my own issues when doing tests, though nothing I am terribly upset about it.  I was just testing it based on problems others had told me about and I had read about.  I did similar searches and experienced similar problems.  For me, it's no big deal.  But I don't like to dismiss what other people think as irrelevant or "noise".  I don't believe Apple will either.


    There are alternatives, and like you said, nothing is perfect.  So I do think the media is blowing it WAY out of proportion.  




    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Nokia: fakes (recent photo faking)

    Google/Moto: fakes


    This is what desperation does. 


    Google is afraid to lose a massive chunk of the maps/navigation market. Not to mention the most well-heeled segment of the market. The more successful Apple gets, the more they are fulfilling Steve Jobs' vision: to go it alone, and provide the most integrated complete end-to-end experience possible. 


    As for Nokia. Well, that's just sad, in a way. 


    I think Motorola and other handset makers will make a play to the (real or imagined) dissatisfaction people have towards iOS maps in the hopes they can lure a few people to Android.  It sort of makes sense.  Android still has Google Maps and iOS does not.  If you trick yourself into thinking Google Maps was the only reason people had an iPhone, then you may convince yourself it's a good play.  I am sure they won't find much success. I gave up my Android for iPhone knowing full well I'd have to find a 3rd party to provide turn-by-turn navigation.  Navigation is a bonus for me and an anyone with an iPhone.  If its your reason for having a smartphone, you probably have an Android phone already.


    The thing I see as desperate is other handset makers grasping at any straw they can find to try and chip away at the Apple juggernaut.  I honestly doubt there is much fear or desperation over iOS maps...yet. I am confident Apple will find away to take maps and navigation to a whole new place, and I am excited about that.  But that day hasn't arrived.  

  • Reply 47 of 277


    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    Another great, detailed article Daniel. Thank you

    I've lost any remaining trust in Google. I've switched all my default search to Bing. It's actually pretty darned good. I recommend everyone giving it try


    why in the world would anyone who does not work for Microsoft use that absolutely horrid Bing?  Bing Is Not Google because it sucks horribly.  Microsoft is much more evil than a zillion miles.

  • Reply 48 of 277
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    smags wrote: »
    Sorry, not a troll.


    Sorry, but when you don't enter a city, how can you complain that the map doesn't give you the city you want? Do you expect it to have ESP?
  • Reply 49 of 277
    Apple's map still can't find my home address with apartment number, which is 1845 1/8...I even reported this to apple 3 times by hitting the button for that. The advertisement seems valid to me. Can't wait for google maps app.
  • Reply 50 of 277


    Originally Posted by jayhammy View Post

    Sorry to burst your bubble, fellas, but the address is REAL. Do a search in any mapping app and you'll see. SORRY!


    I love Republicans. facts be damned, whatever they believe is the reality.  It does not matter the address does not exist, their crappy Android phone says it does, so that means it does.

  • Reply 51 of 277


    Originally Posted by jayhammy View Post

    Sorry to burst your bubble, fellas, but the address is REAL. Do a search in any mapping app and you'll see. SORRY!


    So, in other words, the truth is what Google says it is?

  • Reply 52 of 277

    Why not test happens if you put in properly formatted addresses like


    "315 E 15th St

    New York, NY 10003"


    If you put in a good address iOS Maps finds it.


    The map issues peopleare having seem to be a combination of Search results issues (local search when you don't enter in a city name, or a zip code), landmarks, and POIs, but I haven't see an issue yet where a real address entered with the city is wildly off.


    I'll concede  that right now Google local search seems superior (if a little slanted toward sponsored results in some cases.)
  • Reply 53 of 277
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Sorry, but when you don't enter a city, how can you complain that the map doesn't give you the city you want? Do you expect it to have ESP?

    I entered the same address on my iPad without any city, and the very first suggestion that pops up is the correct city.

  • Reply 54 of 277
    john.b wrote: »
    Another Google apologist.  Here's your Google maps on iOS:  [URL=http:] [/URL] Enjoy your fake addresses.
    Fake addresses or noi, I'll have much more faith in Nokia's Navteq (which finds this "fake" address) over anything apple is pushing.

    Its surprising to see all these other mapping companies have it wrong.
  • Reply 55 of 277
    Apple Maps may not be as polished as Google maps but really? Make up a fake address? I expect nothing less from the competition and haters. They are definitely doing their job well.

    Go Apple!!
  • Reply 56 of 277
    Isn't it better to take a non-existent address to somewhere that's close. If I was local, maybe I haven't been to the particular area but I would guess the general area of that address to be there like Google Maps shows. At least that's how I would give directions if a stranger comes up to me and asks for an address like that.
  • Reply 57 of 277


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Sorry, but when you don't enter a city, how can you complain that the map doesn't give you the city you want? Do you expect it to have ESP?



    Actually, has been an issue for me too.  Google maps would assume you meant an address close to you and start by looking close to your location.  This is one of the issues people are complaining about.  I actually experienced this issue today myself, but knew what happened and quickly entered a city and got the right location.  But that just shows I've grown dependent on it assuming I mean something nearby.


    I don't consider it a big deal, but it is a step back.  

  • Reply 58 of 277


    Originally Posted by smags View Post

    Sorry, not a troll.


    Where is there a real street named "15st"? Don't you mean "15th ST"?


    And what happens when you include a city? You think that'd help a little?????

  • Reply 59 of 277
    neo42neo42 Posts: 287member
    Two phones, same address, different results! But hey!, the address is kind of sort of not valid. Ugh, when when Motorola, I mean Android, I mean Google stop this low down dirty lying and stealing?!! Look, they even say that their phone is fit for your hand but we all know that only Apple know what the precise phone size is and that's one with a 3.5", I mean, 4" screen.
  • Reply 60 of 277


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I entered the same address on my iPad without any city, and the very first suggestion that pops up is the correct city.


    Any difference in city, without one entered, is probably related to your current location (or at least your last known one, or previous searches, or area displayed in maps). So, it's entirely possible that entering an address without a city can give different results.

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