Apple announces 4th-gen iPad with A6X CPU, FaceTime HD camera



  • Reply 81 of 151


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    They obviously didn't move the iPad 3 down to $399 because that wouldve consumed a lot of iPad 4 sales.  Who in their right mind will buy an iPad 2 now?  lol

    the new product line looks to be in 12(6?) months:

    Entry: $199/229/249: 'original' iPad Mini (A5X)

    Mini: $299/329: iPad Mini  RD (and aligned with iPad4 performance) (A6X)

    'Econ' Level:  $399: iPad 4 (A6X)

    Flagship: $499  New Improved (A7) iPad.


    This will make sense as a migration strategy

    Last year's iPad will be have it's innards be ported down to the 'new' Mini, for a slightly lower price

    Last year's Mini will become the the 4 price as the 'econ' level.  a 2 year old chipset.


    Finally, it lets Apple decide 'how low is low' on the Mini this year.  If they need to drop it 10% ($299), they can, and still have the room to drop the pricing umbrella even lower as they evolve to a 4 tier product line.  

  • Reply 82 of 151

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    That would've been true yesterday if someone had claimed Apple was coming out with a 4th gen iPad today, but surprise surprise they did just that, so now history shows that Apple has refreshed a device in less than a years time so why would saying they'd do again not be taken seriously?


    We have ONE data point. You CANNOT say anything about ONE data point. Doesn't matter how it looks.

    Stop being such a Boy Scout, people do it all the time and even brag about it. Why do you think medical insurance has skyrocketed? because of rampant fraud by doctors. Has a doctor ever told you "don't worry I'll eat the deductible?", he's not eating it the insurance company is.


    Uh, no. Apathy caused this problem. Telling people they're idiots and ridiculing them for perpetuating it is one of the easiest ways to fix it.

  • Reply 83 of 151


    Originally Posted by HKLofu View Post

    I still have an iPad 1 - it's fine. Still does exactly what it said it would, still love it.

    my son's partner has the same, she's a Art History Grad Student, and lives and dies by  her iPad for 'e-reading' (they literally scan to PDF 1000's of pages of Art history textbooks).


    However, I can see my son getting a Mini.  Med school student, with big lab coat pockets.  Lives on his iPhone for pharmaceutical and diagnostic assistance information.   Uses the iPad when he can, as the apps provide better visuals.  I could see him utilizing a Mini for his residency.

  • Reply 84 of 151


    Originally Posted by mac-user View Post

    I don't think so. I guess they can sell the still-in-the-channel iPad3 for enterprise customers with special deal as they may always do that anyways, in high volume orders.

    The do have a large requirement for 'warranty replacement' for those devices that are older than the 'free-upgrade' period.  They'll take back all of these, then run the line for enough for their planned consumption, then shut down the line (in time for the 5th generation iPad;-), and hope they hit the right glide path.

  • Reply 85 of 151
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    We have ONE data point. You CANNOT say anything about ONE data point. Doesn't matter how it looks.

    Uh, no. Apathy caused this problem. Telling people they're idiots and ridiculing them for perpetuating it is one of the easiest ways to fix it.

    But you cannot deny that the data point exists, and what we thought would NEVER happen did in fact happen. If you fall down the stairs and break a leg, you'll forever remember the time you fell and not the countless times you didn't. Why does that one data point supercede the others? Because it was out of the norm.
  • Reply 86 of 151
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Maybe those people need. To be taken out behind the wood shed for some aggressive education or behavior modification.

    The reality is there is absolutely nothing to complain about here. Apple needs to be aggressive to prevent repeating the mistakes made early in its history. The competition they face is real, the need a flagship model that is undeniably a better buy than the competition.

    creep wrote: »
    Your assertion that the 3 didn't offer any compelling reasons to upgrade over the ipad2 was stated by just about every major review, and is supported by performance metrics.  But, the reason most people are complaining is that the ipad 4 has come only six months after the 3 hit the market.    
    Realize that I'm being as polite as I can possibly be when I say such people are complete idiots and utterly out of touch with reality. What would these people prefer that Apple loose out to MicroSoft? Maybe they want the stock to crash, I don't know but iPad 4 is a sign that Apple isn't about to give up this market to anyone without a fight.
    EDIT: I should also learn the difference between "reply" and "quote". smh
  • Reply 87 of 151
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I'm sure Christmas was a factor but a minor one. The biggest factor is making sure they can keep MicroSoft in their place. Do not underestimate a strategy here to control the market and make sure the competition looks very poor even with their best product put forward.
    simtub wrote: »
    This was a surprise move by Apple indeed. It also means that in January next year there will be no new iPad to look forward to. A strategic move to meet the Christmas shopping frenzy season.
  • Reply 88 of 151
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    Maybe those people need. To be taken out behind the wood shed for some aggressive education or behavior modification.
    The reality is there is absolutely nothing to complain about here. Apple needs to be aggressive to prevent repeating the mistakes made early in its history. The competition they face is real, the need a flagship model that is undeniably a better buy than the competition.
    Realize that I'm being as polite as I can possibly be when I say such people are complete idiots and utterly out of touch with reality. What would these people prefer that Apple loose out to MicroSoft? Maybe they want the stock to crash, I don't know but iPad 4 is a sign that Apple isn't about to give up this market to anyone without a fight.

    Another idiot using loose for lose. Is Apple going to now respond to the competition instead of lead?
  • Reply 89 of 151
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Really what do you expect if you introduce that word into the discussion. Modern politics is all about fraud, do you really think either of the guys debating lately have been honest 100% of the time. I'm not talking about mistakes made but out right evasion of the truth.

    Actually I'm rather shocked that anyone would expect to use such a word and not get a political response this time of the year. I mean really, besides iPads, what else is on people's minds this time of the year?
    cameronj wrote: »
    I happen to be surprised when ANYONE is willing to commit fraud.  I'm kinda an absolutist in that way, not a relativist.  Stop trying to turn an unrelated discussion into politics.
  • Reply 90 of 151
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Another idiot using loose for lose. Is Apple going to now respond to the competition instead of lead?

    If you digest what happened today they are leading. This is a huge release of some really excellent hardware, the industry will continue to follow Apple.
  • Reply 91 of 151
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    If you digest what happened today they are leading. This is a huge release of some really excellent hardware, the industry will continue to follow Apple.

    Didn't you say they're responding to the Surface? Was something seriously wrong with the 3rd gen iPad or are they afraid of the competition? Apple is doing exactly what many here mocked other manufacturers of doing. I understand why current iPad 3 owners are complaining about, if Apple didn't have enoughcconfidence in refreshing at the one year mark why should they have any confidence in it?
  • Reply 92 of 151
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Not directly replying to you, but in general.

    I recall when Apple laptops/desktops were nowhere near top of (hardware) performance, people around here were commonly saying raw performance is really pointless compared to user experience.

    Now Apple releases faster version of latest iPad, six months earlier, obviously trying to undermine competition's releases, with same, old, a bit boring OS, and suddenly Universe is doomed.



    "Same, old, bit boring OS" - that just so happens to have the best user experience? And now with the early update on top, it doesn't leave much room for competitors. That's the point, not some imagined hypocrisy.

  • Reply 93 of 151
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sennen wrote: »
    "Same, old, bit boring OS" - that just so happens to have the best user experience? And now with the early update on top, it doesn't leave much room for competitors. That's the point, not some imagined hypocrisy.

    True but since when did Apple care so much about what room the competition had?
  • Reply 94 of 151

    Anyone have more info on how "Wi-Fi is up to twice as fast as the third-generation model" ?

  • Reply 95 of 151


    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post

    For the first time ever, I feel let down by Apple. 

    I liked the fact that when you were an early adopter to an iPhone or iPad you knew you had a year+ until the next one was released.

    This throws everything that I know to be true about Apple out of the window.

    I'm a disappointed member of the Apple family.

    You can either happily use what you have and be thankful you have it, or if you are really that dissatisfied, sell it and buy the latest and greatest for not that much more $$. Please just don't mope about it, you sound pathetic.

  • Reply 96 of 151
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Was something seriously wrong with the 3rd gen iPad or are they afraid of the competition?Apple is doing exactly what many here mocked other manufacturers of doing. I understand why current iPad 3 owners are complaining about, if Apple didn't have enoughcconfidence in refreshing at the one year mark why should they have any confidence in it?



    "Was something seriously wrong with the 3rd gen iPad"


    No, but in introducing a new product Apple took the opportunity to move it's release of the entire iPad line to be prior to Christmas rather than shortly after. Whether this is a permanent move remains to be seen, but it makes sense. Regarding the "3" in particular, they took the opportunity to also switch to the Lightning connector, add more LTE capability, and I think we will see that the backlighting will have changed on the "4" to be a simpler/lighter design than the "3". Also, they could switch to their own ARM chip, which makes sense in terms of supply/inventory. None of these changes were necessary, but they were opportune. I don't see why people are complaining about a product being improved.


    "Apple is doing exactly what many here mocked other manufacturers of doing."


    How so? Are you referring to the smaller iPad or an early update for the larger iPad? The smaller iPad keeps to Apple's human interface guidelines re: the size of touch targets, so one does NOT have to file one's fingers down to use it. The interface is designed for tablet use, rather than simply being upscaled from a phone or shrunken to the point of being difficult to use. 


    There is nothing set in stone that Apple must release once per year. iPad 3 owners have no basis for complaint regarding the timing of this update - just as I who recently purchased a Slingbox Pro HD and a week later there was an announcement of new models for the first time in 4+ years. Some Apple stores are offering exchanges for recent purchasers, similar to those who buy macs within a short period before an update. If one feels particularly aggrieved to having the superseded model, there is eBay and they can buy a new one.

  • Reply 97 of 151


    Originally Posted by urungus View Post

    Anyone have more info on how "Wi-Fi is up to twice as fast as the third-generation model" ?


    Basically, when connecting to an access point that supports it, it can use both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wireless channels at the same time to transfer data twice as fast.




    Advanced Wi-Fi technology. Built in.

    The new Wi-Fi capabilities built into iPad keep you connected faster than ever — up to twice as fast as any previous-generation iPad. With dual-band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) 802.11n Wi-Fi and support for channel bonding, download speeds can reach up to 150 Mbps.5 Translation: Many of the things you do every day may start to feel a whole lot faster.


  • Reply 98 of 151
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    True but since when did Apple care so much about what room the competition had?


    So you truly think that Apple operates in a vaccum and that a) improved demand for smaller tablet devices wasn't a good signal for them to release a product that they've had waiting in the wings for some time? And b) they shouldn't react to new players in the market? If anyone is aware of the price umbrella in the iPad line it is Apple, they've simply timed their move for best impact.

  • Reply 99 of 151


    Originally Posted by TheOtherGeoff View Post

    the new product line looks to be in 12(6?) months:

    Entry: $199/229/249: 'original' iPad Mini (A5X)

    iPad mini has an A5 processor (same as iPad 2 and iPhone 4S) rather than A5X (iPad 3's processor)

  • Reply 100 of 151


    Originally Posted by MacCentric View Post


    Basically, when connecting to an access point that supports it, it can use both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wireless channels at the same time to transfer data twice as fast.






    Cool, thanks

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