Microsoft exec promotes value of Windows 8 PCs, calls iPad mini a $329 'recreational tablet'



  • Reply 101 of 209
    pslice wrote: »
    It's like the political landscape. Everyone calling each other names. Buy what you want. We want people to be respectful of their creations and those of others. So tired of people lobbing bombs at each other. Sheesh.....
    Reasoning ??? What a quaint idea..
  • Reply 102 of 209


    Originally Posted by Snowdog65 View Post

    He said $279 Win8 Laptop. 


    IOW an Atom/AMD powered Netbook with no touchscreen (likely a crappy TN screen and small rotating HD).


    The exact same thing everyone said would kill the iPad when it debuted in 2010.


    100 Million iPads/275000 dedicated applications later and he is still using an answer that was foolish in 2010?


    Netbooks. Really? That's the best you got?


    I don't think Netbooks really compete with iPads.


    But you know what that $279 Netbook with real windows, certainly competes with a $600 Surface, that doesn't run real windows applications, and has a floppy membrane keyboard that makes the netbooks look like an expensive mechanical in comparison.


    Yay Surface RT, You can spend sub $300 for real windows, with a real keyboards and real applications. Or you can get a surface for more than double the price, half the performance, membrane keyboard, and almost no applications.


    Ouch. The more I'm learning, the more I realize I'll need a spreadsheet or I'm going to be totally confused. It appears that everyone seeing the Ads for this new tablet, are going to want to Click that keyboard, and Run all those Office programs. Is what you are saying that ALL THAT AWESOME STUFF, is only going to be on the top tier device with a different OS version? I've read reviews of RT, and it's actually pretty hard to determine the real difference -- and I'm sure users are going to expect everything to either be for a tablet, and/or be EXACTLY Windows 8 -- and they are going to be disappointed in both regards (so it seems). I expect a LOT of consumer confusion, which will exacerbate any shortcomings and make a product that might be good, look pretty bad. 


    Look at all the screaming that went on with scratches on the latest iPhone -- I shudder to think of the disappointment with the $279 version that isn't EXACTLY like the higher end model. Apple has higher end models, but they aren't FUNCTIONALLY different.


    I predict this tablet will be $99 or less on Craigslist in a year -- and the more I'm learning, I think that might be too high and expectation.

  • Reply 103 of 209


    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    I haven't tried it yet -don't know the limitations- but Microsoft Office RT (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote) is bundled with Windows RT.


    Let's hope it has that ribbon interface. Then Surface RT's failure will be complete.

  • Reply 104 of 209
    snova wrote: »
       Their point is mostly valid.  It does not take a a great deal of effort to find an exception (aka low blow) when one makes an absolute statement. Anyhow, wake me up when the majority out IT departments are handing out tablets or Surfaces instead of laptops.   For now, the primary consumer motivator is recreational use first and foremost, productivity, if any, secondary. 
    I find myself in agreement with you, but there are significant exceptions, notably education. And while significant, you are correct, they are nowhere near the majority. One specification I believe that may lead to wider adoption is that the iPad is usable the whole day before needing to be recharged. If an IT department hands out laptops, they better hand out extra batteries or power supplies. Sure you can hand out laptops cheaper than iPads, and can do more with these laptops than you could with the iPad. But when you can't keep this technology running the whole day, the cost savings is useless.
  • Reply 105 of 209
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member

    RT = Recreational Tablet.  LOL! 


    Strong words from a guy who's ARM tablet doesn't ship with an Outlook client.

  • Reply 106 of 209
    gary54gary54 Posts: 169member

    Take a gander at these comments. Pavlov's dog IT job protection racket MS sycophants same as always.



    This product hasn't even hit the market yet, all its limitations are blithely ignored, has no software to speak of and its already their darling iPad killer.



  • Reply 107 of 209


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    And he looks like Dr. Evil. Maybe these new MS tablets should attached to sharks with laser beams.


    He reminds me of The Mekon from the 1950s Dan Dare stories serialized in the British comic "The Eagle" which I used to read avidly every week.


    Google have a driverless car... perhaps Microsoft should have concentrated more on a suitable airborne mode of transport for those moments when their lookalike character needed to grab another tablet!


  • Reply 108 of 209
    "It's not just discounting. It's piss-poor engineering work and cheaper parts that drives the cost down."

  • Reply 109 of 209


    Originally Posted by snax007 View Post

    "It's not just discounting. It's piss-poor engineering work and cheaper parts that drives the cost down."



    "Cheap fabric and dim lighting—that's how you move merchandise."


                                                                      —Morty Seinfeld

  • Reply 110 of 209
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/153802/microsoft-exec-promotes-value-of-windows-8-pcs-calls-ipad-mini-a-329-recreational-tablet#post_2220620"]
    Don't forget that Microsoft even held an actual funeral for the iPhone!


    I rally love my iPhone! But if one day the sad thing would happen, I don't think, that I would go that far as giving it a public funeral.
  • Reply 111 of 209


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Right iPad Mini is 'recreational.' Because there's so much more productivity software available on Windows 8 RT Surface. image

    Well, to its credit it does come with a full version of Office 2013. Office is to productivity software what iTunes is to music software. 

  • Reply 112 of 209


    Originally Posted by AnalogJack View Post

    Sinofsky has been well and truly suckered into this response. What a dumbass thing to say, of course a mini is a recreational device it's not trying to be anything else Apple has serious laptops for serious use.

    No dumber than Tim Cook saying Surface is like making cars fly or float.

  • Reply 113 of 209


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Did Apple rape your dog or something? So much hate. It's a FACT that iOS has gotten deep penetration in the corporate world, and is now the leader, where once it was RIM. Your opinion of it is irrelevant. Businesses have deployed and use iOS, along withtheir own custom apps, and no doubt saw benefit in doing so, through cost, efficiency, simplicity, etc- otherwise they wouldnt have made the jump. These decisions don't happen easily. The fact that you're butthurt that Apple hasn't updated the Mac Pro or something doesnt make all companies who have deployed iOS (90% of Fortune 500 companies) idiots. What a childish sentiment. Oh wait, you're the guy that just obsessively bitches about no matte screens for the iMac and therefore despises everything else about Apple. Continue on your useless, irrelevant crusade. 

    I agree iOS has gotten much deeper enterprise penetration than any other Apple platform.  I'm curious to know how long that will last with Surface Pro or Pro-type tablets start rolling on the scene.

  • Reply 114 of 209
    zozmanzozman Posts: 393member

    I have no issue with the iPad or iPad mini being a 'recreational tablet' Apple make consumer products, recreation is what a lot of people do with their computers, tablets & phones.

    the idea of a tablet for work purposes doesn't sound good to me, functionality wise a laptop vs a surface, if i'm working on spread sheets the surface would be balls.

    funny thing ive noticed being in the IT world for work, a lot of companies are making in house iPhone & iPad apps to help productivity & they are working awesomely.

    having said all that, i would like to have a play with the surface, i pre-ordered a black iPad mini :D & installed window 8 pro, fun geeky weekend woooo.


  • Reply 115 of 209
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    zozman wrote: »
    I have no issue with the iPad or iPad mini being a 'recreational tablet' Apple make consumer products, recreation is what a lot of people do with their computers, tablets & phones.

    the idea of a tablet for work purposes doesn't sound good to me, functionality wise a laptop vs a surface, if i'm working on spread sheets the surface would be balls.

    funny thing ive noticed being in the IT world for work, a lot of companies are making in house iPhone & iPad apps to help productivity & they are working awesomely.

    having said all that, i would like to have a play with the surface, i pre-ordered a black iPad mini :D & installed window 8 pro, fun geeky weekend woooo.

    i see lots of people using iPads for their business. Pos apps you name it!
  • Reply 116 of 209

    If by 'recreational' he means that a device has applications that allow you to do something then he's right. Honestly, the whole Windows 8/Surface RT is just like watching a car crash unfold right in front of your eyes. There's a clearly good product somewhere in Windows 8/Surface RT but typical of M$ behemouth monopolistic one size fits all thinking they've complete screwed up with the one OS across all devices solution. A laptop or hybrid laptop/tablet is a completely different UI paradigm to a laptop/desktop. Apple have had the sense to recognise this but I assume because of Microsoft's desperation losing market share and having no real footprint in the mobile/tablet market they are hoping to force users down this adoption route.


    What's more ridiculous is that if they're going to get into the hardware/software ecosystem then the least they could have done was to get a decent application library together prior to launch given that they're competing against established application platforms.


    M$ during their Win8/Surface rollout kept stating 'no compromise', perhaps from their perspective but from the customers perspective the whole platform now appears compromised. They've rolled out an OS and device that forces a desktop environment onto a tablet user whilst at the same time forced a tablet UI onto a notebook market.

  • Reply 117 of 209

    The man sitting on the left covered his face with his hand to prevent his photo from being taken!


    Says everything!



    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

  • Reply 118 of 209
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member


    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post


    I know in my company *20billion not fortune500*, its start going from blackberry to iphone, but now they have stopped iphone implementation due to cost, and are going to a variety of android handsets.


    No mac's of course, as we have EDS, an HP  company, supplying us Dells



    Please report back in a year or two when your support costs for the Android units ends up being two or three times what it is for Apple products. 


  • Reply 119 of 209
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post


    Love your photography.


    In this shot, you really managed to capture the desolation well.


    Oh no - customers lining up for Windows 8 have invisibility or some sort of cloaking device or other stealth technology - this can only mean that Ancient Aliens have visited Redmond. 


  • Reply 120 of 209
    There goes MS talking that BS again.
    It took them this long to get a tablet and now since they have one they say the iPad mini is a recreational device. Ha ha!
    No one needed a windows tablet all this time since iPad came out and now all of a sudden they need a MS tablet. Get real.
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