Physicians excited about lab coat pocket-ability of Apple's iPad mini



  • Reply 21 of 64


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    What's really sad is that even with all the tablet offerings, no one takes Android tablets seriously.  All the big corporate names, restaurants, airlines, government, medical, etc. all choose iPads/iPhones and don't even put the Android options into the equation, and of course the fandroid community for failing to realize the potential it could have had and their only resort is to insult consumers for expressing their "choice".


    The "Fandroid" community seems to include most of the popular press.


    The "popular impression of Apple seems to be,


    Apple is a bully, because it releases great products but charges too much.

    A bully that needs to be 'Knocked down a peg or two'.

    Doesn't let other companies compete fairly, by releasing products BEFORE their competitors.

    Has the nerve to protect its IP against competing products that 'look similar' by using EXPENSIVE lawyers.

    Has gotten  TOO BIG ! and therefore must be 'too big for its boots'.

    Is making too much money, thanks to all these 'zombies' that queue up for / throw money at stuff they don't even need.


    Could go on . . .

  • Reply 22 of 64
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    According to employee Tweets, some Apple stores had only 100 total units on hand this morning while a few others had as many as three hundred arrive. 

    One also reported upwards of 900 of the newly updated full-size iPads on hand

    I think the main issue will be how many Apple is able to pump out, or rather how many Foxconn and other Apple suppliers are able to pump out initially. Apple's stockpile is obviously not unlimited.


    I also think that people who are comparing this to previous Apple launches are totally missing the point. Those earlier iPad launches were plagued by hordes of scalpers. When I waited in line for the iPad 2 (unsuccessfully), the majority of the line was comprised of scalpers. I don't think that's the case anymore, since the device is launching in more foreign countries than ever and many people are pre-ordering. Besides a few crazy people and a couple of publicity whores, who really wants to wait on some ridiculous line?

  • Reply 23 of 64
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    chandra69 wrote: »
    I love iPad mini. But why this makes such a news while other mini tables also comfortably fit into Physicians lab coat pocket.
    Whole world is in Apple Trauma. I love it! :) :)

    The difference is the iPad ecosystem (and larger extent iOS ecosystem) are thriving with plenty of great apps for people in the medical field. Many that have 10" iPads can now consider the advantage of a smaller version that will fit into their coat pocket as an advantage they may want to consider. With other vendor's 7" tablets all you have is that sole usability advantage.
  • Reply 24 of 64
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    The difference is the iPad ecosystem (and larger extent iOS ecosystem) are thriving with plenty of great apps for people in the medical field. 


    It is indeed. The last time I went to see my doctor, I bought one of those pricey 3D model apps of the human body and brought along my iPad 3. The doctor seemed pretty impressed.

  • Reply 25 of 64


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post

    That"s great news !


    So why is AAPL dropping like a lead balloon ?


    anyone ?


    I think the analysts are pessimistic about the new products and disappointed that Apple failed to deliver financial results that met their overheated expectations.


    Today Apple lost a courtroom battle for the iPhone trademark in Mexico. I think that's amplifying an otherwise down day in the markets.

  • Reply 26 of 64


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post

    That"s great news !


    So why is AAPL dropping like a lead balloon ?


    anyone ?


    Can't say for certain, but I believe the election is pressuring stocks downward. The market hates uncertainty. Once Obama is re-elected (which I believe will be the case) stocks will continue to do what they do.

  • Reply 27 of 64


    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post


    I think the analysts are pessimistic about the new products and disappointed that Apple failed to deliver financial results that met their overheated expectations.


    Today Apple lost a courtroom battle for the iPhone trademark in Mexico. I think that's amplifying an otherwise down day in the markets.


    Analysts and markets overreact to every bit of news, so stay focused on longer term trends.

  • Reply 28 of 64
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Can't say for certain, but I believe the election is pressuring stocks downward. The market hates uncertainty. Once Obama is re-elected (which I believe will be the case) stocks will continue to do what they do.

    I'm hoping that the other guy wins, because AAPL will shoot up to the sky, IMO.

  • Reply 29 of 64


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post

    That"s great news !


    So why is AAPL dropping like a lead balloon ?


    anyone ?

    I wish I knew as well amoradala.

    If you read the technical guys who see patterns in graphs, AAPL crossed a 200 day moving average for the first time since last November. Apparently this is bad.

    But the most likely reason IMO is that many investors are selling because of emotion, feeling that Apple has somehow lost it's 'mojo'.

    Some say that AAPL is dry tinder, ready to ignite. I think that there is a lot of blow hard analysts that pump and short stock, and AAPL is easy to pump and short.

    Really sad that Apple has become a 'stock pinata', despite having great performance and potential future earnings while Amazon and Google get passes.

  • Reply 30 of 64
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    ireland wrote: »
    I know you're joking, but just sick of people who own Apple stuff being defensive. Let's start taking the high road, guys.

    A problem with text communication is that sarcasm and mockery gets confused for being defensive. Sometimes sarcasm and mockery is a defense mechanism, but I just laughed.

    Haters calling Apple products toys is part of a defense mechanism to minimize and rationalize away Apple's successes.

    amoradala wrote: »
    That"s great news !

    So why is AAPL dropping like a lead balloon ?

    anyone ?

    Apple's movements are often exaggerated versions of what we see on the NASDAQ index. Some of that is because Apple is in the index, but rarely does Apple go down without other stock also going down too. The DJIA is down too. Most of the tech stock I'm watching is down. Google is up by a tiny sliver though.
  • Reply 31 of 64
    Lab coat pocket-ability is exactly why I ordered one. An iPad Citrix gives access to most of our hospital's systems, which is useful if a bit awkward. A native system access would be a huge plus, but even emulating a Windows NT screen hospital apps is still invaluable.
  • Reply 32 of 64
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by jcg878 View Post

    Lab coat pocket-ability is exactly why I ordered one. An iPad Citrix gives access to most of our hospital's systems, which is useful if a bit awkward. A native system access would be a huge plus, but even emulating a Windows NT screen hospital apps is still invaluable.

    Thanks for the info on Citrix. I had posted a question earlier asking how the system login was accomplished. That is good news.


    EDIT: after reading the reviews on iTunes, users are very disappointed with Citrix Receiver. Major upgrade is a major fail as apparently no one can login to their servers after the update. 

  • Reply 33 of 64


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post

    That"s great news !


    So why is AAPL dropping like a lead balloon ?


    anyone ?

    That's because actual product sales have absolutely no connection with Apple's share price.  Only expectations matter.  Each time a new Apple product is released, Wall Street sets a random sales target number.  If Apple doesn't exceed that number the share price decreases proportionately to the amount of the miss.  Apple has been recently missing Wall Street's numbers by millions of units and overall the share price has dropped accordingly.  Even decent year over year sales increases are of no value to Apple shareholders.  Wall Street sets the expectations and Apple continues to miss them.  That's why Apple is dropping like a lead balloon.  With Wall Street raising expectations higher every quarter, Apple has acquired a built-in miss mechanism regardless of increased revenue and profits.  Apple's huge share price drop today was a no brainer.  It was pre-determined that Apple had to sell 3 to 5 million iPad Minis over the weekend or it would be considered a massive sales failure.  I doubt Apple had that many WiFi models to sell and the cellular model isn't even ready for sale.  Wall Street had already engaged Apple's built-in fail mechanism long before the iPad Mini was available to the public.

    The scorecard is as follows:

    iPhone 5 - huge sales miss by 50%

    iPad 4 - medium miss by 25% to 30%

    iPad Mini - huge miss likely to be by 50%

    These misses total a $130 share price drop.  Not good at all.

  • Reply 34 of 64
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Giant lab coat pockets may be the only ones that work.

    I was curious about pocketability so I went to the Apple Store. I left disappointed.

    The iPad Mini is not mini enough. My Nexus 7 fits in my jacket and jeans pocket. At the store, the iPad Mini was a very tight fit in the jacket pocket. Zipper wouldn't close. Wasn't even close to fitting in my jeans pockets.

    At the size the Mini is, it's not just portability. It's hard to grip the thing with one hand. The extra 15mm compared to the Nexus 7 made a big difference with a wide grip.
  • Reply 35 of 64
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    You think he is typing in your symptoms but really he is playing Angry Birds :)

  • Reply 36 of 64
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post

    That"s great news !


    So why is AAPL dropping like a lead balloon ?


    anyone ?


    The corporate shakeup has the no-nothings worried. It's too early to tell if Cook made the right call, but on the surface they make a lot of sense:


    Forstall out, but still tied to the company.


    Browett out. Cook realises that the stores are Apple's public face, and so shouldn't be subject to the whims of the hack/slash merchant that Browett turned out to be.


    OSX and iOS placed under Craig Federighi. This is fantastic news. We should now see both systems progressing in parallel.


    Mansfield heads up all their new tech. I reckon much of that new R&D budget is going his way...


    Ive in charge of the look and feel of both hardware and software. Can't wait to see what he comes up with, as long as we're not going to be expected to click on folders that are 'stunningly gorgeous at only one pixel thin'.

  • Reply 37 of 64
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by amoradala View Post


    The "Fandroid" community seems to include most of the popular press.


    The "popular impression of Apple seems to be,


    Apple is a bully, because it releases great products but charges too much.

    A bully that needs to be 'Knocked down a peg or two'.

    Doesn't let other companies compete fairly, by releasing products BEFORE their competitors.

    Has the nerve to protect its IP against competing products that 'look similar' by using EXPENSIVE lawyers.

    Has gotten  TOO BIG ! and therefore must be 'too big for its boots'.

    Is making too much money, thanks to all these 'zombies' that queue up for / throw money at stuff they don't even need.


    Could go on . . .


    Yes, the first comment is the one that makes absolutely no sense: unless you are a monopoly then it is impossible to charge 'too much.'


    The Android community is making the same mistake as the Linux community; instead of fixing the shortcomings in their own platform, they blame the lack of take-up in the medical sectors on the 'unfairness' of Apple.

  • Reply 38 of 64
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,305member


    Originally Posted by Rayz View Post


    Yes, the first comment is the one that makes absolutely no sense: unless you are a monopoly then it is impossible to charge 'too much.'


    The Android community is making the same mistake as the Linux community; instead of fixing the shortcomings in their own platform, they blame the lack of take-up in the medical sectors on the 'unfairness' of Apple.

    Who even discusses "lack of take-up in the medical sector" with various OS's, much less Apple being"unfair" there?

  • Reply 39 of 64


    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    I think the analysts are pessimistic about the new products and disappointed that Apple failed to deliver financial results that met their overheated expectations.

    Today Apple lost a courtroom battle for the iPhone trademark in Mexico. I think that's amplifying an otherwise down day in the markets.

    Because of these overheated expectations Apple stocks were 700+ in the first place and now when everything (iP5, iPadMini, iPad4) is released the stocks are slipping down where they belong. Why? You got it right; because of the overheated expectations.

    IMO Mexico has nothing to do with the Fall.

  • Reply 40 of 64
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Who even discusses "lack of take-up in the medical sector" with various OS's, much less Apple being"unfair" there?

    Yes, good point, I'm being premature here.


    I should have said when there is a lack of takeup in the medical sector then they Android community will cite unfair practices by Apple. 

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