Apple announces 3M sales of iPad mini, fourth-gen iPad



  • Reply 161 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    Until of course the mini gets a Retina screen too.

    there is this:

    I want to know how many Apple sold of each color? Why aren't they telling us? What do they have to hide? Why didn't they call the Kindle Fire HD an act of terror right away?
  • Reply 162 of 239
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    What which comments I said Steve made did I make up? The only claimed quotes that are being claimed from Steve that are false have been from you and you comments that 7.9" equals 7", that "current crop" means all tablets around today, and that the iPad mini is great tablet UI when compared to the full size iPad.

    Your scenario was obviously made up and I never mentioned 7" tablets, only that 10" was the minimum size for tablet apps. Which you still haven't told me what that entire sentence means to you. I know you have always been pro a smaller tablet but many here ridiculed any tablet that wasn't around 10".
  • Reply 163 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Your scenario was obviously made up.

    Um, yeah, what part of 'scenario' did you not understand?
  • Reply 164 of 239
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Not sure why people are constantly nagging on the's not even close as competition, Amazon should be your focus. Good thing all the 'experts' here don't actually run Apple. 

    Eh. Kindle Fire doesn't feel that durable. It does look nice. I tried to see what it sounds like, but there was no sample media loaded onto the display model. I forgot to check if there was a way to go to their internet store and play sample from there.

    drewyboy wrote: »
    Lets remember folks that Apple does NOT do a breakdown of sales in each category. iPhone, Macbooks, and now iPads... they have not and will not break it down. It has nothing to do with sales at all. It's simply company operating standards.

    On the topic of Amazon and reporting, Apple is far better than Amazon doesn't say how may Kindles sold, period. The best they give is "we sold a LOT!", which is really just smoke and mirrors, because there is no way to know if a lot is 100k or 100M units. If I were an AMZN shareholder, I'd be nervous about the lack of figures.

    alfiejr wrote: »
    <div class="dsq-comment-text" id="user_dsq-comment-text-700360804" style="padding-right:20px;padding-bottom:10px;border:0px;font-size:16px;vertical-align:baseline;float:none;display:inline;color:rgb(68,68,68);font-family:Georgia, serif;background-position:0px 50%;">
    <p style="margin-bottom:1em;border:0px;vertical-align:baseline;float:none;background-position:0px 50%;">amazing how most pundits miss what should be obvious - the mini is going to become Apple's top selling iPad, and reinforce its overall tablet leadership.</p>

    <p style="margin-bottom:1em;border:0px;vertical-align:baseline;float:none;background-position:0px 50%;">the pundits carp about the screen. even tho it's actually a very good screen, better than the iPad 2, which is still very adequate (i have one). because it's not the latest and greatest retina quality.</p>

    Didn't the pundits say the "Retina" resolution was overkill? Gotta go find one and see what said pundit thought of the Google 10" tablet.
  • Reply 165 of 239


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Until of course the mini gets a Retina screen too.

    there is this:

    I want to know how many Apple sold of each color? Why aren't they telling us? What do they have to hide? Why didn't they call the Kindle Fire HD an act of terror right away?


    When did they know, and what did they know it?

  • Reply 166 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jeffdm wrote: »
    Eh. Kindle Fire doesn't feel that impressive. It looks nice. I tried to see what it sounds like, but there was no media on the display model.

    A couple things about the Kindle Fire HD that don't get mentioned is that 1) The $199 entry price is which ads, and 2) They have an unusual pricing structure for doubling the capacity that range from $50, $70 to $100 depending on the physical size of the device and if it has Cellular or not. If Apple did those things just imagine the uproar.
  • Reply 167 of 239

    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    obvious - the mini is going to become Apple's top selling iPad…


    Why would that be obvious?

  • Reply 168 of 239


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I just got my iPad 4 and love it. I can't wait for the next generation of apps to take advantage of the smoking fast processor.


    Is this how it works? 


    "wow, my new iPad absolutely smokes all my Apps. Hey developers, quick, make me some new apps that I didn't know I wanted that are more awesomer."


    Is this what life has become in the brave new world?

  • Reply 169 of 239
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    It's safe to assume MOST of these sales are from the Mini, as I doubt many ran out to buy the new iPad. Off to an amazing start, as expected, and naturally all this 'noone wants a mini', 'weak demand', horse-shit the media has been running has been just that- horse-shit.
  • Reply 170 of 239
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Now you're being dense, the exact quote is "10" screen is the minimum size required to create great tablet apps".

    No, he said the current crop of 7" Android tablets were DOA.


    He was 100% correct.

  • Reply 171 of 239
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    obvious - the mini is going to become Apple's top selling iPad…


    Why would that be obvious?

    Using the rationale that iPad mini sold out and iPad 4 did not, at least as far as we know. It may not be irrefutable logic, but it makes sense to me.

  • Reply 172 of 239
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Why would that be obvious?

    Because it's less expensive and more portable. One can buy 3 minis for less than 2 iPads.
  • Reply 173 of 239


    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    ... they will buy a ton of them for holiday gifts. no one will feel bad when they unwrap that present!

    what Apple did was deliver a V.1 mini that was ready to go now at a price level it intends to maintain for every new mini model in the future, using mostly iPad 2 internals in a new shell to avoid delay. it will sell everyone of those Foxconn can make the rest of this year anyway, so there is no good market reason to charge less.

    then pretty early next year - March? - Apple will introduce the V.2 mini with a 326 dpi retina display and A6 chip when screen makers and Foxconn are ready for its volume production. its $330 price will be the same, and this V.1 mini's price will drop to, for example, $250. this price segmentation by model generation is what Apple has done with the iPad, iPod touch, and the iPhone, so it should be obvious that's what it plans for the mini too.

    that V.2 mini will be the real "killer" product - pretty close to perfect for a lot of people - and become not only the #1 iPad, but the #1 tablet, period.

    (yes, i'm waiting for that one.)



    Absolutely agree.  I've said all along that the mini is a huge market, but that it'll take some time for people to warm up to the idea of a smaller tablet screen.  Just wait 'til more people get their hands on a mini to demo (esp cellular models)...sales will be red hot!


    For AAPL, it would be even better to get a chunk of the cellular profits as well...I can see most users wanting (nearly) always on 3G/4G celluar connection for their mini.  I abhor watching large wireless corporations rake in profits due to inflation of data service pricing.

  • Reply 174 of 239
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    steven n. wrote: »
    No, he said the current crop of 7" Android tablets were DOA.

    He was 100% correct.

    He said both and was wrong both times.
  • Reply 175 of 239

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Because it's less expensive and more portable. One can buy 3 minis for less than 2 iPads.


    Guess the iPod shuffle is the best-selling iPod.


    Guess 7" Android tablets will sell better than the iPad mini, too!


    "It's based on more than that."

    YEAH, it's based on more than that; it's based on usability and utility, too.

  • Reply 176 of 239

    Apple is one of the stock most owned by hedge funds.


    What do you do with healthy stocks that will eventually go up again when the healthy numbers shows up?

    You do things to lower their current values, buy some shares, so when the rumours evaporates you make a larger profit.


    It is the volatility of AAPL that makes it interesting for so called investors, it wouldn't be so interesting if it was only going up.

    Some of them even sell large stock quantities to make it dip, just to buy them back when they are at their lowest.


    With all those analyst wannabes, it is just so easy to influence AAPL stock value with just a fee rumours.

    For years now, everything is used as a prediction to Apple failure, at least for a couple of hours, days or weeks, just the time needed for "investors" to make a bit more money.

  • Reply 177 of 239
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Guess the iPod shuffle is the best-selling iPod.

    Guess 7" Android tablets will sell better than the iPad mini, too!

    "It's based on more than that."

    YEAH, it's based on more than that; it's based on usability and utility, too.

    And how much less usable is the iPad mini to the iPad? The shuffle is a bad example it offered very little compared to the iPod, and obviously anyone heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem isn't going to buy a Android tablet no matter what size it is or what it offers.
  • Reply 178 of 239


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    It makes no sense for Apple to break it down exactly, so that all of the copycats can know.


    Has any Android manufacturer ever in the history of the world ever reported how many they sold in an opening weekend? 

    They have never reported how many they have sold. Period. image

  • Reply 179 of 239
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Best post on this thread, IMO!

    Strange... We actually agree, which you may have noticed when quoting it if you checked who gave it the thumbs-up.image

  • Reply 180 of 239


    Originally Posted by AnalogJack View Post


    Is this how it works? 


    "wow, my new iPad absolutely smokes all my Apps. Hey developers, quick, make me some new apps that I didn't know I wanted that are more awesomer."


    Is this what life has become in the brave new world?

    Yes? image

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