Apple announces 3M sales of iPad mini, fourth-gen iPad



  • Reply 181 of 239


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    They had two new products within the iPad category for this weekend and that's what they commented on. There history is usually just one new product within a category so that's what they comment on.

    Agreed. Anything more would be unnecessarily providing the competition (and analysts) more information than they need.


    If they want it, they should do their own business intelligence. (Which, I am sure they do; which, I am guessing has led to much sobbing in Seoul and Seattle in the past few hours).

  • Reply 182 of 239
    philipmphilipm Posts: 240member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    IMHO Apple declining to state weekend sales for the Mini is probably an indication there just weren't very many to sell (rather than no one wanted them). Not Apple-like to avoid announcing product launch figures if they're good. My completely uneducated guess is that fewer than 1M Mini's went home with new owners.


    It's better than Microsoft's report on the early sales of Surface. Seen that?

  • Reply 183 of 239
    philipmphilipm Posts: 240member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    They have never reported how many they have sold. Period. image


    Good point. A few months back I tried to find Samsung numbers and couldn't. If they are out there, they aren't anywhere easy to find.

  • Reply 184 of 239
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    theyve said they wouldnt do a lot of things theyve done. That doesnt matter. That stuff is what you call marketing. I wanted a 7 inch tablet even before steve jobs made that comment and I knew apple was going to release one. They were just trying to throw competitors off the trail and protect their current product.


    Actually, the ipad mini is not a 7" tablet.  The fact that is 7.9 with a 4:3 ratio makes a great tablet. When using a 7" you really feel you are handling a compromise device.   The mini is every inch an ipad indeed.


    And because the mini has the same height as the Nexus 7, they both display the same screen size when watching a 16:9 movie.

  • Reply 185 of 239
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Guess the iPod shuffle is the best-selling iPod.


    Guess 7" Android tablets will sell better than the iPad mini, too!


    "It's based on more than that."

    YEAH, it's based on more than that; it's based on usability and utility, too.

    No TS, you are wrong. It will become the best selling iPad. Because it offers the same experience (or close enough for most people) in a smaller lighter and cheaper package. When everything else is equal, size, portability and price matter. It won't suit everyone but the new iPad is what the 13" MBP is to the 15" MBP. 


    I know you HATE to be wrong... but I'm sorry.

  • Reply 186 of 239
    philipmphilipm Posts: 240member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    It's safe to assume MOST of these sales are from the Mini, as I doubt many ran out to buy the new iPad. Off to an amazing start, as expected, and naturally all this 'noone wants a mini', 'weak demand', horse-shit the media has been running has been just that- horse-shit.


    Had they made some tiny numbers like 1,000 minis and most of the sales were the new big iPad, they wouldn't be rushing to make more.

  • Reply 187 of 239


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    obvious - the mini is going to become Apple's top selling iPad…


    Why would that be obvious?

    Using the rationale that iPad mini sold out and iPad 4 did not, at least as far as we know. It may not be irrefutable logic, but it makes sense to me.


    Schools, doctors, waiters, travel agents, salesmen... to name a few in business.


    Moms, kids, non-techies... to name a few in consumers.


    One of my grandkids (who has an iPad 2) wants a mini so she can "cuddle it".

  • Reply 188 of 239


    Originally Posted by drewys808 View Post


    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    ... they will buy a ton of them for holiday gifts. no one will feel bad when they unwrap that present!

    what Apple did was deliver a V.1 mini that was ready to go now at a price level it intends to maintain for every new mini model in the future, using mostly iPad 2 internals in a new shell to avoid delay. it will sell everyone of those Foxconn can make the rest of this year anyway, so there is no good market reason to charge less.

    then pretty early next year - March? - Apple will introduce the V.2 mini with a 326 dpi retina display and A6 chip when screen makers and Foxconn are ready for its volume production. its $330 price will be the same, and this V.1 mini's price will drop to, for example, $250. this price segmentation by model generation is what Apple has done with the iPad, iPod touch, and the iPhone, so it should be obvious that's what it plans for the mini too.

    that V.2 mini will be the real "killer" product - pretty close to perfect for a lot of people - and become not only the #1 iPad, but the #1 tablet, period.

    (yes, i'm waiting for that one.)



    Absolutely agree.  I've said all along that the mini is a huge market, but that it'll take some time for people to warm up to the idea of a smaller tablet screen.  Just wait 'til more people get their hands on a mini to demo (esp cellular models)...sales will be red hot!


    For AAPL, it would be even better to get a chunk of the cellular profits as well...I can see most users wanting (nearly) always on 3G/4G celluar connection for their mini.  I abhor watching large wireless corporations rake in profits due to inflation of data service pricing.


    Mmmm.... I agree with everything, especially the 4G cellular.  My oldest grandson has had his iPhone 5 for a month...  Got the first bill...  $540 of LTE data charges...


    No unlimited 4G data on ATT...


    It turns out several popular games require continuous internet connection.  He would pass the time in the car, waiting somewhere, etc. playing these games.


    Maybe time for a US MVNO,

  • Reply 189 of 239

    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    No TS, you are wrong. It will become the best selling iPad.


    Seems odd that you know exactly what the future's like. And for more reasons than the aleph-null minus one number of possibilities of futures.


    Because it offers the same experience (or close enough for most people)…


    Ah, but it doesn't. If you need to do any work, the regular iPad is the one to get.


    …the new iPad is what the 13" MBP is to the 15" MBP. 


    So the 13" MacBook Pro's keyboard(s) are of different sizes than the 15" MacBook Pro's keyboard(s)?

  • Reply 190 of 239


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Mmmm.... I agree with everything, especially the 4G cellular.  My oldest grandson has had his iPhone 5 for a month...  Got the first bill...  $540 of LTE data charges...


    No unlimited 4G data on ATT...


    It turns out several popular games require continuous internet connection.  He would pass the time in the car, waiting somewhere, etc. playing these games.


    Maybe time for a US MVNO,

    ...YES, I agree!...and that's why in its CURRENT form, data/cellular cost is almost unbearable.  There really needs to be a dramatic change in wireless data services.  Most Americans (pardon my USA-only comment) would agree that data services here is subpar (i.e. bad LOS and high costs) and it will only get worse unless there is a shake-up in the industry.  Would be interesting if Apple could instigate a positive change to the industry!...positive for consumers, that is.

  • Reply 191 of 239
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    I know you HATE to be wrong... but I'm sorry.

    Yep! He's been wrong on the mini for the entire year since the first rumors started. First he said Apple would never do it because it was a bad idea. Then when it was announced he said it was still a bad idea and Apple is making a mistake. Now that it has sold out on launch, he still thinks it is a bad idea and the full size iPad will out sell the mini. Let's give him another year just to be sure.


  • Reply 192 of 239
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    mstone wrote: »
    Yep! He's been wrong on the mini for the entire year since the first rumors started. First he said Apple would never do it because it was a bad idea. Then when it was announced he said it was still a bad idea and Apple is making a mistake. Now that it has sold out on launch, he still thinks it is a bad idea and the full size iPad will out sell the mini. Let's give him another year just to be sure.

    <img alt="" class="rg_hi uh_hi" height="190" id="user_rg_hi" src="" style="width:265px;height:190px;" width="265" name="user_rg_hi">

    TS would rather starve to death before eating crow.
  • Reply 193 of 239

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post



    Again, I'm interested in how you can say this about the iPad mini. 


    The regular iPad will be purchased for work, the mini for… what? People who thought they wanted a smaller eReader. 

  • Reply 194 of 239

    I was one of those people that was an early skeptic of the viability of a smaller iPad.  Then, I began to think maybe -- but it had to be price competitive, say, $249 for a 16 GB model...


    I was wrong!  As soon as you get your hands on an iPad Mini, you realize that this is the "best seller" tablet for the next few years.  It is a perfect combination of utility, quality and desirability... and the price is secondary -- when it is what you want!

  • Reply 195 of 239
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Again, I'm interested in how you can say this about the iPad mini. 

    The regular iPad will be purchased for work, the mini for… what? People who thought they wanted a smaller eReader. 

    I'd say for work, too. In fact, I'd say that the smaller size and lower cost make it much more ideal for types of work with very specific tasks in mind. Now, if it's going to be your primary way to use the internet in a Post PC world I would recommend the 9.7" model but for many work environments and for many users the 7.9" model might be just fine.
  • Reply 196 of 239
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Again, I'm interested in how you can say this about the iPad mini. 


    The regular iPad will be purchased for work, the mini for… what? People who thought they wanted a smaller eReader. 

    Like I said, I think you are wrong but let's give it some time. You may be right. The iPad mini might end up being a flop after all but I don't think Las Vegas would be giving you very good odds on this one.

  • Reply 197 of 239


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Again, I'm interested in how you can say this about the iPad mini. 


    The regular iPad will be purchased for work, the mini for… what? People who thought they wanted a smaller eReader. 

    What?!  Please, stop burying your head in the sand.  There are a plethora of professions that could use a smaller form function than the 9.7" iPad.

  • Reply 198 of 239
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by drewys808 View Post


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Again, I'm interested in how you can say this about the iPad mini. 


    The regular iPad will be purchased for work, the mini for… what? People who thought they wanted a smaller eReader. 

    What?!  Please, stop burying your head in the sand.  There are a plethora of professions that could use a smaller form function than the 9.7" iPad.

    Yeah the motorcycle cop can write you an e-ticket. Press the "I agree button". Saves him time at the end of the shift since it already synced the license plate, GPS and time with the court computer. Free app idea!

  • Reply 199 of 239


    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    ...then pretty early next year - March? - Apple will introduce the V.2 mini with a 326 dpi retina display and A6 chip when screen makers and Foxconn are ready for its volume production. its $330 price will be the same, and this V.1 mini's price will drop to, for example, $250.


    This is what is holding back sales as well...the fact that many think that retina display will be available next year at same cost (and without any negative tradeoffs, like battery life or processing).  Many will not buy immediately but will wait 'til next year.


    Let's see if Apple marketing can convince most to ignore that.


    Keep in mind that this is a VERY DIFFERENT argument than TS's (i.e. that people just don't want a mini because it's too small, not functional, etc, etc).

  • Reply 200 of 239



    Has anyone seen any reports of WART Surface sales numbers?

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