Apple CEO Tim Cook now slated to speak at Tuesday's GS conference during open market



  • Reply 21 of 47


    Originally Posted by KingChael View Post


    Maybe if they weren't getting destroyed by the competition and coming up with recycled garbage every 3 quarters...



    Aaaaaand then everyone stopped reading.

  • Reply 22 of 47


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm glad Cook is doing this.  Being über secretive isn't doing Apple any good these days. Might have worked when Jobs was CEO or when they weren't the most valuable company in the world.  But it doesn't work any more.







    Yeah, you're probably right. Though I really don't know what to think anymore. Other than the fact that the folks whom Cook feels compelled to answer to are the very ones that need to have as little say in company operations as possible. 

  • Reply 23 of 47


    Originally Posted by KingChael View Post


    Maybe if they weren't getting destroyed by the competition and coming up with recycled garbage every 3 quarters investors wouldn't be b!tching about AAPL letting their growing cash pile rot for nothing.  Of course if you don't own AAPL you wouldn't give a rats, but those who do...


    And I don't own AAPL. 

    DISCLAIMER: I don't see an "/s" tag in the above post!


    That makes perfect sense - Apple is getting destroyed by the competition, they're putting up garbage products YET they're having a growing cash pile!  That's right, people are upset because Apple is apparently making money out of thin air - and that somehow is a bad thing ?!?  How are people this retarded allowed to post on blogs?  Somebody must have forgot to log out of their account at the psych ward!

  • Reply 24 of 47
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,440member
    We've updated Mac Pros!
  • Reply 25 of 47

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Being über secretive isn't doing Apple any good these days. Might have worked when Jobs was CEO or when they weren't the most valuable company in the world.  But it doesn't work any more.


    We should have a monthly Best Joke Post thread and do voting. This would make the top five.

    Originally Posted by netrox View Post

    We've updated Mac Pros!


    To chips that will be outdated in just a few more months!

  • Reply 26 of 47
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    kingchael wrote: »
    Maybe if they weren't getting destroyed by the competition and coming up with recycled garbage every 3 quarters investors wouldn't be b!tching about AAPL letting their growing cash pile rot for nothing.  Of course if you don't own AAPL you wouldn't give a rats, but those who do...

    And I don't own AAPL. 

    If having 70% of the mobile profits, #1 selling phone, and dominance in the tablet space is getting destroyed then I wish I was destroyed that badly as well.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by spacerays View Post

    Not being uber secretive definitely ruined the iPhone 5 & iPad Mini hype. And expectations. And then the damn market. Wish things go back to those old days.

    No, that happened in spite of Apple's secrecy.  The stories last year were Apple is being as secretive as ever in Cupertino but the the leaks aren't coming from Corporate, they're coming from Asia.

  • Reply 28 of 47
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post







    Yeah, you're probably right. Though I really don't know what to think anymore. Other than the fact that the folks whom Cook feels compelled to answer to are the very ones that need to have as little say in company operations as possible. 

    I guess I have more faith in Cook and the rest of the leadership team.  If they really were taking their marching orders from Wall Street we'd have a 5" phone, 6" phablet and the iPad mini would've been a cheap plastic $200 tablet.

  • Reply 29 of 47
    rob53 wrote: »
    I hope he gets up there and reams all those selfish investors who think they own Apple and Apple's only reason for being around is to make them money. Apple makes products first and foremost and that's what he needs to say. The money they make is because of their products not because of some crazy hedge fund person. If Apple didn't make good products, they wouldn't have any money for investors in the first place. There are plenty of investors, including huge ones, that understand this, it's only those crazy maniacs who are trying to squeeze every penny out of a company before moving on to the next one.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    As one of those investors, and a small one at that allow me this. Apples stock doubled in the first quarter last year, then leveled off for the second quarter, followed by a drop in value of ridiculous proportions. 100 shares lost nearly $30,000.00 in value. Not because the products got bad, but because of management screw ups! If it were any other company on the planet investors would be screaming for Cooks head! He had little to do with the price rise and a ton to do with its fall. He is the former head of operations, yet as CEO it's the operations side that's killing the stock value. Bad PR about working conditions, constant production pipeline problems. The iPhone was almost 2 months late actually getting to store shelves, the iMac 27 inch still isn't out. That's crap! Have they fixed maps yet? What happens tomorrow? This management team has cost the share holders an iPad mini per share... Or about the equivalent of 21 MacBook pros per 100 shares this fall. You take a hit like that with out being mad!
  • Reply 31 of 47
    jungmark wrote: »
    He's not going to say anything substantial. He's going to look at the analysts and flip them off. He's also going to emphasis record iPad and iPhone sales, reiterate the most profitable year in human history, and says Apple will invest its cash where it sees fit: stock buy backs, investments, acquisitions.
  • Reply 32 of 47
    What investments? About 100 billion of that cash is sitting in the caymans making next to no interest, just avoiding taxes!
  • Reply 33 of 47
    Mr cook make everyone happy, use that 100 billion to quit outsourcing and build your own apple owned and controlled manufacturing plants. Maybe you could actually build a couple in the US just like you keep hinting about! Then you can again control information flow, production pipeline problems aren't out of your hands, and investors will see some Capitol growth!
  • Reply 34 of 47

    Originally Posted by CurtB2 View Post

    About 100 billion of that cash is sitting in the caymans…


    Hmm. Citation?

    …just avoiding taxes!


    Don't start that again.

  • Reply 35 of 47
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member


    Originally Posted by CurtB2 View Post

    What investments? About 100 billion of that cash is sitting in the caymans making next to no interest, just avoiding taxes!


    if you were an investor, you would have seen in the SEC filing, most of the "cash" is in investments.



    Originally Posted by CurtB2 View Post

    As one of those investors, and a small one at that allow me this. Apples stock doubled in the first quarter last year, then leveled off for the second quarter, followed by a drop in value of ridiculous proportions. 100 shares lost nearly $30,000.00 in value. Not because the products got bad, but because of management screw ups! If it were any other company on the planet investors would be screaming for Cooks head! He had little to do with the price rise and a ton to do with its fall. He is the former head of operations, yet as CEO it's the operations side that's killing the stock value. Bad PR about working conditions, constant production pipeline problems. The iPhone was almost 2 months late actually getting to store shelves, the iMac 27 inch still isn't out. That's crap! Have they fixed maps yet? What happens tomorrow? This management team has cost the share holders an iPad mini per share... Or about the equivalent of 21 MacBook pros per 100 shares this fall. You take a hit like that with out being mad!


    if you were an investor, you would see that the stock price has increased 80+ pts since Cook took over. Operations isn't killing AAPL. Manipulative stock analysts are with unrealistic expectations and bogus rumors like the rumor of 65MM LCD orders for the March qtr was cut in half. Why on Earth would they order that many when they never even sold 50MM iphones in a qtr.


    Bad PR about working conditions? If you bother to read, they are one of the only (if not only) companies who audit its manufacturers. In addition, you'll find out that Apple treats its third party workers better than any other company. Plus, the working conditions sprang up in Jobs tenure.


    The iphone was 2 months late? according to who? Apple releases its product when it feels it's damn good and ready.


    Maps? How long did Google maps take to fix. Google had me taking an illegal left turn for six years. Oh and that's after crossing 5 lanes of traffic and crossing over a median.


    Full disclosure: i'm long on AAPL since 2005.

  • Reply 36 of 47
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,365moderator
    Apple and Cook find themselves under increased scrutiny from their investment community, which collectively lost tens of billions of dollars in equity on the back of <a href="">disappointing first quarter results</a> released last month.

    That should be reworded to say that the investment community lost tens of billions on the back of either Apple's initial valuation by them being too high or their current valuation of them being too low. Either way, the fault is with the investment community.
    sog35 wrote:
    It is utter rubbish to think that the world's most valuable company should not be concerned about shareholder value. Flat out ridiculous. Apple is not a non-for profit organization.

    I don't know in what universe $13b profit in a single quarter is considered to be a bad thing and even the mention of non-profit is ludicrous. Businesses are shutting down all over the place and Apple is making more money than everyone:

    Let that sink in:

    Apple makes more profit than anyone in the world
    Apple makes more profit than anyone in the world
    Apple makes more profit than anyone in the world

    How do you go from that to suggesting they are non-profit? The stock price values clearly aren't tied to what the company does. The stock price can drop way further down but it doesn't mean anything about Apple's performance. It's only a measure of how people perceive Apple is doing and from the repeated use of the word 'disappointing', I'd say that measure is pretty messed up.

    They didn't increase their profit vastly over last year but how high can they possibly go? You can't fault someone for only being number 1. Do people expect Apple to double the profits of Exxon Mobil?

    Reality has to set in here at some point as people realise that our monetary system is a closed system. Money just gets moved around. It's simply not possible for Apple to grow in an unlimited way unless more money gets printed, more jobs are made and more people can afford more things. When they hit that inevitable limit inherent in the system, it's nuts to suggest they aren't doing a good enough job for only managing to do better than everyone else but failing to meet arbitrary expectations.

    So yes, Tim Cook needs to tell stockholders to go f* themselves. If they want to drive down their valuation of the most profitable company in the world, let them go ahead and do it. It's not Apple controlling that.
  • Reply 37 of 47
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member


    Originally Posted by CurtB2 View Post

    As one of those investors, and a small one at that allow me this. Apples stock doubled in the first quarter last year, then leveled off for the second quarter, followed by a drop in value of ridiculous proportions. 100 shares lost nearly $30,000.00 in value. Not because the products got bad, but because of management screw ups! If it were any other company on the planet investors would be screaming for Cooks head! He had little to do with the price rise and a ton to do with its fall. He is the former head of operations, yet as CEO it's the operations side that's killing the stock value. Bad PR about working conditions, constant production pipeline problems. The iPhone was almost 2 months late actually getting to store shelves, the iMac 27 inch still isn't out. That's crap! Have they fixed maps yet? What happens tomorrow? This management team has cost the share holders an iPad mini per share... Or about the equivalent of 21 MacBook pros per 100 shares this fall. You take a hit like that with out being mad!


    What a moronic rant, absent even a shred of real fact or reason. What management screw ups? Bad PR about working conditions is Cook's fault, how? Did Apple start manufacyuring in China after Steve Jobs died? That situation was handled in the best way possible, the fact of the matter is that no other company has BETTER working conditions in China, yet noone gives a shit. The negative PR was just anti-Apple hot-air that naturally got media traction.


    The iPhone was 2 months late? Oh, I had no idea they actually set a release date and then delayed it! I must have missed that one. As far as I recall, it was released exactly when they said it would, and it sold more and faster than any other iPhone in history, while having the most expansive global launch of any iPhone. Yes, the 27" iMac clearly had production issues, but that product is an exception, not a trend. The fact of the matter is that Apple is selling more product than it ever has been, and it's bumping into issues directly related to those massive numbers. 


    Have they "fixed maps yet"? What the hell does that even mean? Yeah, I heard it's getting "fixed" on Wednesday. You know, Apple's gonna add a line of code to "fix" it. It's not like maps is a massive endeavor of unprecedented scale, combining data from dozens of companies which includes an ever changing database of hundreds of millions of roads, points of interest, etc or anything. Something tells me you haven't even used maps, you're simply a 2 bit Apple troll. I use maps everyday and it hasnt failed me yet. There's no "fix", it will get slightly better everyday, as any person with a shred of common sense would realize.


    Stop trolling. I don't see who could have done a better job than Cook, Apple has had a ton of successes and great launches last year, and small issues have all been sensationalized because of the anti-apple click whore media.   

  • Reply 38 of 47
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member


    Originally Posted by CurtB2 View Post

    Mr cook make everyone happy, use that 100 billion to quit outsourcing and build your own apple owned and controlled manufacturing plants. Maybe you could actually build a couple in the US just like you keep hinting about! Then you can again control information flow, production pipeline problems aren't out of your hands, and investors will see some Capitol growth!


    Wow, sounds so simple! Even though nothing in that statement makes any sense whatsoever (control information flow? No more pipeline problems?),  you should shoot off an email to Cook and enlighten him with your brilliant idea. 

  • Reply 39 of 47
    I hope he does something to improve the stock price. He seems too laid back for my taste. I think Steve Jobs would've gotten out there and promoted Apple before the stock lost 200 points.!
  • Reply 40 of 47
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member


    Originally Posted by maxiumburn View Post

    I hope he does something to improve the stock price. He seems too laid back for my taste. I think Steve Jobs would've gotten out there and promoted Apple before the stock lost 200 points.!

    hell of a first post. And it was a "Steve Jobs would've..." meme. Jobs wouldn't have done anything either. He would have said "F*** off, short timers. We had the most profitable year in human history and one of the most profitable quarters in human history. If you don't like it, sell."

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