Samsung breaks smartphone sales record in China for Q1, doubles Apple's iPhone



  • Reply 61 of 111
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Sorry to hear your family is breeding like flies . . . oops, shouldn't go off topic . . .

    Seriously, in your little troll script, you left out the part about how many of your teeming swarm of relatives formerly had iPhones. Suddenly they all show up with smartphones and they all happen to be big, fat Android slabs? In other words, your relatives didn't switch, they just jumped into the Samsung pigpen? Didn't you forget to say how they all became disillusioned with Apple's arrogance in not doing big screens?

    I really think it would help you if you could "run two apps onsceen at once" on your iPad. You would feel so fulfilled and empowered. Since you're such "a huge Apple fan," maybe you could keep Apple from losing 200 valuable and discerning customers, your family. By the way, did you rap your spoon on a glass, ask for everybody's attention, and then tell all the iPhone owners to hold up their phones? How is a survey conducted, in other words, of a ragtag army of . . . well, you know what I mean. You are dissembling. Lying.



    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    See, this is the latest fad in professional trolling. It's called "make up a detailed story about how everybody is switching from Apple to (insert one or more) Android, HTC One, Samsung, or . . . ?

    Family, co-workers, "core group of friends." etc. So transparent. "Stale iOS" is out for the moment. Screen size is the new point of trolling leverage, so they think.


    Maybe he is trolling, or maybe he is in a family where people actually used to have iPhones, and - not being fanatically devoted to a company like many here - changed their phones because they liked a bigger screen, or other reasons. Is everybody lying? The entire world and their crazy stats? I saw this kind of denial and fanaticism on a blackberry site when they were in free fall. Which is a bit worrying. If all Apple is left with is fanatics, then it is doomed.


    Most people here want to see Apple do well. Which means do better. A bigger screen, more models. 


    A small sub group want none of that, and no mention of competitors, and no discussion of anything outside their comfort zone (which is anything critical of Apple), or any rumors which seem to be Apple following the trend to bigger screens, or lowering prices. 


    Basically if they had their way this site would be updated twice a day with fluff about iPhone accessories. ( Stories which generate about 10 comments on average). I can's see it being in AI's interest to just cater to the See No Evils. 

  • Reply 62 of 111
    macfandavemacfandave Posts: 603member

    I've been holding my nose and tolerating AppleInsider's fauning coverage of Samsung for a while, but this story goes too far.


    Who gives a shit how many units Sammy sells in a corrupt police state? They probably paid more bribes to the Chinese government and the state-run corporations. Chinese incomes are still way behind those of Amercians and their currency is artifically manipulated, so it's obvious that cheap Korean crap would be the natural choice of the masses.

  • Reply 63 of 111
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    dadoria2 wrote: »
    I'm one of 37 grandkids, with 12 aunts and uncles from my mom's side alone. We have an annual reunion each year and this year there were only 3 iPhone out of the 200+ family members that were present. A majority of my family and some friends had mostly galaxy s3s. Last year there were no android phones there at all. I'm a huge apple fan, but since last June, I switched to the gs3 and never looked back. I'm still a huge apple fan but can't help the feeling that they're seriously lacking as of late. Honestly, I've even become frustrated with my ipad. With such a larger screen compared to my old iPhone, why can't I run 2 apps onscreen at once? I hope they make a good change soon so I could come back, I do miss the seamless sync between all my devices. DISCLAINER : THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE AND OPINION AND MINE ALONE. I don't claim to represent the majority.

    Yeah, all of your West Virginia inbreeding can cause mental retardation. Sorry to hear that.
  • Reply 64 of 111
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Why is this news?

    Why is it not?

  • Reply 65 of 111
    andrzejlsandrzejls Posts: 84member


    Originally Posted by Dadoria2 View Post

    Wow! Insecure much? They're all just companies dude. No need to try and insult me. It only brings out your fanaticism and insecurities. We can afford to be a large family. I'm 30, my mom 56 and my grand parents are still alive and are 93 and 95. I have a 2 year old son. You can clearly see we weren't young parents and all had our kids in marriage. So yeah, we multiply because we want to and

    can afford to. Besides families were larger back in those days before America turned to shit and started necessitating a two income household. Be easy, I clearly stated my opinions are my own. And yes, my family all had iPhone last year. I don't need to take a poll because we all talk, we're all close. Wow! The blind hate for opinions that don't side with your own is just insane to me. You may be a long time member, 1 year before me but the moderators should really look at taking care of people like you.


    You have to understand one think, he just cannot help himself. Ever noticed that small dog always barks on big dog which does not pay any attention?. I still have and use my old trusty 3GS, my wife will not part with hers 4S, but I also have S3 and, IMHO it is a good phone. In the company that I am with about 95% are iPhones and 2 people (CEO and one other) still cannot part with Blackberry. In past 2 weeks I have seen 1 person switching from 4S to G4 and 3 others openly stating to switch to G4 after their contract expire. The main reasons are: larger screen and beeing tired of iPhone jailbraking game.

  • Reply 66 of 111
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post


    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Because it's an Apple website, troll. Not a generic tech website, not a Samsung website.

    Do you think the Apple execs don't pay attention to news like this?  Of course they do!  Actions of competitors is one of the major categories included in strategic analysis.  Granted, they aren't reading AppleInsider for their news, but they are getting the same information and making decisions based on it.  Articles like this help readers understand why Apple does whatever it does in the future.

    I am bothered by the incompleteness and misleading picture. Any Apple investor or employee should dismiss this story as nonsense. Why? Because this sory is nonsense. No models. No prices. No margins. Marketshare is not a business strategy....

    Of course it is.

    May not be every businesses. But it's a strategy. I can't imagine why anyone would say it's not. (fingers in ears) LALALALALA

  • Reply 67 of 111
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Dadoria2 View Post

    I'm one of 37 grandkids, with 12 aunts and uncles from my mom's side alone. We have an annual reunion each year and this year there were only 3 iPhone out of the 200+ family members that were present. A majority of my family and some friends had mostly galaxy s3s. Last year there were no android phones there at all. I'm a huge apple fan, but since last June, I switched to the gs3 and never looked back. I'm still a huge apple fan but can't help the feeling that they're seriously lacking as of late. Honestly, I've even become frustrated with my ipad. With such a larger screen compared to my old iPhone, why can't I run 2 apps onscreen at once? I hope they make a good change soon so I could come back, I do miss the seamless sync between all my devices. DISCLAINER : THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE AND OPINION AND MINE ALONE. I don't claim to represent the majority.


    From what I heard the new iOS will be more powerfull as Apple will tend to merge OS-X and iOS features in the next few years. But you are right, iOS is lagging Android. This may change in a few weeks, lets hope they leap over it. I wouldn't be surprise if Apple introduce some kind of touch base laptop with OS-X borrowing iOS features while iOS borrow some OS-X features in terms of  power.


    There is also the screen size problem, beside a few Apple worshippers, prettymuch  the entire planet is screaming for a bigger iphone model.

  • Reply 68 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    sflocal wrote: »
    Sadly, AppleInsider is becoming less relevant to me as a source of Apple news.  Keep it up AI.  You're going to start bleeding long-term members if you continue transforming yourself to AndroidInsider/SamsungInsider.  You can try spinning it however you wish, but the reality is you're grabbing your ankles and letting the iHaters and trolls guide your direction.

    I couldn't agree more. if these reports actually compared like with like, i.e. smart phones of similar features (excluding Scamsung low end crap) and included other relevant data such as profits from actual sales of these similar featured phones it might have some meaning.

    If you or any other poster here comes across a blog for Apple enthusiasts that hasn't turned into a click bait store let me know. I left MacRumors for the same reason, I can leave AI.
  • Reply 69 of 111
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Are you guys pissed off because this is a story involving a report by "Strategy Analytics"? Or because Samsung is in the report?


    Because it's an Apple website, troll. Not a generic tech website, not a Samsung website.

    Plenty of other Apple stories that also include Samsung info (how could they not). And even a number of stories including mention of Strategy Analytics. So that blows away your first point. Seems to me you  just don't like what's being said (trolls usually don't)

  • Reply 70 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    isaidso wrote: »
    Plenty of other Apple stories that also include Samsung info (how could they not). And even a number of stories including mention of Strategy Analytics. So that blows away your first point. Seems to me you  just don't like what's being said (trolls usually don't)

    I'd have to disagree with your take on this. There are ways of presenting a story and then there are different ways .... sadly the trend is to be deliberately contentious most of the time and fish for trolls and defensive replies.

    If the reports were fair and balanced in the first pace there would be less of this. After all these years I have watched this blog become more and more ... shall we say 'tabloid'. Then again alas, so has most of the US media. Perhaps it is the ad / click driven result Google has had on the culture. It will be interesting to look back in a decade or so and see if this continues or if the current ad models change and the Twitter, FB and so on reach their mathematical pyramid peaks and collapse. I wonder what would come next?
  • Reply 71 of 111
    isteelersisteelers Posts: 738member
    dadoria2 wrote: »
    I'm one of 37 grandkids, with 12 aunts and uncles from my mom's side alone. We have an annual reunion each year and this year there were only 3 iPhone out of the 200+ family members that were present. A majority of my family and some friends had mostly galaxy s3s. Last year there were no android phones there at all. I'm a huge apple fan, but since last June, I switched to the gs3 and never looked back. I'm still a huge apple fan but can't help the feeling that they're seriously lacking as of late. Honestly, I've even become frustrated with my ipad. With such a larger screen compared to my old iPhone, why can't I run 2 apps onscreen at once? I hope they make a good change soon so I could come back, I do miss the seamless sync between all my devices. DISCLAINER : THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE AND OPINION AND MINE ALONE. I don't claim to represent the majority.

    herbapou wrote: »
    From what I heard the new iOS will be more powerfull as Apple will tend to merge OS-X and iOS features in the next few years. But you are right, iOS is lagging Android. This may change in a few weeks, lets hope they leap over it. I wouldn't be surprise if Apple introduce some kind of touch base laptop with OS-X borrowing iOS features while iOS borrow some OS-X features in terms of  power.

    There is also the screen size problem, beside a few Apple worshippers, prettymuch  the entire planet is screaming for a bigger iphone model.

    I would prefer a larger iPhone but that is my preference. A useful piece of information from the article would be the screen sizes of the phones sold by Samsung in China. I doubt they sold that many flagship phones there or we would have heard about it, but I don't know the screen sizes on their lesser models.
  • Reply 72 of 111
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post

    Do you think the Apple execs don't pay attention to news like this?


    What the frick does that have to do with what I've said? No, honestly: Answer that question.

    Granted, they aren't reading AppleInsider…


    Spectacular. Now that you've removed the only possible explanation for why you would even ask that in the first place, I'm stumped.


    Originally Posted by Dadoria2 

    [anecdotal crap]…  I'm a huge apple fan, but…  I'm still a huge apple fan but… I've been an iPhone user since the original and have loved apple products since first using a mac back in 1996… …I also hold some shares in AAPL, so I think I have the right to voice my own opinions about their products.



    Originally Posted by Dadoria2 

    Every company uses our information as they wish.


    Total falsehood.

    Originally Posted by Dadoria2

    I also have seen many people who don't know how to use iPhone, so your point is moot. 


    Who on Earth doesn't know how to use an iPhone?

    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post

    Dadoria2 sounds just about right.



    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    You would be an apt character model for a new edition to a well know popular childrens book series:


    Mr Defensive


    That's two of them, feverishly wrapping towels around themselves as they hop out of the shower and rush to the aid of their fellow… 

    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    Plenty of other Apple stories that also include Samsung info (how could they not). And even a number of stories including mention of Strategy Analytics. So that blows away your first point. Seems to me you  just don't like what's being said (trolls usually don't)


    Maybe actually answer the question instead of just following your party line.

  • Reply 73 of 111
    dadoria2dadoria2 Posts: 16member
    Guess Im not as crazy as everyone is trying to make me seem. You've basically experienced and seen the same things I mentioned, yet the fanatics on this site seem to think I'm delusional in saying
    andrzejls wrote: »

    You have to understand one think, he just cannot help himself. Ever noticed that small dog always barks on big dog which does not pay any attention?. I still have and use my old trusty 3GS, my wife will not part with hers 4S, but I also have S3 and, IMHO it is a good phone. In the company that I am with about 95% are iPhones and 2 people (CEO and one other) still cannot part with Blackberry. In past 2 weeks I have seen 1 person switching from 4S to G4 and 3 others openly stating to switch to G4 after their contract expire. The main reasons are: larger screen and beeing tired of iPhone jailbraking game.
    many some people want a bigger screen. I personally got tired of chasing jailbreaks (for me a stock iPhone was painful to use after being accustomed to jailbreaks) and a bigger screen was welcomed.
  • Reply 74 of 111
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by vaguely View Post

    Is it SALES or SHIPMENTS? They are not the same thing.


    In many reports, they are the same, because shipments to retailers are reported as sales.  That goes for Apple as well.  (They all have to fill inventory channels, too.)


    However, Strategy Analytics is different from say, IDC, who reports such shipments into inventory channels.  


    Instead, SA usually analyzes and reports end user sales.   That is, they count up sell-through from both online and physical stores.   On the downside, they do not include grey market sales in China, which can be significant at times.


    I cannot say for sure if this report was done that way, but that's what SA usually does.



    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    It is shipments of undefined devices people at strategy analytics decided were smartphones.


    SA's definition: "A smartphone is a handheld device that matches cellular voice and data capabilities with a branded high- level operating system such as Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Symbian, Meego, Tizen, Bada, webOS ."

  • Reply 75 of 111
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Dadoria2 View Post

    many some people want a bigger screen. I personally got tired of chasing jailbreaks (for me a stock iPhone was painful to use after being accustomed to jailbreaks) and a bigger screen was welcomed.


    Speaking of which, Strategy Analytics just came out with another report that says, in part:


    "In the second half of 2012 existing smartphone owners were most likely to be interested in devices with a screen size between 4.2-inches and 4.7-inches.  [This was an increase] from the same period in 2011, where a 4.3-inch device was most preferred.


    "[People thinking of buying their first smartphone] show greater interest in slightly smaller devices than existing smartphone owners.  Males preferred smartphones with larger screens than females, while current brand of smartphone also impacts future screen size preferences. Nearly all respondents showed a preference for their next phone to have a larger screen size than their existing handset."
  • Reply 76 of 111
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Dadoria2 View Post

    Guess Im not as crazy as everyone is trying to make me seem. You've basically experienced and seen the same things I mentioned, yet the fanatics on this site seem to think I'm delusional in saying

    many some people want a bigger screen. I personally got tired of chasing jailbreaks (for me a stock iPhone was painful to use after being accustomed to jailbreaks) and a bigger screen was welcomed.

    So how come iPhones still outsell high end Samsung phones?

  • Reply 77 of 111
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    asdasd wrote: »
    . . . Is everyone lying? . . .

    Not everyone, but it seems that way sometimes. You missed the last one, realitycheck, remember? Turns out he was the old AbsoluteDesignz, who was in turn (probably) the old ZitherZatherZuzz, who was the old ConradJoe, etc., etc.

    Dadoria2 would have us believe that he knows that only 3 of his 200 relatives have iPhones, and implies they all changed to big-screen Samsungs, and that these details are at his fingertips.

    Does that sound like a believable to you? I would say that sounds like the usual crap from the pro troll pool, but then again he could be for real. If so my apologies to him, but I would say that if you're going to make points here off a survey of your extended family, you should be diligent enough to make it credible. If you don't, understand that you look like you are one of the troll rabble.

    I don't care one way or the other about the large-screen debate. Apple will maybe do one when they can do it right. It will take them much longer to do than it would Samsung, because they will be working much harder to fit it into their ecosystem. Meanwhile we have to endure post after post from the trolls and from people like you, who think they percieve a weakness in Apple's edifice over this large-screen business—like they can just churn out a new platform at will, like Samsung can, owning all the tooling like they do, and not caring about the ecosystem, like they don't.
  • Reply 78 of 111
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Not everyone, but it seems that way sometimes. You missed the last one, realitycheck, remember? Turns out he was the old AbsoluteDesignz, who was in turn (probably) the old ZitherZatherZuzz, who was the old ConradJoe, etc., etc.


    Let's see if I can remember…


    ConradJoe was his own thing, then Zither, NakedApe2… nope, can't remember. He had at least twelve accounts; probably more.

  • Reply 79 of 111


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    So how come iPhones still outsell high end Samsung phones?

    Does it?

  • Reply 80 of 111
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Wow - this site has devolved into an echo chamber. I can't recall seeing a more insecure group of flamers in the almost-three decades that I've been using Apple products.

    Have fun pouncing on even the slightest non-Apple advocacy that someone might dare post in your precious comment section. And don't forget to pounce on this post as well, as it will surely strengthen your arguments.

    (leaves AI in disgust)
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