BlackBerry sees quarterly loss of $84M on shipments of 2.7M BB10 phones



  • Reply 21 of 94
    pedromartinspedromartins Posts: 1,333member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    I am sure blackberry taught they had the perfect phone back in the late 2000's. There is no such thing as a perfect product in tech. Apple has the perfect phone now right? it fits in the hands easy, you can reach all the screen with youre thumb, retina screen, great quality build, ...   aint the thing perfect? Once you think that its the kiss of death.

    Blackberry was slow to change and it cost them. They underestimated the iPhone. Apple doesn't underestimate the competition. It knows who it is. iOS 7 is a major change and I can't wait for new products that will use it. Apple adapts, others follow.

    Still what's more surprising is that they still sell the play book.

    Apple is underestimating the importance of a big screen and is being slow to adapt to this reality.

    Same thing happened to blackberry (keyboard vs keyboardless screen) 

  • Reply 22 of 94
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    drblank wrote: »
    And where are all of those BB fans that are touting how much Blackberry is on a comeback?

    Comebacks are rarely instantaneous.
  • Reply 23 of 94
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dugbug wrote: »
      No, no antigravity boots or travelling in tubes.

    What?! I'm selling my AAPL now.
  • Reply 24 of 94
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    Unexpected? I wouldn't say that.

  • Reply 25 of 94
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Just curious what breakthroughs we're seeing in other mobile OS's?

    iOS 7 is just the beginning for Apple. Cook & Co. are playing the long game.
  • Reply 26 of 94
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member

    As much as I think that BBOS 10 is a wonderful achievement...


    From my enterprise app point of view, Blackberry shot themselves in the foot by totally switching OSes in an effort to please mass consumers and reviewers, instead of keeping faith with the corporations and their developers who had invested so much in custom apps for the older devices.


    Microsoft did the same thing with Windows Phone, breaking away from all the WinMo developers.


    Both should've kept back compatible app players / emulators to help ease the transition.  No, it's not pretty, but it would've been smarter.

  • Reply 27 of 94
    jpvnjpvn Posts: 40member
    I love all my worthless out of date and stupid ios devices????
  • Reply 28 of 94
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Just curious what breakthroughs we're seeing in other mobile OS's?

    iOS 7 is just the beginning for Apple. Cook & Co. are playing the long game.


    Samsung is well position for mobile devices and TV integration. They have 1080p phones and they are a TV manufacturer leader. There problem is software, they cant integrate everything without Google. And Google could backstap them with a Nexus phone and Nexus TV. Apple strengh is complete control, as long as they do something with it, like before I die of old age.

  • Reply 29 of 94
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    herbapou wrote: »
    Samsung is well position for mobile devices and TV integration. They have 1080p phones and they are a TV manufacturer leader. There problem is software, they cant integrate everything without Google. And Google could backstap them with a Nexus phone and Nexus TV. Apple strengh is complete control, as long as they do something with it, like before I die of old age.

    I don't know if Sammy is well positioned. You'll need a Sammy tv to use it. Meanwhile the Apple TV can attach to any TV set. I rather spend a $100 on a Apple TV than buy a brand new Sammy set.
  • Reply 30 of 94
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    It's what the phone can do. BBs were perfect when all people wanted to do was make calls, BBM, and email. SJ initially thought that the iPhone was complete until he was convinced to allow apps. Allowing devs to make the device that much better is what makes the iPhone as close to perfection as a phone can get.

    ... and then someone brings out a phone that doesn't look like a phone... and also it does so much more.


    This is where Jobs excelled. Seeing the potential of a product.


    Let's hope that Cook and Ive can show us the future...

  • Reply 31 of 94
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I don't know if Sammy is well positioned. You'll need a Sammy tv to use it. Meanwhile the Apple TV can attach to any TV set. I rather spend a $100 on a Apple TV than buy a brand new Sammy set.


    This is the reason I think Apple should just introduce monitors along with a USB like Apple Tv that plugs into them. The Apple "TV" monitors will handle the screen and the cable plugs, OTA, airplay, wifi, ...  and the brain will the stick. Then you have no seperate box and a neat installation.


    Will they continu to upgrade the current box in a setup like that is another debate. They may want to force you to buy the monitors. On the plus side the monitors could also be used by macs, tablets and phones or like a regular TV.

  • Reply 32 of 94
    The problem for blackberry, is they are playing catch up with ios. By the time it finally came out, everyone had iPhones, why switch to the iPhone copycat when you already own the original? If they had spent their time coming out with the next idea, new revolutionary tech, then we'd switch. But why switch for the same thing?
  • Reply 33 of 94
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    kdarling wrote: »
    As much as I think that BBOS 10 is a wonderful achievement...

    From my enterprise app point of view, Blackberry shot themselves in the foot by totally switching OSes in an effort to please mass consumers and reviewers, instead of keeping faith with the corporations and their developers who had invested so much in custom apps for the older devices.

    Microsoft did the same thing with Windows Phone, breaking away from all the WinMo developers.

    Both should've kept back compatible app players / emulators to help ease the transition.  No, it's not pretty, but it would've been smarter.

    Companies finally have the manhood to pull an Apple OS 9 to OS X transition... But forget "Classic Mode" which allowed a relatively smooth transition.
  • Reply 34 of 94
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Blackberry is a total disaster, and if you check out the crackberry forum, as I have done in the past when I needed a few laughs, you'll quickly find out that many people who still support Blackberry, only do so because they're Canadian. How pathetic is that?image


    Those people are totally deluded and they continue to make excuses for Blackberry, even though they've failed on many of the things that they've promised to deliver.


    I've said this before, but Blackberry should quit the tech business and begin making maple syrup instead.

  • Reply 35 of 94
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,923member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post



    Well, Apple is better position than Blackberry because its in more markets even if it has just a few products. All you need in a market is a few good products to cover the segments. Apple also as a lot of cash and it still have a lot of its innovative brains working for them. IF those people dont think they have acheived god status and keep working on new ideas, Apple may surprise with great new products.


    Apple ipod market strategy is the mother of what to do in a market. Its a dying market, but they nailed it.They may do it in the tablet market too, imo they only need just another model.  But on the phone side they are way off imo.


    Yeah this is what I was getting at with Apple. They're more markets and expanded themselves to be in more markets to get where they are. They would never be where they are today if they would have just stuck to making Macs. At the time, Apple didn't really have a lot cash. I mean they were totally broke, but they were exactly extremely rich either like they are now. 


    The iPods is what really got Apple back on the map. The iPhone also did this and its what made Apple all the money they have today (and still does!). I don't know how you can say they're way off. They have a flagship product companies are still trying to emulate. They have to be doing something right. I think once they get this cheaper (not cheap!) phone out they'll be in a very good position. The iPad I think is right where they need to be. I think they just need to get a retina display in the iPad mini and they'll have an awesome product that doesn't break the bank for consumers. 


    BlackBerry really isn't doing much to save themselves other than just releasing a new OS which new phones. I think they're still relying on their name, which is rapidly diminishing and we can see this isn't working. Perhaps they need to expand their horizons, license the software (maybe they already are, or have thought about it?), create something new and amazing. They've already lost the phone war. Its time for them to do something different. Microsoft I think is in the same boat as far as a phone goes. Its basically down to iOS and Android. 

  • Reply 36 of 94
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    herbapou wrote: »
    This is the reason I think Apple should just introduce monitors along with a USB like Apple Tv that plugs into them. The Apple "TV" monitors will handle the screen and the cable plugs, OTA, airplay, ...  and the brain will the stick. Then you have no seperate box and a neat installation.

    Will they continu to upgrade the current box in a setup like that is another debate. They may want to force you to buy the monitors. On the plus side the monitors could also be used by macs, tablets and phones or like a regular TV.

    I predict the current ATV will turn into the AppleTV "Express" and a new "Extreme" version will be released that does what you said.

    We've all wondered what has taken Apple so long to release apps for ATV... Maybe they're waiting for the new Controller APIs or other things. Apple doesn't rush to market, but they usually nail it, tortoise style.
  • Reply 37 of 94
    They better hurry up and do something or they may have to add a few more "B's" to their name

  • Reply 38 of 94
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,688member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Blackberry was slow to change and it cost them. They underestimated the iPhone. Apple doesn't underestimate the competition. It knows who it is. iOS 7 is a major change and I can't wait for new products that will use it. Apple adapts, others follow.

    Still what's more surprising is that they still sell the play book.


    It's not so much about change, it's about knowing your core strengths and capitalizing on them. Steve Jobs knew this when he came back to Apple. Four main strengths he built the Apple of today on; branding, customer loyalty, design team, and media platform.


    RIM should've expanded its messaging platform to other platforms much earlier on. Not only are they now dropping device sales, but eventually their innovative messaging service will disappear as well. Too many of their competitors have their own now - most damaging is iMessage. Which not only works across mobile devices but also their computers. Roughly 80% of the people I chat with on my iMac is done over Apple's iMessage service. And I see them eventually creating an online iMessage web app (as they have with iWork), so that Windows users can use the service.

  • Reply 39 of 94
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    I predict the current ATV will turn into the AppleTV "Express" and a new "Extreme" version will be released that does what you said.

    We've all wondered what has taken Apple so long to release apps for ATV... Maybe they're waiting for the new Controller APIs or other things. Apple doesn't rush to market, but they usually nail it, tortoise style.


    I think its pretty clear that Apple is moving into mobile gaming with the spritekits and game controls API's.  Will they also move into console gaming and TV with it is whats gets me exited atm. One of the control fits a mobile device like an iphone or an ipod touch. But the other one is standalone, ah so much potential.


    And a brain on a stick Apple TV would be for both a smartTV and game console, and it would allow Apple to sell you the monitor. This will be pure genius for both consumers (upgrade only the sticks) and the company (you must buy a monitor at least once).

  • Reply 40 of 94
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    ...why switch to the iPhone copycat when you already own the original?

    Ask an Android user. They're probably not all Anti-Apple Imbeciles.
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