Apple's Cook being pushed to innovate by board of directors, FOX report says



  • Reply 61 of 160
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    Right, because Fox "news" is such a credible source of anything other than right-wing hot air and double-speak%u2026 psh!

    And, in typical fashion every word there is 'hearsay'. Leaning on Cook to "innovate faster"? Wow, the ignorance on display there is stunning. "Innovation" doesn't appear on a schedule. R&D either has breakthroughs, or it doesn't. You can't conjure the stuff out of thin air. You just keep on researching and developing, and if something good happens, apply it.

    And, in light of all the announcements, I'm wondering where the lack of progress and innovation is in the last year or so?

    - The latest MacBook Air with its "All Day Battery" and other fairly significant upgrades.

    - The iPad Mini and rumored successors

    - The iPad 128GB Retina and rumored successors

    - iPhone 5 successor: 5S? 5C? Both?

    - The new Mac Pro (if that isn't solidly in the innovating column, then they are harboring unrealistic expectations).

    - iOS 7, new "innovative features" and a major design upgrade. As Mr. Ive said, "a new beginning", promising much more to come.

    - OS X Mavericks. Like in iOS 7, many incremental and sequential upgrades, and yet, those are no less innovative than some wildly jaw-dropping breakthrough might be.

    Constant, almost "boring" progress, incremental improvements (promising stability and backward compatibility without constraining progress), manageable updates with minimal learning curve adjustments, these are how Apple - and most of us who depend on them - prefer to roll.

    The rest is just hot air and supposition...
  • Reply 62 of 160
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    I know it's probably too much to ask, but why can't a company sitting on $145 billion spend a bit more on R&D than say most other companies on the entire planet. All Apple needs to do is focus on just a couple of technologies. Apple is already working on processors which is great but it really needs to sink more money into battery technology because mobile devices depend so heavily on batteries.

    If Apple were to develop the tech for batteries that lasted just 15% longer than any other battery with similar charging properties for a particular size, it would almost be unbeatable as long as they could protect it with patents. It would be a very stealthy type of improvement and it would be useful in practically every product Apple makes. It would practically put Apple at the forefront of every mobile company around.


    They spend plenty on R&D. They just released an "All Day Battery" MacBook Air, without changing the form factor or weight. Partly due to improved efficiency CPUs (Haswell) but not only that. Battery tech itself played a part.


    Apple has advanced their battery tech significantly over the past few years. Why do you think iPads run for 10+ hours while most of the competition is lucky to actually get their claimed 7 or 8 hours (if that?). 


    You're preaching to the choir there, Mr. Odo.

  • Reply 63 of 160
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    To anyone that believes this Gasparino/Fox claptrap, I've got some beachfront property in Arizona to sell you.

    What would these maroons call the new Mac Pro, for instance!? The quality of what passes off for 'news' has become really quite depressing. When I think it couldn't get any worse, it does.


    With Fox "news" leading the way.

  • Reply 64 of 160
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by G-Note View Post

    Fox News journalism at its worst. This is just a story to spur ratings and attract hits to their website. This guy knows as much about what goes on in Apple board meetings that I do.


    Sadly, this is probably Fox "journalism" at its best...


    Wait. "Fox" and "journalism"… Those words don't even belong together!

  • Reply 65 of 160
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    visualzone wrote: »

    In all fairness, R&D expenditures is not the same thing as innovation.

    Apple has revolutionized several industries while spending a lot less than the competition. You can's infer a 1:1 correlation.
  • Reply 66 of 160
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by mrrodriguez View Post

    So does everyone believe that Apple is still innovating?


    No, no… we all believe they've decided to just rest on their collective laurels, put out nothing new, milk the updates for all they're worth and once that runs its course, sell Apple off to the highest bidder.


    Anything but innovate! My GOD that's just such a waste of perfectly good time and money! Who would do such a thing? Certainly not APPLE of all companies.


    No, we think Apple has completely put on the Innovation Brakes, shuttered the Innovation Labs, shut down the Innovation Engine, and is coasting in for a long, slow, painful landing. 


    How about you?


    (Oh! And please ignore the new Mac Pro design, the iOS 7 feature set, the OS X Mavericks feature set, the latest MacBook Air improvements, the rumored enhancements to the iPad and iPhone lines, and definitely ignore the rumors of something "unexpected" appearing out of left field. We wouldn't want to spoil our "Apple can't innovate" meme…)



    Oh! And also ignore the recent updates to the "iWork on iCloud" beta and the new "Logic Pro X" releases. Move along please, no innovation to see there!

  • Reply 67 of 160
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Shame on AI for giving the moronic scumbags at Fox a headline on this site, especially from this clown! Have you no shame?
  • Reply 68 of 160
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Apple doesn't throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks (in public). They do all of that behind the scenes and only release products when they're ready and products they think people will want to buy. Other companies flood the market with products (whether people want them or not) and call it innovation.
  • Reply 69 of 160
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member

    FOX New has NO credibility whatsoever.  They are completely sensationalist, talking heads with no intellectual dialog.


    Take a look at when the iPhone was announced... January 2007.  Take a look at when the original iPad was announced... January 2010.  The Macbook Air is eating other laptop's for lunch.  What day is it? Yes, it's August 2013... that means Apple is right on track, if not *slightly* behind on their "innovation" curve.  now if they don't do something big in September, it would be disappointing. BUT... coming out with a low cost iPhone may not be super cool, but it means gobs of marketshare.


    Look FOX, you couldn't innovate your ass out of a corner.  Apple does creativity at it's own pace (all creativity takes time).  It's also not about to announce something without also releasing it in less than a month.  If they did, there would be a thousand lazy, copying companies (Samsung, cough, cough) out to wholesale copy their stuff.  Apple is going to hold their cards and then lay them on the table. That's what they do.


    If you don't like that, go invest in Microsoft, you stupid retards.

  • Reply 70 of 160
    the Innovation elephant in the room is OS X Mavericks…. It is lean and mean, very fast, and low power -- my iMac 27 is like a brand new machine with faster CPU, GPU and more, faster RAM -- and all I did was install a new OS!
  • Reply 71 of 160
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member
    I know it's probably too much to ask, but why can't a company sitting on $145 billion spend a bit more on R&D than say most other companies on the entire planet. All Apple needs to do is focus on just a couple of technologies. Apple is already working on processors which is great but it really needs to sink more money into battery technology because mobile devices depend so heavily on batteries.

    If Apple were to develop the tech for batteries that lasted just 15% longer than any other battery with similar charging properties for a particular size, it would almost be unbeatable as long as they could protect it with patents. It would be a very stealthy type of improvement and it would be useful in practically every product Apple makes. It would practically put Apple at the forefront of every mobile company around.
    Apple spends what it needs to to move as fast as it can. Spending more would just waste money.
    Regarding batteries, apple is better off being able to pick the best available option. If they start developing their own, the divisions within apple would feel compelled to use it
  • Reply 72 of 160
    jonljonl Posts: 210member
    rayz wrote: »
    bcgersh wrote: »
    FYI Apple investors... this is the same guy that CLAIMED to be a Pulitzer Nominee in his bio and then had to drop the "nominee" part of his bio after being outed as being Full of Sh*t.

    Wow :no:

    He just flat-out lied.

    O'Reilly claimed to have won the Pulitzer. Turned out it was a Peabody. Seems like Fox gets all the Pulitzer wannabes.
  • Reply 73 of 160
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    BS. Apple has come out with innovative products every 3-4 years. It's scheduled. They are working on car stereos. That alone is HUGE. If Apple can come out with a double din iOS unit in 2014, it will forever change the auto and car stereo industry. I have a 2010 Dodge RAM that has the POS uConnect. If Apple came out with an iOS unit to replace it for $399 I would buy it in a second.

  • Reply 74 of 160
    Did this guy have a source for his story?!
  • Reply 75 of 160
    Funny what the debate about whether this is true or not...

    knowing full well the fragile state Apple's image is in the "media" would ANY board member implicitly leak ANY information to ANYONE knowing that suspicion would immediately be put on a select fact statements like this could could have serious consequences.

    Summing it up -- the anti Apple "lack of innovation" mantra is way old news - right?! Any idiot like this one "could" have fabricated this lie easily..

    But... The fact is... It has been a very long period of something new this year - since the iPad itself wasn't refreshed as usual in Feb/Mar...

    Am quite confident that they are aware that there has been a drought in the marketplace - re Apple... But...but... I sincerely think the retooling of their management etc in the wake of Steve's dimise is just now ramping up... The new Apple so to speak... iOS 7... Apple TV.... Read between the lines Apple TV's new functionality will blow the doors off its businesses -- why? Because it's going to revolutionize the industry... How? I doubt PCs will be needed much longer -- as the TV set will officially become the all in one device in the home.. I'm wrong? Really? I want a showing of hands - how many of you have greatly reduced your desktop PC use as a result of mobile devices???!!! See, I'm right???? Apple TV is their next BIG thing... Mark my words...
  • Reply 76 of 160
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    You are addressing an agent provocateur, save your breath. But well said any way.

    I know, appreciate the advice. My paid-poster scan of C.O. turns up negative. I think he's actually for real, but that's just my judgment. So I enjoy trying to insert a sliver of self-doubt under his fingernails.

    If I thought he was one of our 10 cents a word trolls, I wouldn't bother.
  • Reply 77 of 160


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I know, appreciate the advice. My paid-poster scan of C.O. turns up negative. I think he's actually for real, but that's just my judgment. So I enjoy trying to insert a sliver of self-doubt under his fingernails.

    If I thought he was one of our 10 cents a word trolls, I wouldn't bother.


    I think he's more of an styled provocateur than a troll type provocateur, although he does occasionally lean more towards one than the other.


    Either way, a provocateur nonetheless. He does provide regular entertainment value though, you must admit...

  • Reply 78 of 160


    Originally Posted by jonl View Post

    O'Reilly claimed to have won the Pulitzer. Turned out it was a Peabody. Seems like Fox gets all the Pulitzer wannabes.


    From this page:


    The Award is determined by one criterion – “Excellence.”



    And you say Bill O'Reilly actually won a Peabody award?


    Mr. Peabody was probably rolling over in his grave the day that happened. 

  • Reply 79 of 160
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Absolutely. People who watch "professional" wrestling probably feel the same about the hooded villain, if they still do that sort of thing, when he shows up at the ring. I always like to read a crunchy Constable Odo post. Like I imagine fried grasshoppers are when you bite into them.

    The others we have here just piss me off no end. Like you say, Odo is our Onion troll.
  • Reply 80 of 160
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    You lost me at FOX.
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