Apple to introduce next iPhone at Sept. 10 media event



  • Reply 81 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by darkdefender View Post

    Don't forget the Mac Pro launch date will be announced on this keynote.


    Or it won't. Because it could be announced, or even launched, by then. I won't be shocked if the Mac Pro, perhaps a new Cinema Display and Mavericks are either a soft launch on the site or via press release. Or a combo. After all the market for the two hardware pieces is rather scant compared to the software so why do much more than a letter of announcement and it's on the site. 


    I'm still hoping that there is a new Cinema Display and it has HDMI, screen size and quality to be used as a tv. I could use a new monitor but I also wouldn't mind a second tv. Since most of my tv viewing is iTunes, Hulu etc being able to hook up an Apple TV would work for me. Especially with the new Mavericks Air Play display mode. In my perfect world the display would have enough kick for even Blu-ray and the Apple TV would be usable as a control bypass and I could plug my player into it and use the ATV interface etc. Not unlike how I can control our cameras via Final Cut when I'm ingesting. I think a lot of folks would love an Apple TV with enough power and tricks for that kind of controller mode and even support for higher quality 1080p that is more a copy of physical discs (complete with multi audio, subtitles, features) and perhaps even passive 3D (think pixar films with the polarized light glasses not the big chunky ones)

  • Reply 82 of 166


    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Apple very much needs one. Though I think one more year won't hurt them too badly. You really do underestimate the number of current iPhone owners who love the iPhone and iOS but are salivating at the prospect of a larger display. These people will not wait forever and will eventually venture over to Android. Not to mention current Android owners who cite the display size as their #1 reason for choosing the phone. These people are lost to Apple until there is a larger iPhone.


    As far as a source, look at the sales of larger screened phones which together outsell the iPhone. The iPhone might still beat them individually in sales but as a group the number of phones with displays larger that  4.5" passed total iPhone sales 2 years ago and the gap is widening. 


    This link is from September 2012 and the gap is much wider nearly a year later. People want larger displays. Why is that so hard for some of you to understand or fathom?


  • Reply 83 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by shocker915 View Post

    Quantity over quality is way better than quality over quantity Lookin forward to the next big thing apple ????????


    I disagree. One quality device is way better than 50 so so ones. 


    I know a lot of folks are dissing on this 'budget' iphone but I think that is because they are defining terms the wrong way. I don't think that Apple is making a cheap/budget phone at all. More just redoing how they do the whole "keep the last two models in a lower storage" game. It seems clear they want to get everything on the new lighting connector pronto so keeping the 4 and 4s plus the iPad 2 just doesn't fit. The iPad they could achieve just by keeping the iPad 4 like line up but with changes in part pricing they might be able to hang onto the 16GB iPad 4, perhaps even add an 8GB for super light users and make the base $499 model 32GB and so on. 


    On the iPhones they need a little more work. If they follow trend they would have the 'old school' 4S, 5 and Whatever (lets say 5S just for sake of history) with the new connector. That doesn't really work. So perhaps they are thinking to go for something like an 8GB iPhone 5 for the super budget, 16GB for the slightly up (ie the $0 and $99 with contract) and the 5S at 32 and 64GB. The whole plastic thing could be a total myth like the teardrop phone, or perhaps it's a prototype that was rejected. Or yes it is possible that only the color thing is a myth but they are making that 8GB in a tougher shell not to make it budget but under the belief that it will be mostly kids carrying that phone. Or maybe, crazy thought, they are basically skipping an S and all iPhone will have this new shell because they realized that the aluminum looked great but was too easy to cosmetically damage and thus not there yet. This 'plastic' could be some kind of lightweight polycarbonate etc not really so cheap. Who knows at this point what could be going on. The possibilities are more than just 'cheap parts to sell it cheap for broke 3rd world countries'

  • Reply 84 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Probably the same place they hold nearly all their big events. Moscone center. 


    This isn't really a big event typically. Unlike something like WWDC where they need room for thousands this is more a couple hundred reporters etc. So It's more likely to be held on campus in the Town Hall like the last couple of years. Or perhaps at YBCA

  • Reply 85 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Surely you've been around long enough to realize that it always works that way. All it takes is one source to start an Apple rumor and within days it has appeared on hundreds of sites. Then, the fact that ti's on hundreds of sites is used as 'confirmation' that it must be true. Then, when it turns out to not be true, someone releases a story that Apple failed to do it because of supply chain problems or because of the development team being behind schedule - and the stock drops.


    Or the other variation on the theme. It all starts with some analyst and because it was an analyst it is taken as fact and posted around. And then when it gets closer to the magic time, the analyst gets nervous about being wrong and starts posing questions of possible issues that might delay things etc. 


    This version is very common when you are talking about the what of a product. So like Mikey the Analyst might start a rumor that he has been told by sources that yes Apple is definitely making a real TV and it's due out this holiday. It is going to come in 4 sizes ranging from 36-60 inches, will support 3D, 4k, be a smart tv AND have a built in 3d blu-ray player. Oh it will also be paper thin, solar powered etc. 


    And then a couple of months later Mikey will get reports that there are production issues and suddenly the magic Apple TV isn't coming out for another year, no wait two years. When perhaps it was never coming out. 


    In fact I'm still waiting for the rumors that the DOJ ruling on ebooks and the inclusion of other media has killed Apple's plans for a subscription tv services, iTunes Video Match and new better video quality that mirrors physical blu-ray offers at half the price of the discs. AND the rumors that the 'real' tv is being delayed due to these offers being made 'illegal'. 

  • Reply 86 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Apple very much needs one. 


    I disagree. I don't think Apple NEEDS to make a bigger form phone. I suspect that outside of the geek world, most folks would agree with my view. The vast majority of folks want a phone that is stable with good battery life that will consistently last them all day, doesn't drop calls etc. If they get that in a 3 inch or a 5 inch screen is just icing.


    As for the article you posted there is a lot wrong with it. They say nothing about their methodology in sampling so that could be flawed and statistically unsound. They disregard that Android phones are generally less in price and often do things like BOGO to flood the market, that newer software doesn't run on many older phones pushing new hardware sales which often only come in larger sizes so folks have no choice in that matter, that there are other factors in usage trends like software and the correlation to screen size might not reflect casualty 

  • Reply 87 of 166
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member

    My predictions


    iPhone 5C 16GB Free on Contract or $449 with no subsidy

    iPhone 5C  32GB $99 on Contract or $549 with no subsidy


    iPhone 5S 32GB $199 on contract & $649 no subsidy

    iPhone 5S 64GB $299 on contract & $749 no subsidy

    iPhone 5S 128GB $399 on contract & $849 no subsidy


    I can see the possibility of the iPhone 5C coming in only 8GB and 16GB models to avoid cannibalization from the 5S but 8GB really is a very small amount now with such large apps and iOS 7 so that might provide a bad user experience which Apple wants to avoid. 


    I also predict the iPhone 6 will be released around April of 2014. It will be the larger iPhone everyone has been expecting. Apple will release the larger iPhone in the spring and the 4" models around September to keep more excitement year round and to combat slower sales in the 6 months prior to the launch of a new model. Having 2 releases twice a year spaced about 6 months apart will make consumers and Wall street happy. 


    Finally the coup de gråce will be the Qualcomm RF360 which will allow Apple to only need to make one iPhone model for all countries and carriers around the world instead of the 3 or 4 needed now. Once these products are released Apple will be set for a good decade.

  • Reply 88 of 166
    Wow, AppleInsider is now reporting rumor with headlines that look like fact! Judging by the responses, some folks didn't get to the part that this is just another rumor. AI, please fix your headline - at least until Apple actually announces something.
  • Reply 89 of 166
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    gwmac wrote: »
    Big phones are not a fad or niche. They are here to stay and are selling in huge numbers.

    But the trouble is 4" and smaller screened smartphones are selling in much much larger numbers. If you ate going to have a solid, clearly differentiated and small portfolio, are you going to chase 70% of the market or 30% of the market?
  • Reply 90 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by G-Note View Post

    I wonder if Mavericks will be released or if it will be later in the fall with the iPads


    Why does it make sense to split up iDevice releases?

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Intel's at Moscone on September 10th-12th:

    Having the events on the same day would allow both Apple to launch the Mac Pro as well as other hardware and Intel to show it off with Thunderbolt 2 and the new Xeons.


    Hmm. When was the last time Apple shared a product launch with another company?

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Apple very much needs one.



    You really do underestimate the number of current iPhone owners who love the iPhone and iOS but are salivating at the prospect of a larger display.


    We underestimate them because the group is small enough to overlook entirely.

    These people will not wait forever and will eventually venture over to Android.


    They've waited six years. If they actually cared, they would have switched already. 


    Careful how you reply here. You might find your argument used against you.

    People want larger displays. Why is that so hard for some of you to understand or fathom?


    Because it isn't true?

  • Reply 91 of 166
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    caveman664 wrote: »
    Wow, AppleInsider is now reporting rumor with headlines that look like fact! Judging by the responses, some folks didn't get to the part that this is just another rumor. AI, please fix your headline - at least until Apple actually announces something.

    In their defense- all things digital has never once been wrong with a predicted event date. So you can pretty much take it at face value. This is about 3 weeks sooner than I was thinking, but I'm all for it.
  • Reply 92 of 166
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Why does it make sense to split up iDevice releases?
    Ask Apple.
  • Reply 93 of 166
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Surely you've been around long enough to realize that it always works that way. All it takes is one source to start an Apple rumor and within days it has appeared on hundreds of sites. Then, the fact that ti's on hundreds of sites is used as 'confirmation' that it must be true. Then, when it turns out to not be true, someone releases a story that Apple failed to do it because of supply chain problems or because of the development team being behind schedule - and the stock drops.

    Of course I am :D, I was commenting on the fact PED named DED so pointedly and said he was surprised, not that it happens. I like them both and read them both daily.
  • Reply 94 of 166
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member

    When not if Apple release a larger iPhone I can't wait to see how quickly a few here will pretend they never said it won't or shouldn't happen. Funny how it is the same group who swore that 3.5" was the perfect size and would not be altered before the iPhone 5 came out. It was also the same group who thought there would never be an iPad Mini. 


    If Apple want to remain relevant they have no choice but to branch out with different screen sizes and price points. Even though I hate the word Phablet it is now about a $50 billion market. Why would Apple ignore that much money? Tim Cook already told us in as many words that it is coming once they don't need to make certain compromises or "tradeoffs". I think he made those comments simply to not look like a copycat once one is released. 


    The way people use smartphones has evolved over the last few years. It is now more of a computer than phone in many respects and therefore one handed use is much less essential. Landscape mode is also far more widely used now than a few years back. Media consumption, games, and videos simply look better on a larger screen end of discussion. Browsing the web is easier to read and requires less scrolling. Apple missed the boat and really underestimated demand. But better late than never and at least now when it arrives they can say it doesn't have any tradeoffs used in other phones as an excuse and to mitigate the inevitable copycat attacks. 


    I just can't wait to hear what the naysayers will say when it is released. If they follow the previous pattern of wrong predictions I expect the amnesia will return and it will be praised as the best iPhone yet.

  • Reply 95 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Ask Apple.


    No, sounds like we should be asking the people who make up these rumors.

  • Reply 96 of 166
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    No, sounds like we should be asking the people who make up these rumors.

    No, he should be asking Apple - since they're the ones who do it.

    The question was "why does it make sense to split up iDevice announcements?" That's Apple's doing, not some rumor site.
  • Reply 97 of 166
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    The question was "why does it make sense to split up iDevice announcements?" That's Apple's doing, not some rumor site.


    … We don't know that Apple IS doing it. 


    See, this is what happens when titles are typed as fact.

  • Reply 98 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by caveman664 View Post

    Wow, AppleInsider is now reporting rumor with headlines that look like fact! Judging by the responses, some folks didn't get to the part that this is just another rumor. AI, please fix your headline - at least until Apple actually announces something.




     they have been doing that for a while. They all do. It's a fact of life around the blogs. 


    My real objection was the 'breaking" tag which really makes it look like Apple Confirmed Fact. That should be saved until there is an actual invite. 

  • Reply 99 of 166
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Ask Apple.


    If you did they would probably tell you that it is due to traffic concerns. it's madness when they are releasing just a phone, just an ipad etc. If they had to deal with launch stock and crowds for multiple items at once it would be a nightmare for their staff and for customers. 

  • Reply 100 of 166
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Hell yeah! I just bought some Apple stock on Friday, what good timing! Bring it on! :D

    Daddy wants a new Mac Pro maybe.:smokey:

    You should'a bought AAPL on Thursday -- the ex-dividend date!
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