Photo claims to show dozens of 'iPhone 5C 'units passing through QA testing



  • Reply 81 of 121


    Originally Posted by dnd0ps View Post

    It's Sunday!! Where's my DED Editorial?


    He's busy digging up everything stupid Steve Ballmer ever did or said.

    And it's a very long list. image

  • Reply 82 of 121
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    gatorguy wrote: »
    The iPhone-ish round and what looks like dimensional home button doesn't resemble anything Android I've seen either

    You don't remember this one?:

    There's the techdy one too - also white back, black front:

    Android and knockoffs go hand in hand so it's easy to forget these things. Here's the Blackberry Z10 clone:

    Some of the pictured 5Cs could be genuine but they can't all be genuine as some have opposite colored front panels and logos so some of them have to be knockoffs.
  • Reply 83 of 121
    yojimbo007yojimbo007 Posts: 1,165member
    Ya .. sure.. apple takes bunch of phones, throws them all on sloted shelves with tangled wires to do Q and A.. And they do that to millions of iphones... Lol.
    Are these reporters completely out o their mind to put that pic up...
  • Reply 84 of 121
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,475member

    That's definitely not a good QA process if that's the case. 

  • Reply 85 of 121
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by AppleCrumble View Post

    There is no reason why this phone, if it is genuine, cannot come with a black front or white front as the iPod Touch does have this variation too.


    Two different models though aren't they?  And the black one is the cheap model?

  • Reply 86 of 121
    shogunshogun Posts: 362member

    I'm no expert, but it looks fake to me. The fact that Engadget say they've seen something like this before doesn't mean this shot is real. Something about the perspective of the phones between the top row and bottom looks off to me, and some of the phone look like they're floating due to their perspective, rather than actually lying there.


    In the end, I expect that 95+% of these leaked photos are straight outta Cupertino. They benefit immensely from the build up of interest, and they are able to tamp down interest or concern in certain things through these leaks. 

  • Reply 87 of 121

    It's ridiculous. First of all, the desperate need for advance info on upcoming Apple products, while flattering to Apple's corporate ego, has created this monster, one which leads to sites flooding their pages with these types of bogus "insider" info just to attract clicks, and even to criticism of upcoming products that are no more than vapours. Second, the lack of critical thinking being exhibited by some readers here is somewhat sad, if not a little terrifying. The old adage of pictures never lying has been turned on its head, and now it would be safer to assume that ALL photos lie, and that the truth lies hidden in any of these images, if the viewer would only look for it.


    What is the truth of this image? Hard to say, but one thing is abundantly clear - this is not a QA department or situation in any modern electronics manufacturing facility. Shame on whoever started this, but double shame on those who are taking it at face value. And yes, shame on me for reading through this entire article and ensuing comments and then responding in any way whatsoever, but I find myself falling down these rabbit holes more and more often in pursuit of… truth?… only to find these stories based on … what?


    I know, I'm a throwback, an anachronism, maybe even a curmudgeon, but I pine for the days when journalism was, well, journalism.


    In brief - BS - nothing to see here folks, go back to your homes….





  • Reply 89 of 121
    If that's quality control then Apple is going to rain down fire and sulphur on this company, not for the leaked image but for the poor treatment of these devices. Not only that every single one of them appear to be connected up using cheap, inferior Chinese knockoff power supplies... you know, the kind of power supplies that electrocute Chinese people in the bath?
  • Reply 90 of 121
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    The phones themselves -- if these are not fake -- look mediocre.


    And you can reach that conclusion simply by looking at a blurry picture? Amazing.
    gatorguy wrote: »
    For those that don't know what JR is referring to here's a plain English description:

    JR, correct me if I'm wrong please.

    In essence I think "lean manufacturing" methods move the manufacturer's focus to achieving cost savings/efficiencies from planning by actual customer orders instead of old traditional market forecasts and projections that require inventory gambles and build-out for possible future orders. In the simplest terms if it's not a real order you don't expend company resources on it, which saves effort and increases profit.

    If I'm correct Toyota's "TPS" (a marriage of "lean" and SixSigma quality guidelines perhaps?) adds a necessary level of product quality checks and balances so that excessive focus on cost savings from "lean manufacturing" doesn't result in product flaws and defects for the customer. JR no doubt knows much more about it but I don't see the details as all that important to the discussion anyway.

    So this particular picture kinda leaves the impression they may be paying too much attention to the "lean" cost savings and not enough focus on the other elements of TPS. :\

    What you've described is about 2% of Lean and much of what you've written id wrong, anyway. And it most certainly IS relevant to my post.
  • Reply 91 of 121
    The front should always be black. I've always thought this. Even if the back is hot pink with yellow speckles. The screen should draw the eye, not the bezel. That's not just an opinion, the human eye only sees three things: contrast, lines, and colors, so adding a white front a messing with the first thing just makes the mind work harder and for most people that's really asking too much from an already overtaxed mind.
  • Reply 92 of 121
    jragosta wrote: »
    And you can reach that conclusion simply by looking at a blurry picture? Amazing.


    Glad to be a source of your amazement.
  • Reply 93 of 121


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    That's right, the Goophone. Had forgotten about that. Lol!


    Have you seen the GooPhone HDC One? It's an all-plastic, low-spec, cheap knockoff of the HTC One.


  • Reply 94 of 121
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    Oh geez. . . Equal opportunity rip-offs!! :wow:
  • Reply 95 of 121
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    I'm no expert, but it looks fake to me. The fact that Engadget say they've seen something like this before doesn't mean this shot is real. Something about the perspective of the phones between the top row and bottom looks off to me, and some of the phone look like they're floating due to their perspective, rather than actually lying there.


    In the end, I expect that 95+% of these leaked photos are straight outta Cupertino. They benefit immensely from the build up of interest, and they are able to tamp down interest or concern in certain things through these leaks. 


    Having some experience with hoaxed pictures, I find they generally fall into two categories. 


    1) A picture is taken that just happens to look like something even though it has nothing to do with the subject in question. ("Look Ma, it looks like there's a UFO hovering over the lake behind you in that picture I took of you in your new bathing suit!")


    2) A picture is taken/made that is especially and purposely crafted to look like something else. ("This is my friend Gegar the alien visiting with me in the rec room")


    In the first case, the truth can usually be easily determined using standard picture analysis techniques.  In the second case the motive can easily be determined with standard logical analysis and therefore the hoax exposed in both cases.  


    So with these pictures … I don't see any likelihood that these are not Apple devices in the picture (they clearly aren't anything being mistaken for an Apple device), and there simply is no realistic motive for constructing an elaborate fake either.  What would be the point of someone photoshopping a bunch of non-Apple phones in a pile to look like Apple phones in a pile?  We already know with almost 100% certainty that phones like this exist and that they are being made by Apple as we speak in a Pegatron plant.  Why would anyone go to the trouble of making a fake picture to confirm this?  


    In other words there is no motive for a fake picture of this type, and no indication that it's a misidentification.  Ergo, probably a real picture.  

  • Reply 96 of 121
    I work in the display industry (OLEDS). These are display lifetime tests. The phones are placed in a temperature controlled "oven" and cycled through various colors to test display performance.
  • Reply 97 of 121


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    and there simply is no realistic motive for constructing an elaborate fake either.  What would be the point of someone photoshopping a bunch of non-Apple phones in a pile to look like Apple phones in a pile?  We already know with almost 100% certainty that phones like this exist and that they are being made by Apple as we speak in a Pegatron plant.  Why would anyone go to the trouble of making a fake picture to confirm this?  


    In other words there is no motive for a fake picture of this type, and no indication that it's a misidentification.  Ergo, probably a real picture.  


    I don't agree with the conclusion that there is no motive. The web is full of fake rendering and illustrations, some of which are very good. For every fake rendering in existence, there was a motive, be it internal or external. And at least one 5C photo has been outed as a fake--the black plastic case with the black logo).

  • Reply 98 of 121
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member

    You can clearly see the Android robot on the 4th phone from the right, back row.

  • Reply 99 of 121
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    You can clearly see the Android robot on the 4th phone from the right, back row.


    Not really. I see red, green, and blue pixels in amorphous blobs.


    Here's a perspective crop of the image. Is there a higher resolution of it anywhere? I somehow doubt it. But you can see it's nothing like that the Android android at all.



    And here's one of the entire top shelf.

  • Reply 100 of 121
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member

    EDIT: Removed public posting of something that I now think should have been discussed in a PM.

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