Apple announces new iPad Air: thinner, lighter & more powerful, coming Nov. 1



  • Reply 81 of 138
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    WHY the name?! WHY? Just iPad. Available in 9.7” and 7.9” versions. And eventually 12/13”.




    The difference on the retail sales floor between a retina iPad and a non-retina iPad is huge. To a potential customer it's immediately understandable -- a black & white reason to consider the iPad Air.


    Where as trying to explaining A6X vs A7 and 64-bit vs 32-bit would just be gobbledegook to them. The customer would not be incorrect to surmise they'd be OK saving $100 by just going with an iPad "4".


    Or in other words -- the iPad2 doesn't cannibalize iPad Air sales. It is pretty easily identifiable that saving $200 on an iPad 2 isn't that good of a deal.


    As for the name? I'm sure they do it just to troll you.

  • Reply 82 of 138
    Originally Posted by 31 Flavas View Post

    The difference on the retail sales floor a retina iPad and a non-retina iPad is huge. To a potential customer it's immediately understandable -- a black & white reason to consider the iPad Air.


    Where as trying to explaining A6X vs A7 and 64-bit vs 32-bit would just be gobbledegook to them. The customer would not be incorrect to surmise they'd be OK with an iPad "4" and be comfortable saving $100.


    These are good points. I just don’t like skipping new tech to sell old.


    As for the name? I'm sure they do it just to troll you. 


    I am fully confident in this theory.

  • Reply 83 of 138

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Seems you’re still stuck in your join date. No one cares.

    Maybe you're right - but I will say that I thought the same thing until I actually had these things available in a tablet.


    USB ... super easy to quickly pop-in a thumb drive and pull up a bunch of movies to playback directly (no transferring of files to deal with, no worries about not having enough space or a connection to stream, I can keep several drives with me - loaded with things for the kids and for me, etc.)


    MicroSD ... After continually juggling files on the iPad because there was not enough room to store my photos, music, etc., it is so nice to have the option for extra storage right on the device.


    Flash ... I don't disagree with you completely on this one, but even though it is sure to die out completely soon, there are still a ton of Flash-based games that the kids like. 

  • Reply 84 of 138
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by ipen View Post



    I think Apple keeps all the foreign currency in foreign land to avoid taxes.  There is nothing to absorb other than on books when doing financial reporting.

    And financial reporting is where it's at: taking an earnings per device sold hit in dollars  of 17% is probably outside most company's tolerance range. IIRC Japan recently saw an adjustment on exchange grounds.

  • Reply 85 of 138
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    I love that their still selling the iPad 2!

    The iPad 2 is probably pure profit considering it'll be selling for the same $399 price for another year! But I'm sure businesses and schools will continue to buy the iPad 2 en masse for an even lower discounted price.

    The iPad 2 is honestly still one of the best full sized tablets on the market. Yes it doesn't have retina but it's display is gorgeous and it has excellent battery life and it's comfortably light in the hand.

    Good move Apple. I expect margins to go through the roof with this lineup of iPads.
  • Reply 86 of 138
    I think the iPad Air is a nice upgrade, but like many others was hoping for the Touch ID. I just now ordered a refurbished iPad 4 64GB at a $170 savings. I'll hold out for a Touch ID iPad or the possible iPad Pro.....
  • Reply 87 of 138

    This is really disappointing! The form factor is nice but I think it is time for the innovation that I expect from Apple!


    IGZO Display - This should have been deployed by apple some time ago. Tablets are now entering the marketplace with these displays. I would have expected it from Apple first. The energy savings would have allowed them to shrink the battery and open considerably more options!


    USB Support - This is long overdue. There is nothing more frustrating then being forced to use a computer to copy data from a USB device to my iPad. Not to mention the frustration involved when I don't have the computer that contains my library.


    Micro SD Support - Numerous driod devices have had this for some time and I am still limited by the constraints of my initial purchase size. I would like to have my music on one sd and videos for my kids on another. Currently I have to juggle what videos and music I put on the device and further limit it by the constraints of importing video to use in 1Second Everyday.


    Keyboard Accessory - They haven't release a keyboard dock since the original in ages. It would be nice to have a keyboard like the ones used on the surface.


    Larger Display - I want a larger display, not a mini. I use my iPad and I like the size. If I wanted to read a book. I would read it using something with e-ink. I want it for media. Give me something with a 12 or even 18 inch touch screen!


    Split Screen - This feature is long overdue. There is nothing more frustrating than flipping back and forth between applications to accomplish a single task. Give me the ability to view my research in one half of the display and compose a document in the other. This has been around for some time now. I use multiple monitors on the desktop, why cant you give me the ability to do that here. Even those with, cough/choke/laugh, Windows have the ability to use split screen. Samsung touchwiz implemented the feature... Why cant I have the feature without a joke of an OS.


    Stylus Input - I want to scream, each and every time I have to use my finger to sign something. What good is a signature if you cannot pickup the nuances of an actual pen. Authenticating a signature is improbable.


    File System Access - I am not always close to the computer with my iTunes library. Give me the ability to add something! 


    Photo Modified Date -  If I save something to my camera roll it sets the file created date to the date of download. When applications access the ios asset library they are given a created date without the modified date. As a result there is no way for them to determine when the photo was actually taken! This is something that has been available in most commercial file systems back to DOS and Xerox OS. Linux has it, isn't that what iOS is based on...


    I am afraid that the innovation that I had come to expect from apple has died with Steve. I am finally considering a move to something else. :(

  • Reply 88 of 138
    iPad Air%u2026 because in 2014 we'll see a 12" iPad Pro, maybe? I'm guessing that's the path it'll take.

    4" iPhone

    8" Mini, 10" Air, 12" Pro

    13" ~ 15" laptops

    21" ~ 27" desktops/displays

    The only real gap in there is a 6" display. iPad Nano? Or a hybrid phone/tablet device? Tim Cook said they had a ton of new products in the pipeline for 2014 as well.

    I think we'll see better cameras, Touch ID, and a speed bump in the next-gen iPad updates. And maybe the "iPad Pro"%u2026 meanwhile, I'm going to have to make the tough choice between the new iPad Mini or the iPad Air! :D
  • Reply 89 of 138


  • Reply 90 of 138
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member

    Originally Posted by ipen View Post



    I think Apple keeps all the foreign currency in foreign land to avoid taxes.  There is nothing to absorb other than on books when doing financial reporting.

    One of the least intelligent comments!

  • Reply 91 of 138
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by tbruinsma View Post


    ............ innovation.........


    I am afraid that the innovation............. I am finally considering a move to something else. :(

    Have a nice trip!


    Having never liked that word, way too heavy on the vapid. Though coupling it with the demand for USB, Micro-SD and a keyboard? Priceless. Innovation for the 80's perhaps.


    Oh and good luck with that new shiny packing all those innovations in. Probably the best $50 you'll ever spend.

  • Reply 92 of 138
    If there still selling the 2, why not make it cheaper than mini at $300-$350?
  • Reply 93 of 138
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member

    Originally Posted by tbruinsma View Post


    This is really disappointing! The form factor is nice but I think it is time for the innovation that I expect from Apple!



    ... considering a move to something else. :(


  • Reply 94 of 138
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    Originally Posted by tbruinsma View Post


    I'm an idiot


  • Reply 95 of 138
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    hentaiboy wrote: »
    Wow. Not many of us saw that name coming!

    iPad Air is what some people thought the iPad mini would be called last year:
  • Reply 96 of 138
    Originally Posted by tbruinsma View Post

    This is really disappointing! The form factor is nice but I think it is time for the innovation that I expect from Apple!


    Be quiet.


    IGZO Display


    Who the frick cares?

    Keyboard Accessory




    Larger Display


    Yep. No, seriously, I 100% agree.


    Split Screen


    No, it’s not “long overdue”. It’s just idiotic. Search the App Store for “Desktop”.


    Stylus Input


    Yuck. Period. Buy a Wacom.


    File System Access


    This will never happen, nor should it. Get over file trees. We’re burning the forests down.


    Photo Modified Date


    Seems like a stupid thing to list alongside everything else.


    I am afraid that the innovation that I had come to expect from apple has died with Steve. I am finally considering a move to something else.


    We couldn’t care less. Go away.

  • Reply 97 of 138

    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post


    When the Australian dollar was worth USD1.15 we were still paying $539. Apple Tax strikes again.


    It amazes me the number of Australians that just do a direct comparison. In the US prices generally DO NOT include sales tax. In Australia, the price displayed must include the 10% Goods and Services Tax. So, based on a price of $539. we were actually paying $490 + $49 GST.


    And where did you get an exchange rate of $1.15? It's hasn't been that high ever. The highest it ever got was $1.10. This time last year it was hovering around $1.03-$1.04.

  • Reply 98 of 138

    From sweet to sour in a spec (or two): those for photography and video; the image sensor/lens capabilities, and the video features being the obvious ones. Always leave them wanting more. Mastered by Apple in California. I'm grousing, just a little. :-)


    I realize most people find using an iPad for casual photography/video unsuitable, even absurd, particularly when out and about. At home though, when the iPad is already in hand, it is less of an issue, even an advantage when trying to preserve those fleeting 'precious moments'. The iPad's big, beautiful screen is a delight to compose with, and convenient to edit with.


    It's not just about the megapixel count. The reality is, that when it comes to image quality -  tone, colour, sensor sensitivity and dynamic range, max lens aperture, and image stabilization have a far greater visible affect. Would be cool to have video slo-mo though. And pano mode. And True Tone flash...


    There is no technical reason not to have iSight and subsystem parity between the iPad Air and the iPhone 5s. So, it comes down to marketing and product differentiation. Understandable, if a little disappointing from a customer perspective.


    Concerning the lack of Touch ID and its biometric protection and the future possibility for two-factor authentication, for many consumers it is presently likely more a 'would be nice to have' convenience feature rather than a 'must have' one. IT admins in the enterprise with BYOD policies may feel differently. The value of convenience for Touch ID rises for usage such as in making iTunes purchases, given the longer character input necessary for password authentication. Its value will only increase given the exponential growth potential for its use in mobile e-commerce.  Of course, if you are one of those who don't use a passcode to protect personal data, it is probably a necessity for encouraging security implementation. The caveat is that Touch ID is only convenient if it is reliably accurate and consistently responsive. In part, that means a clean finger and a clean sensor.


    As far as positioning the iPad Air as the full-size consumer model in the product tier, with a 'Pro' to follow with upgraded specs, only time will tell. In any such presumptive model I would find value primarily in pressure-sensitivity. Although, I can see merit in a larger screen, as long as the weight economy is maintained.


    From a usage, capability, and form perspective, the iPad Air is an incremental, yet significant update. The dimensional and weight reductions, while concurrently advancing performance, are more difficult to design and engineer than perhaps many appreciate. Refinement through iteration. Kudos to Apple.

  • Reply 99 of 138
    Spectacular ad, by the way. 

    Agreed. They should have led off the iPad Air presentation with it - would had more of an impact not knowing what was behind that pencil.
  • Reply 100 of 138
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    It's really curious that the new iPad Air and Mini are matched spec-for-spec except for price, weight and PPI, all of which the mini beats out the Air.

    I was willing to sidegrade to the mini from iPad 3 for the weight alone. A7 makes this is a massive upgrade.

    It seems doubtful that the mini could match the Air for battery life as quoted though.
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