Apple's failure to pay for favorable media coverage flies in the face of Samsung's payola



  • Reply 241 of 316
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    hmm wrote: »
    I usually have that problem when I can't find certain features or things are poorly documented. I would say it was easy compared to C++. You mentioned being from some sort of engineering background, so you probably have many years with C++ compared to Objective-C.

    Network engineering so I deal with the logic, design, protocols and configuration, but not with any source code.

    snova wrote: »
    I'm think this may be synonymous with rich prick, or perhaps just saying .. "Hi I am Justin Beiber" is sufficient to get the point across.

    It was a play on something I heard on The Big Bang Theory.

  • Reply 242 of 316
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    starxd wrote: »
    Apologize to the community????  For what?  Having an opinion that differs slightly from yours?  I love Apple products as much as anyone on here, the only difference is I don't appreciate obviously slanted writing, and apparently you guys do.  But for that I need to apologize?  Sorry, not going to happen.  LOL!  

    Well why don't you go lap up zdnet's Galaxy S5 review, where they extoll the boon to enterprise use that Samsung's fingerprint scanner brings...

    ...all without having actually touched one.

    Deny all you want, the world's media has turned into a cesspit of infomercials.
  • Reply 243 of 316
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member

    well, we are now about to have a real life test of the Samsung payola hypothesis. the new Galaxy S5 unveiled today is a blatantly derivative P.O.S., complete with an inferior Touch ID knock off fingerprint sensor and gold plastic case, along with a few spec bumps but no 64 bit chip.


    if the Apple 5S had been this lame it would have been branded a "total fail" last year.


    so let's see how the big tech websites review this Samsung bow-wow. i'll drop back into this thread in a few weeks with an update once the reviews are out.

  • Reply 244 of 316
    What an article! AWESOME!!! Kudos.

    Those fools at Cupertino need to read this twice to see how incompetent they are.

    Sorry Schiller but those idiotic "tear jerk emotional" ads are not gonna cut it.

    Also, why am I seeing Apple's SSL security issue on every newscast and we don't see Androshit's lack of security coverage?

    They need to fire whole of Apple's media team. They're awful.
  • Reply 245 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    snova wrote: »
    you like the layout is why your stay and you get called a troll for no apparent reason, whatsoever.


    I'd wager that you stay because you like to have debates (i.e. interesting topics) and has little do with with website layout.  Please spare us with the I'm an innocent victim sympathy card. It's apparent, you get a rise on stirring things up to make your day less boring.  That is why you are here.  Layout indeed.   

    Glad AI has a "Block Member" feature. 
    Did I imagine typing "and discussion topics"? No, there it is in the quote in your post, I guess you missed it? I don't imagine anyone will accept your wager when I've already confirmed exactly what you're betting on.
  • Reply 246 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    One gets a feel for posters. There are people like Gatorguy, who consistently question positive Apple news and consistently defend Google, no matter what. Therefore, he tends to get known as a troll, as he comes across as excessively provocative.
    And that's fine. That's a measured response to evidence. A key phrase reaction on a single occurrence of "I love Apple, but" is not.
    My accusation of you as a troll wasn't based on one of your posts but on all your posts. I think you have made some intelligent and fair comments, but on the whole, you seem to be too negative on Apple without backing it up with strong arguments.
    Like when? I'm rarely negative on Apple.
    Even in your last post, you revealed your troll comments by not even taking on board what I had to say. I explained my system of outing trolls (which others have similarly alluded to) and concluded by saying that it was borne out of the evidence of this forum. And yet, you dismiss this in your first paragraph.
    I dismissed the "I love Apple but" troll identification formula, since that is the main subject of the conversation, and I think I gave a fair account of why.
    I think several people get frustrated at being called trolls when criticising Apple. What I love about AppleInsider is that it is a very civilised forum compared to so many out there, due in no small part, I think, to the moderation. I really appreciate being able to read the comments without having my finger on autopilot as I desperately scroll down another 30 comments looking for a decent one.
    The moderation is good, I agree (shout out to Marvin for doing a great job). What isn't so good is the mob of users, some of them long timers who use bully tactics and aggressive shouting down of any opinions that run against the current. See the regular reactions to anyone who says they'd like a different size iPhone or iPad screen.
    But life is short! So if you display even the hint of trollishness on AppleInsider, expect to get given very short shrift because, as I said before, experience suggests that, generally speaking, if it quacks like a troll, it is a troll.
    Then ignore it. This name and shame approach just leads to endless arguments that solve nothing. To my mind "troll" is in the same category of words as "fanboy", it is used to shut arguments down rather than engage with them. Which is pointless because there is a proper method for shutting down arguments if you think they're entirely antagonistic - the report button. If it's just an opinion you don't agree with then either talk about it civilly or ignore it. Calling another user a troll (especially over something as innocuous as using "I love Apple, but") is just a jerk move.
  • Reply 247 of 316
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    He didn't do that.


    He did that. Sorry. Read posts more carefully.


    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    I happen to buy nearly every product Apple puts out and I have great respect for them as a company, but


    Rule #4.


    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    No, it's a normal person stating a fact.  


    <img class=" src="" />


    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    I love Apple products as much as anyone on here, the only difference is


    Rule #4Again.


    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    Or they can say it whenever they feel like it... because it's a free country, and we have free speech protection. How about that?


    No, we are not a country. We do not have a constitution. You are not free. You do NOT have free speech protection. You cannot say anything you want here.

    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    What I said is completely factual


    Other than being incorrect, as I stated several pages ago, and which has been corroborated by dozens of users since.


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    What the hell is a "wealthy penis?"


    Wouldn’t it be something to do with the generic “penis measuring contest” metaphor using monetary worth as what is being measured?

  • Reply 248 of 316
    No, you’re just completely psychotic.

    Cool it! Comment on the post, not the poster.
  • Reply 249 of 316

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Well why don't you go lap up zdnet's Galaxy S5 review, where they extoll the boon to enterprise use that Samsung's fingerprint scanner brings...

    ...all without having actually touched one.

    Deny all you want, the world's media has turned into a cesspit of infomercials.

    Yeah... obviously it has.  When did I ever say otherwise?  That was kind of my original (and only) point.  

  • Reply 250 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    And speaking of jerk moves...
    He did that. Sorry. Read posts more carefully.
    No he didn't. Follow your own advice, rather than just using your tired recourses. He compared the article to one thing alone, his imagination.
  • Reply 251 of 316
    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    enough said.  next.  move on. don't waste your time. They will get the same kind of respect they showed the author.

    Best regards to you SolipsismX.

    By "they" you're referring to me, so allow me to respond.  


    You should really think carefully about what you're saying here, because it's quite disturbing.  You, and about a dozen other attack bullies, have basically said that any criticism of Apple, or anything written on this site, is absolutely unacceptable, and it will bring down the wrath of the "community" and its self-appointed army of "troll-hunters," which I experienced in full force yesterday.  And if you happen to mention that you actually buy and love Apple products... LOOK OUT!   You're automatically and irrevocably condemned as a troll and subject to all sorts of personal attacks.  


    The response I've received on this site is so out of proportion to the comments I actually made.  I literally never criticized Apple, nor did I criticize or argue against one point in the article, nor did I ever make any favorable comment about any competitive company or product (not that those things are bad, but they certainly aren't wanted here).  Literally all I did was complain about the overly biased tone of the article.  That's it.  I pointed out that if the author really wants to sway opinion beyond a small bubble who already completely agree with him, he needs to write in a more objective tone.  It's hard to imagine how anyone would take offense at that... yet many of you did, and went into attack mode.  


    As I said before, the culture of conformity on this site is shocking.  The rampant bullying, to stamp out any dissenting thought, and force people into line or drive them out, is very disturbing.  You're so isolated in your bubble that it's turned a little Lord of the Flies in here.   


    You might see me around, but I don't plan to spend much time here.  As much as I love Apple and their products (yes, I said it), you bunch are not the kind of people I want to associate with.  I get a higher level of discourse, with less authoritarianism, on many other sites.  


    I'll leave you with this delightful quote from your faithful Tallest Skil, which sums up your reception of me on this site:  


    "No, you’re just completely psychotic. We are not a country. We do not have a constitution. You are not free. You do NOT have free speech protection. You cannot say anything you want here."


    Good luck everyone.  

  • Reply 252 of 316
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    bighype wrote: »
    What an article! AWESOME!!! Kudos.

    Those fools at Cupertino need to read this twice to see how incompetent they are.

    Sorry Schiller but those idiotic "tear jerk emotional" ads are not gonna cut it.

    Also, why am I seeing Apple's SSL security issue on every newscast and we don't see Androshit's lack of security coverage?

    They need to fire whole of Apple's media team. They're awful.

    Sarcasm tag is missing.
  • Reply 253 of 316
    starxd wrote: »
    ...basically said that any criticism of Apple, or anything written on this site, is absolutely unacceptable...

    Not even close.
  • Reply 254 of 316
    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    You might see me around, but I don't plan to spend much time here.


    My favorite part is when they always feel like they have to tell us they’re never coming back.

  • Reply 255 of 316

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    My favorite part is when they always feel like they have to tell us they’re never coming back.

    Again, you're showing your inability to comprehend what you read, as well as completely miss the main point.  How does "you might see me around" equate to "I'm never coming back"?  

  • Reply 256 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    My favorite part is when they always feel like they have to tell us they’re never coming back.
    FYI, he didn't say that either.
  • Reply 257 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    starxd wrote: »
    Again, you're showing your inability to comprehend what you read, as well as completely miss the main point.  How does "you might see me around" equate to "I'm never coming back"?  
    Lol, high five!
  • Reply 258 of 316
    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    How does "you might see me around" equate to "I'm never coming back"?  


    Hey, I have no problem with you staying. Just understand what this place actually is.

  • Reply 259 of 316

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Hey, I have no problem with you staying. Just understand what this place actually is.

    Oh, I understand it PERFECTLY.  I know exactly what this place is.  

  • Reply 260 of 316
    Originally Posted by starxd View Post

    Oh, I understand it PERFECTLY.  I know exactly what this place is.  


    Well, it’s not a free country, you can’t say anything you want here, and your right to say such things is not protected. Never mind that you can’t seem to parse how a paid review is different from an unpaid review.


    So no, you don’t have the first clue.

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