Apple's Tim Cook meets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at Apple HQ

in General Discussion edited March 2014
A short video clip posted to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official YouTube page on Thursday shows the leader meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.

Apple CEO Tim Cook (left) greets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Apple's Cupertino headquarters.
Source: The Prime Minister of Israel via YouTube

As seen in the embedded video below, apparently taken by a member of Netanyahu's delegation, Cook greeted the Israeli PM at Apple HQ's Executive Briefing Center, where the two had a meeting over lunch.

While a list of those in attendance has not been released, Apple SVP of Legal and Government Affairs Bruce Sewell can be seen sitting next to Cook at the large conference table.

The details of the discussion are unknown, though Cook can be heard mentioning "R&D skill" near the end of the video, suggesting the talks at least touched upon Apple's various operations in Israel.

Currently, the company has three R&D sites in the region, including facilities in Ra'anana, Hafia and Herzliya, the latter being acquired after the purchase of flash memory firm Anobit. In addition, Apple extended its footprint in Israel with the purchase of PrimeSense, a company that creates sensors, hardware and middle-ware for motion sensing and 3D scanning applications.

While not of the greatest import, there was some light-hearted banter between Cook and the prime minister when they first walked into the reception area. The two stood for a photos in front of a large poster bearing a quote from late Apple cofounder Steve Jobs:
If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what's next.
After a quick read, Netanyahu asked wryly, "You can't ask that of government," to which Cook said, laughing, "No, I wish we could."


  • Reply 1 of 49
    emesemes Posts: 239member

    And instead of letting the hideous political argument sink to the bottom of the page they bring it up again. Thank you AI...........

  • Reply 2 of 49
    pigybankpigybank Posts: 178member
    I'm glad Tim Cook and Apple have the good sense to not let politics get in the way of good business.
  • Reply 3 of 49
    emesemes Posts: 239member
    Originally Posted by pigybank View Post

    Just waiting for the anti-semites to show up. That said, I'm glad Tim Cook and Apple have the good sense to not let politics get in the way of good business.

    The anti-Israelis are all over here


  • Reply 4 of 49
    jessejjessej Posts: 29member

    The problem with that line of thinking, is that you mistakenly confuse legitimate criticism of Israeli leadership/military/intelligence crimes and despicable actions, with anti-semitism. It is not. Criticism of Israel, or Jewish Israelis, is not anti-semitic.


    The most important fact that you either a) didn't already know or, b) conveniently failed to include in your flame-bait comment that I am posting this reply to, is that Jewish people/Jewish Israelis are not the only semitic people.


    Arabs are semites; Palestinians are semites too. Osama bin Laden and [15 of the 19] 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabs; they were semites.



    So by your "logic" - criticizing Jewish Israelis for their actions, not their race, equates to anti-semitism - the same standard has to be applied to the criticizing of 9/11 terrorists, for their actions, not because of their race.


    Your "point" automatically means any criticism of any semitic person, but not because of them being a semite, still equates to anti-semitism regardless.


    So that begets the question:


    Have you said anything critical of Osama bin Laden or the 9/11 hijackers at any time ever? By your "logic," if you have, then you're a racist anti-semite, because they are/were semites.


    That sounds retarded, right? That is a perfect illustration of how retarded you, in fact, sound.


    Criticizing somebody, or some group, for their crimes or actions, or for their racism, doesn't mean you're being a racist yourself.


    The disgusting mistreatment and abuses, far disproportionate murdering of men, women and children, land theft and housing demolitions to build "Jewish-only" settlements in their place, and imprisonment of Palestinians, that also includes children, by racist Israelis, simply because of the Palestinian Arabs' race, because they are not Jews, is itself anti-semitic because Palestinians are semites. The racist Israelis are the real anti-semitic racist anti-semites and pointing out their racism and anti-semitism does not make you a racist or anti-semite yourself.


    As for Benjamin Nutenyahu, he's a terrorist war criminal mass child murdering POS who should be exiled to a grave site asap.


    PS. Let me be clear, I like Jewish people, including Jewish Israelis. Some of the greatest and smartest humans who've ever lived are/were Jews. Conversely, some of the worst humans alive on the planet today are racist Israelis in Israel who act like Nazis. If you want some links to brutal atrocities committed by racist Israelis, that support my above statements, just ask. I'll gladly flood you with data.


    Here is a start:

  • Reply 5 of 49
    emesemes Posts: 239member

    Originally Posted by JesseJ View Post


    The problem with that line of thinking, is that you mistakenly confuse legitimate criticism of Israeli leadership/military/intelligence crimes and despicable actions, with anti-semitism. It is not. Criticism of Israel, or Jewish Israelis, is not anti-semitic.


    The most important fact that you, a) either didn't already know or, b) conveniently failed to include in your flame-bait comment that I am posting this reply to, is that Jewish people/Jewish Israelis are not the only semitic people.


    Arabs are semites; Palestinians are semites too. Osama bin Laden and [15 of the 19] 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabs; they were semites.



    So by your "logic" - criticizing Jewish Israelis for their actions, not their race, equates to anti-semitism - the same standard has to be applied to the criticizing of 9/11 terrorists, for their actions, not because of their race.


    Your "point" automatically means any criticism of any semitic person, but not because of them being a semite, still equates to anti-semitism regardless.


    So that begets the question:


    Have you said anything critical of Osama bin Laden or the 9/11 hijackers at any time ever? By your "logic," if you have, then you're a racist anti-semite, because they are/were semites.


    That sounds retarded, right? That is a perfect illustration of how retarded you, in fact, sound.


    Criticizing somebody, or some group, for their crimes or actions, or for their racism, doesn't mean you're being a racist yourself.


    The disgusting mistreatment and abuses, far disproportionate murdering of men, women and children, land theft and housing demolitions to build "Jewish-only" settlements in their place, and imprisonment of Palestinians, that also includes children, by racist Israelis, simply because of the Palestinian Arabs' race, because they are not Jews, is itself anti-semitic because Palestinians are semites. The racist Israelis are the real anti-semitic racist anti-semites and pointing out their racism and anti-semitism does not make you a racist or anti-semite yourself.


    As for Benjamin Nutenyahu, he's a terrorist war criminal mass child murdering POS who should be exiled to a grave site asap.


    PS. Let me be clear, I like Jewish people, including Jewish Israelis. Some of the greatest and smartest humans who've ever lived are/were Jews.

    That's a lot of flame to go into a response to a simple typo. But if it makes you feel any better I'll go and change it.

  • Reply 6 of 49
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by pigybank View Post

    Just waiting for the anti-semites to show up. That said, I'm glad Tim Cook and Apple have the good sense to not let politics get in the way of good business.


    I am in no way anti-Semitic.  However, I dislike the Prime Minister and his government.  One does not follow from the other.

  • Reply 7 of 49
    jessejjessej Posts: 29member

    Criticizing racist Israelis for their anti-semitic racism, does not make you a racist or anti-semite yourself. Read this:


    Originally Posted by JesseJ View Post


    The problem with that line of thinking, is that you mistakenly confuse legitimate criticism of Israeli leadership/military/intelligence crimes and despicable actions, with anti-semitism. It is not. Criticism of Israel, or Jewish Israelis, is not anti-semitic.


    The most important fact that you either a) didn't already know or, b) conveniently failed to include in your flame-bait comment that I am posting this reply to, is that Jewish people/Jewish Israelis are not the only semitic people.


    Arabs are semites; Palestinians are semites too. Osama bin Laden and [15 of the 19] 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabs; they were semites.



    So by your "logic" - criticizing Jewish Israelis for their actions, not their race, equates to anti-semitism - the same standard has to be applied to the criticizing of 9/11 terrorists, for their actions, not because of their race.


    Your "point" automatically means any criticism of any semitic person, but not because of them being a semite, still equates to anti-semitism regardless.


    So that begets the question:


    Have you said anything critical of Osama bin Laden or the 9/11 hijackers at any time ever? By your "logic," if you have, then you're a racist anti-semite, because they are/were semites.


    That sounds retarded, right? That is a perfect illustration of how retarded you, in fact, sound.


    Criticizing somebody, or some group, for their crimes or actions, or for their racism, doesn't mean you're being a racist yourself.


    The disgusting mistreatment and abuses, far disproportionate murdering of men, women and children, land theft and housing demolitions to build "Jewish-only" settlements in their place, and imprisonment of Palestinians, that also includes children, by racist Israelis, simply because of the Palestinian Arabs' race, because they are not Jews, is itself anti-semitic because Palestinians are semites. The racist Israelis are the real anti-semitic racist anti-semites and pointing out their racism and anti-semitism does not make you a racist or anti-semite yourself.


    As for Benjamin Nutenyahu, he's a terrorist war criminal mass child murdering POS who should be exiled to a grave site asap.


    PS. Let me be clear, I like Jewish people, including Jewish Israelis. Some of the greatest and smartest humans who've ever lived are/were Jews. Conversely, some of the worst humans alive on the planet today are racist Israelis in Israel who act like Nazis. If you want some links to brutal atrocities committed by racist Israelis, that support my above statements, just ask. I'll gladly flood you with data.


    Here is a start:

  • Reply 8 of 49
    jessejjessej Posts: 29member

    Thank you, but really it should say "anti-racists." And I apologize if the tone of my comment sounds harsh, but it is the truth. I also think I had meant to post that in reply to 'pigybank,' but you got tagged instead. But you did play along with your "they're over here." Anyway, Peace. ;)

  • Reply 9 of 49
    Well don't being anti-Jews because almost everything you have in house, work, office, almost everywhere was invent by Jewish. Especially Intel. :) Arab world would and still is scream "Boycott Jews!!!" which mean they would not be able to own almost everything even medicine AND medical for their health.
  • Reply 10 of 49
    emesemes Posts: 239member

    Originally Posted by JesseJ View Post


    Thank you, but really it should say "anti-racists." And I apologize if the tone of my comment sounds harsh, but it is the truth. I also think I had meant to post that in reply to 'pigybank,' but you got tagged instead. But you did play along with your "they're over here." Anyway, Peace. ;)

    Oh. Umm okay /slightly miffed


    Peace, I guess?

  • Reply 11 of 49
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Okay, all you drive-by flamethrowers, do you have it out of your systems now? Let these threads go back to the mundane stuff - like why "there aren't enough new products" and "why isn't AAPL trading at $1000/share" and ... yada ... yada ... yada ...
  • Reply 12 of 49
    jessejjessej Posts: 29member

    If that was directed at me:


    I am not "anti-Jews." As I just said above, I like Jewish people, including Jewish Israelis. Also some of the smartest & greatest humans who've ever lived are/were Jews. The world is a better place with most Jewish people in it, but some Jewish people shouldn't exist. The Nazi-like racist Jews, specifically.

  • Reply 13 of 49
    Those who 'criticise' Israel in the 'Jewish-Palestinian' conflict do not apprehend the core of the conflict. Which is the ideology of Islam with its implications as a threat to the survival of the Jewish people. Without this understanding people are being set up to collaborate with yet another ideology which surpasses the threat of extinction of the Jewish people in the recent past. The critics are being trapped in the illusion of the 'Palestinian victimhood' propaganda which only serves one purpose, to undermine support of the Jewish state in their fight against Islam-'fundamentalism'.

    We are living in crucial times and it is in our common interest to make every effort to understand and recognise the greatest ideological threat the Jews and we ourselves(!) are facing today.

    A small part from the article 'Ignorance or Enlightenment: The Islam-Israel Conflict'

    For the whole article see:

    The irrevocable Islamic and Koranic injunction upon all Muslims is to wage relentless war against any non-Muslim nation state that exists within what Islam decrees as the Dar al-Islam (the House of Islam). Wherever the Muslim foot has trod triumphal in the name of Allah, that territory is considered eternally Islamic land. If it is lost, then it enters the Dar al-Harb (the House of War) and must be retaken and the population either forcibly converted to Islam or exterminated

    'Those who did not learn from the past, will repeat the fatal in history' - Winston Churchill.
  • Reply 14 of 49
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Here we go.
  • Reply 15 of 49
    zabazaba Posts: 226member
    That boardroom looks so sterile dull and very very corporate. Each person having exactly 2 lettuce leaves etc. I would have to kill myself if I had to shuffle my arse to those stiff and ultimately pointless dreary meetings. I detest the business end if business. Stick me in a room with the creatives.
  • Reply 16 of 49
    jj.yuanjj.yuan Posts: 213member

    Originally Posted by JesseJ View Post

    ..., but some Jewish people shouldn't exist. The Nazi-like racist Jews, specifically.

    If I may generalize, there are zealous sub-groups of people in every race or ethnicity. The world would be much more peaceful without them.

  • Reply 17 of 49
    simsonicsimsonic Posts: 29member
    And que the freaks and liars about Islam in 3.2,1...
    matthew24 wrote: »
    Those who 'criticise' Israel in the 'Jewish-Palestinian' conflict do not apprehend the core of the conflict. Which is the ideology of Islam with its implications as a threat to the survival of the Jewish people. Without this understanding people are being set up to collaborate with yet another ideology which surpasses the threat of extinction of the Jewish people in the recent past. The critics are being trapped in the illusion of the 'Palestinian victimhood' propaganda which only serves one purpose, to undermine support of the Jewish state in their fight against Islam-'fundamentalism'.

    We are living in crucial times and it is in our common interest to make every effort to understand and recognise the greatest ideological threat the Jews and we ourselves(!) are facing today.

    A small part from the article 'Ignorance or Enlightenment: The Islam-Israel Conflict'

    For the whole article see:

    The irrevocable Islamic and Koranic injunction upon all Muslims is to wage relentless war against any non-Muslim nation state that exists within what Islam decrees as the Dar al-Islam (the House of Islam). Wherever the Muslim foot has trod triumphal in the name of Allah, that territory is considered eternally Islamic land. If it is lost, then it enters the Dar al-Harb (the House of War) and must be retaken and the population either forcibly converted to Islam or exterminated

    'Those who did not learn from the past, will repeat the fatal in history' - Winston Churchill.
  • Reply 18 of 49
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Oh boy.

    Just delete this thread, AI. :rolleyes:
  • Reply 19 of 49

    Originally Posted by pigybank View Post

    Just waiting for the anti-semites to show up. That said, I'm glad Tim Cook and Apple have the good sense to not let politics get in the way of good business.

    Your comment is incredibly ignorant and shows you are just as stupid as some racist prick. As an American Jew who jut got back from Israel and who has family who has spent considerable time living there, I suppose I am one of those "anti-semites" you speak of who sees this man as just as violent and destructive as the people he claims to be defending Israel from. I'd greatly prefer Apple and Time Cook have nothing to do with him, however, this is the cost of doing business in the world so be it, although it be great to see Apple be proactive (but not realistic) in pressuring his administration.

    Anyway, we Jews don't need you to spend time spewing nonsense labeling anyone who has an opinion anti-semites. We have our lobbies after all.

  • Reply 20 of 49
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Oh boy.

    Just delete this thread, AI. :rolleyes:

    Totally agree.
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