Nintendo Game Cube vs. Microsoft X Box



  • Reply 81 of 107
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    You need to bridge one circuit to make the US GameCube compatible with the Japanese GameCube and vice-versa.

    I have no idea how that XDarwin post ended up in his thread...hmmm.
  • Reply 82 of 107
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    If there was a game that was ever addictive, it certainly is Super Monkey Ball. Monkey Target has to be one of the strangest things I've ever played, but it's the most addictive thing I've ever played. The game is stupid enough to be really fun. I've unlocked Monkey Bowling which is also pretty cool. That is my most played Game Cube game.

    Halo is my most played XBox game, and I can't wait to try out the Ethernet bridge someone has created for it so I can play online. Should be very interesting.

    I also noticed that Sega Dreamcasts are now down to $50. Games run between $5-$35, making them much cheaper than PS2, XBox, or GC games. They won't be around for much longer, of course, but its the only console that can go online 'out of the box'.

    I'll rate the consoles in order from 1-4 when I get more time. But a post like that involves thinking, and who wants to do that on a Saturday night when you could be playing Super Monkey Ball?
  • Reply 83 of 107
    adam11adam11 Posts: 163member
    Thanks Eugene - any links with the how to ?
  • Reply 84 of 107
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    I don't know. I played with the Xbox and gamecube a bit at Walmart yesterday. Luigi's Mansion and Oddworld. I really wasn't blown away by either. and from what I have seen of demos, pics etc I haven't been blown away. Yea they look better but they aren't close to the difference SNES-> N64 was. when I first opened my N64 and started up mario 64 I was blown away. I had never seen anything like that. For all the hype these systems just offer prettier lighting and textures but aren't all that more realistic or fluid or anything.

    Out of the 2 I would say the gamecube was more impressive and I'll likely get that. The only thing I don't like about it is the surround sound options. Nearly no one has a dolby pro logic II surround capable receiver but most people with a receiver have DD5.1 or DTS. Why did Nintendo go for DPL2?
  • Reply 85 of 107
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    applenut, haha, you picked the two worst launch games for both systems. Tony Hawk, Super Monkey Ball, Rogue Squadron II, Madden 2002, FIFA 2002, have to try those.

    For XBox, Project Gotham Racing, Dead or Alive 3 and Hal...and a few others.

    The Import GameCube mod:

    <a href=",48110,"; target="_blank">,48110,</a>;

    Super Monkey Ball...

    Super Monkey Ball and its locked mini-games are pissing me off though. Unless you want to spend all day playing in beginner mode in the main game, you have to be pretty good to get anywhere in advanced mode. I'm basically stuck on level 30-something in advanced mode.

    Time to find some unlock cheats.
  • Reply 86 of 107
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>applenut, haha, you picked the two worst launch games for both systems. Tony Hawk, Super Monkey Ball, Rogue Squadron II, Madden 2002, FIFA 2002, have to try those.

    For XBox, Project Gotham Racing, Dead or Alive 3 and Hal...and a few others.

    The Import GameCube mod:

    <a href=",48110,"; target="_blank"> 817,48110,</a>

    Super Monkey Ball...

    Super Monkey Ball and its locked mini-games are pissing me off though. Unless you want to spend all day playing in beginner mode in the main game, you have to be pretty good to get anywhere in advanced mode. I'm basically stuck on level 30-something in advanced mode.

    Time to find some unlock cheats. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    the systems did have demo discs in which allowed me to see previews of many other titles on the platforms and none of those were too impressive either.

    Rogue Squadron II ws there too, forgot to mention it. I played it too. I just don't see why everyone is so excited about it

    :confused: sure it's pretty cool but I don't know, everything looks the same in the environments. FIFA 2002 looks impressive but its not out yet. Madden 2002 looks like a tweaked 2000 I have here on my mac with better textures.

    ah well, I guess I'm a hard customer to please, I don't know
  • Reply 87 of 107
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Fran! In SMB Monkey target I can't fly far enough for most of the targets. I end up crashing in the ocean just before reaching them.... is there some sort of trick?

    Also my wife and I love playing Monkey Fight and Race.... reminds me of MarioKart 64.
  • Reply 88 of 107
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Outsider, don't unfurl the ball at the apex. You have to wait till the monkey starts falling a bit until you hit the button.

    If you want to go farther once you start slowing down, lean forward a bit and build up downward speed, then pull up again.
  • Reply 89 of 107
    The gamecube has a future, XBox does not. It is as simple as it sounds, no games no future.
  • Reply 90 of 107
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    Go for a Game Cube. If you realy need a DVD/ game console, get a PS2. I love my GameCube, the only place the X-Box has the edge on the cube is the incredible amount of money M$ has, and DVD playback.
  • Reply 91 of 107
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Every GameCube and every XBox being made is being sold right now so it's not going to be possible to figure out which is in more demand until after a few months. You'd think Microsoft would have the advantage for North American sales because they can probably churn more XBoxes out than Nintendo produce North American customers anyway. Nintendo has to make units for both Japan and North America right now.
  • Reply 92 of 107
    [quote]The gamecube has a future, XBox does not. It is as simple as it sounds, no games no future. <hr></blockquote>

    What a load of BS.

    The X-Box has plenty of games coming. It has plenty of games now, and not just Chimpokoman Barbie Monkey SuperBright Color Fun Spectacular, and Italian Vacum Cleaner Cartoon Man Attack.

    The only big developer interest I see in Nintendo is by Nintendo. Sega is going to throw them some titles, but they are doing the same for the X-Box. The lionshare of the GC games seem to be the 50,000th tired installment of the same old franchises Nintendo wheels out like clockwork instead of working on something innovative.
  • Reply 93 of 107
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    For a poor college student like me, you cannot beat the Dreamcast right now.

    You can pick one up for $50-$60, get NFL2k2 for $30 and you've got just about as good a football game as you'll find.

    Dedicate $200 for a Dreamcast and you'll have 4 controllers, 8 games and memory cards whereas you're still $100 short of the XBox.

    I'm a nut for sports games, so maybe I'd be missing out on Halo (meh) or SuperMonkeyTetrisBall (meh) but that's fine by me. Give me a fun football game (frig it, Tecmo Bowl on NES keeps me entertained) and I'm a happy man.

    It's a "dead" console, but whatever that means. It's got an assload of top-notch games out (graphics-wise, too).

    If I had money to burn I'd be look at the XBox no doubt (definitely #1 for sports games of the big boys), but poor folks like myself are very well served by the DC.
  • Reply 94 of 107
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by DoctorGonzo:


    What a load of BS.

    The X-Box has plenty of games coming. It has plenty of games now, and not just Chimpokoman Barbie Monkey SuperBright Color Fun Spectacular, and Italian Vacum Cleaner Cartoon Man Attack.

    The only big developer interest I see in Nintendo is by Nintendo. Sega is going to throw them some titles, but they are doing the same for the X-Box. The lionshare of the GC games seem to be the 50,000th tired installment of the same old franchises Nintendo wheels out like clockwork instead of working on something innovative.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    the original poster made a dumb comment but you didn't show too much intelligence with that last one.

    the sad fact is that we now have 3 consoles that are not going to go anywhere.

    Nintendo has just as much developer support as MS plus themselves. Right now, the only game Nintendo is missing out on that is great is Halo. Other that I would take any of the GameCube launch titles over the Xbox's.
  • Reply 95 of 107
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    To recap, I have all four of the major consoles, and here's what I think right now.

    The XBox is a great console, despite being made by Microsoft. It has some great games too. Halo, Max Payne, Dead or Alive 3, Obi Wan, Project Gotham Racing, and Air Force Delta Strike are awesome games. I have a couple of other XBox games that are mediocre (Oddworld, Offroad). Plus, you can't beat the internal HD. It's an awesome feature. I have tons of games for the system (and tons of saves), and my XBox still has 50,000+ Blocks free. When the XBox goes online (via broadband), users will be able to download additional 'patches' for games onto the hard drive to add features to the games. For example, you will be able to download a patch for Halo which will allow you to play online. You will also be able to download new items/characters to unlock in Dead or Alive 3. It's things like this that give the XBox so much potential.

    All that being said, I bought my brother a Game Cube for Christmas. Why? Even with all of the great games coming out for XBox, as well as it's potential, the Game Cube was what he wanted. Sure, there are a ton of games that have been 'done before', but there are always new twists to them. Take Metroid Prime, for example. It is going to be a great game. When it comes out, the broadband adapter and modem adapters will be out. You will be able to use the online connections to play against other people, or with other people on teams, etc. You will also be able to use the Game Boy Advance link with Metroid 4 (supposedly). You can earn special items/points on the GBA game, and transfer them onto your Metroid Prime game via the link cable. Plus, Nintendo still has the most exclusives coming out next year. If you want to play future Sonic games from Sega, for example, you will have to buy Nintendo hardware (GBA or GC).

    I've had my PS2 for over a year now, and I can say that it has aged nicely. It has the most games, and with PS1 games still coming out (Mega Man X6), it's nice that the console is backwards compatible. The PS2 is going to experience major setbacks, however, as the modem, hard drive, and broadband adapter are still MIA. If you have a generic USB modem, you can play Tony Hawk 3 online, but it would be nice if the BBA was out now. Plus, with more games beginning to come out with online support, I would like to be able to make use of this feature that was supposed to be available last summer. The one sign of aging I did see was over the weekend when my cousin brought his PS2 copy of Max Payne over because he needed help in one of the 'fire zones'. The graphics were terrible compared to the XBox version. You also couldn't 'quick save', and slow motion was laggy at best.

    The DC is also an awesome console. It has the best sports games, hands down. (I wonder why that is? ) Plus, they are dirt cheap now (if you can find one). Most games are hovering between $7 and $20, and almost all of them are worth buying and playing (especially at the price). I was sorry to see that Sega gave into Microsoft when it came to Shenmue II. This one was on my Christmas list (and preordered and paid in full), when Sega announced that it was cancelled in the US for the Dreamcast. It was still launched in Japan and Europe, though. The reason was to make it an XBox exclusive. Now I have to wait for the XBox version AND I can't use my completed game with items from Shenmue in the new version (unless someone can show me how to transfer the files from my VMU to the XBox via the ethernet connections both systems have).

    So if you have the money for a system and absolutely need to have great graphics for every game, buy an XBox. If you want the Nintendo games and the most exlusives, buy a Game Cube. If you want a cheap system that's already online, buy a DC. If you want the most selections of games, buy a PS2.
  • Reply 96 of 107
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    i will not buy an xbox for one reason -- call me an anti-M$ zealot if you must, but microsoft said they don't expect to pull a profit on xbox until, what, 2003? 2004? what other friggin' company can afford to take a loss on their main gaming console to do that? maybe sony... maybe. every other sheet of twenties the u.s. prints goes earmarked to redmond, so, sure, they'll eventually do something right.

    i just won't be one to support them. so it comes down to playstation 2 and gamecube. i would really like to have a dvd player on my huge t.v., so i am leaning now towards playstation2.

    side note: on the way home from work on the bus, i heard three kids debating the merits of the three consoles, and one kid says, and i quote: "xbox is made by microsoft and bill gates. i trust microsoft, so i'm getting an xbox."

    :o :eek: <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> :confused:
  • Reply 97 of 107
    I am not a console guy, I have enough games on my mac to keep me entertained and that is precisly the reason I would NEVER even consider buying an xbox.

    &lt;begin pointless preaching to the chior&gt;

    Microsoft bought bungie. we all know, we are all pissed,

    but it's not really the fact that my favorite sofware developer (and the source for my alias) is in the hands of my most hated software developer, but more the fact that they forced bungie to ruin two of the most promising games: Oni and myth III.

    Oni was still an awesome game, but you can tell where godgames got control of the game. The storyline just stops making sense, the cutscenes disapear, the levels just end....

    And as for myth III, I just played the demo which isn't the best way to get a hint on the game, but it just doesn't have the same WAY-ahead-of-it's-time feel as myth I & II did. It feels like a passe game.

    &lt;end pointless preaching ot the chior&gt;
  • Reply 98 of 107
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    DoctorGonzo, the fact that MS has to bribe other companies or simply buy them out is the problem. MS is trying to buy companies like Bungie...and Take Two...AND Infogrames, and gamers will hate them for it. Sony did the same thing with Square, and now Nintendo hates Square's guts...they almost don't even want them back.

    Nintendo has Rare...Perfect Dark anybody? Nintendo had a partnership with Midway at one point too. Remember Killer Instinct? That arcade game was published by Midway. Nintendo also has exclusivity to the Resident Evil series now. And Capcom will also probably keep certain franchises like Megaman Nintendo only. Nintendo's vast library of its own games is a plus, not a negative. And Nintendo is also getting Sega exclusives...Super Monkey Ball, Soccer Slam, Sonic Adventure 2, etc. And the only exclusive LucasArts title seems to be for the GameCube...

    Get the picture? If you want exclusives, there are plenty on every console. it looks like most of the worthwhile exclusives are going to be on the GameCube and PS2 (stupid Square.)
  • Reply 99 of 107
    [quote] I saw a Nintendo GameCube demo running but some kids were on it playing Waverunner. <hr></blockquote> It's WaveRace: Bluestorm.

    The GC has 3 expansion slots on it's underside. Currently all I know of planned for those slots is for the long 1.5" wide one. Coming in a month/month and a half, we GC'ers will have the option to buy either a 56k modem or an Ethernet card for the GC. I personally think this is REALLY cool, although gameplay isn't the greatest on 56k <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> ... but hey it's all some people have. Unlike the xbox which has a built in hardcoded Ethernet plug, the GC gives those of us without broadband a way to join in the fun. ( I have Roadrunner so I'm not too concerned). The GBA cord doesn't have a release date yet so I'm thinking they're waiting for a simultaneous release with a game or something.

    Personally, I feel that the GC is just as suited for a dorm as the PS2... When I was in the dorms at my school I had a 10' x 13' room so I know what cramped was all about. Of the three systems available today, if I was still living there I'd buy a PS 2 or a GC because of space concerns... Most college kids already have enough crap piled on their TV's so a small 6" cube or a PS2 on end doesn't hog space.

    Mac Guru
  • Reply 100 of 107
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>For a poor college student like me, you cannot beat the Dreamcast right now.

    You can pick one up for $50-$60, get NFL2k2 for $30 and you've got just about as good a football game as you'll find.

    Dedicate $200 for a Dreamcast and you'll have 4 controllers, 8 games and memory cards whereas you're still $100 short of the XBox.

    I'm a nut for sports games, so maybe I'd be missing out on Halo (meh) or SuperMonkeyTetrisBall (meh) but that's fine by me. Give me a fun football game (frig it, Tecmo Bowl on NES keeps me entertained) and I'm a happy man.

    It's a "dead" console, but whatever that means. It's got an assload of top-notch games out (graphics-wise, too).

    If I had money to burn I'd be look at the XBox no doubt (definitely #1 for sports games of the big boys), but poor folks like myself are very well served by the DC.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The Dreamcast is a great deal for the poor highschool student too!!! And the other good thing is at least for the time being, SEGA still makes games for it. NBA 2K2 is the best NBA game out there same for NFL 2K2, and the graphics aren't really worse than the PS2. I think I'll pick up my friends Dreamcast w/ 4 games for $30
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