Apple's rumored Beats buyout baffles pundits & analysts alike



  • Reply 81 of 162
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    At first, I honestly thought it sounded like a terrible idea for Apple to buy Beats. Now I've changed my mind. If Gene Munster doesn't like it, it must be a REALLY good acquisition.
  • Reply 82 of 162
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,297member

    Love this from Mr. Gene Munster:



    Munster believes Apple would be better suited spending the cash on improving its presence in the Internet services space. He cited Yelp, Twitter, Square and even Yahoo as potential purchases that might make more sense for Apple.


    So out of the four companies listed, three are money losers, and the fourth is about to start gouging it's customers... Yeah, good on you Munster, you hopeless moron!

  • Reply 83 of 162
    mikhailtmikhailt Posts: 37member

    Originally Posted by bennettvista View Post

    This deal is all about acquiring Jimmy Iovine for Apple team. He will be in charge of "iTunes" and getting the whole entertainment side of company working (deals with studios, etc). Not sure it's a good idea. Aging racehorse. Like LA Galaxy Beckham deal.


    He's not worth $3 billion dollars. Apple could've just offer him a contract worth that much anyway over several years. 


    Remember, buying a company does not mean people is entitled to keep working for the new company. Lovine can leave any time he wants assuming his contract allows him to do so. I doubt there's a clause preventing him from doing that if he's a smart guy. 


    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Wow. Way to prove your point that you haven't the bloodiest clue! The Beckham/Galaxy deal was the marketing-coup in sports, because it actually put your dreadful "soccer" league on the map. Even if it was for the Ultimate Glamour Boy of European FOOTBALL, we here in Europe didn't see or even hear if you guys had a league or not for years.


    Here in US, we don't give a crap about the MLS. So, it wasn't even that good of a deal in US. 


    Originally Posted by AWilliams87 View Post


    Apple doesn't make defensive purchases. They don't do things to "prevent" others from doing it.


    Yes, they do. Rockstar/Nortal is an example of that. 




    Originally Posted by Danox View Post



    Why? Google and Microsoft make dumb deals like this everyday, and I think buying Beats is a utter waste of money if true. No different than Apple buying Twitter, Netflix, Box or Dropbox. Spending money on any company where you already have the capacity in house is a waste.

    Apple buying Twitter, Netflix, Box, and/or Dropbox is a huge different from them buying Beats. There are absolutely nothing in Beats that Apple can't replicate and do it better. 

    Twitter is a massive social network with a lot of nice technologies behind it (scaling related) that can benefit Apple in a huge way. Integrating it in iOS, App Store and so on will provide network effects that can increase sales, customers, and so on. 


    Same for Netflix, it can give Apple the ability to provide iTunes for iCloud, streaming their libraries online will be worth 10$ a month from me. I rarely buy anything in iTunes but streaming, heck yea. 


    Dropbox/Box will give Apple the ability to finally add fully integrated iCloud sync with OS X and iOS. Right now, there is no iDisk-like syncing on OS X. Using Apps to sync your files is not the same as syncing via a specific folder you can use any files with. 



    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    All the armchair quarterbacks are out in force to comment on this RUMOR. Analysts are falling all over themselves to explain, condemn, tout, or reverse engineer the RUMOR. When it turns out to be just a RUMOR then we’ll see the same goon squad writing screeds as to why the RUMORED deal fell through, how Apple once again screwed something up and is doomed.


    Does that about sum it up as to what’s going on here? Oh, and this thread is quite humorous in its pontificating bloviation. 


    I have a feeling Apple's doing all of this to distract us from the upcoming WWDC event that might have something special planned. 



    Originally Posted by AWilliams87 View Post


    The case of the Nortel patents was about the Google/android OEM litigations. It wasn't done to "prevent" companies from doing something. Apple does not, and has not, gone out of their way to stop others from creating things.

    Dude, Rockstar was formed with intentions to sue others for royalties and/or injunctions on those doesn't pay. If it was a defensive purchase, there's no need to go out of the way to sue others unless they sued first. 


    They intentionally bought these for offensive reasons, which is to go out and sue folks who may appear to infringe on those patents. 

  • Reply 84 of 162
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member

    Originally Posted by techno View Post



    Now I know it must be a "good idea."

    If you're really that shallow, good luck to you.

  • Reply 85 of 162
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    You obviously have not done your research.


    No one wears HDMI cables.  It is NOT a fashion statement.


    You probably said that Nike would never survive either when they started selling $120 shoes in the early 80's.

    People PAY for style. 

    Ever heard of Louis Vutton bags?  This is the equivelant for the male population. 

    The difference is Vuitton is quality, and Beats headphones sound like crap. If Apple thinks they sound good, I seriously question Apple's sanity. You can only fool people for so long.

  • Reply 86 of 162
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    The are very few defenders here of this rumour. But those who are defending it are ludicrous. What cred could Beats bring unless the brand is kept? And Apple never do that. What hardware advances have they that couldn't be replicated or patented? How can one man be worth $3B? Why are the services worth $3B? Beats bought that streaming for a few million.

    It's people flailing around looking for sense in something which doesn't make any.

  • Reply 87 of 162
    Bad move if true. Never trust a rapper...
  • Reply 88 of 162
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member

    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post



    It would be good if you knew it all about accounting so you can understand the financial difference between buying a company and buying back stock.   

    Oh we know all right, we know... that was the point.

  • Reply 89 of 162
    almondrocaalmondroca Posts: 179member
    Can we agree this is a better deal than what FB paid for Whatsapp?
  • Reply 90 of 162
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,004member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Not quite the same thing, really.




    Originally Posted by MikhailT View Post



    He's not worth $3 billion dollars. Apple could've just offer him a contract worth that much anyway over several years. 


    Remember, buying a company does not mean people is entitled to keep working for the new company. Lovine can leave any time he wants assuming his contract allows him to do so. I doubt there's a clause preventing him from doing that if he's a smart guy. 


    Here in US, we don't give a crap about the MLS. So, it wasn't even that good of a deal in US. 


    Yes, they do. Rockstar/Nortal is an example of that. 



    Apple buying Twitter, Netflix, Box, and/or Dropbox is a huge different from them buying Beats. There are absolutely nothing in Beats that Apple can't replicate and do it better. 

    Twitter is a massive social network with a lot of nice technologies behind it (scaling related) that can benefit Apple in a huge way. Integrating it in iOS, App Store and so on will provide network effects that can increase sales, customers, and so on. 


    Same for Netflix, it can give Apple the ability to provide iTunes for iCloud, streaming their libraries online will be worth 10$ a month from me. I rarely buy anything in iTunes but streaming, heck yea. 


    Dropbox/Box will give Apple the ability to finally add fully integrated iCloud sync with OS X and iOS. Right now, there is no iDisk-like syncing on OS X. Using Apps to sync your files is not the same as syncing via a specific folder you can use any files with. 



    I have a feeling Apple's doing all of this to distract us from the upcoming WWDC event that might have something special planned. 


    Dude, Rockstar was formed with intentions to sue others for royalties and/or injunctions on those doesn't pay. If it was a defensive purchase, there's no need to go out of the way to sue others unless they sued first. 


    They intentionally bought these for offensive reasons, which is to go out and sue folks who may appear to infringe on those patents. 



    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post


    The most profitable company on the planet... and somehow or another a bunch of posters think that NOW Apple has to acquire cool if they want to continue being profitable.


    Are you shitting me.


    Incredible you can't buy cool you just are.

  • Reply 91 of 162
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post


    Jimmy Iovine is a great business man. I believe he can sell ice cubes to eskimos which is likely the case here. "Hey Tim, why don't you hang out with us so you can be rich AND cool?". I believe this would be the worst buy for Apple ever. Spend a few more billion and buy Yahoo.



    I almost threw up from laughing so hard.


    I'll never understand where people like you get the clout to make such comments. Is it possible that you just don't realize how ridiculous it makes you look to criticize APPLE for how it spends $3 billion of its money? To casually say, "Yeah thats not gonna turn out well..."





  • Reply 92 of 162
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    asdasd wrote: »
    The are very few defenders here of this rumour. But those who are defending it are ludicrous. What cred could Beats bring unless the brand is kept? And Apple never do that. What hardware advances have they that couldn't be replicated or patented? How can one man be worth $3B? Why are the services worth $3B? Beats bought that streaming for a few million.

    It's people flailing around looking for sense in something which doesn't make any.

    There is no defending this acquisition. Samsung must be laughing their asses off as all their marketing of Apple as not hip or cool got Apple to make a stupid acquisition like this.

    What's really sad is the people defending this because it would be a cash cow for Apple. Thing is, Apple's premium prices come with a premium product and ecosystem. Beats premium prices are just a ripoff pure and simple.
  • Reply 93 of 162
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    My wife owns several Vuitton bags. 

    They are quality but you can buy the same quality for half the price.  Its about STYLE.

    Style really is the one thing that keeps Google, Microsoft, and Samsung out of Apple's league.  Google,MS, and Samdung have ZERO taste.
    And Beats style is the complete opposite of Apple. Apple is minimalist and classy. Beats screams anything but.
  • Reply 94 of 162
    ash471ash471 Posts: 705member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Samsung spends $14B a year on advertising and marketing.


    think about that and what the Beats line will do for Apple's image with urban youth

    14B on 7 billion people worldwide is about $2 person.  3 billion on 30 million people is $100/person.  

    So ya, let's think about that.  I'm not saying it was a dumb deal, but the Samdung data doesn't suggest it is a good deal.  Besides, some may argue that Samdung was stupid for spending 14B on advertising.  Two dumb decisions don't make a right.

  • Reply 95 of 162
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    Its wonderful when limited minds are mystified by Apple it means it MUST be good idea. Normal people who buy Android are only capable of linear thinking. They are not capable of strategic thinking , All is well
  • Reply 96 of 162
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    sog35 wrote: »
    So you are smarter than a $500B company full of some of the smartest minds in technology, marketing, and business? 

    Could it be you have INCOMPLETE information on the subject?

    Says the guy who just attacked MS, Google and Samsung.

    Cook can be criticised as much as any other manager. He's already hired the guy from Penney. The people here who criticised that move, mostly British, did in fact know more about that company than the leader of a $50B company. Cook != Jobs. Cook was a great COO. May not be a great CEO.
  • Reply 97 of 162
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    paul94544 wrote: »
    Its wonderful when limited minds are mystified by Apple it means it MUST be good idea. Normal people who buy Android are only capable of linear thinking. They are not capable of strategic thinking , All is well

    But everybody here buys Apple and/or are investors.
  • Reply 98 of 162
    conrailconrail Posts: 489member

    I work on a college campus, and Beats headphones are everywhere.  It's hard to believe that so many students can blow $300 on a set of cans.


    With Beats in the Apple section of Best Buy and other retailers, and prominently featured in the Apple stores, this will drive sales.  And if it strengthens Apple's relationship with the entertainment industry, so much the better.

  • Reply 99 of 162
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    sog35 wrote: »
    The next battle ground is CONTENT.

    With this deal Apple is making massive inroads in the music industry.

    Don't surprised if they make simular aquistions in the video game and tv/movie sector.

    What CONTENT?
  • Reply 100 of 162
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    Iovine and Cook were probably having a few drinks one day. Cook, slightly hammered, says:


    Cook: "I'll bet you $10,000 that if we start a rumor that Apple is going to buy Beats then Google will actually make an offer for more money. The sum has to be over $3 billion."


    Iovine: "Let's do it."

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