Beats acquisition would give Iovine and Dr. Dre senior positions at Apple, report says



  • Reply 481 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    He reached the point of needing hearing aids when he made his first album.

    LOL You might be right. Maybe that's why he mistakenly made the original headphones so bassy.
  • Reply 482 of 599
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »

    I much prefer Sia as a featured singer.


  • Reply 483 of 599
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    The borders are open. What's stopping you?

    WTH kind of response is that?!
    That's DED's job: to find a positive spin. Right now, it's just a rumor that's powering Google Ad impressions on this site through the weekend.

    I think we should all strive to look at this rumored deal from Apple's perspective. That is not a burden that should be left to just [@]Corrections[/@] or anyone else on AI's writing staff.

    I agree, wholeheartedly!

    I posted this earlier but it's worth another watch. It's loaded -- Beats states exactly what they are doing (or attempting to do).

    What if you could always have the perfect music for each moment, effortlessly ... Drives would be shorter ... Kisses deeper ... Inspiration would flow ... Memories would flood ... You'd fall in love -- every night ... And life would be infused with magic.

    If you want to conjure that power for people ... You'd first have to respect it ... Be in awe of it ... And realize music is much more than just digital files ... It breathes and bleeds and feels ... And to do that, you'll need more inside your skull than a circuit board ... Because code can't hear the Bowie in a band's influences ... it doesn't know why The Stones seque perfectly into Aretha Franklin ... And if you're one perfect track away from getting some satisfaction ... You'd want more than software to deliver it ... You'd want brains and souls ... You'd want people driven by a passion for music ... Who know the only thing as important as the song you're hearing now -- is the song that comes next.

    So, that's what we've done ... We've created an elegant, fun solution that integrates the best technology with friendly, trustworthy humanity ... That understands music as emotion and joy ... Culture and life.

    This is a completely new way to experience music ... And the next step in the evolution that's taken us from 45s to CDs to streaming ... But the most important thing about it is that you'll be blown away by what happens when you hit play ... The right music ...Like magic!

  • Reply 484 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    For those that think rap isn't real music do you think the country and pop of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, respectively, is real music (not asking about your personal tastes)? Do you think they are only pretending to like the song [I]Super Bass[/I] by Nikki Minaj?

    [*] (Swift)
    [*] (Gomez)

  • Reply 485 of 599
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    I watched the forty minute interview with Iovine and Mossberg.


    Iovine bears a passing resemblance to Steve Jobs in the way he talks. He seems like a nice guy; thoughtful, too.


    He's searching for nirvana. Nirvana will never be reached. That's the beauty and pain of music. 


    Why do we want curation of music? Do we want it? The secret of music is surprise. We want to be surprised, but not too much. And there is good surprise and bad surprise.


    I wasn't convinced at all by Iovine in the interview. You could see that Mossberg wasn't, either. Mossberg presented Iovine with two angles: he asked Iovine whether the best approach was shuffling your playlist, as loved by Steve Jobs; the joy of being surprised by what was coming up next. Iovine rebuffed this. Mossberg then suggested that you could also play an album through, where you know what's coming. Again, Iovine's response - not nirvana. iTunes Radio? Spotify? No.


    Music is such a complex, personal thing. There is no way that a computer or stranger is ever going to give you the perfect playlist or 'next song,' as Iovine called it. Sometimes, Pandora or Spotify or the radio or your playlist will give you a happy sequence of songs which work well together, sometimes it won't. How do we know what we want? Disappointment is inevitable.


    The music industry will never reach what it had in the past. There was a time when music was glorious, and we bought albums, and the industry made a killing as we all bought songs we didn't want. Along came Steve Jobs and iTunes, which allowed everyone to buy just what they wanted. Profits were decimated. No matter how fine the music that is created now, the industry will never get anywhere near the profits it used to enjoy.


    Why do we constantly need new things, new sensations? What's wrong with liking our favourite foods and sticking with them? Do we jettison our friends or family after a few years? Sometimes, I guess. Is every decade of music equal? No. Is there a law that says that every year, music will get better and better, much as we expect our computers to get faster and faster? No. 


    I love it when I hear good music for the first time, or when it grows on me. Most music created, whilst of some value, doesn't pass the test of time. So the more you expose yourself to music you haven't heard, the more likely you are to be disappointed. But you may also hear a gem. 


    We shouldn't be greedy. Imagine if you only heard one piece of music in your whole life. Which one would it be? 

  • Reply 486 of 599
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    flaneur wrote: »
    But why is that something Apple has to get into? The devices are where the profits are at.

    . . .

    If that's all they're after, they wouldn't spend $3.2 billion on acquiring Beats.

    . . .

    There has to be more to this than meets the eye.

    Like I said elsewhere, Apple is buying into at least two cultures of the future with this purported acquisition, plus the decades of experience that the principles have proven in establishing the cultures.

    Headphones are the "devices" (your term) of the future as well, along with other wearables. Phones and Pods are going to be less important than wearables. (I'm including wearable screens in this formulation.)

    In short, Apple is buying a piece of the next generation, both people and technology.

    Well said! But why are you posting this on my personal playlist :D
  • Reply 487 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Something a little more disturbing (not necessarily rap)...

    • Iggy Azalea - PU$$Y ::
    • Die Antwoord - Zef Side ::
    • Skinny Puppy - Testure ::
    • Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) ::
    • Tool - Sober ::
    • Sleigh Bells - Tell 'Em :: (audio only)
    • M.I.A. - Bad Girls ::

    Now something too disturbing to even be on the internet...
    • Rebecca Black - Friday :: (Watch at your own risk)
  • Reply 488 of 599
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    I have a huge Leo Kottke collection and his open tuned 12 string work sounds very like what I just Googled Hawaiian Slack Key guitar sounds. Is it the same thing? I've never heard that term. Talking of Leo, I like his singing too, even though he claims he sounds like 'goose farts' . Loved his version of 'Louise'.

    Ha, 'goose farts' -- yeah I feel it!  I have some Kottke and I searched YT but couldn't find my fave by him ... so, Beat's do your magic:


    and segueing to my second fave Kottke:


    Then, of course, seque to this:


    I got ninety-elevendy YT widows/tabs open across 2 displayed -- can't find anything
  • Reply 489 of 599
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Ha, 'goose farts' -- yeah I feel it!  I have some Kottke and I searched YT but couldn't find my fave by him ... so, Beat's do your magic:


    and segueing to my second fave Kottke:


    Then, of course, seque to this:


    I got ninety-elevendy YT widows/tabs open across 2 displayed -- can't find anything

    Great stuff, but come on where's the Gordy?
  • Reply 490 of 599
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but we all know Apple is interested in wearables. What makes more sense than wearable headphones? Apple could put an iPod directly into the headphones. Sure Apple could do this without Beats, but Apple has never been very successful in the audio space (headphones/speakers), so it would make sense to buy a company that has had success.
    When have headphones ever not been wearable?

    I had a pair that plugged into the B&O 8000 that sounded real good -- made it kinda' tough for dancing, though.
  • Reply 491 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I'd watch grass grow as long as Rihanna is laying in it. ;)

    She doesn't do it for me.Something about her face looks way too young for my tastes.
    I must say that I'm impressed with your knowledge of hip hop.

    Thanks, but my knowledge is superficial at best as my tastes are wildly varied.

    The songs that I think are truly some of the best (that have come out in or around my lifetime) tend to be more anthem-like in their sound. The aforementioned All of the Lights by Kanye, Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, Freebird by Skynyrd, and One by Metallica.

    Lately I've been listening to a HAIM a lot. A newer group of 3 sisters that have a sound that I can't quite place. I can pick out so many different genres and decades in their sound but it doesn't seem to fall into any of them. From my experience people tend to really love or really hate the Haim sisters. They certainly don't have the sex appeal of Rhianna so don't watch the video for that..

    • HAIM - The Wire ::
    • HAIM - Forever ::
  • Reply 492 of 599
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Something a little more disturbing (not necessarily rap)...

    • Iggy Azalea - PU$$Y ::
    • Die Antwoord - Zef Side ::
    • Skinny Puppy - Testure ::
    • Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) ::
    • Tool - Sober ::
    • Sleigh Bells - Tell 'Em :: (audio only)
    • M.I.A. - Bad Girls ::

    Now something too disturbing to even be on the internet...
    • Rebecca Black - Friday :: (Watch at your own risk)

    You forgot.
    Big Sean-Dance(A$$) remix ft. Nicki Minaj
  • Reply 493 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    You forgot.
    Big Sean-Dance(A$$) remix ft. Nicki Minaj

    Needs a reposting…
    • Lil John - Turn Down For What ::
  • Reply 494 of 599
    applesauce007applesauce007 Posts: 1,702member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    For those that think rap isn't real music do you think the country and pop of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, respectively, is real music (not asking about your personal tastes)? Do you think they are only pretending to like the song Super Bass by Nikki Minaj?


    • (Swift)

    • (Gomez)


    Good intro to rap for some folks on this board.

  • Reply 495 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Good intro to rap for some folks on this board.

    I have no idea how anyone can say that doesn't qualify as music simply because it's genre is rap. It's like saying poems aren't poems unless they rhyme.
  • Reply 496 of 599
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    The songs that I think are truly some of the best (that have come out in or around my lifetime) tend to be more anthem-like in their sound. The aforementioned All of the Lights by Kanye, Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, Freebird by Skynyrd, and One by Metallica.

    Lately I've been listening to a HAIM a lot. A newer group of 3 sisters that have a sound that I can't quite place. I can pick out so many different genres and decades in their sound but it doesn't seem to fall into any of them. From my experience people tend to really love or really hate the Haim sisters. They certainly don't have the sex appeal of Rhianna so don't watch the video for that..

    They look like they can be related to Alannis Morissette. They don't have a singular sound, more like a mash up of styles. The 'Forever' song has a 80s sound to it.
  • Reply 497 of 599
    benjamin frostbenjamin frost Posts: 7,203member

    How music is today.



  • Reply 498 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    They look like they can be related to Alannis Morissette. They don't have a singular sound, more like a mash up of styles. The 'Forever' song has a 80s sound to it.

    This one sounds especially 80's to me. I feel like Don Henley could have written parts of this during his solo career...
    • HAIM - If I Could Change Your Mind ::

    And this brilliant song reminds me of the alternative 80's I grew up with. The intro sounds like it could have been written by Robert Smith of the Cure…
    • Sky Ferreira - You're Not The One ::
  • Reply 498 of 599
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Needs a reposting…
    • Lil John - Turn Down For What ::

    Now I've seen everything :lol:
  • Reply 500 of 599
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    How music is today.

    [music video]

    Artistically it's no different than what David Bowie, KISS, Twisted Sister, Madonna, Ministry, Alice Cooper, Lady Gaga or any other group that use visual appeal to augment their music. Not all were as musically as talented as others but it's all music. Personally, I'd put Madonna, KISS, and Ministry at the bottom end of the spectrum.

    • David Bowie - Space Oddity :: (1972)
    • KISS - Rock and Roll All Night :: (1975)
    • Madonna - Like A Virgin :: (1984)
    • Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock :: (1984)
    • Ministry - Stigmata :: (1988)
    • Alice Cooper - Poison :: (1989)
    • Lady Gaga - Applause :: (2013)

    And those are a variety of artists that were selling some sort of shock appeal, but most are selling some sort of visual appeal.

    PS: I wanted to add Liberace to that list but I don't think he was trying to shock even though it shocked me.
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