Apple's Tim Cook uses WWDC stage to lob grenades at Android, sets up China showdown with Google



  • Reply 41 of 104
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    maestro64 wrote: »
    Actually it make sense. The people in the room could or are developing for Android as well. Those same people are also the reason Apple is very successful, without them Apple products would be worthless. It is in Cook's and Apple's best interest to educate everyone in the room on the whether it make financial sense to make products for Android. He is making everyone in the room think about how to spend their time and resources and if you see that all your work developing something for Windows 8 or Kitkat is only penetrating a small part of the overall mark why continue to invest. He is showing them that Android is not worth the time and energy.

    Now that makes sense. Thanks! Still surprised it was Cook delivering that message tho.
  • Reply 42 of 104
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post


    I didn't care very much for Tim Cook giving Android cheap shots.  The less anyone says about Android, the better.  It's like giving them free publicity.  It's OK if they want to talk straight numbers and stuff but that's it.  I always consider it unprofessional to start poking at rivals.  Stress your company product's strong points and forget about rivals weaknesses.  Personally, I think it's a waste of time talking about Android or even their numbers.  Let Android take care of itself.  Trash-talking about rivals just comes off as being petty and doesn't really prove a thing for Apple.  Apple's iOS will keep chugging no matter what Android does.  I was really disappointed to hear Tim Cook putting down Android.  It definitely has its place in mobile whether I like it or not.  Obviously, its huge market share speaks for itself for whatever reasons.


    Constable Odo, you've been wrong about every single prediction you've ever made here and every single thing you've ever said, not to mention using most of your post count to cal for Cook's resignation- so I think I speak for everyone when I state that I don't think your opinion on this is objective, or worth a damn. Cook knows how to run his business better than you could ever dream to, and pettiness basically defines your every post and your obsession about stock price at the expense of everything else- don't project your pettiness on people like Cook. 


    I'm still waiting on you to explain your blatant lie that investors have sold all their shares after WWDC, since stock price is highest its been. Or at least apologize for such an ignorant statement. 

  • Reply 43 of 104
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    Too much too little too late.
    Then again Tim could sic his new rapper thugs at Google.
  • Reply 44 of 104
    maltamalta Posts: 78member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    since stock price is highest its been.


    I like this new math $637 (4:00pm) is greater than $644 and it is also greater than $700

  • Reply 45 of 104
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    The gloves are off - Android is a "toxic hellstew of vulnerabilities." Ouch! BizInsider's Andrian Kingsley-Hughes , now that coming from an Android friendlly media outlet , it must be really really bad!
  • Reply 46 of 104
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Mr Cook giving attention to competitors at his own developer's conference?? Why would Android enter into it at all? Seems un-Tim-like and unprofessional to me. I'd expect that type of message might come from an underling like Schiller (or someone like Ballmer) who's lobbed a few at competitors in the past, but surprising to see Cook feel Android needed to be addressed when introducing new Apple software.


    I see Google just launched 64 bit Chrome (browser) for windows, finally caught up to the browser (Safari) I've had on my phone for the last nine months.


    Such a crap company, purveyor of ads.

  • Reply 47 of 104
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    I didn't care very much for Tim Cook giving Android cheap shots.  The less anyone says about Android, the better.  It's like giving them free publicity.  It's OK if they want to talk straight numbers and stuff but that's it.  I always consider it unprofessional to start poking at rivals.  Stress your company product's strong points and forget about rivals weaknesses.  Personally, I think it's a waste of time talking about Android or even their numbers.  Let Android take care of itself.  Trash-talking about rivals just comes off as being petty and doesn't really prove a thing for Apple.  Apple's iOS will keep chugging no matter what Android does.  I was really disappointed to hear Tim Cook putting down Android.  It definitely has its place in mobile whether I like it or not.  Obviously, its huge market share speaks for itself for whatever reasons.


    Odo, obviously outright lying does indeed work and slagging off ones main competitor's phone does work because Samsungs biz model is based on making sub standard copies and claiming in advertising, over and over and over ad infintium it is better than Apple. The Samsung shareholders were in revolt about the size of Samsung advertsing budget a few months ago. Remember the bigger the lie and the more often you ram it down the public's throat the more chance it has of being believed. Apple is simply returning the favor albeit telling the truth imho.
  • Reply 48 of 104
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    pazuzu wrote: »
    Too much too little too late.
    Then again Tim could sic his new rapper thugs at Google.

    too much too little?

    which is it?
  • Reply 49 of 104
    maestro64 wrote: »
    Actually it make sense. The people in the room could or are developing for Android as well. Those same people are also the reason Apple is very successful, without them Apple products would be worthless. It is in Cook's and Apple's best interest to educate everyone in the room on the whether it make financial sense to make products for Android. He is making everyone in the room think about how to spend their time and resources and if you see that all your work developing something for Windows 8 or Kitkat is only penetrating a small part of the overall mark why continue to invest. He is showing them that Android is not worth the time and energy.

    Amen. Given that the audience was developers, Tim Cook's comments were right on target--and, what, maybe a minute out of a two-hour presentation. He seemed to understand his audience better than most of the comments before Maestro64's post.
  • Reply 50 of 104
    bluestonebluestone Posts: 53member

    It strikes to me that Android phone users might be better off if their phones were replaced by wooden blocks shaped and painted to look like a phone.  The functionality wouldn't be noticeably different but at least they would be immune to malware.

  • Reply 51 of 104
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    vaporland wrote: »
    Apple makes 90% of all profits in mobile.

    Apple owns the market for PCs priced over $1,000

    I don't think "underdog" means what you think it does.

    But the forum trolls, the Wall Street hacks, the tech pundits, and the Eric Schmidts and Steve Ballmers of the world are constantly crowing about how their superior marketshare means they are winning, and how Apple's slipping marketshare is cause for "concern" and handwringing because it means Apple is DOOMED.

    And whenever DED crows about profit share in rebuttal, you're supposed to dismiss it as pathetic, desperate face-saving by Apple apologists for Apple's lack of marketshare.

    Please check for narrative consistency before posting Apple criticism. Thank you! :)
  • Reply 52 of 104
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    too much too little? which is it?


  • Reply 53 of 104
    redhotfuzzredhotfuzz Posts: 313member

    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post


    I was really disappointed to hear Tim Cook putting down Android.  It definitely has its place in mobile whether I like it or not.


    Its place being "fueling Asian hardware manufacturers by providing American innovation for free which they'll use to attack American companies" I suppose?


    Remember how Google bought Motorola, stripped it of its precious metals and sold the remains to the Chinese?  Google has turned Samsung - who couldn't software-design itself out of a paper bag - into a juggernaut that's even a threat to Google.


    And do we really want a spyware/advertising platform to be the dominant mobile solution?  I sure don't.  Frankly, I don't want any one single dominant solution at all.  Look where that got us with Microsoft.  I'd prefer the market be evenly split among iOS, WinPhone and Android, but that won't ever be the case with Google giving their crap for free to any two-bit white box manufacturer that wants it.  It's Microsoft all over again, but more sinister this time.


    Of course we can always fall back on the tired (but true) "Competition is Good!" slogan, but in this case Google isn't doing anyone any favors.  Except for Samsung and HTC, of course...

  • Reply 54 of 104
    darklitedarklite Posts: 229member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Your blithe comparison of something trivial and secondary for Apple like Ping, with something core like an operating system for Microsoft, tells us little more than that you're a bit clueless.

    What? I wasn't making a comparison, I was trying to illustrate that contrary to delreyjones' bizarro world (where working at a big company makes you perfect), companies have made mistakes and seriously misjudged how to present products in the past. iPhone 4 and 'antennagate', Ping, Google Glass and 'Glassholes', Google Wave, Google Buzz seen as privacy-invading, Windows Vista / 8 and their public perception and more - the list goes on. The idea that people are infallible just because they're successful is worse than stupid.


    (To clarify: I'm not saying all of these are actual issues, I'm saying that they are perceived as major issues in part due to misjudged presentation on the part of the relevant company).

  • Reply 55 of 104
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    I bet most Android users think Kitcat is a brand of confectionary not an OS? Such is the overall ignorance of most Android users. The geeks are a vocal but pathetic minority who unfortunately are listened to by carrier phone sales reps at Verizon and ATT and such. The last time I was in a verizon store I was aghast at the ignorance and stupidity of the sales folks, but that is to be expected. But seeing it in the flsh is quite something. If I hear again that Android is "Open" I will scream. My typical response " yes its open alright, wide open for an "???" rimming when you get a virus or malware stealing all your contact and CC info"
  • Reply 56 of 104
    redhotfuzzredhotfuzz Posts: 313member

    I hope Tim realizes he will be banned from the MacRumors forums for talking smack about Android.  They don't put up with that over there.  Gotta cater to the trolls and the shills (and the Samsung ads).  :no:

  • Reply 57 of 104
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    mwhiteco wrote: »

    I have never understood what DED means can someone please explain this to me.

    DED = Daniel Eran Dilger
  • Reply 58 of 104
    redhotfuzzredhotfuzz Posts: 313member
    Originally Posted by DarkLite View Post


    ..Google Buzz seen as privacy-invading...


    Google Buzz (and everything else from Google) isn't seen or perceived as privacy-invading, it is privacy-invading.


    Eventually the masses will wake up to this reality.

  • Reply 59 of 104
    igrouchoigroucho Posts: 63member
    and this is news - android is malware??
  • Reply 60 of 104
    agramonteagramonte Posts: 345member

    for something that is so irrelevant and nobody really wants they sure do mention it a lot

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