Samsung says iPhone 5s users have 'screen envy' of Galaxy S5 in latest ad



  • Reply 81 of 105
    Simple running out of ideas this poor company , what a joke
    We can't wait for the new iPhone 6
  • Reply 82 of 105
    The hoary old Apple 5s AND the 5c are individually still outselling the squeaky new S5.

    Don't you think the reason for that has less to do with the S5 lacking in popularity and more to do with there being so many choices the S5 has to compete against in the Android sphere?  If I want the latest and greatest iOS phone, I have one choice - the iPhone.  If I want the latest and greatest Android phone, I have numerous choices - the S5, the Note 3, the M8, the Nexus 5, the G3, the Moto X, the Xperia Z2, and then some niche products like the OnePlus One or the PadFone.  How could one of those phones ever sell in the numbers of the iPhone?  Saleswise I think Samsung peaked with the S4 because there are simply too many strong competitors in the high-end Android market now.

    You make a good point. However, since Samsung claims to be making a profit, which is remarkable in the android sphere, we can assume they are also the leading android phone manufacturer. As for leading high-end android phone manufacturer, that may be another story. We know from the CA trial (Apple vs Samsung) that Samsung exaggerated their claims of sales of their high-end phones (even lied to their stock holders), so nothing of real substance can be said about their product mix. We also know that they made 25% less in income this last quarter due to lost sales of their cheap (single-digit markup) phones in China.
    I don't know how many cheap phones it takes to equal the income from one S5, but there must not have been many S5's sold to offset the loss of their low-end business.

    The last number I saw of their advertising budget, which primarily pushed their high-end product, was 13 billion dollars. That's more then Apple and all the other manufactures spent COMBINED. So, the Samsung name is out there, but it can't be said it's paying off all that well for the money spent. My guess is that they thought a full court press in advertising would drown out interest in Apple iDevices, and it just hasn't worked and that's after repeating that strategy year after year.

    Toward the end of this current quarter Apple will likely release their now iPhones. If this follows the usual run-up to new iPhones, then people will be putting off new iPhone purchases to see what will be offered. Even last year, during this low sales period for Apple, they outsold Samsung... so the gap can't seem to be closed (except in the minds of analysts).

    Anyway, that's my take on it...
  • Reply 83 of 105
    zozman wrote: »
    The GS5 is an overrated piece of crap, I hate the douchery that comes across in samsung adds too, What people like about the iPhone, isn't even close to being done by samsung, build quality, simple & pretty UI, quality control in everything as well as apps (i know thats more Play store vs app store) & features that seem useful, Do they seem like samsung things?.

    But i don't think they are all wrong, personally I'm all for a slightly bigger iPhone screen, The stats done lie, Apple sells more iPhones, Sammy sales have dropped.

    I think apple can take some more customers of sammy by making a bigger screen iPhone, time will tell.
    Id love to get a bigger screen iPhone :) 

    I think Samsung peaked with the S4 because there are simply too many strong competitors in the high-end Android market now.

    You speak the truth, i have the HTC One M8, the build quality is actually very apple like, HTC licence to use apple IP to build a better phone really shows, The S4 sold really well, but I honestly hated that phone, i had one for a while, it did not live up to any hype in my eyes.
    Samsung has the potential to make some great things, if they had their own ideas :p 

    The HTC One M8 (which I've not seen) must be a really well built phone. All the reviews were glowing on the hardware. Of course it still suffered from running on android. I don't think many shoppers even knew it was around because of all the advertising noise surrounding Samsung. While Samsung is aiming for Apple's business, they probably hit more android manufacturers than anything.
  • Reply 84 of 105
    woochiferwoochifer Posts: 385member
    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post



    Don't you think the reason for that has less to do with the S5 lacking in popularity and more to do with there being so many choices the S5 has to compete against in the Android sphere?  If I want the latest and greatest iOS phone, I have one choice - the iPhone.  If I want the latest and greatest Android phone, I have numerous choices - the S5, the Note 3, the M8, the Nexus 5, the G3, the Moto X, the Xperia Z2, and then some niche products like the OnePlus One or the PadFone.  How could one of those phones ever sell in the numbers of the iPhone?  Saleswise I think Samsung peaked with the S4 because there are simply too many strong competitors in the high-end Android market now.


    And ultimately, that will put the squeeze on Samsung's margins. Android OEMs face a similar dilemma between trying to differentiate their hardware at the expense of margins, or packing their phones with gimmicky software features that don't squeeze margins as much but degrade the user experience. Otherwise, Android OEMs share a common platform and use many common components. Aside from the economies of scale advantage that Samsung enjoys, Android OEMs have few options available to standout from competitors and still remain profitable.


    Because Apple controls much more of the entire stack, they have the flexibility to move into areas of differentiation where even Samsung cannot follow. Already they have leveraged over a decade of cross-platform OS development by parlaying their code and framework base with OS X into iOS, and now seamlessly integrating mobile and desktop devices with Yosemite and iOS 8. They are also opening more of the platform up to third parties for data sharing and identity verification, but with stronger end-to-end security. In turn, this potentially increases their footprint with the enterprise market.


    On the hardware side they have increasingly customized their chips, and seem intent on differentiating their GPUs and eventually designing their own baseband chips. Apple has already laid out the roadmap for 64-bit adoption, and by next September will likely have moved their entire iOS product line over to 64-bit, with the OS to go 64-bit only sometime thereafter.


    And now, Apple has moved into exotic materials on a potentially unprecedented scale. Their sapphire production investments are already known, and Android OEMs are not ready to match this on a comparable scale anytime soon. And then there's Liquidmetal, another material investment that may or may not pay off for Apple. However, if they can scale up production, the durable alloy might not only open up new design possibilities, but also decrease production costs by forging complex shapes rather than relying primarily on time-consuming CNC machining.


    Apple's been playing the long game, and every successive step seems to entrench their strategic position.

  • Reply 85 of 105
    curtis hannahcurtis hannah Posts: 1,834member
    macvicta wrote: »
    Just hope we still have a 4" high end model as an option. Me and millions of other happy iPhone owners do not have big screen envy. Please don't forget about us, Apple.
    Hope so maybe rather then 4.7 and 5.5, 4.0 and 4.7?

    satchmo wrote: »
    As will the Galaxy S5.
    Rumor is S Pro is coming in August with "metal" back to outshine the iPhone 6.
  • Reply 86 of 105
    Apple's been playing the long game, and every successive step seems to entrench their strategic position.

    A well-planned long game wins every time. Furthermore, no one knows Apple long game plan, so when Apple makes a move or buys a company, speculation runs wild and often fails to anticipate how and when Apple will move that piece into place (along with one or two more) and by then it's too late for the fast-followers to catch up before Apple does it again.

    Apple may appear to move slowly, but they only need to move fast enough to keep the competition from catching their breath and gaining the initiative.

    Currently, Apple has done the following for which the competition has not made a single move:
    1. Locked up Liquid Metal for their iDevices
    2. Locked up most of the world's supply of Sapphire for iDevice's screens.
    3. Made a powerful alliance/partnership with IBM.
    4. 64 bit iDevice OS, apps, and hardware.
    5. Sterling security in the form of hardware, iOS, and application store.
    6. Bought a number of companies that are leaders in 3D, Solid state memory, ARM chip design, SoC design, and more no one knows about to date..

    There are likely as many more as I listed. Apple has a long game plan, while their competition have reactive plans of 3 to 12 month out.

    Here we are today, with Apple less then 8 weeks from releasing new iPhones, and no one yet offers a working fingerprint ID or anything equally strong. Even a fast-follower will lose against a long game the way Apple plays it.
  • Reply 87 of 105

    Everybody knows Samsung doesn't innovate. They are just anxious for the release of the iPhone 6 so they can copy it.

  • Reply 88 of 105
    arviarvi Posts: 17member

    They keep suing because Samsung keeps blatantly copying. It is an obsession with IP protection because if they don't, the copying will continue. And great IP is the one thing that separates the good products from the bad. And as somebody already posted, a powerful iPhone 4-sized variant is necessary. Not everyone needs a big phone - its for people who need to compensate... bad eyes... big fingers... small... self-esteem? 

  • Reply 89 of 105
    curtb87curtb87 Posts: 10member
    Oh puh-leez! These guys are beneath ridiculous!
  • Reply 90 of 105
    FedGoatFedGoat Posts: 54member

    Samesung is just scared. Anyone who tried android for a bigger screen is selling their junk samesung and coming back to apple and 5.5" 

  • Reply 91 of 105
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    Are we supposed to conclude that the guy with the bigger screen gets all the phone calls, while the dude with the iPhone just sits there at the end wondering why nobody calls his little phone? I don't get it.
  • Reply 92 of 105
    Originally Posted by robogobo View Post

    Are we supposed to conclude that the guy with the bigger screen gets all the phone calls, while the dude with the iPhone just sits there at the end wondering why nobody calls his little phone? I don't get it.

    Samsung users are cool and popular. iPhone users are losers, or as certain forums trolls spell it: "loosers"

    Or at least in the fantasy world of Samsung's marketing. Remember this horrible ad, where Samsung tries clumsily to portray its users as cool and popular, only to come across as laughably obvious and forced?




    Yes. Watch it. Soak it in. You know I speak the truth.

  • Reply 93 of 105

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    The new Safari beta still sucks!


    I kinda have to agree that sometimes it makes me want to stab something. But other times it's okay.



  • Reply 94 of 105
    I agree with a lot of comments. Samsung continues this weak style of marketing. Trying to undermine the competition, rather than tell us about their innovation - oh, I forgot they don't innovate, they just copy !!!
  • Reply 95 of 105
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Samsung getting nervous obviously.

    Really pathetic with these ads.

    More bashing instead of showing what the phone can really do.
  • Reply 96 of 105
    Wonderful! Free advertising for Apple. Thanks, Scamscum. You're actually good for something!
  • Reply 97 of 105
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    You know what they say in Texas... the bigger the phone, the smaller the penis.

  • Reply 98 of 105

    I wish my phone looked like a giant band-aid.

    "Dude what happened to your head?"

    "Oh, its just your phone."

  • Reply 99 of 105
    I'd just like to comment keep your iPhone and Galaxys...but Samsung does make all the tech that goes into each
  • Reply 100 of 105
    astroastro Posts: 22member
    LOL. My roommate dropped his S4 put of his pocket and the screen smashed in the corner where the impact was. The so called phone replacement insurance that he was paying into did not actually cover a new phone as advertised and he had to pay for a new phone. The only thing this confirms for me is that stupid people like less functionally, poorer standards, and cheap hardware when they buy a Galaxy product.
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