Rumor: Apple to bump 'iPad Air 2' RAM to 2GB, keep second-gen Retina iPad mini at 1GB



  • Reply 41 of 108
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by stuffe View Post

    See the title of the article? Does it mention the iPad Mini anywhere? 

     Rumor: Apple to bump 'iPad Air 2' RAM to 2GB, keep second-gen Retina iPad mini at 1GB - Page 2




    Accept that other people might take the conversation in a different direction than you do


    So don’t reply with a complete non-sequitur, then? We’re talking about RAM and you say something completely meaningless about the display? What answer do you expect?

  • Reply 42 of 108
    stuffestuffe Posts: 394member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post





    So don’t reply with a complete non-sequitur, then? We’re talking about RAM and you say something completely meaningless about the display? What answer do you expect?


    Well done, I made a mistake.  Good spot.  Now go take down everyone else talking about running apps 2 at a time etc, seeing as you are the self appointed on-topic police.  My initial mention of the display, as already indicated, was because *you* questioned why someone thought smaller might mean more expensive.  So, now you have proven your alpha male status, please carry on talking about RAM.  Be sure to stay on topic now, so far as I can tell ragging on because someone mentioned something that you don't want to talk about isn't on topic either.  Also, weren't you ignoring me? If not, please do so.


    Also, please tell me which bit of the above is you talking about RAM? If you had ignored me like you have said is happening, why are you still picking at it like a scab?  Just wondering.  Seeing as you're so important.

  • Reply 43 of 108
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by SDO2000 View Post

    2gigs of ram would definitely help apps like Photoshop Touch and Procreate.

    And Safari.

  • Reply 44 of 108
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Its not just about cost of making the Mini.


    Its about making it weaker so more people choose the higher margin Air

    That's probably the most incorrect thing you possibly come up with....considering the last iteration of both iPads brought total feature/spec parity to the lineup, from the chip to the display to the battery. They are the same machine, except one has a slightly bigger screen and slightly higher clock speed (merely because the larger battery allows for it).

  • Reply 45 of 108
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    stuffe wrote: »

     The best reason I can see for *not* giving us 2Gb now, is so we can have it next time. Tic toc etc, give them an easy win next time for the 6s etc...
    I agree in the sense that Apple may not want to upgrade every component on a IPhone or iPad (usually takes two generations). This way they don't get into a spec race needlessly.
  • Reply 46 of 108
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    stuffe wrote: »
    See the title of the article? Does it mention the iPad Mini anywhere? Get over yourself. 

    Glad we could clear that up. Accept that other people might take the conversation in a different direction than you do, and that it's not your forum or don’t be surprised when you get replied to.

    Thank you.
  • Reply 47 of 108
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    pmz wrote: »

    And Safari.

    Yes, exactly, Safari, I've lost so many long posts in forums because I needed to answer a text in Viber or Skype, only to come back and Safari had refreshed the page. AppleInsider thankfully saw this shortcoming and saves your work. Other sites aren't so considered. I now use Office to draft my posts when using my iPad. I mostly use my Nokia 2520 to surf as I prefer a desktop browser to mobile.
  • Reply 48 of 108
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by stuffe View Post

    My initial mention of the display, as already indicated, was because *you* questioned why someone thought smaller might mean more expensive. 

    We’re. discussing. RAM. chips. Is this really that confusing for you to grasp? Or have you just done no thinking of your own whatsoever before posting? They’re not changing anything else about the machine. They’re not changing the display panel. It’s remaining the same panel. The panel that exists now. The panel they have already made. The price of the panel is already known. This is a continuance of the manufacture of the panel. RAM, like NAND, like CPUs, on the other hand, deprecate over time as higher capacities become available. What cost $20 last year costs $10 this year. What cost $40 last year costs $20 this year. So, in a general sense, they can update things and keep the same margins because tech gets better. They won’t be affecting component cost by doing this. It remains the same. Like the panel. Whose cost is already known. Whose cost is already factored into the price of the machine. Whose cost, quite probably, IS GOING DOWN ANYWAY because Apple 1. knows how to make them now, 2. makes more of them and 3. because it’s the same tech being carried through years, as mentioned before.


    His statement as to the increase in cost of manufacture is certainly valid in a desktop/laptop sense, particularly regarding circuit boards (and some individual components, such as hard drives). But we’re not discussing that. We’re discussing RAM chips. And it’s no more difficult or costly to put a RAM chip on an iPad mini than it is an iPad Air.

  • Reply 49 of 108
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    pmz wrote: »

    That's probably the most incorrect thing you possibly come up with....considering the last iteration of both iPads brought total feature/spec parity to the lineup, from the chip to the display to the battery. They are the same machine, except one has a slightly bigger screen and slightly higher clock speed (merely because the larger battery allows for it).
    I'm sure Sog wouldn't have done that. Sog would have raised the price to $399 and and stuck an A6 in it. All about making sure the profit margins are as high as possible.
  • Reply 50 of 108
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    relic wrote: »
    Yes, exactly, Safari, I've lost so many long posts in forums because I needed to answer a text in Viber or Skype, only to come back and Safari had refreshed the page. AppleInsider thankfully saw this shortcoming and saves your work. Other sites aren't so considered. I now use Office to draft my posts when using my iPad. I mostly use my Nokia 2520 to surf as I prefer a desktop browser to mobile.
    I wonder if Tim Cook runs into this experience since he does 80% of his work on an iPad.
  • Reply 51 of 108
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I wonder if Tim Cook runs into this experience since he does 80% of his work on an iPad.

    What's your point, because Tim is satisfied I should be too. We all use our devices differently and frankly if all I had was an iPad, I would probably go crazy. Not because it's bad or anything, it's just no where near as powerful as my Macbook or Surface.

    Tim is fine with it so should I be, where do you guys come up with this stiff.
  • Reply 52 of 108
    stuffestuffe Posts: 394member
    Tell us what you really think. No, really!
  • Reply 53 of 108
    stuffestuffe Posts: 394member
    relic wrote: »
    What's your point, because Tim is satisfied I should be too. We all use our devices differently and frankly if all I had was an iPad, I would probably go crazy. Not because it's bad or anything, it's just no where near as powerful as my Macbook or Surface.

    Tim is fine with it so should I be, where do you guys come up with this stiff.

    Hey guys, don't know if you got the note from Commandant Skil, but can we specifically talk about RAM chips please, or he's likely to blow a browser tab or something :)
  • Reply 54 of 108
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by stuffe View Post

    Hey guys, don't know if you got the note from Commandant Skil, but can we specifically talk about RAM chips please, or he's likely to blow a browser tab or something image


    Oberst-Gruppenführer, bitte.

  • Reply 55 of 108
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    stuffe wrote: »
    Tell us what you really think. No, really!

    I think its great that Apple is adding more RAM. That's it. My current little workarounds have zero baring on how I feel about the iPad. Every device I own has its quirks, there is no such thing as the perfect device.
  • Reply 56 of 108
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Oberst-Gruppenführer, bitte.

    Sie oder mich, stimme ich mit Ihnen.
  • Reply 57 of 108
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Let's see, for $100 more you'll get these on top of current iPad Air in 2 months:

    1. A8 chip

    2. 2GB of RAM

    3. Touch ID


    I guess it's worth the money for pre-iPad Air owners to upgrade.

  • Reply 58 of 108
    sdo2000 wrote: »
    2gigs of ram would definitely help apps like Photoshop Touch and Procreate.
    sdo2000 wrote: »
    2gigs of ram would definitely help apps like Photoshop Touch and Procreate.

    While I personally haven't had a problem, The iPad is doing a lot more than I ever thought it could do. This is due to the imagination of the app writers/designers and the almost limitless ability of the iPad to rise to the occasion. However, I too think 2 Gb RAM would be nice to see. This will be especially important if Apple makes the iPad Air multi-tasking with a split screen.
    jason98 wrote: »
    What would be nice - if Touch ID is introduced along with seamless multi-user experience on iPad - personalized folders, mail boxes, preferences, etc.
    Not sure if Apple is going to do that ever as they would prefer each family member to own a separate iPad.

    I don't think the iPad will be usable by multiple people any time in the near future. It's just not the way the product was intended. Think of it like a toothbrush... really a one-person tool. What you seem to be describing is an MBA laptop... go for it, the OS is ready to go for multiusers.
    Hmm. Sounds wrong. They made a point of unifying the platform with the iPad 5 and iPad mini 2. Why would they split it again?

    It's all designed to instill in you a desire to trade up to the latest iPad/iPhone/Mac. It's more then just that you'll want the latest model, but you'll have good talking points to wheedle your spouse into agreeing that you need it, you really do. Additionally, there is no "splitting" the platform. There's nothing going to be wrong about the older iPads and what not, They will continue to run just fine and can be upgraded to the next iOS. But, sooner or later, like the first model and the iPad 2, it just won't cut it for responsiveness or certain memory heavy apps.

    Remember, some people don't ask much out of their iPad in the form of performance, so it's the super-users that will find only the latest and greatest is what they need... or they'll just DIE!
  • Reply 59 of 108
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Let's see, for $100 more you'll get these on top of current iPad Air in 2 months:
    1. A8 chip
    2. 2GB of RAM
    3. Touch ID

    I guess it's worth the money for pre-iPad Air owners to upgrade.
    You think Apple is going to charge $100 more to increase the RAM to 2GB? Not sure why Apple would start raising prices on iPad when YOY sales have been declining. Isn't the price of technology supposed to come down over time not get more expensive?

    If that's what Apple does they won't be getting a sale from this Air owner. But if they do all that and keep the price the same I'll be one of the first in line to buy.
  • Reply 60 of 108
    k2kw wrote: »
    stuffe wrote: »

     The best reason I can see for *not* giving us 2Gb now, is so we can have it next time. Tic toc etc, give them an easy win next time for the 6s etc...
    I agree in the sense that Apple may not want to upgrade every component on a IPhone or iPad (usually takes two generations). This way they don't get into a spec race needlessly.

    I got the sense that Apple will allow a split screen multi-tasking in the iOS8, if so, that alone should call for more RAM. Especially since RAM is about $11 per Gb.

    What I never heard discussed is whether Apple essentially doubled all the RAM when they went to 64-bit architecture. (16Gb of 32 bit words = 8 Gb of 64 bit words.)
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